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The Complete Old English Poems

Page 19

by Craig Williamson

  “We will give you the gift that you have requested

  And save you from torment in that nearby city.

  Go with your family and find a good shelter.

  We must bring down the rage and wrath of God 2575

  On these sinners who break the Lord’s laws,

  But we will protect you and keep you in peace

  After you have secured your family in Zoar.”

  So the kinsmen of Abraham set out for shelter.

  Their leader Lot did not spare the pace 2580

  For the women until they came to Zoar.

  When the sun rose—the peace-candle for some,

  The death-sign for others—I’ve heard that the Lord,

  The Guardian of glory, sent down a gift

  Of brimstone and black flame in righteous wrath, 2585

  His vengeance upon those vile-hearted sinners

  Who had scorned his laws and mocked his teaching

  For so long. His reward was hard retribution.

  Torment and terror seized the unholy heathens—

  Devastation and death came raining down. 2590

  God’s flame seized everything green—

  Groves, gardens, fields, fruit, grass, grain—

  Everything growing, everything springing,

  From sprout to seedling, tendril to tree.

  The only thing harvested afterwards was ashes. 2595

  The curse and conflagration devoured everything

  In Sodom and Gomorrah. Nothing survived.

  When Lot’s wife heard the howling flames,

  The crackling sound of the blazing rain,

  And the shrieking of sinners inside the city, 2600

  She turned back to gaze on the fiery destruction

  Against God’s command—and the scriptures say

  She was suddenly turned into a pillar of salt

  And stands there still outside the city

  Where the vengeance of God’s holy wrath 2605

  Seized her along with all of the sinners

  Because she ignored the advice of the angels.

  Stiff as stone, bitter as salt, she stands alone

  On the plains of Sodom awaiting doom

  On that dark day when the world winds down, 2610

  And she wakes up and walks home to judgment.

  The God of glory made that miracle,

  The wondrous riddle of the wife of salt.

  Then Abraham went out alone at dawn

  To the place where he had spoken with God 2615

  And saw the slaughter-grim smoke of death,

  Rising and reeking across the land.

  Those burnt bodies had once been proud people

  Feasting, carousing, drinking, swearing,

  Mired in sin. They traded untruth 2620

  For flaming terror, unholy desires

  For unexpected death. In their wicked greed

  They forgot the one who protected them all,

  Providing prosperity, dealing out wealth,

  So the Lord of angels sent them a message 2625

  In hot waves of fire. They heard that warning

  For at least a moment before they died.

  But God was gracious and merciful to Abraham,

  And recalling the covenant, saved his kinsman

  From the cruel flames, sparing Lot’s life, 2630

  While the people of Sodom and Gomorrah perished.

  Then fearing the Lord, the famous leader

  Left the city with his two dear daughters,

  Seeking a home far from the flames,

  The blaze of wrath, the stench of slaughter. 2635

  They traveled till they came to a cliffside cave

  Where they settled in. Lot lived there,

  Keeping the covenant for many days,

  A pious man precious to the Lord.

  * * *

  [Then the elder daughter said to the younger: 2640

  “There is no man left alive to lie with us

  Except our father. Let’s get him drunk

  And delivered to bed so we can bear children.”]

  The eldest went first to her father’s bed

  As he lay wine-drunk and easily deceived. 2645

  The old man never knew he sinned in his sleep,

  Delighting in love-play with his own daughters.

  He was caught unknowing, his heart constrained,

  His mind befuddled, his memory dim.

  The young maidens both became pregnant, 2650

  Two sisters bearing the sons of their father,

  Each the brother and cousin of the other.

  The son of the elder sister was Moab,

  And the scriptures say the son of the younger

  Was named Ben-ammi. From each of these princes 2655

  A progeny sprang up, two noble nations—

  One made up of the famed Moabites,

  And the other, the illustrious Ammonites.

  Then the brother of Haran set out with his bride,

  Leading his possessions and household people 2660

  To the land of Abimelech. Abraham told everyone

  That Sarah was his sister—thus saving his life—

  For he had few family or friends, kith or kin,

  In that foreign land. Then the king sent his officers

  To bring back the beautiful woman to him. 2665

  This was the second time that the wife of Abraham

  Was ordered into the arms of another man,

  Receiving the unwelcome advances of a stranger,

  But our Lord and Savior assisted Abraham

  As he had often done. God descended at night 2670

  To the bed where the brazen ruler lay,

  Drunk on wine. The Lord of truth

  Threatened the king, menacing the man

  In a dangerous dream-voice, saying to him:

  “You have shamelessly seized the bride of Abraham. 2675

  For that despicable deed, death shall rise up

  And rip out the soul from inside your breast.”

  Then the desperate dreamer, the sharer of sins,

  Gorged with food, weary with wine,

  Said to the Lord in his heavy-hearted sleep: 2680

  “Lord of angels, would you ever allow

  Such a virtuous ruler to lose his life,

  A man who faithfully follows your laws,

  Keeps your counsel, and looks now for mercy?

  This woman told me she was Abraham’s sister 2685

  In her own words, unprompted, unpressured.

  I have not yet savored a sin, committed a crime,

  Or engaged in evil with this supposed sister.”

  Then the Lord of truth, the righteous Creator,

  Eternal, almighty, answered the king 2690

  At the edge of wrath, deep in the dream:

  “Give Abraham back his wife, his beautiful bride,

  His heart’s treasure, if you desire to live

  Any longer in this world as protector of your people.

  Abraham is blessed, worthy and wise. 2695

  He beholds the God of radiance and wrath—

  He speaks to the Lord of light and life.

  If you refuse to return this warrior’s wife,

  You will perish with all your earthly possessions

  And suddenly, savagely, drop down dead. 2700

  About this terror, there can be no question.

  If my virtuous servant intercedes for you,

  He can relay your message, pass on your prayer,

  And if he asks for my mercy not menace,

  I will let you survive to live out your days 2705

  In peace and prosperity, satisfaction and joy.”

  Then the worldly watcher, protector of his people,

  Was torn from sleep, shaking with terror.

  King Abimelech called in his wise counselors,

  Conveying the ominous dream-words of God. 2710

  He related the warning—they feared retribution,

  Hovering in terror from the hand of God.

  Then Abimelech ordered Abraham brought

  Before the council and spoke to that sage:

  “Leader of the Hebrews, honored guest, 2715

  Tell me what I have done to displease you

  And your family since you came to my kingdom?

  What is this plot you’ve contrived against me?

  What is this dream-snare you set for my soul?

  Why have you brought your foreign family, 2720

  Your alien ideas into our homeland,

  Polluting us all with seduction and sin?

  You told me that Sarah was your sister,

  Related by blood. Your tongue is twisted,

  Your words are false. Your so-called sister 2725

  Was a snare for sin. We offered you honor,

  Gave you a place among our people,

  Friendship and favor, hearth and home.

  Now you give us not thanks but threats

  And remain ungrateful for all our favors.” 2730

  Then Abraham answered King Abimelech:

  “I have not done this out of hatred or hostility,

  Terror or treachery, or wishing you woe.

  I did it for protection, prince of this people,

  Fearing battle-play and sword-strife, far from kin, 2735

  After the holy one led me from my father’s house.

  Without friends, my wife and I were forced

  To seek shelter with strangers in a foreign land.

  I have lived with the threat that some fierce foe

  Might menace or murder me to seize my wife. 2740

  So I’ve always said that Sarah was my sister,

  Wherever we’ve wandered on the exile’s road

  Or settled down in some alien nation.

  I lied to save my life and protect my wife,

  Not knowing whether you loved the Lord 2745

  As a faithful follower and lived by his laws.

  I carefully concealed from you and your counselors

  The truth that Sarah is the bride of my bed.”

  Then Abimelech understood Abraham’s words,

  Accepted his honesty, and began to reward him 2750

  With worldly wealth, an abundance of treasure,

  Returning Sarah to her husband’s arms.

  He gave Abraham both silver and servants,

  Sizable herds and gleaming gold.

  Then the people’s protector said to Abraham: 2755

  “Live with us here in this noble land—

  Be our faithful friend and close companion.

  We’ll receive you with honor, reward you with riches.

  I must have you here, noble Abraham.

  Put down your roots in this adopted homeland.” 2760

  Then the great treasure-giver said to Sarah:

  “Your lord and husband should not complain,

  Revile or reproach you for sharing this house

  Or walking these halls, my elf-bright beauty.

  I have paid a debt for my unwitting error 2765

  With precious silver. Promise me this:

  Do not leave this land or dare to depend

  On the kindness of strangers. Settle down here.”

  Abraham took Abimelech’s advice to heart,

  Accepting the king’s counsel, friendship, favor, 2770

  And his promise of peace. He was loved by God,

  Defended by his Guardian, the Lord of angels,

  Under the wings of heaven wherever he went.

  Still the Lord remained angry at Abimelech

  For the crime he’d committed against Abraham 2775

  And his wife Sarah when he sinfully separated

  That bold leader from his lovely bride.

  Abimelech paid a heavy debt for his deed,

  For he found that no woman in his wide kingdom

  Could conceive a child or increase the heirs 2780

  Of her lord and husband by means of love-play,

  Whether she was free-born or a bound servant.

  The Lord kept them all infertile until Abraham

  Began to pray for forgiveness for Abimelech.

  The Guardian of angels granted his prayer, 2785

  Restoring fertility to the women of that world,

  Who could then conceive. The almighty Lord,

  Ruler of heaven, finally lifted his feud

  With Abimelech as Abraham had entreated,

  Offering him mercy and the promise of favor, 2790

  Increasing the prosperity and progeny of his people.

  Then the almighty Lord, who holds in his hand

  The gift of life, set out to see Sarah

  And fulfill his promise to both husband and wife.

  A son was born to them, bearing the name 2795

  That the Lord of angels had given to him

  Even before his mother was pregnant.

  The Lord named the noble son Isaac.

  With his own hand Abraham firmly set

  God’s radiant sign on his beloved son 2800

  About a week after his dear mother Sarah

  Offered this gift to the world of mankind.

  Abraham was one hundred years old

  When Sarah bore him a strapping son.

  He had waited years since the holy Lord 2805

  Had created their covenant, pledging his word

  To fulfill the promise of that day’s joy.

  The boy Isaac grew strong and sturdy,

  Noble in nature, wise like his father.

  Soon Sarah, the noble woman, began to notice 2810

  Ishmael playing with his father Abraham

  As they sat making mirth at a meal together,

  A joyful family at their festive dinner,

  Drinking and singing, regaling one other.

  Then Sarah spoke as a wife to her husband: 2815

  “Forgive me, my dear lord and husband,

  Giver of rings, keeper of the household treasure,

  For what I must ask. I beg you to order Hagar

  To depart from this house, taking Ishmael along.

  We can no longer live under one roof 2820

  If I have my way. Two mothers in this house

  Is one too many. Two sons cannot share

  A single inheritance. There are too many heirs

  Who will have their own families to sustain

  When your life departs at last from your body.” 2825

  Then Abraham’s vexed heart grew heavy

  At having to exile his own dear son,

  But God was ready to rescue Ishmael

  From a family feud and comfort Abraham,

  For he saw that his spirit was sorely troubled. 2830

  So the King of angels said gently to him:

  “Leave your grief and this song of sorrow—

  Unlock your heartache and listen to Sarah.

  Let her have her way. Tell Ishmael and Hagar

  To hasten from home and leave this land. 2835

  I will give power to Ishmael over many people

  And a wealth of sons that spring from his seed.

  His life will be ample, his joys abundant.

  This is my boon and bond. You have my word.”

  Then Abraham obeyed the Lord, driving away 2840

  The sad-hearted Hagar and his beloved son

  From his power and protection, his hearth and home.

  * * *

  [Then one day Abimelech said to Abraham:]

  “It is clear to me that the Lord and Creator,

  The Ruler of heaven, shields and sustains you, 2845

  Since he always grants you glory in battle,

  Strength of spirit, and hardiness of heart,

  Divine gifts that are greater than treasure,

  So that you thrive in both words and works,

  In whatever you do with friend or foe. 285

  The Lord and Ruler releases his power

  Through your trusted hands in all your endeavors.

  Everyone on earth understands this truth.

  Grant me a gift, my gracious Hebrew lord,

  A promise and pledge that you will remain 2855

  My faithful friend for the comfort and care

  I offered you here when you arrived exhausted

  From your endless wandering on the exile-road.

  We welcomed you here in our noble nation

  With open arms, along with your family. 2860

  Return this kindness with your faith and favor,

  And I give you my promise—I will grant you

  Great gifts of land, a world of wealth,

  A place to put down roots and know the pleasure

  Of surety and shelter. Be always honorable 2865

  And merciful to my people—let the Lord of life,

  Our almighty Father who holds the future

  In his hallowed hands, who decrees fortune

  In his thought and word, be willing to grant you

  Great riches to give to your shield-warriors. 2870

  Mark out your boundaries, put down your roots—

  Make this country your beloved homeland.”

  Then Abraham promised noble Abimelech

  That he would accept his offer and settle there.

  Then Abraham, blessed son of Terah, 2875

  Prince of the Hebrews, lived a long time,

  Lonely in the land of Philistine strangers.

  The Lord of angels led him to a home

  In a place called Beer-sheba. The holy one

  Built a high hall and a great walled city, 2880

  Planted a green grove, erected an altar,

  A place of sacrificial stones and sacred joy,

  Where he paid homage to his Lord and Ruler,

  Who had lifted him up and given him life,

  Blessing him on earth and under heaven. 2885

  Then the almighty Lord made a trial of Abraham,

  Testing his strength of spirit, his firmness of faith,

  Speaking these hard, resolute words:

  “Abraham, take Isaac, your beloved boy—

  Make tracks for the wild and wait for my word. 2890

  There you will offer up your loving son

  As a sacrifice to me. Climb up the hill,

  The high circle under the horizon,

  With unfaltering feet, prepare the pyre—

  Slay your son quickly with a killing sword, 2895

  Then burn his body in a darkling flame,

  An obedient offering to your righteous Ruler.”

  Clutching his heart, Abraham carried on,

  Hastening to the hill. He did not delay

  Or question the command. The word of God, 2900

  The Lord of angels, was awesome to him.

  He loved the Lord and was dear to him,


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