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The Devil's Revenge

Page 8

by Jennifer Loren

  “He would never hurt me, he doesn’t love me but he wouldn’t hurt me.” She says, broken and sad.

  Leaning down in front of her, I take her hands to get her attention, “No, he doesn’t love you, and he also doesn’t care for anyone but himself. People like that can never love anyone, no matter how special and beautiful they are.” I say, holding her face in my hand. I trail my finger to her lips and have to fight myself from kissing her again. “Do me favor and be more careful.”

  “And if I don’t? Will you be there?” She asks.

  Sighing, I don’t know how to answer her question. I don’t know how to keep from giving her the wrong answer, whatever that may be. I stand over her and kiss her gently on the forehead. “Just be careful.” I leave her apartment as quickly as I can.

  Sneaking back into the house, I should have known better. Nick meets me before I can make it to my room. “What?” I say, already defensive.

  “Have fun, did you?” Nick asks smartly.

  “No! Asshole. I was working late.”

  “I heard you called for a cleanup? What happened?” He asks, not allowing me to get away from him.

  Shit! “It was nothing really. Just some loser.” Nick stares me down with impatience. Fuck “The son of a bitch was attacking Welch’s assistant and I couldn’t simply stand by and let it happen. I mean, fuck, Nick. You can’t expect me to do that. You wouldn’t do that!”

  “I wouldn’t have shot and killed him either! There are better ways to handle things and you know that! You overreacted and I want to know why?” He yells at me while I shrug my shoulders like an immature child.

  “What is going on?” Kayla comes running in pushing Nick away from me. “Nick, calm down. What is done is done. We all have made our mistakes, let’s move on.”

  “Yeah Nick, we all have made mistakes.” I say, walking away from them both in a huff. I know he is not going to let this go, so I need to do my best to avoid him until is distracted by something else. Before I can get much further, Kayla comes in my room. “I don’t want to hear it from you now … please.”

  “I’m not going to say anything about it. I simply want to make sure you are okay.” Kayla says watching me closely.

  “I’m fine.” I grumble.

  “Well, I was wondering if you could help me with something.” I look over at her, recognizing her anxious look immediately. “You can’t tell Nick though.”

  “Okay.” I say, without even thinking.

  Chapter 14


  I can barely get Sam out of my mind, so I am happy to get the chance to go back to work to watch her. When she ends her day, she walks out the door and pauses - with a smile. She takes a step in the opposite direction. What the hell is she doing? I rush to follow her, only to watch her walk into a dive with a crowd of lowlifes. Shaking my head, I follow her in and wait for it, not that I have to wait long. She has a couple of disgusting individuals on her within seconds. Her cane is kicked away from her and she is in over her head. It only takes me a few punches and trips to clear the way and carry her out of the filth she purposely placed herself in. As I drive her home, she sits quietly next to me, biting her lip to keep from smiling fully. “You know, I am not going to keep doing this. You are seriously going to get yourself in trouble one day and I am not going to be there.”

  “But I told you, I know when you are.” She smiles with confidence, pissing me off. Yet I still stay and let her cook for me. I still let her curl up in my lap and rub her hands up and down my chest at the end of the night.

  The next day, I spend most of it watching and listening to Welch, and am only slightly distracted by Samantha. I catch her smile briefly and realize she knows I’m here. Once Welch ends his day, I wait for her to end hers. She does as she usually would, but halfway to her place I decide to get bold and make a point. I race after her and pull her into a dark corner of the street. Pushing her up against the building, I try to scare her but all I manage to do is make her laugh. “You’re infuriating! Come on, I might as well walk you the rest of the way.” I say, giving her my arm to hold onto.

  “Why are you following me? I thought you weren’t going to do that anymore.” She asks with a knowing expression.

  “I worry about you. You seem to find trouble … on purpose.” I say as she fights her smile.

  “And now you are my knight in shining armor, here to protect me from all the evils of the world? Or maybe you are actually a superhero, ready to whisk me off into the sky and out of harm’s way?” She says, making me laugh. “Wow, I didn’t know you could laugh. Is there anything else I should know about you … like maybe your name? I mean, after all, we have slept together already.”

  “You slept, I got a stiff neck sitting up on that horrible sofa. But Sam … if you are inviting me to …” Sam quickly puts her fingers to my lips.

  “That was not an invitation to my bed, and there never will be as long as I don’t know who you are.”

  “You can call me Clark … Kent.” I whisper in her ear.

  Samantha laughs out loud before wrapping her arms around my neck and jumping up into my arms. “Fine, Clark it is. So, where are we flying off to tonight Clark?” Laughing, I carry her home like the perfect superhero. I even stay for dinner, but never get more than a few kisses and a nice grip of her ass before leaving her for the night. I watched her move all night, how her hair drapes just down her neck and curls effortlessly at the ends, her gorgeous legs crossing back and forth and how she becomes nervous from me watching her. Her smile is so graceful and shy, but her touch sends my heart racing and I found myself constantly reaching to kiss her only to be subdued into a G-rating before I can even think past much more. The woman is shy and delicate on the outside, but stronger than most warriors on the inside. I don’t know how she manages day-to-day by herself; unable to see the world around her. Although, it is possible she sees more than the rest of us.

  I did some research on Sam and found no family to speak of. Due to an out of control fire, Sam’s entire family became trapped and died. Sam was only seven at the time, and luckily had snuck away to play with her new puppy, that morning. She wasn’t supposed to be outside, she wasn’t supposed to live. The picture in the paper shows a fireman carrying her still in her nightgown and her holding her puppy as if he was her last friend. Apparently she didn’t speak for years after I don’t know what finally made her talk, but I want to. I want to know everything about her. Maybe, once I do, I can rid myself of this hold she has on me.

  It has been a couple of weeks now, of waiting for her to finish her day and walking her home. Today I wait again but am forced to stand back and watch an apparent argument between her and Welch. If it was anyone else I would be there in a second for her, but I can’t let him know I am watching him and I certainly can’t let him know that I am watching out for her. I step back as I watch his hand hit her face and knock her back into a wall. My only recourse is to force an alarm in the building to go off. Once he leaves, I grab her and take her to my safe place. “What were you arguing with him about?” She shakes her head as I lay an ice pack against her rapidly swelling face. “Why do you work for him?” She stays silent. “Sam, I can’t help you unless you tell me.” Her silence vibrates into the darkness as she holds my hand against her cheek. “You’re not going back there.”

  “I have to … I need my job.” She snaps back at me.

  “You can get another job.”

  “How?” She yells at me, pushing my hand away from her. “I don’t exactly have a lot of skills that are in demand right now! And, I need to pay my bills. Some of us can’t sit all-day watching people work with no responsibility or job or … hell, I don’t know what you do or who you are! I am supposed to listen to you, believe you. I don’t even know why I let you into my apartment every night. Who are you? Why are you suddenly everywhere? And where am I?” She says as she runs into a chair trying to get away from me. Taking her hands, she continues to fight me and try to find her way around, bu
t only to run into one obstacle after another. For the first time I see her vulnerable and more like a scared animal being cornered.

  I take one last leap and pull her to my chest to keep her from running into something else. “Sam, please trust me.” She fights and pushes on my chest until I hold her face still and press my lips to hers. Soft and full, her lips slowly begin to form with mine, but her hands remain strained and awkward. “Trust me.” I whisper again, weakening her a little more to my control. Picking her up, I carry her to the bed and lay her down. She doesn’t move, she barely breathes as she listens to me remove my shirt, my pants and finally strip down naked for her. Hovering over top of her, I take her lips once again. “Touch me Sam, and let me touch you, please.” Feeling down my bare chest she lifts her leg up to mine and feels down my leg with a gulp. Sam pushes back on my chest and sits up unbuttoning her shirt. I believe she can feel me watching her, but I know she can feel my lips on the back of her neck. Helping her take her shirt off, I take her bra off for her and become even more excited. The moment I take hold of her breasts, she surrenders. Kissing my way down her stomach, I reach her pants and take my time removing them, kissing every bit of her skin as it becomes more and more exposed. Moving over her body, I inhale and watch as she gasps from my dick grazing her stomach. “It’s okay, you have done this before haven’t you?”

  “A couple of times but it was with Spencer and he …” She suddenly takes my erection fully in her hands and smiles fully when I moan. “And he is not you.” She says, causing me to laugh as I take in her lips again.

  “He’s not, huh? I guarantee you, there are other things about me that he can’t compare too, as well.” I say, touching her gently as I kiss up her neck to ear. “Want to see?” I whisper, watching her face brighten with anticipation. She holds tight to me with a blushing nod.

  Before I can get too far, Sam stops me, “Wait, tell me your name, please. I just want to know your first name, your real name.” The soft vulnerability in her face weakens me, and I want to forget why I am here in the first place and simply enjoy the moment.

  “Ryan. My name is Ryan.” I whisper again, pressing my erection deep into her and sending her gasping backwards. Her legs wrap around my waist and I tease her about knowing how to do this after all. With every moan, I give her more. Sam’s body heats up and her wetness wraps around my dick helping me slide deeper into her tight body. Her breasts heave up into my mouth, making me crave even more. Her innocent whimpers cause me to smile and I give in letting her have her turn at exploring my body. We trade kisses, from our necks to our chests. She squeezes my ass and I suck on her nipples. My mind begins to race as I hold her tighter and feel her soft wetness even more. Sam cries out to me and I know what I need to do. She grips my hair as I squeeze her thighs against mine. She comes and waits to breathe until I make my final push, giving her everything I have.

  Rolling over, I feel her crawl onto my chest, pushing her fingers between mine.

  “Ryan …” I wait for her to ask a question, but she is content to merely say my name and kiss my chest. “Ryan, my superhero.”

  Chapter 15


  One of the things I did while I was dead was disguise myself well enough to get a job working the docks for Estrella.

  Even though he is rarely there, there is information somewhere there – I am sure of it. My main goal, however, was to make connections. I wasn’t sure how well I was doing, until I was anxious to get back to cover a party I knew Kayla was attending. I had cameras put in so I could watch her and make sure she stayed safe around Estrella. Although I nearly missed the party due to my new boss, who wanted me to work late – I forgot what it was like working for someone else. Your plans are insignificant, if not an annoyance, to those who don’t care:

  “Wiljer – you got area 15 tonight.” The dock boss, Henry Estrella, said to me. Looking up at the clipboard-holding weasel, it’s all I can do not to set him straight as he smirks at me.

  “Sir … I can’t work tonight. I told you, I have some things at home I need to take care of.” I said, fisting my hands to keep from wrapping them around his throat. He knows damn well I asked for time off and he clearly gets a kick out of letting me know who is in charge.

  “You might have asked, but that doesn’t mean you get everything you want, Wiljer. It’s a tough world, and we can’t all have everything we want. The sooner you learn that, the better. You’re new here, but if you work hard and impress me with your dedication to your job, then you might earn the time you want. For now, you will work when I want. Now you be a good boy and do your job well, and take some pride in your work. Okay?” Henry smiles before getting into his padded limo and leaving for the night.

  Boring a hole through the weasel’s head, I barely notice the man approaching my side. “He’s a dick. Take pride in your work, like we are saving lives here or something. We are moving crates from one place to another. Dick!”

  “Dumbass dick – that’s for sure. How the hell does a moron like that get his job?” I say, feeling a kinship brewing.

  “He’s the boss’s son. I’m Portland Cassum.” The man says, holding his hand out to me.

  “Mike Wiljer.” I say with a rugged smile. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. My wife has to work so I need to take care of my son. I guess she will have to take him to work with her. Not exactly a place I want my son to be.”

  “What’s she do?” I shy away from him, telling him everything he thinks he needs to know. “Dancer?” I nod. “Oh! Well at least your wife must be hot. Mine looks like a troll. A loving troll, but a troll nonetheless. Not that I am much of a catch either, certainly worse than her. Hey, you know she’s probably in bed by now anyway. Why don’t you let me take your place here and you go take care of that boy of yours.”

  “Oh no, I couldn’t do that to you. I’m sure you want to go home as much as I do.” I say, paying attention to his mannerisms as I learn all I can about my new friend.

  “Not really. No games tonight, and the wife and I had sex last night. It will be at least another month before she grants me another naked dinner.” Laughing, I stall just long enough for him to wave me on.

  It was the first week on the job and I had already made friends. Ones I hoped would be helpful to me later on. I had become such a part of the crew that they initiated me into helping blow up Pagelle. It was a lucky break to know minutes ahead of time that I was going to be helping try to kill my own wife. Since then, I have helped these same men persuade people to change their minds, messed up a construction site of a competitor and even harassed my own wife as she oversees the building of the new Pagelle. Now, those same men have called on me again.

  I arrive in disguise and meet Cassum with a handshake as we walk in to meet with some others. The mission, as I assumed, is to hit one of my own. One of my warehouses they believe has just been fully stocked and Estrella wants to take advantage. This tells me I have some people to get rid of, and unfortunately I can’t warn anyone to be prepared because I have to find out who is talking. After I get my instructions, I head back home and spend time with Nicky and Kayla. I am trying to make sure she is well involved in something before I have to leave. However, she seems to be on to me because I can’t shake her.

  “Where are you going?” She asks, sweetly, as I try to sneak out the door.

  Smiling with a comfortable ease, I walk back to her and kiss her once, twice … “I was going to go out and get a surprise for you, but you keep following me. I am never going to be able to get out to get it for you unless you give me some breathing room.”

  “Really, like what?”

  “I can’t tell you it is a surprise.” I say, trying to leave her grasp.

  “Is it jewelry? You haven’t bought me any jewelry for some time. I like that emerald necklace you bought me. Is it something like that?” She asks, watching me closely.

  “Yes, something like that.” Kissing her deeply, I caress her body hard and exhale with a sensuous sm
ile. “Now, please Princess, will you go put our son to bed and then get in bed yourself and wait for me? I would like to surprise you properly.” Moaning against her neck I kiss her one more time, enjoying her smile before leaving. Great, now I have to get her jewelry while I am out.

  Cassum meets up with me and we get our final orders before moving in on my own warehouse. The shipments are coming in tonight, so we are supposed to wait until they are docked and then take over. I spend the waiting time making sure they notice my hand vibrating and appearing as impatient as possible.

  “The ship was spotted coming in. We are going to start moving in. Are you ready?” Cassum asked me looking at me as if I am some fragile child. I guess that means my innocent persona is working. “Don’t worry. You just stay near me. I got your back. I promise I will have you back to your beautiful wife and kid in no time, and you will be able to pay that light bill too.” He says, patting me on the back.

  Alright, here we go. We quickly overtake the warehouse and have everyone tied up and secured in no time but there is one guy that is not and he is running around begging for his life and telling everything he knows. Tony Garth was once my long trusted employee, but now he has clearly switched sides. He’s dead. I would kill him right now but I am busy holding a gun against my own men. Suddenly Henry Estrella comes in and starts searching the crates. Figures. If I thought I could, I would shoot him right now. I glance over and notice Cassum as he eases his hand into his pocket and slyly taps a message on his phone. No one else seems to notice.

  “What the hell is this?” Estrella suddenly yells, throwing trash around as he wildly searches through crates. I look back quickly to see the crates filled with trash.

  My brief excitement is quickly overshadowed when I begin to fear that Estrella was setup by someone else, and that someone else is trying to take me down too. My fears come to realization as we are suddenly overwhelmed by way more men than necessary, and I don’t recognize any of them. The fucks throw me to the ground and secure me roughly, pissing me off. Now I have to figure out how to get out of this. They have no reason to leave any of us alive, and if they find out who I am … I am surely dead. My head is covered and now all I can hear is Estrella begging … and then dying. A few more shots, and things get too quiet for me.


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