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The Fall of Zephyr

Page 14

by Angelina Singer

  “He won’t be bothering us anymore.”

  “For real?”

  “Completely real.”

  She wraps her arms around him in another hug, and smiles. But she notices Onyx’s pensive, blank stare and she presses her lips tightly together.

  “Then why aren’t you happy now?”

  Onyx sighs, and runs his hand through his pale blonde hair. Then he gently pulls Luna closer, as to keep their conversation out of the others’ earshot. Lowering his voice, he does his best to explain morality to Luna in a way that she can understand.

  “Well, you don’t quite understand, Luna. I had to take his life, to protect you.”

  “Okay?” Luna has trouble finding the gravity of the situation. “He was a bad person, it had to happen.”

  “Yes and no. Many people would agree with you, and part of me does. But I’m still torn about it because it wasn’t necessarily Zephyr’s outcome, and deviating from that often produces disaster, as you’ve seen. Who am I to decide when a person lives or dies? That is one of the many reasons that killing is wrong.”

  Luna blinks a few times, and then slowly nods. “I understand.”

  “Well, it’s a very complex moral issue, so I understand if you don’t. But we have to figure out a way to keep on living, even in the wake of this happening. We can still have a very happy life together, you and I. I hope you know that.”

  “I do, but I still think you should be happy - this is a good thing. It’s good that he’s gone.” Onyx nods but remains pensive.

  “In some ways, yes, but in some ways, no. I wasn’t intending to kill him, I really didn’t want to, but he gave me no choice - it was self-defense and -”

  Luna cuts him off once again by placing her lips on his and kissing him passionately, right there in the park in front of Miranda and Anthony. Onyx heartily reciprocates, and murmurings of Anthony in the background are heard by both of them.

  “See, Miranda? I told you nothing was going on. She’s with Onyx.”

  Miranda nods but keeps her arms crossed. “I hear ya, Anthony. I really do. And I’m starting to believe you, but it’s taking time.”

  He nods, and plants an innocent kiss on her lips. “I understand - it’s okay. But I want you to know that I really, really love you.”

  She smiles at him - those three words always break down the walls she puts up. “I love you too, Anthony. More than I thought I’d ever love anyone, actually. And that’s what scares me.”

  He puts his arm around her and pulls her close. “That’s okay, we can be scared together.”

  In this moment, both couples are in blissful existence with one another, but sirens start to wail in the distance. Onyx begins to grow worried.

  “Luna, my clothes… this is going to look bad - but we have to get home so I can clean this off.”

  Confusion shows on her face, but she nods. “I think I got some on myself too.”

  “Yes, but there’s more on me. Come on, we need to move now.”

  Luna readily agrees and runs after Onyx as they both leave the park. She opens her mouth to ask him another question, but she is harshly interrupted.


  A police officer’s gun is pointed at them, and Luna begins to softly cry.

  “Luna, just do what he says, there’s nothing else we can do.” Onyx’s words register in her mind, and she does as he says. But as he slowly lowers himself down to the cold, hard concrete, his body slowly vaporizes into thin air.


  “Onyx? Welcome back, my friend. There is much to do, so please listen closely.”

  Onyx opens his eyes, and slowly adjusts to the harsh light of the transport room.

  “What? Evander… How did… what? I was just… WHERE IS LUNA?”

  Evander slowly eases him off the table and clears his throat. “Onyx, I know you probably have a million questions, but I really don’t have any time to explain. Zephyr is dying -”

  “Yeah, obviously. We knew that already -”

  “No. He is dying now. We have to get you to the Great Hall before the Underworld portal opens up -”

  “No! I am not doing anything until you bring Luna here, do you understand? You had no right to bring me back here without my consent, or her knowledge. We were being questioned by the police and now she’s probably scared out of her mind! Bring her here now or so help me I’ll let every soul in this realm be sucked down into the depths of doom for eternity!”

  Evander feverishly wipes a bead of sweat off of his forehead as Brielle nervously looks at the crowds of sorters beginning to panic outside the window of the transport room. “Um, we gotta hurry, Evander. It’s getting pretty bad out there. It’s only a matter of time…” She cannot bring herself to finish that sentence, as the implications surrounding it are far too painful to verbally acknowledge.

  Evander sighs but eventually caves in to Onyx’s pleas for Luna to be considered in the midst of this whole mess.

  “You are absolutely right. Okay, Onyx, you’ve got to understand, we need you to replace Zephyr before he dies. We have a coalition lined up, ready to make the switch, but you’ve got to cooperate, and understand what you’re getting into.”

  “Evander, he needs to suit up. Those Earth clothes won’t be compatible with the life force energy he needs to connect with.”

  “You’re absolutely right. I’ll grab a spare one out of the closet here.”

  “Hey!” Onyx’s voice cuts through their panic. “I am not doing anything until you get Luna here too.”

  Evander exchanges a feverish look with Brielle, who quickly nods. “We better do as he asks, we need him.”

  “Need me for what? What makes you think I can do this? You guys are acting quite irrationally. I’m not cut out for this!”

  “Actually, you are. After extensive discussions, majority has ruled that you are the most apt for the job, since you are the only one with extensive immersive experiences living on both Earth and in the Upperworld. Also, you’ve studied just about everything there is to know about the human experience, which makes you perfectly qualified for the job. And you are our only hope to avoid doom.

  Onyx slowly nods, and swallows his fear. “I understand, I won’t let you down. But you have to bring Luna back before I agree to do anything.”

  Evander sighs, and rolls his eyes, but eventually relents. “I understand. Reanimate her here, Brielle. Onyx, put this on and dispose of those Earth clothes as quickly as possible.” He hands him another pale blue jumpsuit, which is high-tech and will tailor itself once he puts it on to fit the precise dimensions of his body.

  Onyx quickly disrobes while Brielle turns away to preserve his modesty, busying herself with finding Luna’s exact coordinates on Earth to bring her back to the Upperworld. Evander leaves the transport room to check on the progress of the Disturbers.

  “Can you find her?” Onyx asks desperately as he pulls the stretchy pants over his knees.

  “I’m trying to, but it was harder than finding you. As a Head Guide, we have your DNA imprinted in the master system, which makes you a lot easier to locate. Sorters aren’t in the system the same way, so it takes longer. Wait a second… oh okay. YES! I got her. Now let me just put a command into the machine and…”

  She smiles nervously as the machine hums to life.


  “Hey Carnes, where’d that guy go? He just disappeared into thin air!”

  Luna shifts her gaze to her right, where Onyx was just a minute ago. “Onyx!”

  “Quiet, ma’am. I’m gonna ask you to stay calm until we can figure out what’s going on.” The officer turns to his partner and looks at him incredulously. “Well he couldn’t have disintegrated into thin air, so there’s gotta be some explanation. Maybe he’s an escape artist, like one of those Vegas magicians!”

  “Johnson, this isn’t the time for your joking, we have a suspect to track down -”

  “I’m not joking! He was here,
and then he was not…”

  “This is serious, Johnson! Now get your head in the game! We gotta notify the station monitors and let them know what’s going on…”

  Their banter continues for a few minutes, but it feels like a hundred years to the terrified Luna, who has noticed Onyx’s unexplained absence and now really has no idea where he could be. Her labored whimpers escape from her lips as she begins to cry. Onyx where are you? Why did you leave me? You said you’d never leave me… what happened? She fights the urge to become deliriously upset, as the police officers seem easily excitable in the wake of confusion. Her whole body shakes, and then she inhales before ascending into the next realm under the cover of darkness.

  “Oh geez now the girl disappeared!”

  “What are these people, a bunch of circus freaks?”

  “What the-”

  “Scan the perimeter! They can’t have gone far!”

  The group of officers begins to spread out, searching the vicinity for any sign of the mysterious girl and her lover with the blood on his hands. They run through the nearby streets, the alleyways, and even the usually tranquil park nearby with the calming water fountain. But they are nowhere to be found.


  “Hey Luna…”

  Luna opens her brilliant violet eyes as she readjusts to the Upperworld.

  “Onyx, where did you go? You left me there with those angry people with the guns and -”

  “I know, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, but I was needed here so Evander had me brought back.”

  “Why did they need you here? What’s going on? I thought we weren’t ever coming back! What happened?”

  Onyx swallows quickly, and then tries to explain. “It seems that I’m needed as a replacement.”

  “A replacement for… what?”

  “Well, Zephyr is…”

  “He’s dying, Luna, and we need Onyx to step up. If he doesn’t, we all will spend eternity in the Underworld.” Brielle jumps in to explain, and Onyx just slowly nods. He didn’t want to shock Luna into cooperation, but given the gravity of the situation, he understands the need to hurry things along and worry about pleasantries later.

  “Oh my pod, what are we going to do? Onyx, I’m scared, what do we do?” Onyx slides his arm around her on the table of the transport room.

  “Well, we’re going to do exactly what Evander tells us to do. He’s the boss of this operation. Oh, and Jade will know what to do too -”

  “Uh-uh.” Brielle interrupts him nonchalantly, and shakes her head. “I guess we forgot to tell you… Jade has had some… strong feelings about the coalition, and has drifted from the greater good. So we’re not collaborating with her anymore.”

  “Really? That is… shocking.”

  Luna nods her head. “That’s scary. Any of us could turn at any moment…”

  Onyx slowly nods, and gives her shoulder a slight squeeze. “Well, I think it’s safe to say that at this point, anyone who is in is in, and anyone who is out, is out. Wouldn’t you say so, Brielle?”

  She nods, and then hands Luna an Upperworld suit. “Luna, you also need to shed those earth clothes as quickly as possible. You don’t want to attract attention, plus you need to be able to move quickly. You only have a few moments before the revolution begins.” With that, Brielle leaves the transport to join the others.

  Luna doesn’t hesitate to do as Brielle instructs her, and Onyx turns away out of respect, even though the two of them have very little to hide from each other at this point.

  “Okay Luna, we need to run and meet up with everyone else. Are you ready?”

  Luna nods, but then buries herself in Onyx’s muscular chest. “I’m scared though.”

  “After all we’ve been through, haven’t you learned? You’ve just got to do it afraid. I’m going to be the next ruler of humanity, and if you don’t think I’m positively terrified, you’d be sorely mistaken.”

  “Okay, Onyx. I will do it afraid. But I wish I didn’t have to.”

  Onyx pulls her close before they both hurriedly exit the transport room to meet up with the rest of the Disturbers. “Me too, Luna. Me too.”

  As they leave the transport room and embark on the biggest takedown in the history of humanity, the tepid air of the Upperworld seems to grow colder, and now all the life-bearing screens above the receptor tubes in the Sorting Room have been relegated to a deathly white.

  “Are all these sorters part of the revolution?” Luna asks curiously, as the crowd seems to wind clear through the main doors of the Sorting Room and beyond.

  “I’m not sure, but it seems like that is the case.”

  “Where’s Evander?”

  “I’m sure he is around here somewhere… Brielle and Griffin should be too.”

  They both quickly and effortlessly fall into step with the others, all the while hoping beyond high hope that the plans they have to take over will go smoothly and without any casualties. But of course, nothing goes perfectly, especially when the stakes are this high.

  “Onyx! There you are. Come this way, we’re going to bring you to the front so we can make the changeover as seamless as possible.” Evander catches up to Onyx and Luna and carefully tugs his arm away from Luna. Her face becomes pained at being separated from him, and she is scared. At the last moment, his lips brush hers for a quick moment, much to Evander’s disdain. Letting his breath mingle with hers, he mouths “do it afraid” and then follows Evander to the front of the crowd.

  Luna stays where she is, allowing the people around her to get ahead of her, all while watching Onyx get pulled deep into the system, about to link himself to it forever. She swallows down the questions climbing up her throat, trying to remind herself that even though he showed her what love was - the honest, desperate need that was hidden below the surface that even she didn’t know existed until it was awakened - he was about to do something much more important. Never once did she think he would be the one to take over the reigns of everything. And now, too late, she begins to consider all that she herself must give up. That happy life that Onyx promised they would have on Earth definitely won’t be happening now. And as much as she hated Earth from the moment she first materialized on that fateful park bench, the place had become oddly familiar and comfortable to her, and it would not be an easy thing to give it up. As of late, she had even thought of having her own family with Onyx, but that definitely won’t happen now. As the crowds of people flow past her, Luna begins to mourn the loss of what could have been, all sacrificed for the greater good. She tells herself, and she knows, that deep down, it will be worth it. But even that seems ultimately inconsequential to what will soon be lost.


  “Look at them all running, and running toward what?” Jade says to no one in particular, cackling with glee as she looks over the crowd of sorters and guides marching swiftly toward the Grand Hall from her pod. She cackles decidedly as she taps her fingertips rhythmically on her side table.

  “As if Onyx can save them. Why would he be able to?” She readies herself to do what she knows she was always meant to do, and opens the door, tugging her hood over her head to keep a low enough profile and get to the Throne Room before the coalition does. They will thank me later for saving them from their own disastrous fate. And then, and only then, they will bow at my feet as the life force flows through my veins.

  She matches the footfalls of those around her, and gets all the way to the entrance of the Grand Hall before a tendril of her characteristic silver hair slips out of her hood and catches the eyes of a nearby sorter.

  “Jade! What are you doing here?” His pointed finger assaults Jade’s pride, and leaves her feeling embarrassed for a moment before her typical sneer returns.

  “What am I doing? I’m doing what I should have done a long time ago - I am saving you from yourselves.”

  The sorter who called her out recoils, but the discomfort remains on his face. He visually searches around in his vicinity, but everyone seems to be
in a trance.

  “Everyone! Jade is here!” A few look over, their attention piqued at this point, but Jade is faster than they are, and she deftly squeezes through the sorters and guides in front of her while tucking her hair into her hood again. Blending into the crowd, she becomes one with those who disagree with her. It’s a disturbing feeling of complicity, but she bites her lip and powers through the shame to move closer and closer to the front of the crowd. As she approaches, she can see Onyx, her competition, being guided by Evander toward the throne.

  Look at them, so convinced their little idiotic plan is going to work. They are not powerful, but I am. I can save them. But they have to let me save them, and they will not. So I must get there before they can stop me.

  As the crowd begins to converge at the entrance to the Grand Hall, a segment of the disturbers were predetermined to remove Zephyr’s limp body from the throne, while others appear, ready to fight off the ones who are against the coalition, like the orderlies and sorters who falsely believe in Zephyr’s rejuvenation and ultimate authority. She watches as they bring Onyx closer and closer to the throne amidst the bedlam unfolding in the crowd around them. The coalition seems to be fending off the dissenters quite effectively with their electrified spears and plasma cannons taken from the artillery department deep in the bowels of the Upperworld. She watches in utter glee as the violence continues to rage on, and the way that everyone seems to have their attention elsewhere. They’re immortal in the Upperworld, but they can still inflict pain onto each other, which they are currently doing quite liberally.

  This is far too easy. Is this really all it takes? Now I just have to get to the throne as soon as Zephyr is moved off of it.

  She brazenly moves closer to it, but a loud rumble emanates from far below the ground, and she knows she is not imagining it, as the others seem to notice it too.

  “What is that?” Evander turns toward Onyx at the front of the crowd, and his face turns white.

  “It cannot be anything good. And something tells me we have to hurry - time is running out!”


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