Book Read Free

Beach Reads Boxed Set

Page 147

by Marie Force

  The film would hit the big screens in two short weeks. Cole planned to enjoy the relative anonymity while it lasted because life was about to get crazy again. He’d been booked for numerous television appearances along with Flynn and Tatum Jordan, the debut actress who’d been plucked from obscurity to play Liv.

  “What’re you thinking about?” Liv asked.

  “How I’m not going to get to fly for a month because of all this film business.” Naturally, Capital Airlines was thrilled with the publicity the film was generating and had encouraged him to take all the time off he needed to promote the movie.

  “Poor baby. Being grounded always makes you grumpy.”

  “Yes, it does, so you’re going to have to work extra hard to keep me occupied.”

  “How exactly can I work any harder than I do already to keep you occupied?”

  Cole laughed at her predictably saucy reply. God, he loved her. She made everything better, more fun, brighter, happier just by being in the room or sitting in the back of a limo holding his hand. It didn’t matter what they did or where they went. As long as she came with him, he was content.

  She and the kids would be coming to New York with him for the most intense portion of the promo blitz, mostly because he couldn’t bear to be without them for ten long days.

  He left a path of kisses from her hand to the crook of her elbow, breathing in the distinctive scent of her skin. “I hope you’re planning to keep me very occupied while we’re here. Time completely alone is hard to come by these days.”

  “And you wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “No, I wouldn’t.” Cole had been blown away by how much he loved being a dad. He’d waited a long time—nearly thirty-eight years—to get married and start a family, and their family had been well worth the wait. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not hungry for some time alone with my beautiful wife.”

  “I’m looking forward to that, too.”

  They were spending two nights in LA before flying to San Francisco so Olivia could check with Paolo and Victor, the two men who’d turned her into a sensation in the art world. They simply couldn’t come to California and not see the men who’d become family to them since Victor discovered Olivia and Paolo turned her into a star. The two men were like extra grandfathers to Cole and Olivia’s children, who adored them—and the extravagant gifts they sent for every occasion.

  The car pulled up to a set of gates that slid open to admit them.

  “Here we go.” Cole gave Liv’s hand a squeeze. Now that they were finally going to see the film, he was suddenly nervous. “This is going to be so weird.”

  “It’ll be great. I can’t wait to see it.”

  Cole took a deep breath and blew it out as Flynn and Natalie Godfrey came out to greet them. He’d met Flynn several times now, had even taken him flying a couple of times and coached him on how to play a pilot convincingly. They’d been in close contact throughout the filming last year, and Cole and his family had even visited the Nova Scotia set last summer.

  Flynn had never been anything other than gracious, humble, appreciative and welcoming toward Cole, who was still starstruck nonetheless as Flynn shook his hand and hugged Olivia while Cole greeted Natalie.

  “It’s so nice to see you guys again!” Natalie said. A gorgeous dark-haired woman with green eyes, she welcomed them with a friendly smile. She hooked her arm through Olivia’s. “Come in. Everyone is here.”

  “After you,” Flynn said, gesturing for Cole to go in ahead of him.

  Cole tried not to act like a stalker as he took a subtle look at the photos of Hollywood legends that lined the walls.

  “The house once belonged to Marlena Davis,” Flynn said. “I bought it and the artwork from the estate of Frank Thompson.”

  “Even the houses have pedigrees in Hollywood,” Cole said.

  “True,” Flynn said, smiling. “I’d like you to meet my Quantum business partners and best friends, Hayden Roth and his fiancée, Addison York, Marlowe Sloane, Jasper Autry and his fiancée, who also happens to be my sister, Ellie Godfrey, and Kristian Bowen.”

  Cole shook hands with the others, trying to hide his excitement at meeting stars Marlowe Sloane and Hayden Roth. The entire Quantum team had won the Oscar for best picture a few years ago.

  “Welcome,” Hayden said. “We’re so excited to see the film.”

  Flynn had explained that he occasionally took a role in a film that wasn’t produced by Quantum, and Captain Incredible was one such instance.

  “So am I,” Cole said. “I think.”

  While the others laughed, Olivia took his hand. “He’s not sure how he feels about the Captain Incredible business starting up again.”

  He sent his wife a grateful smile. “I barely survived it the first time around.”

  Behind them, the door opened and in came Flynn’s parents, superstars Max Godfrey and Stella Flynn.

  If Cole had been star-struck earlier, he was positively gobsmacked as he shook hands with Max and Stella, thinking that his late mother would’ve loved to have met them.

  “Freaking traffic,” Max said to his son. “I hope we didn’t hold things up.”

  “Not at all, Dad. We’re just about to head in now.”

  Caterers appeared with finger food and glasses of champagne before Flynn led the way to a screening room with theater seating.

  “We need this at home,” Liv said.

  “Only if it plays kid movies twenty-four seven,” Cole replied.

  “You have three, right?” Addison asked.

  “Yes,” Liv said. “Oliver, Joe and Kendall. They’re five, four and two.”

  “God bless you,” Marlowe said. “Pictures?”

  “Only about twenty billion,” Cole said, grinning as Olivia produced a photo on her phone.

  Seeing their cute little faces made Cole miss them fiercely. Like their parents, they all had dark hair. Oliver and Kendall had his blue eyes, but Joe was all Liv with chocolate-brown eyes.

  “They’re gorgeous,” Marlowe declared.

  “Thank you,” Cole said. “We think so, too. Especially when they’re asleep.”

  The others laughed, and then they took seats and Cole’s nerves went crazy. How would it feel to see his life played out on screen? He was about to find out. The caterers distributed sacks of popcorn and more drinks, and then the room went dark and the screen lit up with the opening credits.

  Olivia squeezed his hand while he held his breath.

  Holy crap, this is actually happening. The story opened in the cockpit during a routine flight that had become anything but due to the encroaching snowstorm. The characters went through the motions—accurately—of preparing for an instrument landing, talking through the steps, consulting with air traffic control and following the routine, which was disrupted when Bob’s character clutched his chest.

  Watching it happen on the screen took him right back to the crazy days and weeks that had followed, to the short-lived fling with passenger Chelsea Harper, the momentous first meeting with Liv in the store, their sweet romance, the other time Cole had to help land a plane under less than ideal circumstances.

  They’d ended the film with Olivia waiting for him at Dulles after watching him land the plane with the broken landing gear. That wasn’t quite where their story had ended, but it made for a good Hollywood ending to have the hero met by the woman he loves so they could live happily ever after.

  The screen faded to black before white text appeared on the screen, accompanied by a photo of the real-life Cole Langston and Bob Greenman, in uniform, arms around each other, big smiles on their faces.

  Captain Cole Langston still flies for Capital Airlines. He and his wife, Olivia, an accomplished artist, live in Alexandria, Virginia, with their three young children, Joe, Oliver and Kendall.

  Captain Bob Greenman retired from Capital Airlines after a thirty-year career. He lives in Dayton, Ohio, with his wife, Millie, near their four grown children and fourteen grandchildren. He remain
s eternally grateful to Cole Langston for saving his life.

  The next words to appear on the screen were FLYNN GODFREY.

  Everyone in the room clapped and hooted for Flynn’s fantastic performance, including Cole.

  “Fantastic,” Marlowe declared. “I loved it.”

  “Me, too.” Natalie kissed Flynn. “Another wonderful performance by my talented husband.”

  “Thanks, everyone,” Flynn said. “I’m glad you liked it.” He turned to Cole, a wary expression on his face. “Well… I hope you didn’t hate it.”

  “I loved it,” Cole said, shaking his hand. “You really captured the story and the insanity.”

  Flynn smiled. “I know a thing or two about insanity.”

  “I’m sure you do.” In addition to the attention he received as a major A-list celebrity, he and his wife had made tabloid headlines when they first got together and her painful past was made public by the ravenous paparazzi.

  “Try not to worry,” Flynn said. “We’ll help you through the next round of madness.”

  “I’m counting on that,” Cole replied.

  Flynn had assured Cole that the publicists he worked with would do a better job of containing the craziness than the Capital Airlines staff had done when they were thrust into a major story they were ill-prepared to handle.

  The group spent the rest of the evening gathered around the fire pit in Flynn and Natalie’s backyard, which also included a gorgeous pool lit up from the inside. Palm trees swayed in the warm breeze, and Cole finally started to relax.

  The film was excellent, which was a huge relief. He had a whole week to spend alone with his love, and he planned to enjoy every second of it.

  It’s odd to see your life—and your romance—played out on the big screen, but Flynn and Tatum had done a beautiful job of capturing the magic Olivia had experienced with Cole from their first meeting when he was out cold on the floor in her store. Every time he touched her, she still felt the same jolt she’d experienced that day.

  She smoothed on the scented lotion he loved and brushed her teeth, taking a critical look at herself in the mirror. After having three babies in five years, her body wasn’t quite what it used to be. Her boobs were much bigger, her belly a little rounder, her face fuller. Cole said he loved the changes in her as much as he loved their babies, which was all that mattered to her.

  Still, sometimes she felt insecure even though she had no reason to be.

  She adjusted the black silk nightgown she’d bought for the trip and let her hair down from the clip that had held it back from her face while she removed her makeup.

  “Liv! I’m lonely. Hurry up!”

  Smiling, she left the bathroom to join her husband, who was already in bed waiting for her. “You’re like a little boy sometimes.” She loved that about him, not that she could ever admit that to him, lest she encourage him. She already had two little boys.

  “If I’m a little boy,” he said, putting his arm around her to draw her in close to him, “you’re my favorite toy.”

  Olivia laughed. “Play with me, baby.”

  “I’d love to.” He turned her face to receive his kiss. His lips were soft and sweet, his pace easy and relaxed, unlike at home when they often had to be fast or run the risk of being interrupted. “Did you have fun tonight?” he asked, kissing from her lips to her neck.

  “So much fun. It’s hard to believe they’re so normal.”

  “I know. I really like Flynn. I hope he’ll keep in touch.”

  “They said they get to DC occasionally. I’m sure we’ll see them.”

  “I’m glad they didn’t spend too much time on Chelsea in the movie,” Cole said.

  “Me, too. I’m sure it was hard enough for her to live through it the first time without having her pain exposed for the whole world in the movie.”

  “It’s nice of you to be compassionate toward her.”

  “Of course I’m compassionate toward her. I can’t imagine loving you and losing you.”

  “You never have to worry about losing me. I’m all yours.” He rolled her earlobe between his teeth and cupped her breast, dragging his thumb back and forth across her nipple. “Did my wife bring something new for the trip?”

  “She brought a few new things.”

  “Mmm, I love new things.”

  “I love you, and I’m so proud that your story will be seen all over the world.”

  “Our story.”

  “Mostly yours.”

  “My story is nothing without you. You’re the best part.”

  After that, there were no more words, only soft sighs and softer kisses as he set out to kiss and touch her everywhere. It’d been so long since they’d been able to indulge this way, and knowing they had all night made the arousal that much sharper.

  Right when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, he slid into her, stretching her to the limit the way he always did.

  Olivia held on tight to him, her anchor, her love. He’d given her a life she couldn’t have imagined in her wildest dreams, and as she raised her hips to take him into her body, she was thankful all over again that he’d come back to find her after that first meeting and for everything he’d given her since then, especially their beautiful children.

  “Liv,” he whispered in the urgent tone that indicated he was close. “Sweetheart… Love you so much.”

  His words as much as the tight press of his cock triggered her release.

  Pushing hard into her, he let himself go, his fingertips digging into her shoulders and his tongue tangling with hers.

  He came down on top of her, and Olivia wrapped her arms around him, loving the feel of his strong, muscular body surrounding and filling her to overflowing.

  “It still feels surreal in some ways, even after all this time,” she said after a long silence.

  “What does?”

  “That you happened to be in my store, that the big dude hit you and knocked you out. That there was a jolt… That you came back. All of it.”

  “Going back to find you was the single best thing I ever did in my entire life.”

  She ran her fingers through his thick dark hair. “Being found by you was the best thing to ever happen to me.” Wrapping her little finger around his, she added, “Pinky swear.”

  Turn the page to read Love at First Flight!

  To my early readers who loved my books when they were held together by binder clips, who refused to allow me to give up, and who shared every hill and valley of the roller coaster ride right along with me, thank you. This one’s for you.

  Chapter One

  The boss had picked a hell of a time to get chatty.

  A bead of sweat rolled down Michael’s back. As Baltimore City State’s Attorney Tom Houlihan pelted him with a rapid-fire series of pre-trial questions over the phone, the departure time for Michael’s flight to Florida crept closer. He needed an exit strategy, and he needed it now.

  Travelers swarmed through the gate area while Michael struggled to stay focused on the call despite the chaos around him. Tugging on his burgundy silk tie, he released the top button of his shirt and watched a line form to board the flight.

  “And Rachelle?” Tom asked.

  “I saw her last night,” Michael said. “She’s antsy, but hanging in there.” He flipped through some other notes on his laptop, hoping to anticipate Tom’s next question.

  “How antsy?”

  “Well, she’s a teenager stuck in protective custody. You’ve got daughters, so you can probably imagine.”

  An exotic scent filled Michael’s senses, drawing his attention away from the call. He glanced at the seat next to him where a young woman with silky dark hair and an olive-toned complexion watched with dismay as a gate attendant slipped a “Delayed” sign over the flight number.

  “Michael?” Tom said.

  He tore his gaze off the gorgeous woman. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  “I asked if there was anything else you needed from me.” />
  “We should be set until jury selection. I’ll want your input then. George prepped the last of the witnesses today. We’ve covered all the bases, so try not to worry.”

  “Yeah, right,” Tom said with a wry chuckle.

  “I’ll check in first thing on Monday.”

  “Enjoy the party. Hopefully, it’s the only time you’ll be engaged.”

  Michael laughed, relieved that Tom seemed satisfied—for now. “That’s the goal. I appreciate the time off. Have a good weekend.” He ended the call and caught the tail end of the gate attendant’s announcement. “What did she say?” he asked the woman next to him.

  She glanced over with a distressed expression on her stunning face. “Ninety-minute delay.”

  The jolt of desire surprised Michael. He was on his way to visit his fiancée and to attend their engagement party, so what was with the unexpected reaction to a pretty stranger? Pretty wasn’t the right word. Strikingly beautiful was more like it. Since they now had ninety minutes to kill, he decided to indulge the curiosity. “Where’re you heading in Jax?”

  “Jacksonville Beach.” He noticed her eyes were fixed on the gate attendant who slid the updated departure time into a slot on the board. “My boyfriend’s working there for a year. How about you?” She glanced over at him with soft brown eyes that drew him right in.

  He couldn’t remember the last time anything other than the upcoming trial had captured his attention so completely. “Amelia Island. My fiancée lives there with her parents.”

  “So you’re doing the long-distance thing, too, huh?”

  “Yeah, and it sucks. How long have you been doing it?”

  “Almost seven months,” she said with a sigh.

  “Six months down and eight to go for us. We’re getting married in April.”

  “Well, at least we both know it won’t last forever. I don’t know how people do it indefinitely. That would make me even crazier than I am now.”


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