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The Novella Collection

Page 32

by D. L. Savage

My heart’s beating hard now, as quickly scoot over to the bed and jump in, pulling the covers over me, feeling like a naughty kid with a brand new toy. I lie back, spreading my legs wide, finally allowing my hand to move between my legs, my fingers gingerly coming to rest on the warm, moist mound of my pussy. I stroke and tease at the opening with my middle finger, again amazed at how damn sensitive it is, the waves of pleasure quickly radiating out around my body with such intensity that again I have to let out a soft sigh.

  I’m getting hornier and hornier, but at the same time, I feel totally embarrassed about the idea of James hearing me getting myself off like this, and the way it’s looking, I’m going to be very noisy if I go much further.

  God damn it, I think, as I pull my hand away with frustration, wondering how I’m going to get some time to myself to fully explore my brand new body. Because the walls of our crappy apartment are paper thin, and James has no more shifts at his temp job all week.

  And so, in a ball of horny frustration, I turn onto my side, close my eyes, and try to get some sleep ...

  * * *

  The next morning, I wake up and for a moment I forget what the hell even happened. But then, as I shift onto my other side, the long locks of hair falling in my face send me flashing back to reality.

  I reach down, touching my slim, toned body, my fingers moving between my legs for a second and sure enough, all I can feel is a fuzz of hair and a little lower down the warm moist mound of my pussy.

  Suddenly, I’m wide awake – caught in this weird mixture of both fear (that I’ll never turn back into my regular self again) and also excitement (that I have another chance to explore my brand new, girly body).

  I take a moment to listen to the sounds of the apartment, registering the familiar soft buzz of James’s snoring from the adjacent bedroom, then I push out of bed and grab a towel, quickly wrapping it around myself before heading through to the bathroom.

  I lock the door, then set the shower going, suddenly glad that its such a noisy old model – hissing out an irregular stream of warmish water into the tub. Normally, this shower just depresses me; another reminder that I can’t afford anywhere other than the crummiest apartment in the whole city. But right now? I’m just excited to be able to finally make a little noise without James cottoning on.

  I drop the towel and step under the water, savoring the feel of the warm water against my smooth taut skin. Even though I’m getting hornier and hornier with each passing second, I kind of find myself delaying the pleasure, making sure to first shampoo my long hair, then washing my body with a generous amount of shower gel, sighing a little as my hands move to my breasts, feeling my nipples once more growing hard as rock from just the slightest touch.

  And then finally, I give in to the urge that’s been gnawing at me all along. I let my fingers slip between my legs, grazing the sensitive nub of my clit, once more sending an electric flash of pleasure right through me – a jolt stronger than any orgasm I’ve ever felt as a guy.

  I let out a soft moan, my kneels buckling a little as I push my finger further back, teasing now the opening to my pussy, feeling the slick warm juices flowing onto my finger tips as I work my hole. I find it feels best to go in slow, delicate circles, and soon I’ve found my rhythm, my hand moving at a steady pace between my legs, my fingers teasing my pussy, as I arch my back and push my ass back against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall, sucking on the finger of my other hand to stifle the moans and sighs that are falling from my lips now, as I bring myself further and further towards the edge – the pleasure becoming so intense inside me now it’s almost like pain.

  I wonder if I can even go all the way, it’s that full on. But I don’t stop, letting my fingertips instead move back to my clit, working that hard little nub in gentle circles as the pleasure grows and grows within me.

  And then, all of a sudden, I’m coming, so fucking hard that it knocks all thoughts from my head, my whole body quaking and shuddering involuntarily and the moans spilling from my mouth as I’m consumed totally in the most intense and delicious pleasure I’ve ever experienced. And what’s more, it’s not like when I used to come as a guy either – just a few flashes and then over. No way. This just keeps on going, in wave after wave of bliss, until all I can do is sink down onto my butt on the floor of the shower and ride it out, still shuddering and trembling and sighing, my whole body feeling utterly spent.

  Holy crap, I think as I slowly come back to my senses, there in the tub. Now I know why girls make such a lot of noise when then come! That was insane!

  I give myself another light scrub beneath the water, then shut off the shower, my mind now turning to what the hell I’m going to wear. Because all my old clothes as Aaron are way too big for me now.

  I’m still pondering on this problem as I quickly dry off, then wrap the towel around me and unlock the door, about to pad back to my room to sort through my wardrobe. But I stop when I see James is up, fixing some coffee in the kitchen area.

  “Hey man,” I say, nodding at him.

  But the weird, embarrassed look he gives me back tells me something is wrong.

  “What?” I say, wondering if he’s still just freaked out about seeing me as a chick.

  “I can, um ...” he stutters, not sure how to say it. “You, um, you’re naked ...” he says finally, nodding at my chest.

  I look down, realizing with a sudden pang of embarrassment that out of habit, I’ve only wrapped the towel around my waist, and my small pert tits are on display – my hard little nipples pointing straight at him.

  “Oh, shit!” I say, quickly pulling the towel upwards to cover my breasts, but of course in doing so it comes falling open around my hips and for a moment, James gets a full show of my brand new body. “Sorry!” I giggle nervously, feeling my cheeks flushing red as I turn and rush back to my room, slamming the door behind me.

  It’s so weird, I think, once I’m in the safety of my room again. Because even thought I didn’t give a damn about James seeing me bare chested as a guy, now that I have tits, well, yeah, it does feel different somehow.

  “Okay, I have a plan,” I say a little while later, coming to join James on the sofa.

  I’m dressed in my biggest t-shirt, which hangs off me like a dress and a pair of cotton briefs which are now weirdly tight – mainly because of the size of my brand new ass. “I’m going to get another interview at that place,” I announce.

  “What?” James says, half choking on the sip of soda he was taking. “But ... Aaron. I mean, shouldn’t you be trying to turn back?”

  At this, I shrug. I’m not exactly sure how to explain to James that I don’t want the fun to end just yet.

  “I mean, sure,” I say, waving away the question. “But first I want to give that place another shot. After all, I am a hot chick now, right?”

  There’s a weird pause, and when I look over at James I notice that he’s actually blushing – something I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do before.

  “Uh, yeah,” he murmurs, almost as if he’s becoming shy or something.

  It’s so strange. All the time I’ve known him, he’s never been anything other than totally relaxed and comfortable around me. We’ve been best buds for years, but now? Well, he’s acting like I’m a total stranger all of a sudden.

  I decide to ignore his weird mood and reach down to grab my laptop, opening my emails and searching through until I find the series of messages that I sent back and forth before my interview, scanning the headings until I see what I’m looking for: Logan Hunter personal email address.

  What have I got to lose, I think as I begin composing a new message – direct to Logan Hunter himself, telling him that I’m sorry he didn’t think I was a suitable candidate, and then casually suggesting my sister Abbie for the position, making it clear that not only does she have the same levels of skill and knowledge about the job, but also hinting not so subtly that she might be more suitable to his tastes.

  It’s a crazy long shot, I realize. B
ut I figure I might as well go for it.

  I hit send on the email, then shut the lid of the laptop closed, shooting James a satisfied smile.

  “There,” I announce. “I sent it.”

  “Cool,” James murmurs, still kinda awkward around me.

  And as I push myself up to my feet and begin pacing up and down the room, nervously waiting for Logan Hunter to reply, I can’t help but feel like James is watching me, his eyes flitting up at me when he thinks I’m not watching.

  I guess I don’t blame him. I mean, neither of us have ever had much luck with chicks and now here I am – hot as hell, dressed only in a t-shirt and shorts.

  After only a couple of minutes, my impatience gets the better of me and I rush back to the laptop and open it again. I know there’s almost no chance Logan would have read my message and replied yet but still, I can’t help but check.

  And when I refresh the screen, my heart leaps, because sure enough it says one new message received:

  Dear Aaron,

  Thank you for your follow up email. Normally, I would ask you to go through the official channels, but your proposal does sound interesting. So please tell Abbie that if she would like to meet me in my office at 9am sharp on Monday morning, I can schedule in an interview.

  Logan Hunter

  “Holy shit,” I blurt out one I’ve read the email. “It actually worked.”

  “That’s awesome,” James agrees. “So, um, what are you gonna wear?”

  As he says the words, it suddenly hits me.

  I hadn’t even thought about how I was gonna dress – or act – at the interview.

  This is going to be even more of a challenge than I first thought ...

  “Can I help you?” a voice says.

  I turn around and there’s a cute girl standing there before me, smiling. From her plain black outfit and name tag, I can tell she works in the large department store, where I’ve come to pick out some clothes.

  “That would be great,” I smile back. “I’m um, I’m here to get an outfit for an interview, and ... well ... I think I need all the help I can get!”

  There’s a pause as the girl – Jessica, her name tag reads – looks me up and down. I feel a pang of embarrassment at what I’m currently wearing (I’ve just thrown on a pair of board shorts, using the string tie to pull them tight around my waist, and my feet are now in the only thing I have that still fits me, a pair of stupid flip flops; so coupled with my scruffy oversized tee and messy unkempt long hair, I’m guessing I look to Jessica like some weird surfer chick.

  But to my relief, her pretty face breaks into a smile and she nods to herself. “Okay, yeah, it looks like you need quite a makeover. So what kind of thing are you looking for? Is it quite a smart place?”

  “I need to look really professional,” I explain. “I’ve got an interview on Monday morning in the business district, and I need the full works. Makeup, hair, outfit, shoes, everything.”

  “Well, you’ve come to the right place,” she grins. “Follow me ...”

  * * *

  “Ta da!” I announce as I push open the door to the apartment a few hours later, laden with bags.

  James turns around to look, and when he sees me, his mouth drops open in total amazement. Because if I was hot before, then I’m smoking now. Okay, so it cost me a total fortune (I practically maxed out my credit card, figuring I can hopefully earn it all back at my new job), but it was totally worth it. Because Jessica did the most amazing job.

  She led me around practically the whole damn store, picking out so many different things – stockings, pantyhose, panties, blouses, skirts, shoes, a pantsuit, even fitting me for a bra, and helping choose some casual clothes too, including the t-shirt and yoga pants combo I’m now wearing. And she took me down to the hair and beauty department, booking me in for a full makeover and haircut with a really nice girl called Chloe, who even showed me how to use the makeup I bought.

  I have to admit, I really enjoyed it. I mean, I know I’m a guy deep down, but now that I’m in this brand new body? Well, yeah, I’ve found I have a brand new passion for fashion.

  Partly, it’s how I feel in the clothes. These yoga pants, for example? They’re so different to jeans – hugging tight to my ass and legs. It actually feels really nice. And I’m even wearing a thong, too. Jessica insisted I pick up some thongs and g-strings, telling me that Visible Panty Lines are the work of the devil. I always thought they’d be kinda uncomfortable, just like some perma-wedgie or something, but actually? Weird as it sounds, I actually like the sensation.

  And the other reason I’m enjoying these brand new clothes is the reaction I’m getting. After a whole lifetime of being plain old boring Aaron Smith, well, let me tell you, it’s a whole different world. Even just on the walk back to the apartment, I had like a whole bunch of guys calling out, hitting on me. I seemed to turn heads wherever I went. And it seems like James is having a similar reaction.

  “Holy shit,” he croaks, unable to take his eyes off me.

  “I know, right?” I smile back.

  I drop the bags on the floor, closing the door behind me, then strut confidently into the middle of the room, right in front of James on the couch. And then I don’t know what comes over me, but I even give him a little twirl, sticking my ass out at him and shaking it, knowing just how hot it looks in these tight yoga pants.

  “Dude, look what I’ve got on,” I giggle, tugging them down just a little way to give him a flash of whale tail, before tugging them up once more and turning back to face him.

  And when I do, he’s flushed a beet red, unsure where to look.

  “You okay, man?” I laugh, still finding the whole situation funny. I mean, after all, it’s still just me in here, right? We’re still best buds, aren’t we?

  But James just shrugs and then mumbles, “Yeah, fine.”

  A quick glance down at his tented crotch tells me that I’ve accidentally given him a boner, and I feel bad for teasing him.

  “Anyway,” I say, “I’m gonna go to my room and try on a few more of these outfits. I need to pick out what I’m gonna wear for my interview ...”

  “Sure, have fun,” James mumbles, still totally embarrassed.

  As I grab my bags and then strut to my room, a naughty grin plays across my lips. Yeah, I’m enjoying being Abbie, even more than I thought ...

  “Abbie Smith? Mr Hunter is ready to see you now.”

  I look up from my seat in the waiting room at the pretty blonde receptionist, then push myself unsteadily to my feet, wobbling a little on my heels. I’d spent all last night practicing on them and thought I’d mastered it, but maybe it’s the nerves that’s throwing me off. Because right now, my heart is pounding so loud, I can hardly even think.

  Just keep calm, you’ve done this once before, I remind myself.

  And just like before, I hear that cold, imposing voice calling from inside the room; “Send her in.”

  The receptionist gives me a reassuring smile, then pushes open the door, and once again I see Logan Hunter, sitting confidently at his desk, his black eyes blazing at me. Only this time, his mouth curls into a devilish smile.

  “Hello, Abbie,” he says, his voice a low growl, as I step into the room, trying my hardest to stay steady on these stupid heels. “Please, take a seat.”

  And as I walk towards the chair he’s indicating, I feel his hungry gaze roving over my body, making no effort to hide the fact that he’s just brazenly checking me out. But what’s even weirder? I find a part of me doesn’t mind it.

  I mean, sure, I know this guy is a total alpha sleaze bag, but at the same time, it does feel kinda good to be looked at in this way – to actually have the kind of looks that gets someone hot under the collar. I can even feel my body responding to the tense energy that’s growing between us, my nipples tightening and hardening of their own accord beneath the soft cups of my bra, and my pussy growing slick and hot in my panties, my clit giving off an insistent throb, in time with my heartb

  I ease myself into the chair, trying to ignore the growing sensations of lust inside me, trying to just stay focused and collected, quickly crossing my legs, and arching my back, shooting him what I hope is a totally professional smile.

  But the way he eases forward in his seat, his big dark eyes locking onto mine, tells me that he probably has things other than business on his mind.

  “So Abbie,” Logan Hunter says in barely more than a growl, leaning forward and clasping his hands together, resting them casually on the expensive mahogany desk that separates us, “your brother Aaron tells me you have a great deal of experience in this field?”

  “That’s correct, Mister Hunter,” I reply quickly, hearing the tremor of nerves in my voice as I speak.

  “Very good, very good,” he says, noting something down on a pad of paper next to him. “It will be long hours, you know. I hope you are not afraid of hard work?”

  Wait, I think with a mixture of both excitement and annoyance, he’s talking like I actually have the job. He hasn’t even asked me to prove my qualifications ...

  “No, I’m not,” I say quickly, unable to believe how different this second interview is.

  “Good,” he says, nodding again. “Well, Abbie, I think we might enjoy working together. I’m almost certain you’ll be right for the position.”

  “Wow,” I croak, my head spinning, “great ...”

  “But there is one more thing before we’re done here, and I can get Claire to draft up your contract.”

  He pauses, his eyes blazing at me, and I wait for him to speak again, my heart pounding, wondering what on earth he’s going to say next.

  “Well, Abbie,” he continues, “as my assistant, as well as helping me with general day to day office matters, keeping track of my schedule, taking notes in meetings, all that crap, you will also have a few other duties, if you catch my meaning?”

  “I’m ... I’m not sure I do, Mister Hunter,” I say in not much more than a whisper, feeling like the tension between us has grown to such a swell that I can barely breathe.


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