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Love Notes (Friends Lovers or Nothing Book 4)

Page 8

by Chanel, Jackie

  “So all of y’all are on this one bus every night?” Clay asked.

  Clay and his brother were in Boston - I forgot to ask why - so Sunny invited them to hang out here for a few hours. We just pulled into the city an hour ago. I don’t feel like guests touring my bus. I don’t feel like dinner with her friends. I’m tired.

  My job looks easy but it’s not. This is just the summer leg of this tour. I still have to perform all winter. Plus, if Joey gets his way, I’m going to Europe a week after this leg ends. A hundred and twenty shows then I can take a long break. Until then, I need to relax and rest as much as I can.

  However, when I complained to Sunny about her invitation, she basically blew me off.

  “You can party in every city but now you wanna complain about rest?” she’d said then told me to take a nap.

  “Why do you look like someone hacked your Twitter?” Erica asked as she plopped down beside me on the couch. “I know you’re not tired. Not you.”

  “You try doing what I do every night.”

  Erica elbowed me in my ribs. “Boy, please! All you do is sing a little and play your guitar. In case you haven’t noticed, but I’m right beside your punk ass blowing into a saxophone all night. If anyone should be tired, it’s me.”

  “That’s what you get paid to do.”

  “So do you but you get paid a hell of a lot more than I do.”

  “Yeah,” I grinned. “I do. Ol’ lend me a twenty broke ass.”

  Erica’s sharp laugh pierced through the relatively quiet bus. I was surprised that Mike and Eddie didn’t pop up and yell at her. However, if Sunny’s tour guide voice didn’t bother them, neither would Erica’s laugh. They’re used to it or should be by now.

  “Where’s your phone?” Erica held her hand out after she stopped laughing.

  “Why? Where’s yours?”

  “It won’t come on and I can’t get another one until we get to Hartford.”

  “I bought you that phone less than six months ago! Is that how you respect my money?”

  “Boy, stop,” she giggled. “Let me see your phone. I need to check my IG. I’m tryin’ to see if Amari hit me up.”

  “I ain’t letin’ you use my phone to see if you caught some dude in one of your Instagram thirst traps. What’s wrong with you?”

  Erica reached behind and grabbed my phone out of my back pocket. She was quite tickled with herself as she entered my passcode and started logging into her Instagram account.

  “I knew he’d hit me up. Some people can’t get enough of me.”

  “That’s that football dude you’re using to get over me, huh?”

  “Get over you? You’re funny, A.T.”

  “You know you ain’t gettin’ it as good as I gave it,” I joked.

  “Really, Aiden?” Sunny scowled with Matt and Clay standing behind her. “That’s appropriate.”

  Erica stood up quickly and smoothed out the short little dress she was wearing. I noticed she was looking over Sunny’s shoulder at Clay’s brother. She tossed my phone onto my lap like an afterthought.

  “Hey, Clay. Who’s your friend?”

  Sunny immediately got irritated and shook her head. I wondered why she was mad. Erica flirts with everyone, especially new faces. She’s been flirting with poor Zack since she showed up in Detroit.

  “E, quit playin’,” Clay replied. “You know my brother Matt.”

  “Nope, I don’t think we’ve ever met. What’s up, Matt. I’m Erica.”

  Sunny rolled her eyes. “He knows who you are.”

  “Oh, unclench, Sunny,” Erica snapped. She walked up to Matt and gave him a hug as if she’d known him for more than three minutes. “You must be the younger brother.”

  He mumbled something only Erica could hear. Clay moved away from his brother and sat down in another chair. He and I started talking about my tour, just a little small talk so Sunny wouldn’t get pissed.

  Clay’s a cool dude. I don’t know him that well because he’s Sunny’s friend and we don’t run in the same circles. He and Sunny went on a couple of dates awhile back until she friend-zoned him. They’re close now, kind of like we were before our situation got complicated. I’m not worried. Clay’s not a threat to me. Besides, Erica and I are the reason they became good friends in the first place. Sunny needed someone she could call a friend when her two best friends decided to live together.

  “Yo, Aiden, is the Sprinter here?” Erica took a break from her quiet conversation with Matt to ask me.

  “Probably. Mona had some errands to run when we first got here. Why? You goin’ somewhere?”

  “We have a few hours before soundcheck, right? Let’s get off this bus and go get something to eat. We’ve been on this bus for days.”

  Since Mona had already ordered food to be set up backstage for the crew, there wasn’t really a need to leave the arena. But they could go. With noisy Erica and Sunny gone, at least I could grab a couple of hours of sleep.

  Mike slid open the privacy shade of his bunk as soon as the bus door opened then shut behind Sunny, Clay, Matt, and Erica. I don’t know how he sleeps with that thing shut. It’s like being in a coffin.

  “Thank fuck they left,” he said. “I didn’t think they’d ever shut up. Sunny and Erica have been chitchatting since Bethel. One more night like that, A.T. and we’re gonna have to put them on the bus with the backup singers.

  “Hell yeah,” Eddie said from his bunk.

  I can’t say that I disagree. I have my own room with a door but this bus isn’t soundproof. They act like they’re making up for lost time or something, like is tour bus is a beauty salon or something. Erica and Sunny are the main reason we used to have a girls’ bus and a boys’ bus.

  “Sunny’s gonna be gone after tonight’s show so Erica won’t have anyone to talk to until we get to Chicago,” I informed them. “We’ll be alright.”


  “Yeah, definitely hit me up later. I ain’t tryin’ to wait until we come through LA to see you again.

  I opened my eyes and glared at Erica when she stepped onto the bus minus her friend and chatting on the phone like she’d just walked into her apartment.

  “Where’s Sunny?” I asked.

  “I’m on the phone.”

  I repeated my question.

  “Call her. I just said I was on the phone. You see me talking, don’t you?”

  Instead of arguing, I whipped out my own cell. First, I fired off a quick text to Erica’s phone.

  Me: IDGAF who ur talkin to. Don’t talk to me like I’m 1 of ur little flunkies.

  Then I called Sunny.

  “Where are you?”

  “With Clay.”

  There was a lot of noise in the background, so much that I could barely hear. I was more than a little annoyed that Sunny kept laughing and talking to Clay while I was trying to talk to her.

  “I didn't ask who you were with. I said where are you? I'm about to do my Meet & Greet. Thought you'd be back by now.”

  “You aren't hitting the stage for another three hours,” Sunny said but I could tell her attention wasn't really on our conversation.

  “You need to get back here.”

  “Oh excuse me?” Sunny laughed. “Did you forget that my daddy lives in Atlanta? You don't even need me there. Every time I've tried to help out with anything, you remind me that I'm not there to work and I'm not getting paid so use the people you're paying to get you dressed and handle your fans. I'm going to spend some time with my friend. If we make it to the show, we make it. If we don't, I’ll see you in Chicago as planned. Bye.”

  With that, I heard the two distinct iPhone beeps indicating that Sunny had ended the call. I was furious! The only reason I asked her to come on this part of the tour with me is because of her twisted ass trust issues. There’s no way our relationship survives if I'm on the road alone for the first three months of this shit. I've been accommodating so far. I haven't bitched when she leaves to go work. I haven't said shit about the fact that wh
en she is here, she spends more time hemming and hawing with Erica and Mona than she actually spends with me. I've been cool so for Sunny to pull this right before I go on stage is complete bullshit.

  “Erica!” I yelled throughout the bus. “Come here!”

  “Who you hollerin' at?” she asked when she came out of my room. “Do I look like Summer?”

  “Where is Sunny with my child?”

  “Aww, that’s cute,” Erica snickered. “You trying to act like you care where Summer is when you know you're just jealous that Sunny is still out with Clay. Boy, they're at some festival we passed while we were out.”

  Mike and Eddie soon joined us in the sitting area. From the expressions on both of their faces, they were pissed about something.

  “This,” Eddie said, “is what we're not gon’ do. I ain't finna go out there and try to have a good show if you got Sunny’s ass on your mind. She ain't part of this. We didn't have these issues with you and Ramey and you were married to her. You let that girl get in your head and she will fuck up the rest of this tour because this ain't her shit. It’s your job, A.T. Now you see why Roxy don't like girlfriends and wives on the road? For real, do you understand now?”

  “What else was I supposed to do?”

  “Left her in Los Angeles,” Erica stated. “Obviously. I mean, if she got your panties in a bunch over something this dumb, y'all don't need to be trying to make a relationship work right now. Y'all could have easily waited three months for you to get back home.”

  “And then what? We leave for a month in Europe two weeks after this tour.”

  “What the hell is happening?” Mike groaned. “Come on, man. This ain't you. At one point, except for E, we've all been in a relationship while we're on the road. We’re musicians. This is our shit. This is what we do. Jess and Sharon sure as hell don't like it but they shut up and deal with it. If Sunny is going to be with you, she’ll get over her shit and deal too. Besides, you knew coming in that Sunny is selfish as hell. None of us have a problem with her until her ways start affecting our show. I swear to God, if you go out there and miss a single fucking note because you're thinking about her, we’re gonna have a problem when those lights go out.”

  “Tough talk coming from someone who just bangs on drums all night,” I joked lightly. “I don't miss notes. Who do you think I am? Bitch, I'm Hendrix when I'm on that stage. I can play through anything.”

  “Then do it and get that girl out of your head. Stop worrying about what your girlfriend is doing. You're Aiden fucking Tyler, not Sunny’s bitch.”

  Erica burst out laughing and fell over into Mike’s lap. Eddie started laughing too. Anyone else would have been pissed but I'm used to Mike’s crass delivery and he’s right. I have a job to do and I sure as hell am not going to spend the next two months worrying about what Sunny is doing. If she wants to be here like I asked, she will be. If not, I’ll see her when I see her. I'm not the one with trust issues.

  Chapter 11: Toronto

  Toronto...home of Drake, Rob Ford, and Wild Mike’s crazy on again/off again girlfriend Jessica. When everything between them is good, Jess lives in LA with the rest of us. When she’s mad at Mike, she goes back to Atlanta to cry it out with her sorority sisters. However, whenever we travel to her hometown, Jessica always shows up to show us off to her friends and family. She likes for them to think she’s important because she knows famous people.

  We’ve hung out with her family in Toronto enough times to know that they aren’t nearly as bad a Jess’s sorority sisters but all of them are just as delusional as she is. The last time we were here, Jessica had her entire family thinking that she and Mike were getting married. Mike is never going to marry her. He’s admitted that to me on more than one occasion.

  My phone started ringing damn near as soon as I stepped out of the shower. I rushed into the bedroom as the theme from JAWS played loudly from my phone.

  “Tracy is going to kill you if she ever hears that!” Mona laughed in the front room.

  “Mind your business!”

  “You are my business!”

  “Go to your own room and get dressed if you plan on hanging with us tonight instead of Netflixing The Vampire Diaries, Nerd!”

  “Shut up, Aiden!”

  I grinned and answered my phone. I like picking on Mona. She’s fresh out of college and is still a little uptight. This is her first celebrity assistant gig but she’s doing a great job and I want her to be comfortable around all of us. I’m determined to break her out of her shell before we leave Toronto.

  “What’s up, Tracy?” I asked my publicist while I towel-dried my hair.

  “Have you been online today?” she asked, all business.

  “My tour is going great! We’re rockin’ it out every night. I’m doing okay too. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, Aiden. Sorry about that. I’m glad to hear everything is going well. So, have you been online today?”

  I laughed. “Nope. Why?”

  “Somebody in your crew or Sunny’s is talking to the blogs. Have you ever heard of some guy in Atlanta who blogs under the name Mizz Shade-Dee?”

  “Are you asking me if I know a dude whose name is Mizz Shade-Dee? Me? Sounds like someone Erica or Sunny might know. What is he saying?”

  “Well, my assistant is the one who got the Google Alert, but he’s saying that you and Sunny are an item and that she’s been seen with you more often than normal. I did a little research but none the major sites are biting. Everyone knows she’s your stylist. However, if y’all want to keep whatever it is that you’re doing under wraps, consider not feeling on her ass while you’re standing in line at Popeye’s. Please,” she added for good measure.

  “I didn’t know someone was there taking pictures.”

  “Always assume someone is taking pictures,” Tracy sighed. “If you do that, then we won’t have these surprises.”

  I wasn’t really worried because I really don’t give a shit what gossip people say. As long as they aren’t saying anything bad about my music, we’re good. All press is good press when you’re on tour. My shows are selling out but my album sales could use a boost.

  “Oh yeah,” Tracy said. “One more thing before I let you go for the night. VH-1, BMTV, and Revolt still want you to do some type of documentary or get you on a show.”

  I started to interrupt but Tracy shushed me.

  “All I’m asking is that you think about it. I’m not talking about any reality show mess and you know that. If we’re going to do television, it will be something that focuses on your music. Your last concert DVD is still a bestseller so if we could work out like something that focuses on you on tour, that would be awesome.”

  “Like some sort of ‘a day in the life’ thing or something like that.”

  “Yes,” Tracy answered excitedly. “I can see that. Your fans will eat it up.”

  “I think that might work, Trace,” I smiled even though she couldn’t see me. “You, Paulie, and Roxy can work out the details and what network. Whichever one has the deepest pockets is fine with me. Let me know what y’all come up with.”

  After Tracy and I finished our conversation, I poked my head out the bedroom door. Mona was gone and the babysitter she’d found for Summer was sitting on the sofa reading Superfudge to my daughter. That was my, Sara, and Delilah’s favorite book when we were kids.

  “Summertime, c’mere for a sec.”

  Summer jumped off the sofa and ran right over to me. I kissed her soft cheeks.

  “I’m goin’ out with the guys. Are you going to be okay with Miss Cheryl?”


  “You’re not pissed, are you?”

  “No. When’s Mommy coming back?”

  “In a few days. You can call her if you want. Use my iPad, okay?”

  “Okay, Daddy.”

  I kissed her again. “Love you, baby girl.”

  When Summer replied, “I know.” I couldn’t haven’t been prouder. Lord, help us. Sunny and I are raisi
ng a Star Wars geek.

  I finished getting dressed for a night out. Sunny would have been proud of my outfit. Navy blue button down, dark jeans, and navy and white kicks...even I know that I clean up well. Calvin Klein isn’t paying me millions because I hold my guitar in their magazine ads.

  My crew was looking sharp as hell too, especially Erica and Mona. Erica’s yellow low-cut dress gleamed against her dark skin and tastefully showed off her best assets. Mona’s dress was equally provocative, and I wondered if that dress actually belonged to Erica.

  Mike, Eddie, Zack, and I all stopped dead in our tracks when she and Erica stepped off the elevator looking like models.

  “Damn,” Zack whistled. “We’ve been on the road with that all this time?”

  “Right?” Mike said. “Who knew?”

  Who knew was probably the most accurate statement made all night. Mona’s brown hair fell halfway down her back in deep waves. The jeans and t-shirts she practically lived in during the day definitely hid her shape. Zack and Mike were practically drooling. If Jessica had been in that hotel lobby, she would have slapped the hell out of Mike. In that moment, with all those hungry eyes on my gorgeous assistant, I felt very protective of her like she was one of my sisters.

  “You stay by my side all night,” I said to Mona as we headed outside to the limo.

  “You’re going to protect me from the wolves?” she laughed. “Aren’t you their pack leader?”

  “I’m retired.”

  “Retired? We’ll see!” Erica’s interfering ass said loudly. “We will definitely see about that!”

  “Don’t hang with her,” I told Mona. “She’s trouble.”


  Sunny: Tell your people to stop talking about us. Our relationship ain’t none of their business. We agreed, Aiden.

  Me: First, don’t come at me like I broke some promise. No one over here said anything to anyone. You’re the one with busybody friends. Check them before you try to check me.

  Sunny: Did you even understand when I explained why I don’t want this to be public?


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