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His Playmate

Page 1

by Ace Fawn

  His Playmate

  By: Ace Fawn

  © 2019 Ace Fawn

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


  Title Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  A gunshot echoed within the empty building, a laugh followed after.

  It was dark inside. A blue hue from the moon shone in through the small square windows and illuminated the three men inside.

  Diego cocked his head to the side, a lazy smile on his handsome boyish features. Smoke drew out from the tip of his pistol as he aimed it at the next man tied with rope to a chair. Blood soaked the man’s white dress shirt as he grimaced in pain.

  “Where’s the boy?” Diego asked. His tone of voice venomous as he aimed the gun directly at the helpless man’s forehead. “Tell me or you’ll end up like your friend over there.”

  Diego motioned his gun at the lifeless man slumped in the chair beside him.

  “You’ll shoot me anyway, fucking sociopath,” The man panted.

  Diego smirked. “I will. But I want you to answer me first.”

  The man shook his head. Diego narrowed his eyes darkly at him.

  “Are you fucking crazy? Don’t go after Wolf’s son. He will find you and make you regret it.” He warned.

  Diego didn’t heed the warning. He sneered, pulling the trigger and shooting the man between the eyes like he had promised. The man slumped in the chair, excessive blood staining his face and body.

  “Boss,” A young man walked into the building, handing a picture to Diego who took it and looked at it for a long moment. “This him?”


  “We found him.”

  “I want that kid brought to me. And clean this shit up.” Diego told him smoothly.

  The gang member nodded before he got to work.

  “Once this rich boy gets in my hands, it’s easy money,” Diego smirked as he gazed down at the photograph of a seventeen year old boy with dark hair getting out of a Mercedes Benz.


  Wolf Lone stood in a grey suit inside his high rise office. He gazed out to the city scape from the large pane windows, the sunset casting a glow across the buildings.

  A phone call came through. He pulled the cellular device out of his pocket and gazed down at the caller.

  A private number.

  He never liked private numbers. It meant either an enemy or someone who wasn’t supposed to be contacting him directly. Wolf answered anyway, bringing the phone up to his ear. He didn’t speak first, listening instead.

  “I have your son.” Diego drawled. “And I want you to listen to me carefully.”

  Not a single shred of emotion was present on Wolf’s handsome mid-thirties features.

  “What do you want with my son?” Wolf asked.

  “We meet at a location I will send you. Then I will tell you the details.” Diego answered.

  Wolf remained calm. He started to formulate a plan as he stayed on the phone with Diego.

  “You’ll be seeing me soon.” Wolf said smoothly. “Don’t kill him.”


  At first glance Diego seemed quite dangerous.

  He was vicious and fought back without hesitation. He didn’t stop struggling and cursing even as two burly men in black suits brought the young man into the office.

  Wolf’s office.

  Wolf Lone stood, leaning his lower back against his expensive mahogany desk. The interior of the office was lavish. A sophisticated style with European imported furniture, paintings and décor that were worth millions.

  It was all expensive. It was all Wolf. Diego stopped struggling and examined him from head to toe. Wolf was dressed in a white button down, black slacks and black Italian shoes. There was a watch on his wrist and the sleeves were rolled up to expose his strong arms. The half American half Japanese man was a true beauty, just how all the talk on the street had made him up to be.

  “Well look at you,” Diego breathed.

  “Let him go,” Wolf ordered, his voice deep and authoritative.

  The heavily built men dropped Diego, who came crashing to his knees against the polished hardwood floor. He grit his teeth, digging blunt nails into the floor as he looked up at Wolf. His light brown hair fell over his lightly tanned face, green eyes fierce as he stared into Wolf’s sky blue eyes.

  Diego was a looker. A pretty boy. That much was clear by his youthful appearance and lean musculature. The twenty four year old could have been a model and would draw attention from both men and women effortlessly. Diego wasn’t easy to find, but with much effort, Wolf’s men delivered. Wolf was more than pleased with what he saw.

  “The notorious gang leader I’ve heard so much of,” Wolf smirked. “It’s a pleasure we finally meet, Diego.”

  A growl erupted from Diego’s throat and he sprung to his feet, hands ahead him as he made to grab at Wolf. He deflected, causing Diego to barrel into the desk.

  Diego turned, glaring at him.

  “Fuck you.”

  “That’s very impolite of you,” Wolf said smoothly. “I’ll have to do something about that dirty mouth of yours.”

  “Like what?” Diego challenged. He had a flame in his eyes, a deviant threat in his gaze that struck Wolf, especially in his lower regions.

  Wolf glanced at his men. “Leave us.”

  The two men walked out of the office, closing the heavy door behind them. Now alone, Wolf took a moment to examine his prize.

  “Are you sure you want to be alone with me?” Diego sneered.

  Wolf narrowed his eyes. “Is that a threat?”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  Wolf didn’t respond, though he kept his eyes on Diego who did the same. For a long moment, Diego took this opportunity to admire Wolf’s handsome looks. If this was a different occasion, Diego would have been all over him by now.

  Thirty five year old Wolf Lone was well groomed and appeared better than many men his age. His pitch black hair was styled back, contrasting classically against his fair smooth skin. His shoulders were broad, waist narrow and suit tailored perfectly to fit his proportions. Wolf clenched his chiselled jaw, watching Diego with a hardened look in his eyes.

  “Let me go, Wolf.” Diego balled his hands into fists, standing his ground. He would not back down, not for anyone or anything in this world. Diego worked hard, built his own gang up from scratch. Becoming a notorious gang leader was never by chance. Diego liked the danger, the threat of it all. It all pulled him in, leading to this very moment.

  It was no surprise that Diego knew of Wolf. Even though this was the first time they were meeting in person, Diego had seen photos and heard so much about the mafia boss that this was all surreal.

  This wasn’t all by just chance, either. Diego had something of Wolfs, something very special. Diego already knew why he was here. It was only a matter of time until Wolf brought it up.

  “Sit, Diego. We have much to discuss.”

  With his arms crossed over his chest, Wolf watched Diego with an air of regality. This was a trait that Wolf p
ulled off seamlessly. He didn’t have to try, and it was captivating. Diego was not used to such fine men. He quietened down, keeping his hardened gaze on Wolf for a moment longer before complying and sitting on the chair pulled up by the side of the desk.

  The tension was thick in the air, though Wolf was pleased by Diego’s ability to listen and take command. Wolf turned to sit in his chair behind his desk as though this was a simple business arrangement. Behind those calculating eyes, Wolf had a lot planned for his new guest and easily kept up a calm and collected exterior.

  “How long have you been a gang leader, pretty boy?” Wolf asked.

  Diego rolled his eyes. “What is this, an interview?”

  When Wolf looked at Diego, it was like he was looking right into his very soul. Rarely did Diego feel exposed by other men, but this time there was an indescribable intensity between them that made the younger man tense uncontrollably.

  “When I ask you a question, I expect you to answer it.”

  “I don’t give a damn what you expect, Wolf.” Diego snapped. “That’s the least of my worries.”

  “Then perhaps I should give you something to worry about.” Wolf said before he stood and started to unbuckle his black designer leather belt.

  Diego’s eyes widened. “Whoa. What are you doing?”

  The belt slid completely from the loops of Wolf’s slacks. He held it in his hands, folding the belt in two.

  “Place both of your hands on the desk and bend over.” Wolf instructed.

  “What? No fucking way. You can’t expect me to do that. What else do you want? Do you want to fuck me?”

  Wolf smirked. “I want to do much more than just fuck you. I’m going to teach you to respect those ranking higher than you. I’m going to show you how it feels to be prey under a predator.”

  Wolf was the one in control here and they both knew it. Diego was dangerous too, but Wolf was not threatened by men like Diego. If anything, those who were smart understood when they were in a room with a big deal, and Diego was slowly coming to the realisation that it did not get any more serious than having Wolf Lone in a room alone.

  Rounding the desk, Wolf was not a man that asked twice. He expected to be listened to, and to not need to repeat himself. He gripped Diego’s hair and forced his head down, causing Diego to slam both palms flat against the desk.

  “What do you want with my son?” Wolf asked.

  Diego shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  A low threatening growl crawled up from the back of Wolf’s throat, making Diego’s cock twitch. Danger had a way of shamelessly turning him on, and Wolf was doing all the right things to make it hard for Diego to control himself. It didn’t help that such a handsome man was manhandling him. This was a weakness, an exploitation of some kind. Wolf knew about Diego’s sexual preferences for men and he was using it against him.

  With the belt in one hand, and a firm grip on the back of Diego’s neck with the other, Wolf slid the hard leather between the cheeks of Diego’s firm ass, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

  “I’d give you a chance to answer me, but it seems as though you’re going to be a handful. I want to see you naked first.”

  Eyes widening, Diego felt his throat begin to clamp up. Somehow, the power and danger Wolf emitted was making Diego feel like a virgin all over again.

  Enticed, Diego turned his head back to look at Wolf. Mouth open agape and eyes now lidded, Diego couldn’t tear his eyes away from such a sexy beast. Wolf gazed back down at Diego, a lack of emotion present on his handsome features. He was not easy to read, and Diego was struggling to decipher Wolf’s thoughts.

  That aura of dominance emitting from Wolf was suffocating. Diego’s mouth was parted, but not a single word left his full lips. He was stuck in Wolf’s rapturing gaze, and knew that this man would not only dominate his asshole, but dominate his entire life.

  Diego couldn’t let such a man control him like this. If word got out about this, he would be talked about endlessly and Diego definitely didn’t want that. He had to get his power back. He had to fight back, even when he knew that Wolf had the upper hand in the situation.

  He made to move, but Wolf shoved him back down against the desk with impeccable strength. Diego sneered, causing Wolf to chuckle at his futile attempts to get out of his grip.

  “Does this make you hard?” Wolf asked, snaking a hand around and cupping Diego’s swollen balls, making him buck forward.


  “I’d take that as a yes,” Wolf smirked.

  He proceeded to yank Diego’s ripped jeans down his lean legs and cup his brief clad bottom with one hand. Wolf squeezed hard, making a huff leave Diego’s lips.

  “How many men have fucked this ass?” Wolf asked.

  Diego growled lowly, though he didn’t dare answer that question. Instead, he replied with his own question.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Word has it that you’re a man whore. You like to spend your free time messing around with men between gang work. This isn’t anything new for you. In fact, it’s a fun past time of yours, isn’t it?”

  Diego scoffed. “Is that why you’re feeling me up, Wolf?”

  A smirk pulled up on Diego’s lips. It was clear that Wolf did his research on his targets before pulling them in. It was a real advantage to the older male, but Diego wasn’t so fazed. He figured a man at Wolf’s calibre was not only powerful, but dangerously intelligent as well.

  “You’ve done your homework,” Diego mocked. “But so have I. I know who you are, big bad mafia boss.”

  Wolf chuckled, low and seductive. It went straight to Diego’s half hard cock. At this rate, he wasn’t going to be able to hold out on Wolf’s game. He would instead play along and entertain himself while he was at it.

  “I will get answers out of you,” Wolf said as he eyed Diego’s firm body.

  Without another word, Wolf gripped Diego’s briefs and ripped the thin material apart, revealing Diego’s smooth globes of ass. He gasped lightly, not expected that move.

  “Dirty pervert.” He sneered.

  “You’ll be singing a different tune when I’m done with you.”

  “I’d like to see you try.” Diego snickered. “What are you going to do to me?”

  Without a word, Wolf trailed the silver belt buckle between Diego’s ass cheeks, the cold making him tense.

  “I asked what you’re going to do with me.” Diego repeated.

  “You’re not in control to be asking the questions here,” Wolf reminded him. “Now tell me, why have you kidnapped my son?”

  Diego grit his teeth and shook his head. “That’s none of your damn business.”

  “Oh?” Wolf snapped the leather against tender flesh, causing a sudden howl to rip out of Diego’s throat.

  A red mark appeared across Diego’s ass cheeks and he spent a moment struggling against Wolf’s grip as he tried to catch his quickened breath.

  “I won’t ask again,” Wolf said smoothly.

  Diego panted heavily, but he wasn’t ready to give in yet.

  “You’re going to have to try harder than that to get me to talk, Wolf.”

  “I don’t have to try,” Wolf told him. “You’re going to give in to me whether you like it or not. But I already know just how much you like it when I hit you.”

  “I’m not that easy,” Diego sneered. “And who said I liked it?”

  “Silly boy. No one has to tell me. Your body makes it clear to me just how much you’re enjoying this. I have no problem with punishing you, Diego. You’re not fooling anyone with that hard exterior,” Wolf stated.

  The smooth leather belt snapped down harder than before, making Diego choke. A searing, burning sensation shot through him and he let out a groan. He fisted his hands against the desk, face red from the stinging heat against his bare ass. Regardless, Diego held out. No matter how many times Wolf hit him with the belt, Diego stuck to his word and stayed quiet, as
ide from the grunts he couldn’t keep in.

  This was quite the workout. Wolf was undoubtedly impressed with Diego’s stubborn attitude and his need to prove a point sparked a sense of admiration for the gang leader.

  It was when Diego’s ass was completely red and burning that Wolf stopped smacking his bottom and turned his attention onto the backs of Diego’s strong thighs instead. Wolf eyed the area before lightly dragging the belt against it.

  Diego shuddered, gasping for air and tears rimming his almond shaped eyes. He was trembling and it was clear that he had enough. But his pride made it nearly impossible to just give in and answer Wolf’s single question.

  “Brutal,” Diego mumbled. Despite that, his cock was hard and leaking semen against his torn briefs.

  “Answer me,” Wolf demanded, gripping the belt in one hand in case Diego was going to keep up the attitude.

  As expected of him, Diego did.

  “Hmm, let me think about it,” Diego said, voice hoarse.

  “That’s not the right answer. And that attitude is going to cost you,” Wolf warned before snapping the belt against Diego’s thighs, causing him to yelp. Diego let out a guttural moan. This was going to make him cum, he just knew it.

  “What was that?” Wolf husked, leaning in close behind Diego and gripping his hard cock through his briefs. He pressed his lower half against Diego’s stinging ass, causing Diego to hiss.

  “You like that, don’t you?” Wolf growled. He wasn’t messing around at all, and it was going to make Diego melt under him. This was too much. Wolf was too much, but Diego could already feel himself becoming addicted to this domineering man.

  “Ah…huh…” Diego couldn’t even form a coherent sentence. He was so far gone; mind a haze and so close to letting himself slip into sweet painful pleasure. It was intoxicating.

  “Pain slut,” Wolf smirked.

  Diego heard Wolf clearly, but he couldn’t bring himself to snap back at him. He couldn’t fathom how Wolf managed it, but Diego had slipped into a state of mind that was almost dreamlike and rare to accomplish. No one else had made him feel that way. It was incredible and confusing at the same time and he wanted more of it.


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