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Bombay Heights- Sleepless in the City of Dreams

Page 10

by Adite Banerjie

  Gathering up her notebook and pen she hurried down to his office. A quick tap and she swung the door in. The entire team was there and they all gave her grim looks. Her heart dove into her stomach.

  Sir was the only one who wished her a good morning and she mumbled back a reply. Sunrita’s face was like thunder and she was the first one to speak.

  “I made it very clear to you that all the plans for the Wadia project had been approved by Sir and any changes would have to be okayed by him.”

  Her throat felt dry and she could have done with a sip of water. Instead she just waited for Sunrita to finish. Sunrita however took great pains to focus on the enormous amount of time and effort she had put into the Wadia project and how Sanjana had ruined it all with her unprofessional behaviour. It was only after Sir gave her an irritated look that she stopped ranting.

  Taking a deep breath, she said, “Sunrita, I did my best to convince Mrs. Wadia about the designs. But she insisted she hadn’t cleared them.”

  “Why didn’t you call me back and discuss what you intended to do?”

  “All I did was discuss the details about the original house with Mrs. Wadia. And I came up with some rough sketches.”

  “Who authorized you to do that before discussing it with the team?” Sunrita shot back.

  “I was just trying to buy us some time.”

  “Do you know how many months we spent finalizing those plans?”

  Sanjana felt her palms go clammy but she was determined not to give in to Sunrita’s bullying.

  “The client didn’t li--… feel they were appropriate. Besides, I was under the impression that you wanted me to ‘sort out the mess’.”

  Sanjana’s heart thudded in slow motion and she realized that she was digging herself into a bigger hole.

  She turned to Sir. “I know I should have cleared it with the team but I needed to pacify Mrs. Wadia. I had to give her something that she felt might work. So I made these sketches.”

  She thrust her notebook with the drawings at Sir.

  Her heart was in her mouth as Sir gave her a long hard look. The seconds ticked by before Sir picked up the notebook. He flicked the pages, barely glancing at each sketch. His expression remained inscrutable and with every turn of the page, Sanjana’s hopes sank.

  He snapped it shut. “We need to discuss the next steps on this project. And, we’ll let you know what we decide. Thanks, Sanjana.”

  She was dismissed—just like that. Didn’t her sketches merit some kind of response? She sneaked a look at Sunrita who smirked at her, a triumphant gleam in her eyes.

  Feeling totally defeated, she turned to leave.


  Sir’s voice made her stop in her tracks.

  “Please don’t forget you have to finish the video project before Diwali.”

  Her throat was choked with tears and she didn’t trust herself to speak. She simply nodded and left the room.

  If one thing was crystal clear it was this: she had botched it up, big time. She dashed to the washroom, not wanting anyone to see the tears that threatened to spill. She locked herself in and splashed her gritty eyes with water. She may as well forget about her dream of studying museology. She would be lucky if Sir didn’t kick her out. There still was a teeny weeny sliver of hope for her—if she could salvage the video project, she had a chance of finishing her internship with some of her dignity intact.

  For that she would have to work closely with Ash. With Chetan breathing down her neck and her own messy feelings for Ash, she felt like she was being pulled in a million different directions. How she wished she could run away from it all. A laugh escaped her lips—she had come full circle. Running to Mumbai and now wanting to run back to Nagpur!

  She sighed and looked at her reflection in the mirror and said, “You have nowhere to run.”

  Ash had restrained himself from storming into her apartment when he heard Chetan yelling at Sanjana. He had decided to give them both a few minutes—so they could thrash things out—and if after that the man did not leave Sanjana alone he would physically throw him out.

  Pacing the room like a caged tiger, he had literally counted down ten minutes before checking on Sanjana. Pinky had opened the door and said Sanjana had managed to get rid of Chetan. He was glad she was catching up on some much needed sleep and he decided to get some shut eye himself.

  However, that was easier said than done. A groggy Dumbass had demanded all his attention. After feeding him and taking him for a walk, Ash crashed into his bed, dreaming of distant shores and a girl with long silken tresses laughing and running barefoot on the warm sandy beach.

  The dream only made him feel more alive than he had felt in a long time and he kicked off the covers and streaked to the bathroom for a long, sobering cold shower.

  The doorbell jangled soon after—and Sonu stepped into the house to do the cleaning up. She took one look at the mess all around and shook her head despondently before getting to work.

  Instructing her to stay with Dumbass till he returned, Ash was almost out of the house when he remembered his promise.

  “Sonu, clear out the closet in the guest room and get rid of all the hookahs and cigarettes. You have a free hand, anything that looks like something that should not be smoked, throw it away.”

  Sonu looked at him wide eyed and exclaimed, “Aiyla!”

  “Throw out the ashtrays also—and I don’t want to find a single matchbox in the house.”

  Sonu grinned back at him. “Yes, Saab, I will buy you a lighter from the store so you can at least light the gas stove.”

  “Let me know how much it costs.”

  “Nahi, Saab. That’s my gift for you. You’re doing such a great thing by giving up smoking.”

  Ash let out a loud guffaw as he strode out of the house. For the first time in years, he felt good about life. Like he wanted to take it in both his hands and savour it. Without the haze of smoke.

  While Dumbass may have triggered the promise, his motive was totally selfish. It was more about the girl of his dreams—Lara. She made him feel like he was turning a new page in his life. He had been thirteen when he had smoked his first cigarette, frequently resorting to joints and stronger stuff but managing to pull back just before he went over the edge.

  Today, he knew, he had turned a corner—he didn’t need the crutch of a fag anymore. And for the first time in years he was free.

  He literally whistled all the way to his car. Driving down to the nursing home, he found Raks in good spirits even though one side of her face was completely covered in bandages.

  “Hey, lazy bum,” she greeted him. “You have forgotten all about your poor friend who is lying at death’s door.”

  Ash smiled indulgently at her. “You are looking much better.”

  She flashed him a genuine smile as she propped herself against the pillow. “Feeling better too, after spending the morning with a hot cop who had the sexiest bedroom eyes I have ever seen.”

  Ash laughed loudly. “I’ll let the Chief of Police know you approve of at least one member of his staff.”

  He gave her a long hard look. “Raks, you can’t keep sheltering your brother anymore. What he did to you this time was scary. If I hadn’t reached when I did, you would probably have bled to death. Do you realize that?”

  She caught his hand in hers and squeezed it. “Yeah, it was scary. Not again. I’ve told the cops everything. About his drug abuse, his short fuse, his stints in jail. I want an FIR filed against him and they have agreed.”

  “And do you want me to look for a bodyguard for you?”

  She grinned back at him. “Now that would be cool. Can I have someone like Kevin Costner, please? Bedroom Eyes would do too, that’s if he wants to do a bit of moonlighting?”

  Ash rolled his eyes and said, “I wasn’t joking.”

  “Okay, Killjoy. I have done some thinking about this. I have decided to take a long vacation from Mumbai. Say like a year or two. Do some travelling in Europe,
hang loose, do stuff I’ve always wanted to but never had the time for.”

  “That’s great. What about the launch of your boutique?”

  “On hold for now. Perhaps someday. But as of now, my priorities have changed. I want to hit the ‘reset’ button in my life. Just see where life takes me and not plan every move like I have done for the last so many years.”

  She paused for a beat, before adding, “And much as I hate to leave you behind, I think you deserve a break from me and the drama of my life.”

  “You know I’m here for you. Whenever you need me,” he said quietly.

  “You have been a true friend, Ash. I only wish you had been more than just a friend. But I guess that’s not likely to happen.” She laughed out loud. “Yeah, now enough of this heavy, philosophical talk. Give me a drag, will you? The doctors have refused to let me smoke.”

  Ash shook his head, “Don’t have one.”

  Her shocked screech had the ward boy rushing in to ask if everything was alright.

  “What the effing shit! You’re pulling a fast one on me?”

  He simply shook his head gravely. “Seems like my priorities have changed as well.”

  “No shit! I haven’t seen you without your pack from the day we met… you outside your Dad’s house trying to get his new wife to open the door. And me, running away from my brother who was bent on beating the crap out of me.”

  “Yeah, how can I forget!”

  “So, what happened all of a sudden?….Oh wait, oh no, …you’re not telling me you’ve fallen in love?”

  “Hey, not so fast, Raks!”

  “So then? If it’s not a girl…what made you part from your smokes?”

  “Well, there’s a girl involved, and I’m serious about her.”

  “This is radical.”

  Then she reached out and grabbed him, pulling him in a tight embrace. “I’m happy for you, Ash.”

  Ash gave her a peck on her cheek.

  “I’m sure she must be great—of course not as wonderful as me!—but she must be quite something if she has snagged you.”

  “All I know, I’ve never felt about anyone the way I do for her. And I haven’t told her yet!”

  “Geez! You idiotic man. What’re you waiting for? A sign from God?”

  Raks settled back against the pillow, as if all the excitement had tired her out. Ash got up to leave and kissed her forehead. “Take it easy, Raks.”

  She blew him a kiss and muttered as the door closed softly. “Now, I really have to get away from this blasted city!”

  Pinky was sprawled in front of the TV, flipping channels when Sanjana got home.

  “Not one decent movie to watch.” She flung the remote away and whined, “I’m so bored.”

  Sanjana headed straight for the fridge and pulled out a bottle of chilled water. She gulped down nearly half of it before she turned to her friend who was watching her every move.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Nope.” She wiped the droplets of water that had dribbled down her chin before heading towards the couch and flopping down next to Pinky.

  “Chetan is bothering you again?”

  “I’ve blocked his number on my phone and I’ve informed the security guard that he is not to be allowed in the building.”

  “Good show, Sanjana. The creep deserves it. But you really need to talk to your sisters and tell them what he’s all about.”

  “Yes, I will. But right now, I need to talk to Ash.”

  Pinky’s eyes brightened up and she started humming to herself, “Love is in the air….”

  Sanjana rolled her eyes. “Pinky, get serious. I can lose my job if I don’t complete the video project.”

  At Pinky’s gasp, she narrated the sequence of events at her office but instead of sympathy her friend was gleefully clapping her hands.

  “So, now’s your opportunity to get up close and professional with the neighbour,” announced Pinky.

  Sanjana was too anxious to pay heed to Pinky’s clever word play. There was no way she could finish the project on her own but she felt a tad embarrassed at the wanton manner in which she’d kissed him this morning. She wondered for the nth time if she would have ended up in bed with him if Chetan hadn’t interrupted them. Try as she might, the more she thought about it the more confused she felt.

  She needed to put some distance between them to sort through her muddled feelings, but given the situation at work, she didn’t have the luxury of time.

  A few minutes later she was seated in Ash’s apartment, trying to rein in her jumpy nerves. Her hope of maintaining a cool and professional demeanour took a hard knock the moment he opened the door.

  Dressed casually in short shorts and a frayed T-shirt that stretched across his chest, she seemed to have caught him in the middle of a workout. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead and the smile that he flashed at her was pure, unadulterated seduction.

  “Make yourself comfortable while I take a shower.”

  Phew! At least that would give her some time to calm herself. Dumbass came up to cuddle and she gave him her full attention. She noticed that the room looked different—of course the post-party mess had been cleared up, but the décor too had been changed. And then it hit her, the hookahs were gone. So were the ashtrays which had covered practically every surface, big or small. Indoor plants had found their way into some of the nooks which made the space look friendly and inviting. It seemed like Ash was serious about kicking his smoking habit.

  Her pulse rate shot up almost as soon as the hint of a spicy scent floated across the room.

  “You seem to be on a redecorating spree,” she said, trying not to stare at the hair-dappled chest that peeked through his shirt, the top few buttons of which he’d left undone.

  “A lot of changes in the offing,” he beamed at her.


  She wondered what he was hinting at but before she could process his words any further, he asked, “So, how did it go with Chetan? Everything sorted out, I hope.” He poured a tall glass of orange juice for himself. “Want some?”

  “Yeah, all taken care of,” she said, and hated the fact that she sounded a bit breathless. “Do you think we could get the video project wrapped up anytime soon?”

  He raised the carton of juice pointedly.

  “No thanks, I’m fine.”

  He took a sip of his drink, his eyes focused on her while she desperately sought to move the topic away from Chetan.

  “Sir is very keen that we should complete it before Diwali—”

  He walked across and sat down next to her; his thighs brushing against hers, making her pulse rate flicker wildly. “Seems like someone is avoiding the topic.”

  “I’m not—it’s just that right now completing the project is top of my agenda.”

  There was a gleam in his eyes which she couldn’t decipher. He placed his glass very deliberately on the side table and took her palm in both of his.

  “We have some unfinished business to discuss, don’t we?”

  She took a nervous gulp. He had begun to draw circles on her palm, and her toes curled involuntarily as sensations ripped through her.

  “This morning, before your ex interrupted us so rudely, you were about to say something?”

  She pulled her hand away from his hold. Her mind whirled as she tried to come up with an answer to his question.

  “Ash, I think we both got a bit carried away.”

  “Talk about yourself, Lara. Don’t presume things about me.”

  The slight change in his tone hinted at anger but his voice didn’t betray any emotion.

  The tension was thick between them as he caught her chin between his forefinger and thumb. She had no choice but to stare into the depths of his eyes. And the more she did, the more muddle-headed she became.

  “I’m not a fool, so don’t treat me like one,” he muttered. “I’ve no clue what kind of game you’re playing, but it won’t be at my expense.”

  “I’ve no id
ea what you’re talking about,” she huffed angrily. “We have a presentation to…”

  “Yeah, right. Don’t get your panties in a twist. It will be ready before Diwali.”

  His gaze had shifted to her lips and she heard her breath hitch. Instead of swooping down to capture them with his mouth his harsh words made her cringe. “I don’t like being used. Whatever you’ve got going with Chetan, leave me out of it.”

  He pushed himself away from her as if being close to her repelled him. His action was so filled with rejection, her heart squeezed painfully in her chest. What hurt her even more was that he believed she was playing him off against Chetan. Using him to make Chetan jealous? He’d got it so wrong—she didn’t want to make Chetan jealous but the intention had been to push him away.

  She almost blurted it out. Biting her lip, she gulped back the words that nearly escaped. His face was a blank—and gone was the blazing intensity of his gaze. The look he gave her was one of complete disinterest.

  On the heels of hurt came anger. She didn’t need to explain herself to anybody, not to Chetan, nor to Ash. They could both go to hell for all she cared.

  Disappointment ripped through Ash like a knife in his gut. Sanjana had not felt it necessary to explain her actions. She had just walked out. What shocked him was how let down he felt by the fact that he mattered so little to her. What amazed him was his own stupidity—he had actually thought they had shared something special. It was all in his head. If Chetan hadn’t arrived when he did, he would probably still be weaving fanciful dreams about her.

  A sharp yelp from Dumbass made him realize he was still rooted to the spot staring at the open door long after she had left.

  “C’mon. Let’s go for a walk.”

  As soon as he grabbed the leash, Dumbass stopped his frenzied dancing and stood patiently till Ash had hooked the leash to his collar.

  The soothing sounds of the sea however failed to quieten the tumult in his heart. It felt like he had time-travelled back to those dismal days of his adolescence when he would haunt the back alleys of Mumbai at nights looking for a few hours of solace.


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