Book Read Free

Beach Reads Boxed Set

Page 194

by Marie Force

  Bob was the team’s public affairs officer and would guide Ryan through the press conference and media blitz that would follow his announcement.

  “Thank you,” Ryan said when Chet returned to the table.

  “You’ll have a place in this organization for as long as I have a breath left in me,” Chet said gruffly. “You got that?”

  Ryan’s eyes filled. “Yes, sir.”

  “That goes for me, too,” Duke added. “Anything you want.”

  The lump in his throat made it impossible for Ryan to do anything more than nod.

  The press conference was set for noon the next day. Bob had done his best to prepare Ryan and Susannah for the media circus he predicted would follow Ryan’s announcement.

  “Are you okay?” Susannah asked on the ride home.

  “Yeah. I feel better now that they know, but I hated upsetting them. They’ve both been so good to me.”

  “And you’ve been good to them,” Susannah reminded him. “You’ve made Chet a ton of money and helped to elevate Duke to coaching royalty. Don’t forget that.”

  He kissed her hand. “I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

  “Does it feel weird? To be making it official?”

  “Kind of,” he conceded. “I think it’ll really set in when the guys are leaving for camp and I’m not going.”

  “You’ll be so busy doing other things by then you’ll barely notice.”

  His dimpled grin was skeptical. “It’s going to be crazy tomorrow. Are you ready for that?”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “I hate that I have to do this right now. But the media is waiting for the announcement that I’ve signed the new contract, so I can’t put off the press conference until after we resolve things between us.”

  “Speaking of resolving things between us, I want to talk to you about that when we get home.”

  He took his eyes off the road to look over at her. “What about it?”

  “You’ll have to wait until we get home.”

  Pushing the accelerator to the floor, he said, “Well, then let’s get on home!”

  “Ryan! Slow down!”

  He darted between two cars on Interstate 25. “Not unless you’re ready to start talking.”

  “Stop driving like a maniac, or I won’t say a word when we get home.”

  “You ruin all my fun,” he pouted as he eased off the accelerator—but only slightly.

  “That’s my job.”

  After a speedy ride, they pulled into the driveway, and he spirited her inside. “Okay, start talking.”

  “Can I at least take off my coat?”

  He peeled the coat from her shoulders and tossed it over the banister. A moment later, his landed on top of hers. “Talk.”

  “In a minute,” she said as she started up the stairs.

  Ryan followed in hot pursuit and forced himself to be quiet while she took her time hanging up her suit jacket. “You’re going to torture me, aren’t you?”

  She flashed him a coy smile. “It’s kind of fun, actually. You’re like a five-year-old waiting for your ice cream treat.”

  “I’ll give you a treat,” he said with a low growl as he crossed the room to her. He put his arms around her and backed her up to the bed, coming down on top of her. “Start talking. Right now.”

  Her hands found his back under his sports jacket. “You might be a big bully, but you can’t make me talk.”

  “You don’t think so?” He ran his fingers over her ribs, and she shrieked with laughter. “Do I make my point?”

  She pushed her pelvis into his erection. “Yes, you do,” she said with a giggle.

  “Susannah. . . Come on. I’m suffering.”

  “I know. I’m enjoying it.”

  With a deep sigh of frustration he rested his head on her shoulder.

  Running her fingers through his hair, she kissed his cheek. “I love you.”

  Ryan all but stopped breathing as he lifted his head to look at her. “I love you, too.”

  “You did well today with Chet and Duke.”

  “I’m glad you thought so. I was a nervous wreck.”

  “It didn’t show.”

  “Thank you for being there.”

  “Of course I was there. I’m your wife, right?”

  “Yes, you are,” he whispered, his heart fluttering with hope. “What are you saying, Susie?”

  “I want to try again.”

  Ryan could only stare at her for the longest time.

  “Say something.”

  He dipped his head and found her lips in a deep, sizzling kiss that told her everything he was feeling at the moment.

  “I take it you’re happy to hear this news?” she asked, breathless from his passionate kiss.

  He nodded and went back for more. Unbuttoning her blouse, he dragged his tongue over each new bit of skin as he unveiled it.

  “Ry,” she gasped. “We have guests coming.”

  Glancing at the bedside clock, he said, “Not for ninety minutes.”

  “But Carol...”

  “Will let herself in. She has before.”


  “Shh.” He unhooked the front clasp of her bra and nudged it aside. “I want to make love to my wife. Right now.”

  “I’ve never made love with a retiree,” she joked.

  “Mmmm,” he said as his lips coasted over her breast. “Then I’d better make it memorable.”

  Susannah floated on a cloud of pleasure and contentment. In all their years together, Ryan had never made such tender love to her, as if she were the most fragile, delicate, breakable object in the world. She’d been in the throes of a third orgasm when the door had chimed downstairs, and Carol called out to see if anyone was home. They’d dissolved into helpless laughter that had only led to more passion.

  Ryan slept next to her, worn out from their lovemaking and the emotional meeting with Chet and Duke. Knowing he had another difficult round ahead of him with his teammates, Susannah wanted him to sleep for as long as he could. She eased herself out of his embrace, sat up, and gazed at him. She wasn’t exactly sure when she decided to give him another chance, but hearing him say the football field was the only place that made sense to him filled her with such overwhelming sadness. Imagining him foundering alone in the world without her and without his beloved game was more than she could bear. She believed him when he said he had changed and was prepared to give her what she needed. In return, she was going to help him through this huge transition in his life. Sweeping the dirty blond hair off his forehead, she kissed his cheek and got up to take a shower.

  She was brushing her wet hair in front of the mirror when a reflection off her engagement ring reminded her that she still had a very big problem. Putting the brush down on the granite countertop, she spun the ring around on her finger and tugged it off. Tomorrow, she would give it back to Henry. Her stomach knotted when she imagined what he’d have to say to the news that she was going back to Ryan. And then she’d have to tell her parents and sister...

  “I don’t care what they say,” she whispered to her reflection. “I have to put up that wall, so they can’t get to us like they did before. Everything has to be different this time. Ryan has changed, and I have to change, too, or this’ll never work.” The thought gave her a moment’s pause, as she realized what a huge leap of faith she was taking.

  After she dried her hair, she went into her bedroom, put the ring away in her jewelry box, and got dressed. In a show of support for what he was about to do, she put on Ryan’s team jersey. Why the hell not? She closed the drapes in the bedroom and pulled the covers up over Ryan’s shoulders, hoping he would sleep for another half hour.

  Downstairs, she discovered Carol’s staff had transformed the living room, den, and dining room into party central. Bars were set up in the living room and den, and empty chafing dishes stood ready on the dining room table.

  “Carol, you’re a miracle worker!” Susannah exclaimed when she strolled int
o the kitchen.

  “Anything for you, darling,” Carol said, lifting her cheek to receive Susannah’s kiss. Carol was a tiny Hispanic dynamo in her mid-fifties.

  “Thank you so much. Sorry for the short notice.”

  “It was no problem. I’m always ready for an emergency party.”

  Susannah laughed, knowing it was true.

  “Dare I ask where you were when I got here?”

  Susannah’s shrug was full of innocence. “In the shower.”

  “Uh huh. Sure. I noticed a sparkling new Caddy in the driveway with Mavericks’ plates and the telltale number eighteen, which I see you’re wearing proudly tonight. Care to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Not yet,” Susannah said, knowing she couldn’t breathe a word of her reconciliation with Ryan until she’d had the chance to talk to Henry. “But soon, I hope.”

  Carol took her hand. “I hope you and that gorgeous husband of yours are back together where you belong. I never understood what could’ve gone so wrong between two people who are clearly mad for each other.”

  “Thank you,” Susannah said, touched by her friend’s support. “I appreciate that more than you could ever know.”

  “I never believed what people were saying about him and Betsy James. I know you had your suspicions...”

  “Just the sound of that woman’s name still makes me want to punch something,” Susannah said with a shudder. “But he swears he was never unfaithful. I couldn’t bring myself to come right out and ask him about her because the whole thing just makes me sick.”

  “You should believe him. She’s got nothing on you, and Ryan certainly knows that. If he was going to cheat, Susannah, it wouldn’t have been with that bitch.”

  Susannah laughed. “Tell me how you really feel.”

  “She’s not worth it. So where is the gorgeous husband?” Carol asked with a devilish grin.

  “Sleeping,” Susannah said, feeling the blush creep to the roots of her hair.

  Carol laughed. “Wore him out, did you?”

  “He wore himself out, if you get my drift.”

  “Oh...I need a drink and a cigarette. Stat.”

  Susannah giggled but then became serious. “Don’t mention this to anyone, okay? I need to talk to Henry.”

  “I understand, sweetie.” Carol rested a hand on Susannah’s arm. “I promise I won’t breathe a word of it. But I guess this means the last Saturday in February is suddenly open on my schedule?”

  “Yes.” Susannah’s stomach knotted at the thought of canceling her wedding and hurting Henry. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m actually kind of relieved.”

  “Relieved? Why?”

  “I work with a lot of brides, and I’ve never seen one less enthusiastic than you’ve been planning that wedding. He’s all wrong for you, Susannah.”

  “Why am I the last one to realize that?”

  “That’s usually the way it goes. All that matters is you have realized it—in time to stop it. You know where I am if you need a friend, right?”

  “Always. Thank you.”

  While Carol darted around the kitchen, they went over a few final details for the Black & White Ball, which Carol was also catering. Before Susannah went upstairs to wake Ryan, she asked Carol for one last favor.

  “Listen, when the team gets here, do you think you could clear out your people? Ryan has something he wants to talk to his teammates about, and it’s kind of private.”

  “Absolutely. We’ll put everything out and scram.”

  “You don’t have to go. I didn’t mean you.”

  “I need to get back to the office anyway. No worries.”

  “Thanks again, Carol.”

  “My pleasure. Go wake up the hunk. I need some eye candy before I go.”

  Susannah snorted with laughter and went upstairs.

  Chapter 17

  Susannah lay down next to Ryan, who was still sound asleep. She hated to wake him, but his friends would be arriving soon.

  “Ry,” she whispered, kissing his cheek and then his lips. “Wake up.”

  “Mmmm.” With his eyes still closed, he pulled her closer to him. “I was having the most amazing dream.”

  “Oh, yeah? What about?”

  “My wife told me she’s giving me another chance. So whoever you are, it’s over between us.”

  Susannah laughed as she smacked his shoulder. “Very funny. Get your butt out of bed. Your guests will be here soon.” When she tried to get up, he pulled her back down and rolled on top of her.

  “Ry! Come on!” She pushed at his chest with a nervous giggle. “What are you doing?”

  “Kissing your neck. What do you think I’m doing?”

  “Starting something you can’t finish.”

  “I can finish it.” His hand dipped under her shirt and cupped her breast. “’re wearing my jersey. You know how that turns me on.”

  “The passing breeze turns you on. Now, get up!”

  “Under one condition.”


  “You’ll wear the jersey and nothing else later.”

  “Fine, now get up.”

  He kissed her long and hard. “You promise about the shirt? I need something to look forward to.”

  “Yes! Get off me!”

  Laughing, he rolled over and stretched before he got up and made a beeline for the shower. “Stop checking out my ass,” he called over his shoulder.

  Embarrassed to be caught doing just that, Susannah buried her face in the pillow that still held the woodsy scent she would recognize anywhere as his.

  Ten minutes later, he emerged from his closet wearing faded jeans and a black polo shirt. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he tied the laces on his Nikes. “Thanks again for doing this tonight. I’ll make sure they don’t tear up the house too badly.”

  “Just keep them away from Grandma Sally’s china, and I’ll be happy.”

  “You’ve got it.” Bringing her hand to his lips, he stopped short. “Oh, baby...You took it off.”

  She nodded.

  He brought her into his arms.

  Susannah returned the embrace.

  “I so wish we weren’t having company tonight,” he whispered.

  “They won’t be here forever.”

  “They’d better not be.”

  “Will you do me a favor?”

  “You can have anything you want. You’ve made me the happiest guy in the world.”

  Caressing his cheek, she said, “Will you not tell anyone we’re getting back together until I’ve had a chance to talk to Henry?”

  He studied her as he mulled it over. “I guess I could do that but make it snappy. I won’t be able to keep this a secret for long.”

  “I’m going to go see him at his office tomorrow morning before the press conference.”

  “I’ll drive you.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “You promised me you wouldn’t be alone with him.”

  “I’ll be in a public place,” she protested.

  “I’ll drive you.” His face was set into a stubborn expression that told her there was no point in arguing further.


  “What, baby?”

  “I don’t want your teammates to think you’re retiring because of me. They’re going to get that we’re sort of back together, so—”

  “I don’t care what they think. You and I know why I’m doing this. That’s all that matters to me.”

  When the bell chimed downstairs, he helped her up. At the doorway to their room, he stopped her for one last kiss and ran his hands over the silky jersey. “Don’t forget your other promise. I’m not going to be able to think about anything else but you and this jersey all night.”

  She gave him a push. “Get moving. Carol’s waiting for you.”

  “She wants me bad,” he said with a teasing grin.

  “Right about now, she can have you.”

  He laughed. “Now, baby, I know you
don’t mean that.”

  His arm was around her shoulders when they started down the stairs to the foyer where Carol was greeting Bernie and his family. Ryan had asked him to come earlier than the others, so he could share the news with his best friend first.

  When Bernie’s wife Mary Jane looked up and saw them together, her eyes widened with delight. She reached for Susannah and hugged her. “I’m so happy to see you,” she whispered.

  “Me, too.” Susannah was surprised when her eyes filled with tears. Until that very moment, she hadn’t realized how much she had missed Mary Jane, Bernie, and their two sons, who had grown a foot since Susannah had last seen them. “That can’t be Cole.”

  The twelve-year-old’s face turned bright red.

  Ryan wrapped the boy in a headlock.

  “Don’t fight back,” Bernie warned his son. “Uncle Ryan’s injured and shouldn’t be starting something he can’t finish.”

  “Funny,” Susannah said. “We just had a similar conversation.”

  “Something tells me you weren’t talking about the same thing,” Carol said with a dry chuckle.

  Ryan stuck his tongue out at her, and she rewarded him with a come hither look that made everyone laugh.

  “Don’t tempt me, big boy,” she called over her shoulder as she went back to the kitchen.

  “Come on in you guys.” Ryan released Cole and reached out to hug his younger brother, Hayden.

  “Can we go downstairs and play with the games?” Hayden asked.

  “Sure thing, buddy,” Ryan said. “In fact, I was hoping you guys would be in charge of all the kids. You remember my rule about the pool table, right?”

  “Yep,” Cole said.

  Bernie cuffed the boy’s shoulder.

  “I mean, yes, sir, Uncle Ryan. We won’t go near it.”

  “Are the video games still in the same place?” Hayden asked.

  Ryan looked to Susannah for confirmation.

  “They sure are, honey,” she said. “Play with whatever you want.”

  “Just don’t let the other kids get wild,” Bernie told the boys.

  “Carol put some snacks and drinks down there for you guys,” Susannah added.

  “Cool,” the boys called as they took off for the stairs.

  “I cannot believe how big they are,” Susannah said, linking her arm through Mary Jane’s as they followed their husbands into the den.


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