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Claire Decker Bundle

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by Claire Decker

  Fiona nodded and waited for Kim to turn to the right page. She watched Kim's expression when she found her picture.

  “I never would have thought of you as a goth. Look at you! No wonder I didn't recognize you,” Kim said.

  Fiona leaned in to look at her photo. She was a little rocker back then. Her naturally brown hair was died black. She wore a chunky necklace with spikes and a black t shirt, probably with the name of one of her favorite bands at that time.

  “Okay, okay,” Fiona said. “Enough about me. Where's your photo?”

  Kim turned to her class photos. “There. That's me.”

  Fiona was taken aback. How did she not remember Kim? She was stunning in her picture, a younger version of herself but with makeup and her hair styled. The Kim she knew always wore ripped jeans with an old t shirt and no makeup at all. Her hair was either down and tucked behind her ears or tied up into a pony tail.

  “It's not that bad is it?” Kim asked when Fiona hadn't said anything.

  “It's a nice photo of you,” Fiona said, trying not to give herself away. “What were you voted as?”

  “Best smile,” Kim answered. “Not exactly what I would have hoped for. I was athletic and I did get good grades but that's what I got, 'Best Smile.'”

  “I can see why,” Fiona said quietly looking up at Kim. More than anything she wanted to lean in and kiss those full, inviting lips. They were sitting so close together. It would have been easy. She even thought that she saw Kim glance down at her own lips but a phone call interrupted the moment.

  But that was last night. Now, Fiona wondered if she'd dreamed that whole thing up. This morning, Kim was back to being distant and feeling like an intruder in her own home.

  “Thank you for saying that,” Kim said. “But this won't be my home for much longer. I have a few places to look at today so I probably won't be back until tonight.”

  “Okay,” Fiona said, not sure of what else to say. “Are you still okay to go to Bighorn Canyon tomorrow?”

  Kim nodded. “What time did you want to leave?”

  “I really don't mind. Whatever suits you.”

  “How about we go around 10? I'll have the horses taken care of and still have time to shower,” Kim answered.

  “That sounds good. I'll be ready for 10,” Fiona said. She'd go and pick up her mother's ashes later on today. She turned her attention back to her laptop and sent out a few emails to local real estate agents about the ranch.

  Neither of them mentioned anything about last night and that moment they'd had on the couch. Fiona didn't want to bring it up because she didn't want to have feelings for Kim and she was sure that if she did say anything, Kim was likely to reject her. How could she be interested in someone who was ruining her life? The sooner Fiona got back to Chicago, the better.

  Chapter 4

  The next morning, Fiona woke up at 9 a.m. The sunlight poured into her bedroom giving her no choice but to get up. She was normally an early riser but she'd had a few glasses of wine last night and she needed the extra sleep.

  She sleepily made her way out to the kitchen for some coffee and bumped into Kim who was coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.

  “Sorry!” Fiona said, taking a step back. “I'm still half asleep.”

  “It's okay,” Kim said clutching her towel, her cheeks red. She slipped past her and went into her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  What a way to start the day, Fiona thought. She lazily ate her breakfast and sat with her cup of coffee for more than a half an hour. She finally pushed herself off the stool at 9:40 and went to get ready.

  Fiona didn't bring any hiking gear. This was supposed to be a business only trip. She put on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top that she'd brought to sleep in. She took the urn off the mantel piece and went outside. Kim was sitting on the porch waiting for her.

  “I assume we're taking your car?” Kim asked, sitting on the porch swing.

  “If that's okay with you...” Fiona said. She knew Kim would be emotional today and she wanted things to go as smoothly as possible.

  “Yep. My truck is a bit of a mess,” Kim said. “You know how to get there?”

  “I do but the rental car has GPS anyway, so we'll be fine,” Fiona answered. “Let's go.”

  They got in the car and Fiona handed the urn to Kim. “Do you mind holding this?”

  Kim took the urn from her hands and Fiona could see her eyes filling with tears.

  The drive to Bighorn Canyon was quiet. Fiona didn't know what to say. For her, this was just fulfilling her mother's wishes. She didn't feel like she was saying goodbye. For Kim, this trip had a lot of meaning and Fiona didn't know how to deal with that. She decided to stay quiet and just put the radio on.

  Fiona went to Bighorn Canyon as a kid with her mother and then with friends when she grew older. She'd forgotten how beautiful it really was.

  There was a slight breeze when they parked and made their way to the canyon's edge. Kim's blond hair blew gently around her face as she looked across the canyon.

  “Are you religious?” Kim asked.

  “No,” Fiona answered. “Are you?”

  “No,” she said. “I was just wondering if we should say a prayer or something.”

  Fiona put her hands in her pockets. “To be honest, I don't know what to do. You're missing her much more than I am. What do you think should happen?”

  Kim looked down at the urn. “She loved this place didn't she...” Kim said taking off the lid.

  Fiona nodded. “She brought me here a lot when I was a kid. I think she found it relaxing or something. She was always very calm and quiet on the drive home.”

  “She came up here most weekends. Sometimes she asked me if I wanted to come with her. Other times I think she preferred to be alone,” Kim said quietly. “I think we should just take a walk and scatter the ashes as we go.”

  “Maybe we should do it in silence?” Fiona suggested. “You know, out of respect.”

  “Yeah. That seems like the right thing to do,” Kim said.

  They walked along the edge of the Bighorn Canyon for more than an hour, stopping a few times along the way to admire the view and scatter some of Ellen's ashes. Kim had to wipe away a tear a few times but Fiona didn't say anything and they continued on the walk.

  The silence continued through the drive back until they pulled up outside the ranch.

  Kim lightly placed her hand on Fiona's arm. “Thank you for letting me come with you. I think that was exactly what she would have wanted... the way we spread the ashes I mean, not that I was there.” Kim laughed softly. “Sorry, I don't know what I'm saying.”

  Fiona smiled. “It's okay. I'm glad you were there and I think you're right. That was a nice way to say goodbye and I know she would have been happy that you were there. Thanks for coming with me.”

  Kim nodded. “I'm going to go for a ride. That's the only way to clear my head. Do you want to come?”

  Fiona really wanted to go with her. Those bright blue eyes were sad but still full of warmth, making it difficult for Fiona to say no but that's what she did.

  “I haven't been on a horse in years,” Fiona said. “I don't think I'm feeling up for it.”

  “Okay, well I'll see you later then. I'll probably be gone for a while,” Kim said before heading for the barn.

  Fiona inhaled deeply. This is the last thing I need. Fiona eyes followed Kim to the barn. There was no denying she was beautiful. Her blond hair fell just below her shoulders and her jeans clung to her in all the right places. Fiona shook her head and went inside the cabin.

  Fiona turned on her laptop and checked her emails. There was one email from a local real estate agent who had a very interested client that wanted to view the property as soon as possible. Fiona called the number he left and arranged a viewing for early this afternoon.

  Fiona took a quick shower and tidied the house. She was just finishing rearranging the pillows on the couch when the doorbell ra

  Fiona opened the door and let the tall realtor in along with his client, a local businessman who was interested in getting into breeding race horses. Fiona showed them around the property and they said that they would be in touch.

  Fiona shook hands with both of them before they got into their cars and drove off. She was still standing in the dirt driveway when Kim walked over.

  “Your first showing?” Kim asked.

  “Yeah. He wants to get into the horse racing business so if he buys the place you should be able to keep your job. I'll be sure to put it a good word for you,” Fiona said.

  “Thanks,” Kim said. “That would be nice.” She looked around her for a second before speaking again. “I just got off the phone with my ex. We're still friends,” she said when Fiona raised an eyebrow. “She said that she saw the ranch was for sale and she's offered to let me stay with her for a while, you know, until I can find a place of my own.”

  Fiona tried not to let her emotions show. Not only was she surprised by her comment but she was shocked by the sudden rush of jealousy that came over her. “You don't have to leave but I'd understand if you did,” Fiona said.

  “It's probably for the best,” Kim said looking into Fiona's eyes. “I'll head over there next weekend. She needs to get the spare bedroom ready. Right now it's being used as a walk in closet.”

  Fiona didn't know what to say. She wanted her to stay but she knew it was purely from a selfish point of view. She enjoyed Kim's company and she was definitely attracted to her. But Kim was right. It probably was for the best. Fiona would sell the ranch shortly and then she'd have to move out anyway. What difference did a few weeks make? Except that Fiona would miss her and wonder what if they had actually kissed that night...

  Chapter 5

  Fiona was up late that night, working in the living room. She was arranging an open house for next weekend. She knew that the first viewing went well but she wanted to generate more interest.

  She took a sip from her glass of white wine and got up to throw another log on the fire. She heard the key turn in the door and Kim came in. Fiona found herself staring and she really didn't care.

  Fiona wasn't there when Kim was getting ready to go out. Kim had text to say she was going out for dinner with a friend and when Fiona returned to the cabin in the evening she was already gone.

  Kim was wearing a black sleeveless dress that showed off her toned legs and flat stomach. Her hair was styled. It was normally straight, but tonight her blond locks hung in loose waves. She looked amazing.

  Kim flashed her a smile. “Hey Fiona. I didn't think you'd be up.”

  Fiona was still standing next to the fire with a log in her hand. “Uh.. Yeah. I just wanted to finish off what I was working on.” She finally threw the log into the flames. “Do you want a drink?”

  “Sure. I just need to take these heels off first. Then I'll go get something,” Kim said walking over to the couch.

  “I'll get it for you. What do you feel like?” Fiona asked.

  “Whatever you're having is fine,” Kim answered as she slipped off her shoes.

  Fiona poured her a glass of white wine and sat down next to her. She felt self-conscious in her gray sweatpants and white tank top. “Here you go,” Fiona said, handing her the glass.

  “Thanks,” Kim said, leaning back into the couch and taking a quick drink. “Hmm... This is nice.”

  “Did you have a good night?” Fiona asked, shutting down the laptop.

  “Yeah, I did,” Kim answered. “I had dinner with, Stacey, my ex. She wanted to catch up. I hadn't seen her in a while. Her phone call earlier came out of the blue.”

  Fiona nodded. She'd had a few glasses of wine tonight and she was feeling slightly adventurous. Kim was going to be leaving in a couple of days. There was no point in holding anything back. “Do you think you'll get back together?”

  Kim thought about it for a minute. “No. We're too different. She grew up in Denver and I don't think she wants to stay here long term. Her job brought her to Montana.”

  Fiona met Kim's eyes. “Well, you look amazing. I'm sure the thought crossed her mind.”

  “I don't know about that but thank you for saying so,” Kim said shyly. “You know the other night... Did I imagine that you wanted to kiss me?”

  “No, you didn't imagine it,” Fiona said. “I wanted to but I didn't think you'd be interested. I just stormed in here and announced that I was selling this place. I knew there was no way that you could possibly be interested in me,” Fiona admitted.

  “You come across as all business but I know that there's a sensitive soul in there somewhere,” Kim said leaning in. “And I want to get to know that side of you.” Kim closed the small gap between them and found Fiona's lips.

  Fiona was shocked. She honestly didn't think Kim would ever be interested in her but she kissed her back passionately, her hand getting lost in Kim's silky blond hair.

  Fiona's lips parted as Kim's tongue brushed across her lips.

  Fiona felt goosebumps forming on her arms as Kim's fingertips lightly grazed her skin. She moved down her bare arms as they kissed and when Kim's fingertips reached Fiona's hand, she interlaced her fingers with Fiona's.

  Fiona deepened the kiss, wrapping her hand around the back of Kim's neck.

  Fiona kissed Kim's soft lips, eager for more of her. Her perfume was intoxicating and Fiona was lost in the moment.

  Kim broke the kiss and looked into Fiona's eyes. “I've wanted to do that since the first day I met you. As mad as I was at you, I just wanted to kiss you,” Kim said with a soft laugh.

  “Me too,” Fiona said smiling. “You know, I've been doing a lot of thinking today.”

  “What about?” Kim asked brushing away a lock of Fiona's brown hair.

  “This place,” Fiona looked down at her hands. “I've been running from this ranch for years but this is home. This is where I grew up. No matter what, this is home.”

  “Are you having second thoughts about selling it?” Kim asked.

  “I am,” Fiona said with a smile. “I was wondering if you wanted to start a horse riding school here. You could continue working and living here if you'd like.”

  “Are you serious?” Kim asked, her eyes full of excitement.

  Fiona nodded. “I could back the business and you could give lessons. I could help you, if you wanted.”

  “I've seen all those trophies. I know you'd be great at it but are you sure that's what you want? I thought you were a city girl now,” Kim said.

  Fiona leaned in to find Kim's lips. She kissed her softly. “What I want is a chance with you,” Fiona whispered, before capturing Kim's lips with her own.

  Sea Breeze

  by Claire Decker

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright © 2015

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 1

  The envelope was a pale lavender and obviously handmade, the edges of the paper where some kind of glue or paste held it together scalloped as though those edges were lace. Other than the elegant handwriting of the address – Regina Molinari c/o The Dalton Agency – it was pristine.

  No smudges of fingerprints. No postmarks or dates. No return address. It was the third one Regina had received this week, the seventh overall.

  The movie set was closed to the public, and yet the note lay on the table in her locked trailer. It shouldn’t be there. Only Regina and her assistant, Archie Morton, had keys.
r />   Not that it would be that hard to break into one of these, Regina thought.

  She made no move to pick up that envelope. Instead, she pulled out her cell phone with shaking hands and stabbed at the button for Archie.

  The first note, just a couple of weeks ago, had been nothing unusual. Just the typical I’m your biggest fan, I love everything you do fan mail she usually received.

  She wasn’t even close to being on the A-list, not yet, hadn’t had a chance to become jaded, so whenever she received something like that, Regina tried to send an autographed photo and a note in reply, but there was no return address and no signature.


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