by Ottoman Odyssey- Travels Through a Lost Empire (retail) (epub)
Scattered Pomegranates
22. Sebag Montefiore, Simon (2011).Jerusalem: The Biography. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. p.29 5.
23. ‘MİT’in Kosova’da operasyonla Türkiye’ye getirdigi 6 ‘FETÖ’ şüphelisi tutuklandi’, T24, 12 April 2018.
24. Lewis. The Jews of Islam, p. 136.
25. Dankoff, Robert (2004). An Ottoman Mentality: The World ofEvliya Celebi. Boston: Brill, p. 68.
26. Pentzopoulos, Dimitri (2002). The Balkan Exchange of Minorities and its Impact On Greece. London: Hurst & Company.
27. Sebag Montefiore. Jerusalem.
28. From a letter dated 17 June 1717 from Belgrade Village, Istanbul. The Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Vol. 2 (1861) London: Henry G. Bohn. p.36.
29. Balakian, Nona (1998). The World of William Saroyan. London: Associated University Presses.
30. Saroyan, William (1936). Inhale and Exhale. London: Random House.
31. Ibid.
Ghosts of Troy
32. De Bernières, Louis (2005). Birds Without Wings. London: Vintage. p.123.
33. Ibid.
34. From a conference on the refugee crisis at Birkbeck University, 20 June 2016.
35. Mazower. Salonica, p.356.
36. Clark, Bruce (2007). Twice a Stranger. London: Granta Books. p.27.
Minarets in the West
37. Andric, Ivo (1977). The Bridge on the Drina. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. p.26.
38. ‘MİT’in Kosova’da operasyonla Türkiye’ye getirdigi 6 ‘FETÖ’ şüphelisi tutuklandi’, T24, 12 April 2018.
39. The authentic fantasies of suffering that fuel Trump’s nationalism’ Washington Post, 6 December 2017
40. Ibid.
41. ‘Conversations: Emir Kusturica; A Bosnian Movie Maker Laments the Death of the Yugoslav Nation’ New York Times, 25 October 1992.
42. Kassabova, Kapka (2017). Border: A Journey to the Edge of Europe. London: Granta.
43. Ibid.
Spires in the East
44. Klein, Menachem (2014). Lives in Common: Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Hebron. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p.45.
45. Ibid. p.46.
46. Ibid. p.53.
47. Fortna, Ben, Katsikas, Stefanos, Kamouzis, Dimitris, Konortas, Paraskevas (2013). State-Nationalisms in the Ottoman Empire: Greece and Turkey. London: Routledge. p. 5.
48. Mazower. Salonica, p.67.
49. Rogan, Eugene (2015). The Fall of the Ottomans. London: Penguin.
50. Taken from a letter from Lady Mary Montagu, 1717, to a friend. The Turkish Embassy Letters, ed. Teresa Heffernan and Daniel O’Quinn (2013). London: Broadview. p. 109.
51. Lewis. The Jews of Islam, p.ix.
52. Ibid.
Memleket: Homeland
53. ‘Germany’s “homeland” propaganda is making an inglorious return’ Washington Post, 10 February 2018.
54. Maalouf, Amin (2000). On Identity. London: Random House. p.108.
55. Al-Sabouni, Marwa (2016). The Battle for Home: The Memoir of a Syrian Architect. London: Thames and Hudson. p. 50.
56. Kassabova, Kapka (2017). Border: A Journey to the Edge of Europe. London: Granta.
57. Hartley, L. P. (1997). The Go-Between. London: Penguin Modern Classics. p. 1.
58. Saroyan. Inhale and Exhale, p.437.
59. De Bernières. Birds Without Wings, p.559.
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Abdul Hamid II, Sultan 65, 87, 192–3
Abrahamyan, Hovik 70
Acar, Kuzgan 32
Aegean Turks 120–4
African slaves 27–8
Afro Turk Foundation 31–5
Afro Turks 25–39, 238
African slaves as ancestors 27–8, 29
and Calf Festival 31–3
discrimination against 28, 30, 34
integration into Turkish society 30, 31
missing of in Turkish history 32
prominent figures 32
stereotyping of 35
Ahmadiyya 194
Ahmet III, Sultan 8, 27, 210
Ain Dara (Lebanon) 214–17
AKP (Justice and Development Party) 20, 154, 155, 170, 173, 208
Al-Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem) 191
al-Qaeda xvi
Alawites xix, 17
Alevi/Alevism xxii 12
Almere refugee camp (Netherlands) 234–5
Anatolia 2, 16
Anderson, Benedict
Imagined Communities xvii, 199
Andric, Ivo 148
The Bridge on the Drina 134, 135, 143–4
Andricgrad 142, 143, 146–150
Antakya (Antioch) 16, 17–20, 64
anti-Semitism 43–4, 46–8, 50
in Lebanon 203
in Turkey 43–4, 61–2
Antioch see Antakya
Arab Spring 200
Arafat, Yasser 202
Ararat, Mount 64–5, 80
Argentina 199
Armenia 65, 71–3
and Christianity 73–4
earthquake (1988) 72
and Georgia 73
poverty 72
relations with Turkey 71, 79–80
Soviet occupation of 72, 74
Armenian diaspora 41–2, 68–70, 82
Armenians 64–84, 186–7
and church-going/religion 73–6, 83–4
forced assimilation in ‘Turkification’ schools 239
genocide (1915) 11–12, 64–7, 70–1, 76–81, 84, 185–6
language 82
living in America 69–70
numbers living in Ottoman Empire 66
numbers living in Turkey 64
St Lazarus monks 68
state persecution of 15
Arsal refugee camp 210–13
al-Assad, Rifaat 218
asylum centres (Europe) 234
Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal Pasha) 2, 15, 62, 97, 101
ban on non-state-controlled religious institutions (1925) 31
childhood home (Thessaloniki) 106–7, 255
personality cult 255
and population exchange 100
and secularism 192
westernizing reforms 240
Ayvalik (‘The Place of Quinces’) (Turkey) 96–104, 123
Azeris 71, 73
Aznavour, Charles 72–3
Ba’athism 219
Baha’is 194
Bajrakli mosque (Peja) 157
Baldwin, James 35–6
Balfour Declaration 181–2, 182–3, 196
Balkan League 163
Balkans 133–5, 136
First Balkan War (1912) 9–10, 133 landscape 134–5
legacy of Ottoman Empire 134–5
Ottoman rule 133, 135, 144
see also individual countries Balyan family 6
Banya Bashi Mosque (Bulgaria) 165
Bartholomew, Patriarch 20
Bayezid II, Sultan 45
Beard, Jonathan 21–2
Beirut 200–10
absence of synagogues 202
cathedrals and mosques 201–2
Jewish community in 203
Maronites of 204–5
St George Maronite Cathedral 201–2
‘You Stink’ garbage protests (2015) 207
Beirut Madinati 207, 208, 228
Beirut Reform Society 204
Belgrade 150–2
Belgrade Forest 151
Ben-Gurion, David 49
Beqaa Valley 211–12
Bethlehem 180
Birali, Birali 168–70
Bosnia-Herzegovina 131–3, 13 7–42, 150
Drina Bridge (Visegrad) 133–4, 135–6, 143, 146
independence (1908) 133
Ottoman rule 138
tension between Muslims and Christians 143–4
Turkish investment and influence in 137, 139–40, 141–2
br /> Turkish politicians’ visits to 138–9
Bosnian war (1992–5) 132, 137–8, 143, 146
Boutaris, Yiannis 51, 105
bride-knapping 71–2
Britain 231–2
and Cyprus 87, 88
brothels 59
Bulgaria 134, 164–73
anti-Turkish feeling during Communist era 166–7
Batak uprising (1876) xxi
destruction of mosques during Russian-Ottoman war (1878) 164
exodus of ethnic Turks 167
increase in Islamophobia 168, 169–70
independence (1908) 133
indigenous Muslims in 165
Soviet control 166
and Turkey 170
Burch University (Sarajevo) 139, 142
Burgaz Ada 12–13
Bursa 44
Butuç, Arif 160
Byzantine Empire 5
Calf Festival 31–3
Çelebi, Evliya 6–7, 48, 106, 132
Seyahatname 48
Çelikten, Ahmet Ali 32
Çetin, Bulent xiii-xiv
China 150
CHP (Republican People’s Party) 24–5, 159
Christ Church (Jerusalem) 179
Christians/Christianity xx-xxi, 16–17, 45
and Armenia 73–4
Greek Orthodox 21, 93, 100, 104, 184, 202, 213, 245, 256
numbers in Israel and Palestine 180
and population exchange (1923) 33, 55, 92–5, 97, 99–100, 101, 104, 120, 123, 233, 256
population in Ottoman Empire 99
tension between Muslims and 143–4
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
(Jerusalem) 178–9
Çifte Hamami (Skopje) 134
Clark, Bruce 129
Twice a Stranger 94
concubines 26
Constantinople see Istanbul
Council of Chalcedon 16, 23
Council of Nicea (325 AD) 16
Crete 103, 120–1
German occupation during war 121
independence (1908) 133
crypto-Catholics 86
crypto-Jews 53–8
Cunda 96
Cunda community (in Ayvalik) 102–3
Cyprus 85–90, 124–9, 241–52
British military bases in 87, 88
calls for unification 88, 125, 247, 250
civil war (1974) 86, 88–9, 110, 125, 128, 246–7, 250
division of into two (1974) 88, 125, 128
and Greece 87–8
Greeks and Turks living together in Rizokarpaso 242–50
independence (1960) 88
leased to Britain by Abdul Hamid II (1878) 87
Linobambaki 86–7
and Maronites 87
Ottoman takeover of 86
Traitors’ Club of 249–51
Turkish and Greek language 240–5
Davutoğlu, Ahmet xii, 4, 138, 153
de Bernieres, Louis
Birds Without Wings 90–1, 93–4, 264
de Gaulle, Charles 73
Delioğlu, Sabriye 108–9
Demirtaş, Selahattin 65
dhimmis xix, xvii-xx
diaspora, meaning of 41
Dink, Hrant 81
dissidents 261
Diyanet 20, 170
Dodecanese islands 123
Doğu, Ahmet 33–5
dönme 53–8
Drina Bridge (Mehmet Pasa Sokolovic Bridge) 133–4, 135–6, 143, 146
Druze 194–5, 211, 217–26
history and beliefs 220, 221–2
persecution of and reasons for 224
presence in IDF 225
secrecy of 220, 221, 224
and women 223–4
Drvengrad (Serbia) 147–8
Dündar, Can 260–2
Edip, Halide 66, 99–100, 239
Eftim IV, Papa 100
Eftim, Papa 100
Egypt 27, 28, 177
Einstein, Albert 45–6
Embriaco, Balthasar 39
Emin, Tracey 3 6
Emre the Thracian 109–10, 258
enosis 88
Erdoğan, President xi, xx, 20, 156, 170, 172, 190–1
attempted coup against (2016) 124, 140, 142, 145, 152, 186, 259
attitude towards Islam 191–2
and Bosnia-Herzegovina 138–9
foreign policy and Muslim card 156
granted unlimited powers (2017) xii, 170, 171–2
identification as an Ottoman leader 172–3
invokes Ottoman predecessors and dredges up ancient battles 145–6, 191
and Kosovo 161–2
visit to Greece (2017) 112–13
Ergenekon movement 100
Ertegün, Münir 36
Esmeray 32
EU (European Union)
deal with Turkey over Syrian refugees 96, 101–2, 104
exiles 259–65
Feldman, David 104
Ferdinand II of Aragon 45
Ferguson, Dr Michael 33
First Balkan War (1912) 9–10, 133
First World War xxi, 2, 66
Fortna, Ben 192
Francis, Pope 102
Friends of Sandzak 15 2–3
Gagou 247–9
Gannibal, Abram Petrovich 27
Gay Pride 25
Gazprom 147, 150
genocide, Armenian (1915) 11–12, 64–7, 70–1, 76–81, 84, 185–6
Genocide Museum (Yerevan) 76–8
Georgia 71, 73, 74
Georgieff, Anthony 165–6, 167–8, 237
Germany 80
creation of homeland ministry 231
Nazi 50, 51, 231
Gezi Park protests (2013) 25, 44, 160
Girit, Selin 120
Gökmen, Ziya 236
Greater Syria 176, 204
famine 182
Greece 133
animosity of government towards Turkish minority 117–18
banning of formation of Turkish associations 110
and Cyprus 87–8
dispute with Macedonia 162
Erdoğan’s visit to (2017) 112–13
independence (1830) 133
Jewish legacy 48–9
legacy of the Ottomans 122
population exchange with Turkey (1923) 33, 55, 92–5, 97, 99–101, 104, 120, 123, 233, 256
relations with Turkey 95–6, 105–6, 118–20
and Syrian refugees 101–2
Turks active in politics in 119
Turks emigrating to 124
Greek Cypriots 86, 88, 89–90
living together in London 252–5
in Rizokarpaso 242–3
Turkish origin of words 240–1, 244–5
Greek Orthodox Christians 21, 93, 100, 104, 184, 202, 213, 245, 256
Green Lanes (London) 252–4, 255
Gulbenkian, Calouste 188
Gülen, Fethullah 142
Haddad, Father Ghassan 216–17
Hagia Sophia Church (Thessaloniki) 49
Haifa (Israel) 193–200
Ahmadiyya 194
Baha’is 194
Druze 194–5
Jews and Arabs in 195–6, 199–200
Maxim Restaurant suicide bomber attack (2003) 199–200
minority cultures in 194–6
Hajdarpasic, Edin 144, 145, 146
Haji-Ioannou, Stelios 251
Hakko, Vitali 43
Hamon, Moses 46
Hamza Bey mosque (Thessaloniki) 105
Hanging Gardens of Haifa 194
Hariri family 201
Hartley, L. P.
Go-Between 263
Hat Revolution (1925) 43
Hayrüddin, Mimar 132
HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party) 65, 207, 228
Hebrew 197
Helsinki Watch 110
Hezbollah 201, 211–12
Hikmet, Nazim 229–30, 261, 264
Hintlian, George 185–7, 238
homeland 229–65
Homs 19–20, 256–7
Hussein-Ece, Baroness 36–8
IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) 203, 225
Iliadis, Christos 117–20
Inönü, Ismet 45–6
International University of Sarajevo (IUS) 139–42
Ioannou, Giorgos 105
IS (Islamic State) xiv, 15, 73, 212
Ishakovic, Isa-Beg 138
Işik Lisesi school (Istanbul) 58
Islamic Organization of Latin America 199
in Bulgaria 168, 169–70
Ismail, Rayan 206–7
Ismet Pasha 99
Israel 176
Arabs in 195–6
Druze 195
football scene 183
number of Christians 180
relations with Palestine 80
relations with Turkey 190–1
Six Day War with Lebanon (1967) 203
Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as capital (2017) 177, 191–2
War of Independence (1948) 197 see also Haifa
Israeli Defence Force see IDF
Istanbul 2–9, 42, 151
anti-government protests in Gezi Park (2013) 25, 44, 160
anti-Greek race riots (1955) 60–1, 96, 118
conquering of by Mehmet II (1453) 5
Ottoman life 6–9
proliferation of polyglots 8–9
Russian churches in 3–4
Sacré Coeur church 14–17
as seat of Empire 5–6
Syriacs in 15
wealth of during Ottoman era 5–6
Istos (publishing house) 104
Italy 123
Izetbegovic, Alija 138–9
Izetbegovic, Bakir 139
Izmir (Smyrna) 9, 16, 21–2, 24–6
Afro Turk Foundation 31
Calf Festival 31–2
janissaries 27, 189, 203, 209–10
Jehovah’s Witnesses
in Komotini 115–17
Jerusalem 175–93, 199
and Balfour Declaration 182
Christ Church 179
Church of the Holy Sepulchre 178–9
commercial and domestic life 177–8
Greek Catholic church 180
history 176–7
recognition as capital of Israel by Trump (2017) 177, 191–2
relationship between Jews and Muslims in early 20th century 183–4
St James Cathedral 187–9
and Tanzimat reforms 183
Jewish diaspora 41–2
Jews 42–64, 226–7
anti-Semitism in Turkey 43–4, 61
crypto-Jews (dönme) 53–8
decline in numbers of in Turkey 44
expulsion of by Ferdinand II (1492) 45, 52.
leaving of Turkey in recent years 61
in Lebanon 202–3
and national identity 62–3
population in Israel and Palestine 182
and Spanish/Portuguese citizenship 58–9, 60, 61–2
synagogue attacks (2003) 43–4
in Thessaloniki 48–52
treatment and status of in Ottoman Empire 44–8, 64
Johnson, Boris 66–7
Joumblatt, Nora 210–13, 217, 222
Joumblatt, Walid 211, 212, 217–20, 222, 226