Book Read Free

Gun Blade

Page 31

by Rick Scott

  “Hey, you took on half of Braxus’ army single-handedly, remember? You can do this!” I look to Queen Angela. “You can heal her, right?”

  “Yes,” she says. “But not burst healing like your mages. It’s all regen abilities and buffs. Healing over time. It won’t be ideal in those circumstances.”

  We’ve got no other choice. I know the danger I’m putting Val Helena in but I’ve got to pull this all together and fast.

  “Rem, Maxis, break off for now,” I shout through the chat as authoritatively as I can. “Work on killing those mobs ASAP. The faster we kill them the better chance Val will have to survive. Lance and Lexi, you join in too, however you can. The rest of us will hold the Gun Queen until they’re dead.”

  Maxis grimaces at me, and I see the fury in his eyes and I can’t really blame him. I’m putting the woman he loves in harm’s way and deep down I feel a tinge of guilt for doing it, but this is a call I know we need to make.

  No…a call that I’ve already made.

  Rembrandt gives me a firm nod, acknowledging his assent. He must see a bit of concern in my eyes because he sends me a PM.

  Rembrandt: A tough call, mate. But a good one. True Strength time.

  I give him a nod back.

  “One of us should go too,” Becky says. “To help heal Val.”

  “No,” I say. “The four of us need to stay to keep the death rotation going.”

  “No,” she insists. “We can do it with just three if it’s just the tanks we need to keep alive.”

  I stare back at her confused. “What?”

  “We don’t need to wait on the timer for Great Miracle if we only have to Raise one person. A single mage can do that! The timer on Raise is like a minute.”

  I’m not fully comprehending what she’s saying, but I trust Becky’s judgment. She’s a thinker, like Angela said.

  “Okay, go with them,” I say and then look to Val Helena and the rest of them. “Guys, just kill them as fast as you can. Gilly, Aiko, and I will hold the boss. Now go! Go! Go!”

  Val Helena snaps to with a quick nod. “Okay, let’s do it! Rem, Max, with me!”

  The giantess releases a yell and charges towards the mob of robots surging just outside the tent. Rembrandt and Maxis disengage and follow after her, leaving the Gun Queen at just below 65%. Queen Angela raises her hands into the air and a series of green sparkles surround Val Helena as she powers forward in her Chinese dress.

  Angela uses Major Reconstruction IV

  HP Regeneration massively increased!

  Angela uses Adrenaline Boost III

  Stamina regeneration greatly increased!

  Angela uses Overdrive Boost III

  TP regeneration greatly increased!

  Angela uses Dermal Weave V

  Ablative armor increased: +20% Damage reduction!

  Lance and Lexi both materialize weapons in their hands, Lexi a small pistol and Lance a huge mini-gun with multiple barrels. They charge forward as well and open fire from afar, tearing into the first wave of robots. Sparks and metal fly as a couple of them literally blow apart, further slowing down the mob as they stumble over their own corpses.

  Lance defeats a Townsfolk!

  You gain 0 experience points.

  Lance defeats a Townsfolk!

  You gain 0 experience points.

  Dang…not bad DPS, old man…

  “Keep far enough away in case it uses the aerial attack again!” I shout to them and then refocus my attention on the Gun Queen. The LM is still going to town on Aiko, chipping away at her Health bar as she struggles to dodge every attack.

  “Gilly, stay behind me!”

  I zoom in to help Aiko, starting with a Backstab-infused Charge Strike. It takes off a small sliver of the Gun Queen’s health, but as expected the Stun doesn’t stick. I then lay into the LM with motion-cancelling attacks that have my arms literally disappearing into nano-dust with each hit, performing a follow-up strike before the first one even lands. My Stamina depletes rapidly as my heartrate soars, but Gilly tops my stamina bar to full before it even reaches halfway.

  62% already. Max and Rem did a great job before they left. We can do this!

  I look for Val Helena and catch her just as the giantess reaches the mob of robots. She jumps right into the midst of them, drawing their full attention with a 360-degree War Cry.

  Val Helena uses Mass Challenge!

  A Townsfolk attacks Val Helena!

  A Stagehand attacks Val Helena!

  A Townsfolk attacks Val Helena!

  An Outlaw attacks Val Helena!

  A Townsfolk attacks Val Helena!

  The stream of attack messages keeps scrolling on my HUD nonstop and then my heart freezes as Val Helena’s HP Bar drops from full to 30% in the blink of an eye.


  “I can’t heal her any faster!” Becky cries. “It’s too much damage!”

  I watch with horror as Val Helena’s HP slips further towards zero. She uses Divine Poise and begins healing herself, but even that isn’t enough.

  Oh my God…

  I stop attacking, backing away from the Gun Queen…beside myself.

  I’ve killed her…

  Val Helena’s HP bar suddenly locks at 13% heath as she flashes with a brilliant golden light.

  Val Helena uses Invincible!

  Val Helena takes 0 Damage!

  Val Helena takes 0 Damage!

  Val Helena takes 0 Damage!

  Val Helena takes 0 Damage!

  The rest of the team attacks the robots in a frenzy—Maxis going all-out with AOE stomps while Rembrandt and Lance unleash with explosive AOE rounds, but the crowd is barely thinned by a third.

  “She’s doing to die when that Invincibility wears off,” Gilly says, pulling at my arm. “I need to go help her!”

  “You can’t leave us without a mage!” Aiko says, miraculously parrying one of the Gun Queen’s bullets as she weaves through the rounds.

  The LM then ceases firing for a second and huge flames shoot from her gun barrels.

  “Aiko, look out!”

  Gun Queen uses Flame Barrage!

  Aiko casts Shadow Copy!

  Aiko’s shadow absorbs the attack!

  The attack was near instant and it’s almost unbelievable that Aiko was able to cast the spell in time. But I did manage to do the same thing myself. I guess looking at Dodge Tanking from the inside versus the outside are two vastly different experiences.

  “She can’t leave!” Aiko says savagely, tearing into the Gun Queen again. “If it blasts us right now, we’ll be down to one tank!”

  Gilly stares up at me imploringly. “She’s gonna die, Reece!”

  Crap…It’s my call to make.

  “Go!” I say to her. “Hurry! And hurry back!”

  “This is not good, Reece!” Aiko shouts, venom in her tone. “Dammit!”

  I know it isn’t, but it’s the best we can do for now.

  Gilly reaches them just as Val Helena’s Invincibility wears off. She raises her Spellbow and begins casting Heals non-stop. Together with Becky, they keep the giantess’ HP in the yellow, despite the huge amounts of damage she’s taking. I breathe an inward sight of relief.

  It’s working. For now.

  And then I see the message I’ve been dreading appear.

  Gun Queen readies Aerial Barrage!

  I look back to Aiko just in time to see the twin beams of blue light falling on both her and myself.

  The elf glares at me with a seething scowl as a pool of light forms at her feet. “I told you this would happen.”

  Her words are so cold and piercing that I nearly forget to cast Shadow Copy myself, but I know hers is still down. The spell completes just as the ground erupts beneath me with a torrent of violent heat.

  Gun Queen uses Aerial Barrage!

  Your shadow absorbs the attack!

  Aiko takes 30000 Plasma damage!

  Aiko is defeated.

  My body explodes with nano-dust while
Aiko’s collapses to the ground, lifeless.


  I stare at her for a moment and realize I just traded her life for Val’s. Dear God…Am I really making these kinds of decisions now?

  The Gun Queen’s cannons wake me from my introspection trauma, forcing me to tank once again. This is it, I think. If the Gun Queen decides to use another Flame attack or Aerial Barrage in the next 15 seconds, I’m done for.

  No…worse than that.

  We all are. The moment I’m down, the Gun Queen will take out everyone else.

  “Hurry it up, guys!” I cry and pray I made the right decision.

  Val Helena’s HP bar suddenly pops to full as she gains a Veteran Point, as does Gilly’s.

  Yes! Come on!

  I watch as the mob of robots is slowly decimated while I continue to tank, bobbing and weaving, taking stray rounds here and there. I grimace through it. Eventually the last robot falls and Val Helena leads the charge, heading my way.

  “We’re coming, Reece!” she cries. “Hang on!”

  I nearly faint with relief as I feel the tide finally turn. Now we just need to get back to the plan and kill this thing! I refocus my efforts on tanking the Gun Queen as the LM continues to blast away at me. I take a few more stray shots, dropping to below 50% Health, but with Gilly and Becky soon on their way I’m not worried at all.

  “Becky, Raise Aiko!” Val Helena says as she arrives ahead of the pack. “Queen Angela, stay well out of range! We’ve got this now!”

  Her words are music to my ears.

  I take care to turn the Gun Queen away from the party to allow Becky a chance to Raise Aiko, while the rest of my friends join in the assault. Rembrandt, Lance, and Lexi all open fire, blasting away at the LM’s huge HP pool from afar. Maxis flies in opposite me, launching into the android with multiple kicks and strikes, spinning and flashing with special attacks.

  Maxis uses Cyclone Punch!

  Gun Queen takes 684(945) damage!

  Maxis kicks the Gun Queen for 374(542) damage!

  Maxis kicks the Gun Queen for 362(537) damage!

  Maxis uses Cyclone Punch!

  Gun Queen takes 654(927) damage!

  With Lance and Lexi’s added help, the Gun Queen’s health bar drops even more quickly than before.

  54%, 44%, 35%.

  Becky casts Raise on Aiko!

  The Gun Queen glances in Becky’s direction for a moment, but I sting the LM with a War Cry.

  “Stay on me!”

  “Oh, I will,” she responds.

  Her augmented voice catches me off-guard, causing me just as much shock as her bullets. The Gun Queen stops shooting then and immediately I cast Shadow Copy in anticipation of her next attack.

  Gun Queen uses Flame Barrage!

  You cast Shadow Copy!

  Your shadow absorbs the attack!

  I expect her to resume her assault but instead the LM grins just at me. “You think me a mindless automaton, Shard Walker? I calculated your strategy over 10000 milliseconds ago.”

  Gun Queen readies Aerial Barrage!

  Oh God…

  Pinpoints of blue light stream from her twin guns, shooting straight into the sky. They stream back down again, a single strand landing upon each of us.

  My blood runs cold. I’m the only Dodge Tank up and I have no Shadow Copy!

  “Try to CC it!” Lance shouts and fires off a shot along with Rembrandt.

  Lance uses Stun Round!

  Gun Queen resists the Stun!

  Rembrandt uses Paralyzing Shot!

  Gun Queen resists the Paralyze!

  No good!

  “Val!” I shout. “Use your Invinc…”

  My words trail off.

  She already did...because of me.

  The Gun Queen cackles with a haughty laugh. “Perhaps you’ll come to your senses in the end. May your false gods have mercy upon you.”

  I don’t know what she’s saying, but I don’t have reason to care anymore.

  I share a haunting look of despair with the rest of my friends as circles of white light form at our feet. No, this can’t be it…!

  I think like lightning, racking my brain for an answer. She figured out my cooldown, but maybe I can change it—if there’s still time! I materialize the Witch Spider’s Ring and slip it onto my finger, enduring the poison bite. I see my cooldown timer jump from 8 seconds to 2 and spam Shadow Copy as the ground begins to boil and vaporize beneath my feet.


  “Goodbye, Shard Walker…”

  Gun Queen uses Aerial Barrage!

  Gilly takes 30000 plasma damage!

  Aiko takes 30000 plasma damage!

  You cast Shadow Copy!

  Maxis takes 30000 plasma damage!

  Rembrandt takes 30000 plasma damage!

  Val Helena takes 22000(30000) plasma damage!

  You gain the effect of Shadow Copy!

  Lexi takes 30000 plasma damage!

  Lance takes 30000 plasma damage!

  Your shadow absorbs the attack!

  Gilly is defeated!

  Aiko is defeated!

  Maxis is defeated!

  Rembrandt is defeated!

  Val Helena is defeated!

  Lexi is defeated!

  Lance is defeated!

  My teammates drop into smoldering heaps, leaving me standing alone.

  Dear God…

  Relief and sorrow mix as I stare at my dead friends, but I can’t afford to mourn for them now. I need to get through this! I need to win and bring them all back somehow.

  I check my HP.

  HP: 588/1732

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 538/1732

  Less than 40% health and a poison effect that’s quickly eating me alive.

  I don’t know what the cooldown timer on the Gun Queen’s Aerial Barrage is, but I might not even live long enough to see it before the ring takes me out. Still, it’s my only edge. But I need another. I need to defeat this thing.

  The Gun Queen cocks her head at me quizzically. “You…you cheated. How novel. If only you could have done the same for us. Perhaps we could have even won.”

  “Won what?” I say, hoping to stall for time.

  “Reece!” Queen Angela says through the party chat. “I’m coming to you. I’ll give you a regen!”

  The sound of her voice brings me a new sense of relief and hope. I’m not totally alone, but she can’t really help me right now either.

  “No,” I say back to her. “Don’t do anything. She can’t know you’re still alive. Stay out of range.”

  “But you’ll die!”

  “If I die, you’re the only shot we have left,” I say. “Wait for her to go and then raise one of the mages if you can. Just don’t let her see you.”

  The Gun Queen studies me a moment more. “Have the Ozoku poisoned you so? Do you not even remember the war, Shard Walker? Do you live only for games and entertainment now?”

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 488/1732


  Her crimson eyes blaze with fury. “You dare mock me with ignorance!” She points her twin gun arms down at me. “Die, shade of man! Die for all the folly you’ve brought upon us!”

  She screams with a shrill metallic cry that grows into a fever pitch.

  Oh crap…

  My instincts flare and I cast Shadow Copy in pure reflex, not knowing what’s coming next.

  Gun Queen is Enraged!

  Gun Queen uses Razor Rose!

  I dive for cover as the Gun Queen’s hoop dress explodes, sending shrapnel flying.

  Your shadow absorbs the attack!

  She opens fire with her guns, stomping across the room on a tripod of spider-like mechanical legs. Her upper half spins as she screams maniacally, totally out of control, like her counterpart back in the simulator.

  I cast Shadow Copy again as soon as it slips off of cooldown, just in time to avoid another Flame Barrage.

Your shadow absorbs the attack!

  I’ve got to think! If she doesn’t kill me, this ring will.

  My mind races for a solution, calling on everything I know, everything I’ve experienced up until now. I search the Gun Queen’s huge body for some kind of weakness. Something I can exploit. Wait…she’s an android. Just like the Overlords.

  So perhaps she has a weak spot like one.

  I focus on the Gun Queen as I dodge tank through her haphazard attacks, looking for anything that appears like a crystal.

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 438/1732

  Crap… hurry up!

  I focus on the small crown upon her static chrome hairdo and just faintly see an amber jewel sparkling at its center.

  Your Awareness increases by 0.8.

  Skill Up! Your Awareness is now 48!

  It’s small, but could that be her core?

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 338/1732

  No time to second-guess.

  I’ve got to risk it, but I won’t be able to do anything in a few more seconds. I need more time. Damn it…I’m going to have to risk it all.

  “Queen Angela!” I shout. “I need that heal! Come quick!”

  “But you said—”

  “Forget what I said, just come!”

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 288/1732

  I grit my teeth and count down the seconds to my next tick of poison. A stray shot hits me in my side and my heart nearly stops.

  Gun Queen hits you for 258 piercing damage!

  HP: 30/1732


  Angela uses Major Reconstruction IV

  HP Regeneration massively increased!


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