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Cyber Viking 2

Page 32

by Marcus Sloss

  “The batteries have been replaced with power generators. Then the front and bow turrets have to be wired in separately from the flying turbines. Lastly, we need to assemble the water propellers on their own generator. Earth is high in carbon. Our carbon generators will be more than enough power for what we need. Not much longer,” Bubbles said with a wave before dipping below the deck.

  Jarod’s head twitched. His memories of his past life were fading as he built up an immunity to the sirens’ songs. He stood to walk the hull of the boat, his fingers tracing the smooth underside. He was a champion now. A man worthy of the gods’ attention. If only Jane could see how powerful he had become. His head shook again, trying to remember what she looked like. Yes, Jane would be impressed. Maybe she would give him children. He had an inkling she had wanted some before, but he had been hesitant. His old home was crystal clear in his memory. A large yellow house with a green door. He hated that green. He could not remember more than Marble Heights near Aspen. His jagged broken memory gave him that, at least. That and Jane… No, her name was Jill. His hand stopped stroking the hull of the sailboat when he realized something was very wrong.

  A euphoric feeling washed over Jarod when he thought of the gods guiding his way. So wonderful this new world was. He would be the king of it all. None would stand in his way. Even though he was slipping from a past he hardly remembered, there was still a drive to get home. He stared at the nothingness for hours. Eventually, Coral shook him from his daze. It was time to go. He climbed onto the ship from the rear ladder. The wolfman he had named Roscoe was on the front turret ready for potential threats. A siren named Chorus was on the back turret on the stern’s landing pad.

  “Come, champion, sit at the helm for your humble servant,” Bubbles sang, patting the captain’s chair.

  Jarod backhanded her with a force that sent her staggering. Bubbles stared defiantly at Jarod. She went to rise and he smacked her with his palm this time. Her eyes converted to fright.

  Jarod smiled when she whimpered, “My king, why?”

  “Sing to me again and I will abandon you. Leave you to fend for yourself before you return to your waters where you can be a fitting slave to an uncaring master. I am a champion of the gods, not your play toy. I am sick of forgetting. I am sick of my brain feeling like mush,” Jarod said with a clenched jaw. Jarod thought of the being he had conversed with while he was in his daze earlier. “Little mouse on the motorcycle, take us out of this place of the gods.”

  The sailboat swooshed back before Bubbles could say a reply. The golden light engulfed the crew, blinding them. There was a splash of the boat returning to the Tasman Sea on Earth.

  The bright sunlight reflected off a small, metallic vessel rocking in the waves near an adjacent portal.

  Roscoe whipped the turret around. A trailing orange laser sizzled the water until it scored the boat in twain.

  A single occupant entered the water. A trio of sirens dove down into blue waves to retrieve their prize. Jarod watched them swim with an efficiency akin to ballet. Sirens were so smooth in water. Bubbles cleared her throat for attention.

  “I must apologize. Our ways are… different. Yes, that word works best here. I knew you were a strong champion. You see the way of the gods now. I have done the work of the divine,” Bubbles said, wiping the dribble of blood off her cheek. Jarod was kissed with a lusty lip lock. When they parted, a coughing woman sputtered water as she was tossed onto the sea deck. “Oh, a toy.”

  Jarod walked up to the woman. The bob of the boat was minimal as they drifted away from the golden portal.

  “Where is Henry?” the woman asked. She went into a frantic scream seeing Roscoe. “Henry!”

  Jarod grabbed her by the throat. He lifted her off the deck with his immense virum-infused arms.

  “You will submit to my will and be a servant of the gods. Or you will be fed to the wolfman. Servant or death,” Jarod said with a smirk.

  The woman’s bulging eyes continued to try to see the portal. Jarod ignored her for a moment to turn the autopilot on. The boat’s sails unfurled to snap with the wind. The electric motor hummed, allowing the boat’s drift to correct. With a building speed, the ship sailed for LA, California. Jarod forgot he was choking the woman until she kicked his leg.

  He dropped her to allow her to breathe.

  “How are you—”

  “Your Henry is gone. I am Jarod. I am a loving husb— I am a loving man. You can serve me or die. Neat, you have a translator. I require thirty-five years in exchange for one meal a day and four glasses of water,” Jarod said while touching her translator with his offer. She instantly refused. Jarod cackled. “Last chance.” Jarod pointed to Roscoe. “Come here, Roscoe. Lick this servant’s throat for me.”

  The woman’s bladder vacated when she saw the wolfman licking his chops hungrily. A yellow stain of liquid trailed off the floor for the rear of the boat.

  “Good, I see your fear—”

  She spat in Jarod’s face.

  “Roscoe, kill her,” Jarod said without hesitation.

  “That is not a good idea, champion,” Chorus said.

  “Wait, Roscoe. Give me your weapon, Chorus. I am all for new soldiers. I like the idea of buying an army. What is the point of an army when they tell you your ideas are bad?” Jarod said, snatching the long-dart gun from Chorus’s hands. “I order you to not move, Chorus. That is how it works, right? I cannot harm you but you must obey unless it is in the contract. You are my slave, so stand there. This little woman can hurt you.”

  Jarod slid the weapon into the terrified woman’s trembling hands. He aimed the weapon at Chorus’s chest.

  “Do it, and I will return you to Henry. I—”

  Snap, snap, snap.

  Three darts flew into Chorus’s abdomen and out her back. The siren slumped against the freezer in shock from the sudden turn of events. Jarod peeled out a laughter of madness.

  “Good, good. I will get you back to Henry. But you have to trust me, okay,” Jarod said. “I am not torturing her, so this should work.”

  She nodded, her mind partially cracked. When Jarod sent the contract, she accepted. Another added servant to his army.

  “Bubbles,” Jarod said for her attention. “She accepted my contract. Put her in my suite. Sing her into a stupor. She is your pet until you break her mind. Her new name is Meredith. I always liked that name. I will be down shortly with Roscoe.”

  Roscoe turned his head in confusion. “Go wait above the hatch until you are called for,” Jarod commanded, and Roscoe obeyed.

  That was exactly how Jarod liked it to be. He kneeled in front of a suffering Chorus.

  “Do I toss you overboard or leave you on the ship and let your virum heal you?” Jarod said while gazing into the siren’s eyes. She glared with anger. He picked her up and flung her overboard. Chorus screamed until she splashed into the water. The sound of her crying for forgiveness faded until it was gone.

  “Coral, did I make the right decision?”

  “Always. She will have been a problem, my king. Most beta females of our kind that are sold are done so for a reason. Better to get the exchange over having to remove them without gain later. Are you ready to go fast!?” Coral said with a slight jumping clap. “May I sit in your lap or do you want to save your seed for the wench down below?”

  “You naughty vixen, you have been into the pirate movies. Want to help me break her in when she becomes Meredith?” Jarod said with a laugh. Coral nodded eagerly. “Excellent. You saw my warning with Bubble. I am done playing games. I am the dominant alpha. You’re my tools and toys when I choose to be kind. Now, show me how this baby flies.”

  “Yes, my king,” Coral said. She hit a few buttons. A bottom propeller crested the yacht off the water in a hurry. Jarod was glued into the seat from the sudden acceleration. Coral glanced over her shoulder with a naughty smirk. She rubbed her plump ass into his crotch. “Ready for more, big boy?”

  Jarod nodded. The sails altered to hori
zontal. Wings spread out from a folded mechanical contraption. Jets on the side of the hull fired up with an unknown propulsion source. A new button was pressed by Coral. There was a roar of noise and a whoosh. Moments later, they were airborne.

  The yacht stabilized into a plane without turbulence or even minor shaking. An advanced technology kept it perfectly stable. The only issue was that there was an intense wind as they shot forward with incredible speeds. Roscoe waved to get Jarod’s attention. He pointed at his chest, then down. Jarod nodded.

  The flying sailboat never went more than a dozen feet over the waves. Jarod shrugged when he tried to figure out why. He knew it would be explained with time.

  “Permission to go below?” a siren asked Jarod.

  “Yes, relax, the cabin is nice and large,” Jarod said, gesturing to the cabin down below. He turned to Coral with a tilt of his head and asked, “Where did the baboons go?”

  “They were hired, then sent back. That was the extent of our interaction. I am showing four days until we arrive in LA. What would you like to do to pass the time?” Coral asked while sliding a hand down Jarod’s pants.

  A flicker of a memory leaped into his mind. A phobia of touch. As quick as the thought entered, it faded. His cock was grasped firmly. Jarod yanked her hand out. He left her pouting to follow him. He walked by the lounging sirens pouring themselves drinks. They smirked and smiled. Jarod realized Chorus was not liked that much among the group when he was handed a glass with a thank-you cheer. The group downed the whiskey and a second round was poured. Jarod set his glass down before it could be refilled.

  Coral bounced in front of Jarod to open his cabin door. He strode in like the king he was. The sight he saw shocked him, which he was impressed by. Not much was able to give him that feeling lately.

  Meredith was on all fours licking Roscoe’s belly. Bubbles gave a pout at the sight of new arrivals.

  “I almost have her, may I continue?” Bubbles said.

  Meredith shook her head trying to clear her confusion. Jarod could relate to that feeling. Bubbles sang into her left ear. Coral joined on the right.

  Meredith swooned from the song. “Oh, Harry, or was it Henry?” Meredith said while licking the fuzzy abs of Roscoe.

  Coral gently tugged down the woman’s pants. The woman was not a super fit, perfect babe. She had cellulite and chunky curves. Like a woman without the virum in control yet. It was somehow refreshing not to see perfection.

  “Thank you, Bubbles, for the example. Pull her pants up, Coral. I want her mind wiped, not to rape her. When she becomes Meredith and forgets her past, then she can have an orgy with us. That means at some point you stop singing to her. Actually, you will only sing with my express permission. Convert her into Meredith still. Out of the room, Roscoe,” Jarod said, opening the door. “Just so you ladies know, even when you sang into my ear, I was always in control and willing.”

  “We know. You are far more powerful than Meredith. She will get insatiable if you do not block her reproduction with stones,” Coral said, and Bubbles shot daggers with her eyes.

  Jarod picked up on the gaze. He knew. He asked the mouse riding the motorcycle in his head about the virum and how they worked. That led to him finding out both Coral and Bubbles were without a child in the womb, which went down a road Bubbles thought he was oblivious to. Jarod had more important issues to address.

  “Los Angeles has fourteen gates. I want to fly over it at at least ten thousand feet while we head straight for my home,” Jarod said. The ring around his neck displayed a map pulled from his Gpad. He had purchased an advanced communication device that did not need Gtowers to operate. LA was showing on a large overview. Aspen, Colorado, was on the far other side of the map. “I say we fly around—”

  “Your grace, there has been an oversight. You have always said you wanted to only go here,” Coral said, pointing at LA. “I even studied our map to see if there were islands we could raid on the way to this location in an effort to please you. You never mentioned wanting to go inland so far. This ship uses the hydrogen from the ocean to travel. It cannot leave a water source. I guess what I am saying is that if we go by ground, it will be in a different vehicle. We can always find a golden portal and trade for a new vehicle when we arrive. A few days waiting should be easy on this luxury vessel.”

  Jarod’s jaw twisted in a grimace. Coral let out an adorable eek. He rubbed her back, then tucked her into an embrace.

  “Jane, we will save you. If we have to crash the gates of hell, we will save you.” Jarod released Carol and looked at Jane. Bubbles. That was Bubbles. He whipped his head, clearing his mind. “We will find somewhere quiet to land. We will loot, pillage, and ransack our way to glorious victory. All in the name of the gods. Our holy devotion will lead us to Aspen, where we will bring our army to secure my wife. Jane, or was it… Jill? Who is Jill? Jane is my everything.”

  A mad cackling laugh escaped his lips at his ridiculous confusion. What did one woman’s name matter? He would recognize his wife when he saw her. He would put that child in her she always desired. There was no force on heaven, hell, or any alien planet that could stop him.


  I am in the process of writing book three as of 4-8-20. I hope you enjoyed book 2. I love this story line and expect things to only advance in tiers as the story progresses. I need to give special thanks to the editor, proofreader, and beta readers here. Also, to you. A lot of you find me on facebook and help zap out small errors that slip past.

  No long winded afterword here. I am working hard seven days a week to produce content, improve past content, and respond to questions and critiques. I could use an amazon follow and a review. Please and thank you. Until the next book.

  Stay Classy: Marcus Sloss




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