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Love Notes (Friends Lovers or Nothing Book 4)

Page 20

by Chanel, Jackie

  “With real romance comes real responsibility,” I joked. “You can’t handle it.”

  Sunny sat her fork down on her plate and smiled at me. The candlelight made the gold flecks in her bright eyes sparkle.

  “If I forget to tell you later,” she said softly, “I had a really good time tonight.”

  I burst out laughing and dropped my own fork on the plate.

  “How long have you been waiting to use that line?”

  Sunny laughed too. “About as long as I’ve been waiting for you to admit that you know all the good lines from Pretty Woman too.”

  I picked up my fork and resumed eating. Sunny’s delight in the fact that I know lines from her favorite movie, other than Purple Rain, made me smile too.

  “How are things coming along with Erica’s new album?” Sunny asked, breaking our comfortable silence while we finished our salads.

  “Slow. She’s not ready to get in the studio and I’m not going to force the issue. Joey’s EPing this album.”

  “Why aren’t you producing it? You two seem like everything’s back to normal.”

  I thought I detected a hint of jealousy in Sunny’s voice, but I left it alone. I’m not the least bit surprised that Sunny is a little jealous of Erica. They have some serious issues to get through in order for their friendship to be as good as it was before Erica and I started dating. When I asked Sunny why she was so hard on Erica and not on me, she told me to mind my own business so I did.

  “I guess,” I answered. “I mean, we’re still friends.”

  “And five months after the fact, you don’t resent her for leaving you at the altar?”

  I waited until the waiter cleared our plates and Chef presented his second course of lobster Bolognese before answering her question.

  “Resent is a strong word, but no, I don’t. She could have told me way before we got to the island, but it’s not like I lost a lot of money. I rented the island so we could have a vacation before the tour. The wedding was just one of the events that were going to take place. Everyone had a great vacation just like we planned and I won’t have another divorce on my resume.”

  “Honestly,” Sunny said, “I’m not trying to start a fight with you, but I find that really hard to believe.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  “But you loved her, and she hurt you.”

  I stopped eating and looked across the table at my girlfriend.

  “I love you. Always have. Anything that I felt for anyone else was just a temporary side effect of you not wanting me.”

  Sunny sighed. “If you say so, Aiden.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  We finished the rest of our second course locked in an uncomfortable silence. While the waiter was clearing the table for our entrée, I pulled Sunny out onto the balcony. She put her hands on the railing and stared at the Los Angeles skyline. I stood behind her with my hands on her hips.

  “Is that why you didn’t tell your parents about us right away? Or anyone else? You’re worried that I still have feelings for Erica?”

  “I don’t want people to think I’m just your rebound chick. You have a habit of running to me when your relationships fall apart.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?” I snickered. “What about Gavin? Xavier? That dude you dated before you met Tristan? Seems like I’m your rebound guy.”

  “I guess we’re going to have to agree to disagree on that.”

  I frowned; grateful that Sunny couldn’t see the mean ass look I was giving the top of her head.

  “Before Ramey, before Erica, before and after all the models and actresses…I was in love with you. I knew that I was completely wrong for you. That’s the only reason any of those girls ever had a chance. But I’m here with you because, despite everything that has happened, I know I’m supposed to be with you. You know it too, or you wouldn’t be here.”

  Sunny turned in my arms and looked up at me.

  “I know. It’s still a little unreal, though. I had convinced myself that no matter how I felt about you, I would never be anything more than your best friend. Then there were the times when I felt like the only thing I was to you was your baby mama. Now, so much has changed, yet, it doesn’t feel like anything’s changed.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We still have the same conversations, do the same things, and go to the same places. Except now, we have sex and sleep together when you spend the night. It’s almost like we’ve been in relationship since I moved out here and we’re just now realizing it.”

  After hearing that she felt like nothing’s changed in our relationship, I probably should have pulled out the ring, just to prove that everything has changed, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’m not asking Sunny to marry me with all the doubt written across her face and fear in her eyes.

  “Why does any of that matter?” I asked. “I mean, what did you expect to change? What did you think being in relationship with me would be like?”

  “I don’t know, Aiden. It’s just weird because we can’t act like we’re in this brand new relationship and we have to spend time getting to know each other. We already know everything about each other.”

  “I love you, Sunny, but that’s complete bullshit,” I told her. “This feels like a new relationship to me. We’ve been together for five months, not five years.”

  Sunny didn’t say anything else. We walked back into the suite and ate our fish. We kept the conversation light and casual, but what she felt was bothering me. This wasn’t exactly how I planned for the evening to go, but at least I know how Sunny really feels.

  Chapter 23: Los Angeles

  Media Day

  “Why are your sisters giving me the silent treatment at five o’clock in the morning?”

  Sunny had her back to me as she hung up the Armani suit that Delilah had bought for me. Of course, I didn’t want to wear it, but I promised her I would. Plus, my mother practically begged me to “wear something nice.”

  “It’s Good Day L.A, for God’s sake, Aiden. You should want to look like an adult on television!”

  Reluctantly, I obliged. I was more concerned about why my assistant wasn’t here in the dressing room with me, but both of my sisters and Sunny were.

  “I don’t know, Sunny,” I lied, exasperated with her making a fuss over my clothes.

  I told my sisters that the real reason I came home the other day with Sunny’s ring still in my pocket was because I hadn’t popped the question. I was sure that if I told them that my feet were colder than a polar bear’s tits, they’d understand. I was wrong. They were sure that she had said no and were pissed.

  After two nights in the most romantic place in LA, I’m not too sure why I didn’t do it.

  “Well,” I said to Sunny. “One of my sisters actually works for you. Threaten to not pay her. I’m sure Dee-Lee will start talking to you then. Do you know where Mona is?”

  “I told her that she didn’t need to be here,” Delilah spoke up as she walked over to my chair. “Asking your assistant to be up before the sun rises when both of your sisters, your mom, and your girlfriend are here is a terrible thing to do.”

  A knock on the door caught all of our attention. My mother opened it and let Chad Murray, the executive producer of the show into the dressing room. Chad’s slightly overweight with a receding hairline and is the loudest person I’ve ever met.

  “Aiden!” his deep voice boomed throughout the small dressing room. “I see you’re surrounded by your girls, as usual. Do you ever travel without an entourage of beautiful women?”

  “Nope,” I laughed. “These women keep me grounded.”

  I introduced him to my mother and Sara whom he’d never met. Sunny and Delilah were well known around the Good Day LA set.

  “Well, my girls are ready for you. I just came in to say hello.”

  He leaned over close to my ear. “You do know that Tracy promised an exclusive interview, right? Nothing is off limits,” he said in a voice as
low as his boisterous personality would manage.

  I nodded my head. I wasn’t about to stomp my feet and throw a temper tantrum. This is my first television interview since my wedding that didn’t happen. Erica has maintained her silence so it’s up to me to give the people what they want.

  I’ve always been good at that.

  I made my family leave the dressing so I could quickly change into the Armani suit. I left the shirt untucked and open just enough that if I leaned forward, the hosts would get a glimpse of my black sun tattoo. I also knew that keeping the shirt untucked would make the angry vein in Sunny’s neck throb uncontrollably as I committed great sins against fashion.

  As I waited in the hallway outside the set, I listened to my introduction.

  “Our next guest is a six time Grammy winner whose latest album, Plead the Fifth, debuted at number one on iTunes. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Aiden Tyler!”

  I stepped out in front of the studio and flashed a million-dollar smile. Stacey and Dara, bloggers turned talk show hosts, were practically giddy with excitement. I’ve never interviewed with them before. They just got hired for this gig a few months ago. That’s what Tracy told me. I know of them because of some of the things they’ve written on their entertainment blogs.

  When the cheers and applause died down, I took a sip of water and waited for the interrogation. I don’t get nervous about interviews anymore. Ten years ago, I was always worried that I wasn’t interesting enough and usually said something inappropriate or stupid because of it. I was Tracy’s worst nightmare because I acted like I didn’t give a shit about my reputation even though it was the main thing that worried me. Back then, I wanted people to like me. I tried to be witty and cool instead of just being myself.

  At this point in my music career, I give zero fucks about what people think about me. I may be more dangerous to Tracy now than I was back then. I say what I want because I’ve learned that no matter what I say, the media is going to spin it into whatever gets them more hits on their websites or sells more magazines.

  Stacey smiled at me. Her smile was genuinely fake. She has never had anything nice to say about me.

  “I have to say, Aiden, you are more handsome in person. I love the suit. You have that Chris Hemsworth thing going on right now with the hair and suit. It’s a great look for you.”

  “My mom made me dress up,” I said with a slick grin towards the audience. “I had jeans and sneakers all ready to go.”

  “Well, the new look is great,” Stacey said. “This has been an eventful year for you. The new album is doing extremely well, and although I missed it, I heard your tour was amazing.”

  “Aww, come on,” I laughed. “You don’t care about that. You just want to know why I’m not married, don’t you?”

  Even though the members of the studio audience snickered, the two hosts looked slightly uncomfortable because I called them out on their shit. They asked for an exclusive interview and Tracy agreed. No need to beat around the bush.

  Dara took the bait first.

  “Well, why aren’t you married? You were on your way down the aisle just a few months ago and it didn’t happen. You started your tour as a single man.”

  “It’s really not as complicated as people want to make it,” I said. “Or as dramatic. Erica and I had a long conversation the night before we were supposed to get married and decided not to do it.”

  “That’s it?” Stacey asked apprehensively. “You talked about it?”

  “Are you and Erica still together?” Dara asked.

  “No,” I replied. “One of the things we realized is that we’re better friends than we are a couple. We were in a relationship because it was convenient. We’ve been friends for years. We work together. But, we figured out that convenience is the worst reason to stay in a relationship.”

  “Has your relationship and subsequent breakup affected your work together? Erica is an incredibly talented woman, but the rumor is she missed the first two weeks of your tour.”

  “She wasn’t scheduled to be there,” I lied. “She had other engagements.”


  “Yes. Besides, no one should have expected her to be there. I wanted to postpone those shows myself. Breaking up, even when it’s the right thing, is hard.”

  “Well,” Stacey said in a syrupy-sweet voice. “You’ve been having a lot of fun as a single man. There are some pretty wild pictures circulating around the social media sites. And rumors of hooking up with certain women after shows.”

  “When aren’t there rumors? If half the stuff people say about me were true, I must have slept with every woman in LA and that’s hasn’t happened. My band and I like to be on the road. We have fun. That’s all those pictures show…me out having a good time with my friends.”

  “But you’re single now, right?” Dara giggled. “You’re free to hook up with whoever you want.”

  I shot a glance at the audience. Sunny was looking down at her pone. I doubt she was even paying attention to what was happening on stage. I started grinning.

  “Not really. I’m seeing someone.”

  Stacey and Dara both sat back in their chairs like I’d dropped an A-bomb on them. They were expecting an exclusive interview, but I’m sure they weren’t expecting that bomb.

  “You’re seeing someone? So soon?” Stacey asked.

  “And who is she?” Dara wanted to know. “You can’t drop that line and not say who she is.”

  Sunny still hadn’t looked up, but the grins on Sara and Delilah’s faces were priceless. My mother just shook her head slowly. They knew what I was about to do.

  “She’s someone who has been a big part of my life for a long time. We’ve always had a very special relationship. She’s-”

  “O-M-G, are you talking about Sunny? The stylist?” Dara shouted like she’d just discovered water in the desert. “That’s her, isn’t it?”

  I nodded and the cheers from the audience were thunderous. Sunny finally looked up when she heard her name. The expression on her face was terror, but she switched to a shy smile as a camera panned towards her.

  “You guys have a child together too,” Dara gushed. “That’s so sweet.”

  “But you didn’t initially claim her child as yours,” Stacey stated. “When you were going through your divorce, your ex-wife accused you of fathering Sunny’s child and you denied it.”

  “Is that a question or are you just bringing up old stuff?” I asked. The last thing I was going to do was let the world know that Sunny had kept Summer’s paternity a secret from me for two years.

  “Ramey said what she said out of jealous anger. We were legally separated and she was doing everything she could to make me look like a bad person. She thought it would get her more cash in the settlement.”

  “Did it?” Dara asked.

  “No. Even with no pre-nup, Ramey left our marriage with exactly what she came in with. And she got a car that I’d given her for her birthday.”

  “Well,” Stacey smiled again. “You definitely look happy. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” I said while keeping my eyes focused on my girlfriend. “I’ve been in love with Sunny since I released my first album, but the timing just wasn’t right. When I got home from tour, I decided that with the lifestyles that we have, the timing is never going to be right. I was just tired of not being with her. I love her and that’s all that really matters.”

  All the women in the audience and on stage looked like they were about to explode with joy. I caught Sunny’s eye and winked at her. There was still a hint of anger in her eyes though, but I expected it. I’d just outed our relationship to all of California. In a few minutes, it’s going to be all over the Internet.

  “I never thought we’d be having a relationship talk with Aiden Tyler,” Dara stated. “You’re so talented and you’ve accomplished so much in the music industry…”

  “Yeah, but nobody talks about my music when I’m single,” I retorted. “Everybody foc
uses on my personal life. They follow me on dates and whatnot. Now that everyone knows that I’m in a committed relationship with the mother of my child, tomorrow we can talk about how Plead the Fifth is about to go double platinum, something that hasn’t happened to a blues artists in years. We can also talk about the fact that they want to write a book about me…maybe even do a movie.”

  “But you have to understand, Aiden,” Stacey commented, sounding strangely like my mother. “You’re one of Hollywood’s elite. People care about what you’re doing and who you’re dating. You’re young, talented, and gorgeous.”

  “I definitely understand it. I typically don’t complain about it. But I never want people to care more about who I’m dating than the music that I’m making.”

  “Now that your relationship is public knowledge, can we expect to see you at Fashion Week in New York? Are you going to hit the runway in a S.T.Y.L.E.Z by Sunny original?”

  I shook my head adamantly and winked at Sunny. “Not a chance. Fashion is her thing.”

  “I saw that cute little wink,” Dara giggled. “That is too cute. And you know, everyone loves your girlfriend. She’s definitely one of the best stylists in demand right now. The black Rachel Zoe.”

  “She’s great,” I admitted. “Incredibly talented. Fun. It’s brand new, ya know. I get to learn a different side of her. I’m excited to see where this goes.”


  I waited until I knew Sunny was alone in her design studio before I showed my face. After the Good Day LA interview, she left without saying goodbye. Delilah told me there were paparazzi outside the studio when she arrived for work. As much as Sunny hates the paps, I knew it was a bad idea to show up there right after I left the television studio. I hung out in my office at CMG listening to demos until Delilah gave me the all clear.

  After parking my car, I jogged across the street and ducked into Sunny’s building before anyone could get a decent picture. Her friend, Clay, called out to me as I walked past his office.


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