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Bombay Heights- Sleepless in the City of Dreams

Page 13

by Adite Banerjie

  Pasta Bling! She heard someone at the next table mutter and she couldn’t help herself from giggling at the sight of a furious Chetan, with bits of macaroni draped over his shirt and tomato sauce sticking to his greased hair, stomp out of the restaurant.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After Chetan’s exit from the restaurant, an awkward silence had settled over them. Thankfully, Ash had come to the rescue, regaling them with funny stories about Dumbass’ antics. By the time, Tina had served them their meal, Pappaji had lost his grim look and everyone was rolling with laughter as Ash worked his magic.

  Sanjana was only too relieved that the storm had blown over. The meal turned out to be delicious and by the time they were done, they had all sampled the amaretto which turned out to be the star of the evening.

  Bundling her dad and sisters into a taxi, Sanjana promised to take them shopping the next day.

  Driving back to Bombay Heights, Ash asked, “Want to go for a stroll on the beach?”

  “Hmm… I’d love to see what the city looks like from the twenty-fifth floor.”

  He grinned at her. “You’ve never been up to the terrace?”

  She shook her head.

  He locked up the car and held out his hand, “Ah, it’s not to be missed.”

  She felt her heart sing at the warmth of his clasp.

  The elevator swooshed them away to the top floor.

  Stepping out on to the terrace, they perched themselves on the parapet. Even though there was a protective ledge all around, Ash kept a tight hold on her hand. She eased closer to him and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

  She looked out at the mesmerising Mumbai skyline – the traffic below were little pinpoints of lights circling the rim of the Arabian Sea. The skyscrapers in the distance made the breathtaking sight seem like a gorgeous set up for a giant screen.

  The balmy air rustled her hair. The silver beams of moonlight shone down on them creating a mood of intimacy. Every few seconds, the night sky lit up with colourful starbursts of firecrackers.

  “I feel like I’m sitting on top of the world, literally.”

  His quiet laughter warmed the cockles of her heart. She squeezed closer to him and put her head on his shoulder.

  “It does feel like that when you get a load off your chest.”

  She didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to guess what he was talking about. But before she could react, he added, “I think I need to follow my own advice.”

  A small shiver of anticipation ran through her. Her senses filled with the intoxicating scent of him—all male with the hint of a musky aftershave. His thumb traced her jawline and inched closer to her lips. Slowly, inexorably, he caressed her lips. She sucked in a breath, parting her lips. She closed her eyes as the sensations ripped through her.

  “I have been wanting to do this for a long time and it’s driving me insane.”

  “What took you so long?” she whispered back.

  His reply left her speechless. Lowering his mouth onto hers, he drew her closer to him. Hot molten desire tumbled into every crevice of her body as his arms gathered her close to him. His tongue tangled with hers in a slow, sensual dance. Every breath she took stoked the flames inside her.

  Winding her arms around his neck, she scrambled onto his lap, unleashing all her passion. His low groan of desire against her mouth chased away the last remnants of her inhibitions. Straddling him, she kissed him back with fervour and felt him go hard against her thighs.

  His breathing had gone ragged, stoking the flames of her desire even further. He put his hands on either side of her hips and adjusted her body against his. They rocked in rhythm with the music of their passion, oblivious to everything else. A low groan emanated from him which found a responding echo deep within her.

  “You have to stop doing that or I won’t be responsible for the consequences.” His husky, sexy voice made her skin tingle deliciously.

  She whispered against his lips. “Maybe, we should explore those ‘consequences’ back in the apartment?”

  “Your wish is my command!”

  They scrambled up, barely able to keep their hands away from each other. They raced towards the elevator and once inside he reached for her. She leaned into him, inhaling him—as if he was the oxygen she needed to survive. In moments they had reached their floor. They managed to drag themselves out just as the doors were shutting on them.

  “It’s best if we go to my apartment,” he said.

  “Oh, is there some kind of protocol to this?” She was amazed that her lust-drenched mind was still functioning.

  “Nothing of the sort. Just need to make sure you’re protected.”

  She chided herself for not thinking about it before him, and then melted at the thought that he’d not forgotten about it.

  He searched his pocket for his keys while she steadily nibbled at his ears. “Crazy woman….at this rate, we might just end up shocking our neighbours.”

  “And since when has that bothered you?” she teased.

  He finally had the door open and as soon as they stepped in, there was yet another hurdle to cross. This time it was in the shape of an excited furball bouncing between them.

  “Dumbass, please! Not now.”

  “Gawd,” Ash groaned, as he pointed her towards the bedroom. “The bedroom is that way and keep the door closed or this guy here won’t give us a moment’s peace.”

  She giggled—both at Dumbass’ antics and her own mounting frustration. Ash disappeared into the kitchen making caustic remarks to the dog about how he was going to ruin his love life forever.

  She took a deep breath and let herself into his bedroom. Switching on a light, she found the room to be as inviting and warm as the man it belonged to. She pulled open the curtains and looked out of the window unseeingly. Her mind was focused on the man in the other room—with whom she felt a connection that was far deeper than anything she’d felt for any guy. Was she ready for the ‘consequences’ of her actions? She took a deep breath and the voice within her was an exultant yes.

  She knew he was in the room even before she heard his footsteps. His warm breath touched the nape of her neck as he drew her into chest and asked, “You haven’t changed your mind, have you?

  He kissed her softly on her shoulder, “Because if you have, now’s the time to speak up.”

  Every thought disappeared from her mind as his lips found the sensitive spot near her neck.

  “Ouch,” he muttered and pulled his head back. “I hope you are not planning to impale me with one of these weapons?”

  She stifled a grin as he picked the earring from her earlobe. “Hmm… I think I just might if you dare to change your mind.”

  He swivelled her around to face him and his intense piercing gaze told her just how much he wanted her. His mouth descended on hers while his hand found its way under the hem of her skirt. Her heart thundered away as he caressed her buttocks, moving towards the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. She leaned closer into him; the heat pouring into every crevice of her body, making her weak with desire.

  “I want to see you naked, Lara,” he breathed in her ears as his fingers caressed her, leaving her feeling weak-kneed and out of breath.

  He eased her out of her dress and her momentary shyness dissipated with her own need to be touched. She had never felt so beautiful or so cherished. His fingers travelled down her curves, his lips following suit.

  Pushing her on to the bed, he brought his hands to cup her breasts. He touched them almost reverentially, muttering, “You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever set my eyes on.”

  His lips followed the path of his hands and he suckled at one breast and then the other making her tingle deliciously. The sharpness of his teeth against her nipple sent her into paroxysms of pleasure. She was branded by his touch and she wanted to feel him inside her.

  She clumsily tugged at the belt of his trousers.

  “Let me help you,” he whispered.

  He eased away fr
om her to discard his clothes. But everything else spun out of her mind as she drank in the sight of him. He fumbled in a bedside cabinet for a condom. Finally, he was ready for her.

  They collapsed into the bed and he pulled her on top of him. The heat in his eyes sparked a fire inside her and soon she was swept away into a sensory world where she surrendered herself to the desires of her body. The rough and tumble of lovemaking was the only thing that mattered.

  When Diwali Day dawned, Sanjana stretched languorously in bed. She smiled to herself as she reoriented to her unfamiliar surroundings, recalling how Ash had virtually lit her up like Diwali crackers with his antics in bed.

  He was sprawled next to her, one arm thrown across her waist. She settled more comfortably into him and inhaled. Blood rushed to her face as she felt her sexual drive stir up. For a moment, she seriously considered waking him up for yet another hectic round of love-making.

  “What’s making you blush, my sweet Lara?”

  He had propped his head up on one arm and was smiling at her.

  “Oh, you’re awake!”

  “Yeah, as is someone else,” he said huskily, pointing to the lower part of his torso.

  She laughed and wrapped herself around him. “Let’s do something about it, then?”

  “Who’d have thought you’re such an insatiable little creature!”

  Soon they were completely lost to the world as their hearts and bodies danced to the rhythm of lovemaking.

  It was hours later that Sanjana resurfaced. Something had awakened her and she got up with a start. Ash was not beside her. After a few moments of bewilderment, she realized it was the doorbell that had got through to her. She glanced at the clock on the opposite wall and nearly had a heart attack. It was past noon and—oh goodness!—she had completely forgotten she had promised to take her sisters out for shopping.

  She kicked away the sheet that covered her naked body and lunged for her dress which she’d discarded last night. She flung on her clothes in double quick time and tied her hair in a rough top knot. She was sure to have missed a dozen calls from Meghna! Grabbing her clutch, she pulled out her mobile. It was dead as a dodo. She needed a charger. But there didn’t seem to be one in Ash’s bedroom. And where the heck had he disappeared to?

  Hearing voices, she pushed her feet in her heels, grabbed her clutch and walked into the living room. And, nearly keeled over at the sight of Meghna.

  “Good morning. Seems like you ended up sleeping in the wrong apartment?” Meghna’s voice sounded like hell had frozen over.

  Swallowing her embarrassment at having been caught in flagrante—almost—she avoided her sister’s piercing gaze. Luckily for her, Dumbass managed to save her from replying as he bounced around near her feet, demanding her attention.

  “I’m making some coffee…want some?” said Ash.

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

  He gave her a wink and murmured, “Don’t be scared of creating ripples.”

  As he walked away to the kitchen, Sanjana sat down on the couch next to her sister. Keeping her hands firmly in her lap, to stop herself from chewing on her nails, she mumbled, “Meghna…’s…um…”

  Not a wisp of a smile creased Meghna’s face as she pointed out, “You might want to know that one of your earrings is missing.”

  Sanjana’s hands went up to her ears and her mouth opened in a big “O”.

  At that, Meghna cracked up with laughter. “Oh my God, Sanju. You look like you did when you were 7 years old and I’d caught you raiding Gauri’s candy stash.”

  Heaving a sigh of relief Sanjana sank into the couch. Dumbass promptly jumped into her lap demanding to be petted.

  “Phew! I’m glad you find it funny. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw you sitting there with that fierce expression.”

  That caused Meghna to erupt in laughter all over again.

  “Scared you, didn’t I?” she said, after a while, wiping away her tears of merriment.

  Ash emerged from the kitchen with three mugs of coffee on a tray. “Thank heavens. I was wondering if I needed to arm myself against a wrathful sister.”

  Meghna took her mug of coffee. “Don’t rejoice too soon. You still have to deal with the eldest of the trio.”

  “I’m quaking in my boots,” Ash replied in mock fear as he handed over a mug to Sanjana and sat down next to her on the couch. His thigh touched hers and she felt a ripple of awareness run through her.

  Meghna sipped the coffee and made an appreciative murmur. “Not bad. You win a few brownie points for your coffee making skills.”

  “Ah, so there’s hope for me yet,” said Ash, grasping Sanjana’s left hand in his. “I can make a mutton vindaloo to die for.”

  Sanjana shook her head gravely. “Gauri is a die-hard vegetarian.”

  Meghna looked at them with curious eyes, taking in their easy camaraderie and their we-are-in-this-together vibe.

  “What about a delicious cocktail?”

  Meghna piped up, “Don’t even mention that. She gave me and Pappaji an earful last night for guzzling champagne and that coffee cocktail thingy.”

  Megha’s phone buzzed and she rolled her eyes at Sanjana. “Hey Gauri. …yeah, she had switched off her mobile. I have managed to raise her…”

  Suddenly she bounced out of the sofa, one hand clutched to the phone, still muttering ‘okay, okay’ as she waved frantically at Sanjana to get out of the apartment. She disconnected the call. “She is on her way up. And Pappaji is with her too. Come on, now go to your apartment and Ash, please stay out of the way will you?”

  Ash turned to look at Sanjana, “I’m with you if you want me.”

  The warmth in his eyes told her what she needed to know—he was not going to run away from the wrath of her family. She felt her heart do a little jig. She may have fallen in lust with him. But at this rate, she was definitely tripping into love with this gorgeous man!

  Meghna was looking at them with eyes as big as saucers.

  “I’ll be fine. But thank you for that thought.” She gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. He angled his face at that precise moment and her kiss landed on his mouth. He kissed her back hard before disentangling his hand from hers.

  Meghna was literally bouncing on her toes in anxiety.

  Sanjana gave Ash a brilliant smile as she swept past him and out the door.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ash dived back into bed and revelled in the scent of Sanjana that still lingered on the sheets. How he wished she was here right now with him. He had no idea what it was about her that had him crushing like a teenager. While the sex had been great, he was shocked that he simply wanted to hang with her. Do stuff with her that would make her flash that million watt smile. Play with those silken strands. Cuddle with her and steal kisses like they did last night under a smoky sky. He’d always laughed at his friends who talked about cuddling with their girlfriends and now he was pining for it. One of the first things he would do was take her out dancing and then go for a long drive somewhere far away from the city. Even at the risk of calling it a ‘date’…the word she so hated!

  He wondered if she was being grilled by her family about their relationship right now. While Meghna seemed to have taken it in her stride, he had a feeling that Gauri and her dad would not be so cool about it. He wished he could walk across and be with Sanjana right now. Hold her hand and assure her family that he’d never ever do anything to hurt her. But then, wasn’t he jumping ahead of himself?

  Things had escalated so fast from attraction to sex that he still hadn’t managed to catch his breath. He had no clue when he’d fallen in love with her but Rakshanda had sensed it and had said as much. Did Sanjana feel the same way about him? He didn’t want to rush in with grand proposals. He didn’t want her to feel hemmed in. Not so soon after her breakup with Chetan. And what if this was simply a rebound thing for her? They both needed space to get to know each other and if he rushed her, he might end up losing her. That was som
ething he couldn’t even wrap his head around.

  Dumbass made a crunching sound that alerted him—the dratted fellow had something in his mouth.

  “Drop it, now!” Ash barked at him.

  The response to his stern command was an innocent look that said “what have I done?”. But the dog’s jaws were locked shut.

  Ash leapt across the bed and caught Dumbass in his arms. Trying to pry his jaws open would be impossible, and he did the only thing that he knew would cause him to open his mouth. He blew into his face. Dumbass hated it but still continued to resist, trying to wrench himself from Ash’s arms. What the heck did he have in his mouth? Whatever it was, Ash didn’t want to risk another visit to the vet hospital.

  What followed was a tug-of-war. The wrestling ended with Dumbass shooting out of the bed, and Ash following in his heels. His threats fell flat and finally, he did what every pet parent does—bribe the pooch!

  He got out a box of biscuits and waved it temptingly in front of him. Dumbass showed exemplary restraint. Ash took one out and with great deliberation popped it in his mouth. That was too much temptation for the poor mutt and his jaw fell open. Out popped a glittery object. It looked like—good grief!—it was Sanjana’s earring!

  He dived to the floor to snatch it up at the same instant as Dumbass leapt for the biscuit. Human and dog rolled on to the floor with the former yelling curses while the latter tumbled around thinking it was all a big game. It was Dumbass who got the better of Ash’s mood and soon he was laughing and playing with the dog.

  “You’re going to get me into so much trouble, you idiot!” Ash said as he examined the mangled piece of jewelry. “I only hope it wasn’t her favourite piece or I’ll have hell to pay.”

  The unrepentant butt wiggle and lolling tongue indicated that his predicament had little effect on the dog. Ash kept away the earring on the bookshelf and shook his head in despair. “If you don’t cure your habit of gobbling things up, you’re done for, my friend.”

  Just then the doorbell rang and Dumbass began his dance all over again.


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