Book Read Free

Tag You're Mine

Page 20

by Catherine Charles

  “Come to prom with me Presley, please.”

  “And wear what? This?” She runs a hand over her body as if she’s showing it off. “I’ll be the belle of the ball. The girl everyone took pity on because of her situation. I don’t want that, Robert. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.”

  Her voice catches, and I swallow the lump that has started to form in my own throat. “No one will pity you, Presley.”

  A tear breaks free, but she’s quick to wipe it away. “Won’t they? You’re here because you feel like you’re supposed to take me.”

  She uses my words against me, and I can feel the sting behind them, the same sting I’m sure she experienced.

  “Presley, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I don’t remember you, but I haven’t completely forgotten you either. Coach says I signal you after every pitch, I know when I’m around you, you help to settle this anxiousness I have inside of me. I know if someone tells me I did something and I can't remember it, then it must have something to do with you. I know you got drawn the short end of the stick, and I’m sorry for making you struggle, but I need you, Presley. There are questions I need answers to, but I also need to make new memories, memories in which you’re included.”

  My heart breaks watching her cry. I know I should comfort her in some way, but nothing seems right. A hug seems foreign right now, so I simply tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she leans into my touch, hesitant to pull away.

  “Come to prom with me Presley. Let’s start over.”

  She gives me a small hesitant nod, and I want to leap for joy, but at the same time, I don’t want to move away from her.


  “Yeah. I’ll go to prom with you.”

  “Hell, yes!”

  She giggles at my instant outburst, and I quickly jog out to the truck.

  “What are you doing, crazy man?”

  “I have a present for you.”

  “Robert, you didn’t have to get me anything.”

  I pull the box out of the back seat and walk to her, “Believe me, I did. Besides, Liv would probably kill me if I got you to go to prom with me, and you two weren’t matching.”

  A warm girlish giggle makes its way across the night air as I hand her the large dress box. Her eyebrows raised high.

  “Mr. West, are you spoiling me?”

  The bashful playfulness coming from her lips has my cock knocking on the seam of my pants. Mr. West huh? There’s no way tonight’s not ending with a kiss after her little tease.

  “Go get dressed, Presley. You have thirty minutes.”

  She scurries through the door, and I hear the two girls go back and forth about something before Trey meets me outside.

  “You got her to finally say yes, huh?”

  “Yep. She’s stubborn as hell, though.”

  Trey chuckles and nods his head. “For what it’s worth, you were one hell of a boyfriend. If you can't remember the past, do the best you can to make right now count. That’s all she cares about. The here and now. She thought she lost you. But right now, you’re proving her wrong, and that my friend is what she needs more than anything.”


  The metallic gold dress box sits on my bed with a sheer lace dress folded pristinely inside.

  “Hot damn. Robert’s a man who definitely knows what he likes. Presley, this dress is gorgeous and sexy as hell.”

  “Liv, I can’t wear this.”

  “Yes you can, and yes you will. Presley, this dress is gorgeous.”

  She lifts the delicate dress out of the box and holds it up for me to see. It has semi-thick straps with a plunging neckline held together by two facets. Large lace appliques are strategically placed over each breast and a nude slip, covers the derriere to the upper thigh region. The same lace that covers the bust, covers the slip, before being sporadically sewn onto the sheer skirt and adorning the hemline. The dress is form-fitting like Liv’s and definitely the most risqué thing I’ve ever seen. Inside the box are a pair of nude strappy slingbacks and a matching lace bra and panty set. A note is attached.

  I’m sorry if I’m overstepping, but the salesclerk said you would need these. I’m not expecting to see these tonight, but if you’re offering a peek, I probably wouldn’t say no ;) Sorry, still a horny guy at the end of the day, but seriously, nothing is expected for this. It’s my fault you’re in this position, and I wanted to make you feel special. You deserve to feel beautiful and wanted. Anyway, clock’s ticking. Twenty minutes. I can't wait to see you. I know you’re gonna take my breath away.

  Twenty minutes flies by as Liv helps get me dressed. My heart beats out of my chest at the thought of him. I never intended to lose my virginity tonight, but now, I know it’s not a smart move, and so much needs to be discussed, but something about tonight feels right. The simplest touch from him spurred a fire I thought I had extinguished.

  Liv opens my door, and I can already see Robert waiting for me. His smile calms the butterflies in my stomach, his eyes burn with an intensity I’ve never noticed before, and I’m held captive by them. He meets me halfway, his hand firmly gripping my hip to halt my movement, before sliding low on the small of my back.

  His lips brush against the sensitive skin under my ear as he whispers, “Words cannot describe how beautiful you look tonight.”

  Before pulling back, he places a lingering kiss on my cheek, and I’m thankful to have his body in front of me for support as my knees give a little.

  The smirk on his face lets me know exactly the kind of trouble I’m about to get into. If I need any further clarification, the bouncing member in his pants sure as hell gets my attention.

  The sensation of his breath on my neck, combined with his hand dangerously low on my backside, sends chills coursing down my spine.

  “Are you cold?” He whispers again, his slight stubble rakes across my smooth skin. I am speechless.

  “…” I shake my head in hopes of clearing my mind, but as soon as I’m able to formulate a thought, he steals it away.

  “Use your words, Presley.” I’m frozen in place with excitement.

  “What did you say?” I’m able to squeak out.

  “Pres, I was playing around. I’m sorry if I upset you.” And in an instant my hope he was coming back to me, my hope of him remembering something was crushed. Our intimate bubble burst, leaving me feeling exposed to Liv and Trey’s stares, of whom for the last few minutes, I had totally forgotten even existed.

  Mom takes a few pictures of us, and we head out to the truck. Both of us slightly nervous as I have my arm wrapped through his. I let off the occasional shiver, unknown if it’s because of my nerves or the falling temperature. I climb up into his truck, slipping on the make-shift pipe step, but his arms are there to quickly catch me, gripping my hips lightly, but digging in a little harder before he releases me.

  Liv and Trey are talking and giggling in the back seat, while Robert and I muddle through our first awkward conversation ever. If we can't even talk to one another, how will we make it through a dance together? Maybe this was a bad idea. Relax Presley. This beats sitting at home watching some romantic movie, pretending you didn’t want to be at prom anyway. He’s giving you a chance to enjoy this, and he remembered on his own that he asked you. That has to mean something, right? Or maybe you’re looking for a sign where none exist. It could have been a fluke, right.

  I’m so in my head about everything I don’t realize we’ve pulled up to the school; Liv and Trey have already gotten out of the truck.

  “Earth to Presley. Come in Presley.”

  I come back to reality and to a worried Robert. “Where’d you go princess?” It’s a term of endearment, which means nothing to him.

  “Robert, I’m sorry, but I don’t know if I can do this. Maybe all of this was a bad idea. I don’t think I’ll be very good company tonight.”

  His face falls. “Presley, we just got here. You can't leave yet. I won't let you. Let’s go inside, we’ll mingle, and if you s
till want to leave after an hour, I’ll take you home.”

  I nod and carefully climb out of the truck with his help. Surely, I can make it an hour, what’s the worst that could happen.


  I’ve only got an hour to get her to relax enough to want to stay, to want to spend this time with me. I can tell she’s nervous, she flinches every time I touch her, I see her eyes shift from happy to sad every time I say something I know means something to her. At least I’m seeing I was my honest self around her.

  We walk into the hall, and I hear her gasp at the beauty of everything. Tables are set up around the perimeter of the dance floor, candlelight and strobe lights set an exciting mood, and the DJ plays a mix of music from the last two decades, upbeat stuff and the occasional slow song. She’s quick to search out Olivia. When we find her, I can tell she has Heather backed into a corner, and it sounds as if momma bear is ready to fight.

  “Listen up, cause I’m only gonna say this once. You’re gonna come clean to Robert. You’re gonna tell him exactly who you are, and you will not interfere with him and Presley. You are an attention-seeking whore, and I will not hesitate to break your nose again. Presley already broke it once I’m sure it can't be too difficult.”

  Presley quickly turns into me, eyes wide as she begins to push on my chest, trying to stop my advances. “Robert, let’s go. I don’t want to be here anymore. Please, take me home.”

  “What does she mean you broke Heather’s nose, Presley? What’s going on?”

  Liv continues, “I’m sure Principal Stewart would love to know how you fucked your history teacher on the bus during the homecoming game, or how you gave your chemistry teacher head to avoid the final, or how you really earned those PE credits.”

  “Heather?” Liv turns, a grin spreads at the sound of my voice. “Heather, what’s she talking about? What do you need to tell me I don’t already know?

  Liv lets out a huffed breath under a stern grin.

  Heather rolls her eyes and stomps her foot. Throwing her hands in the air, she huffs out a breath, “What do you want me to say, I was jealous of you and Presley. When your mother called me and told me you still thought we were together, I jumped at the opportunity to insert myself into your memories in hopes of you taking me away from this godforsaken town.”

  This can't be right. I feel like my chest is closing in on itself and I can't breathe. “So, everything you told me was a lie?”

  “I might have bent the truth a little.”

  Was she seriously grinning right now? She thinks this is some kind of twisted fucked up joke.

  “No wonder I’ve been so fucked up the last few weeks. I’ve felt like everything was wrong, but you kept telling me I would eventually remember.” I look around, needing to ground myself to something real. Presley. She’s real. I feel myself spiraling.

  “I’m here.” Her arm slides around my back, her body is pressed against mine, preventing me from attacking Heather myself for what she’s done to not only me but to Presley. It doesn’t make sense to me, but, I have this strong feeling Presley is mine to protect, and right now, having her next to me, I at least feel somewhat calm.

  “Heather, if I ever see you around Presley or me again, you’re dead. Buried six feet under or tossed in a lake somewhere. Maybe you end up having a skiing accident and no one finds you until the snow melts. Do I make myself clear?”

  She swallows and gives a submissive nod.

  Shit. What have I done?

  Chapter Thirty-One

  I’ve spent the last few weeks scared shitless that I lost more than I really had because of her. I could deal with not remembering Presley, it made sense to me, but to remember Heather, and not the things we had done, didn’t make sense.

  Pulling Presley outside, we find a bench out of earshot from the front door. She sits down while I pace back and forth, I feel like a trapped bear at the circus. Her gaze is fixed on me, and when I finally look at her, she never breaks my eye contact.

  “I need answers,” I growl, my voice more demanding than I ever intended it to be.

  “I won't keep anything from you, Robert.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me anything?”

  “Would you have listened to me? Would you have believed me?”

  This isn’t how it’s supposed to work. I ask the questions; she gives me the answers. “Presley, just answer the damn question,” I bark out while she sits there.

  “I will, Robert. But you need to answer my questions first. Would you have listened to me?”


  “Would you have believed me?”



  “Because you were a stranger, Presley. How could I trust you? I didn’t even know you.” I knew it the instant the words left my mouth. Shit. She had been gaining my trust over the weeks. She was always available until she wasn’t. Until I asked her to join us and then made an ass out of myself. Until I hurt her.

  I sit down next to her, bent over as I pull at the back of my hair. “Presley, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Robert. You had a lot going on. How could you trust someone you didn’t know? I could tell you about your life since we met, I could talk until I was blue in the face, but it wouldn’t make a difference if you didn’t trust me. Now, what you do want to know?”

  “Are we dating?”

  She laughs. “Let’s start with a simpler question. I’m honestly not quite sure what you would call this right now. I don’t think it has a label.”

  “Did we date?”


  “How long?”

  “Publicly? Five months. Privately? Six and a half months. However, our mothers decided when we were three they were going to see to it we were married.” She’s laughing at the last little tidbit of information.

  I snap my gaze to her, no longer looking at the ground, but instead at her diamond-like green eyes, her pink lips are curled up at the edges, and I have an overwhelming sensation to kiss her.

  “You mean like an arrangement?”

  She throws her head back a little as her outstretched legs raise slightly into the air before nodding, “Yep.”

  I sit there, head in my hands as I try to prepare myself to ask the next question, one I’m almost positive I know the answer to, but also one I know will cause her pain.

  “Presley, have I ever hurt you?”

  She takes a minute, ducking her head and closing her eyes. “Robert, please don’t make me answer that right now.”

  “Why not? I want to know, Presley. I need to know what our relationship was like.”

  She doesn’t pause for even a second. Her answer has been sitting on the tip of her tongue since I asked her. Water sits on the rim of her eyes, and as she closes her eyelids two identical tears slowly fall onto her cheeks. I can't let her suffer anymore because of me. Those tears are mine, the result of things I’ve done, choices I’ve made, cupping her neck, my thumbs wipe away her tears, and smooth over her dampened skin. “Tell me, Presley. Have I ever hurt you?”

  No sooner do her eyes open, Liv comes through the doors looking flustered. “There you two are!”

  Presley immediately pulls back from my hands. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Coach is about to announce Prom Court, and you two have been nominated.” Liv looks back and forth between the two of us. “I’m sorry, was I interrupting something?”


  “No.” Presley quickly interjects. “What do you mean we’ve been nominated? I didn’t know about a nomination.”

  “No offense, sweetie, but you’ve kinda been a hermit these last few weeks. Now let’s go. Inside. Both of you.”

  Presley gets up and makes her way inside; Liv stands there waiting for me to move. She’s never been one to read a situation, and now I may have lost my chance with her.

  I make my way inside. Presley is standing with Trey and Marcus, both of them embracing her in a hug, laughing at something as I walk to the group with
Liv in front of me. For so long, she sat on the outside, watched us from afar, now they are welcoming her back. She suffered while I took time to heal. A completely selfless act, one I know was done out of love.

  Coach stands center stage, taping the microphone to make sure it’s working before he begins to speak. “Alright, everyone. Calm down. I know everyone’s excited. I must say this year our prom king was a unanimous vote, the first time it’s happened in almost ten years. Robert West, come get your crown.”

  I make my way over to Principal Stewart, who places a gold crown with large plastic rubies around it on my head. Claps and whistles circulate around the room as I give a slight wave and a dramatic bow, holding onto my crown, so it doesn’t tumble onto the floor.

  “Next we have our prom queen. This vote actually required multiple recounts. Your queen won by three votes, the closest race in school’s history.”

  The hall is hushed as people begin looking around at those nominated, whispers begin to circulate at who the winner might be.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, your prom queen this year is Presley Donovan!”

  I look over at her standing in shock, shaking her head no as Liv helps to push her towards the stage.

  “There has to be a mistake. You miscounted.”

  Principal Stewart places the princess looking crown on her head, my princess, my queen. Placing my hand against the small of her back, we smile for a few yearbook photos before the DJ presses play on an old Goo Goo Dolls song, “Boxes.” I offer my hand out to her, and I am honestly worried for a brief second she’s about to run, but as she timidly places her hand in mine, I wrap her tightly against me with my other.

  She avoids all forms of eye contact, her body rigid as she tries to keep emotions at bay.

  “Presley, tell me if I’ve ever hurt you,” I whisper into her ear.


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