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Beauty From The Ashes Of Destruction (Rebellions 4 Blood MC Book 2)

Page 6

by Vera Quinn

  “Jeb, I don’t believe in fairy tales anymore. Life happens as it does and if that means we start our lives like this then I’m alright with that. I only want the real you, not some prince charming that comes in to save the princess. I want you and I to write our own book with all our flaws and everything. I can’t say I love you right now because I won’t say those words ever again until I am sure that this is real between us. It doesn’t mean I don’t care for you, that you aren’t my best friend, or that I don’t want you inside me so bad that my sleep shorts are soaked. It doesn’t mean that I don’t think of you all day while you’re gone or I’m not happy when you come back to the house after being gone all day. You are my person. It just means I always need to consider B and Lucas first and I don’t want to make any more mistakes. I know I have begun to fall for you, but I can’t say it’s love without some time.” Maddie looks anxious now.

  “You take all the time you need. I told you tonight was about me holding you and making you feel safe. I think this talk has helped both of us but I can’t promise tomorrow night I won’t want to take the next step in our relationship. I need to be inside you and I need to claim what is mine so I can pound on my chest like some damn caveman. I need to show my love to you because we won’t be having sex, we will be making love.” I feel Maddie curling up closer to me. I want nothing more than to ravage Maddie’s body, but I can’t. I need to gain her trust.

  “All this sweet talk from such a rough biker is doing things to me. Are you sure we need to wait?” Maddie asks, but I see her blush.

  “Yes, Maddie, I’m sure. I want you to see I am a man of my word,” I tell her. “We need to turn the lights off and get some sleep.” I look at the alarm clock on the nightstand behind Maddie. It’s already after one in the morning. “B will be up in about four and a half hours and she will be ready to eat.”

  “Yes, she will,” Maddie agrees. “Night, Jeb. I want us to work.” I kiss the top of Maddie’s head. I don’t trust myself to kiss her anywhere else.

  “Me to, darlin’. I love you, so get some sleep. I could use a good six hours of sleep.” I feel Maddie snuggling in. Boy was I wrong about getting six hours of sleep.


  Micah {That’s right, I’m the mouthy sister}…

  I wake up and feel the need to pee. I reach across the bed and feel for Mason. His side of the bed is cold. With the pregnancy, my body has night sweats and we don’t snuggle as much at night. I can’t take the extra heat of his body against mine.

  I know Mason was here when I fell asleep. I get up; it’s not as easy as it used to be. I feel my feet are swollen as soon as I they hit the floor. I make my way in the bathroom and take care of my business but when I wipe, I see a streak of red tinge on the toilet paper. My heart feels like it’s beating out of my chest. I get more toilet paper and wipe again and there isn’t any more red tinge. My heart slows down but I still feel on edge. I finish up and wash my hands. I walk back into the bedroom and I see a sheet of paper on the nightstand. I walk over and pick it up so I can read it. Mason got a call out about unknown riders. I hear the rain falling outside and then a big strike of lightning lights my windows up followed by a big clap of thunder. I’ve never feared thunderstorms. I live in northeast Texas and it’s a common occurrence, especially in the summer, but then there is spring, or fall too. I pick up the remote to my television and turn it on. I go to an old sitcom that I like. Reruns aren’t so bad if it has been a while since I’ve seen them. I know I should be sleeping but my sleep schedule is off since all I get is bedrest. I start to walk around my bed, and I have a pain shoot up my back. More Braxton Hicks no doubt. I keep walking and then there is another big clap of thunder and a strike of lightning. Our electricity goes out. I bet we have a fallen tree somewhere. The wind is really picking up. I walk toward my closet slowly. I get there and open the door and move around to the left. I know exactly where my camping lantern is. I lift it up and grab a couple of extra lights to take to Maddie in case the children wake up and she needs to get to them.

  I back out of the closet and go to my nightstand and open my bottle of water and take a sip. I grab my robe and put it on. Then I turn and leave my dark room and make my way down the hall and find B’s room first and softly open the door. B is sound asleep. I close the door and look in on Lucas and he’s still asleep—to be a child again and be able to sleep through anything. I’ll be so glad when my little munchkin is here. I have made sure not to find out the gender of our child. I want it to be a complete surprise, we both do. I back out of Lucas’s room and shut the door. I hear lightning strike again and it sounded like it struck something. I take a few steps and I see a light coming from the third hall. Aunt Deb must be up. Our granddad built this house from the first board and it’s different from any other house I have ever seen. The upstairs is divided by halls but they all meet in one spot so you can go from one to the other. Maddie and I had so much fun chasing each other through these halls. We drove Mom and Aunt Deb crazy when we hid from them. I have another pain in my back. I need to get some of these lanterns to Maddie and then get back in bed. Aunt Deb finally makes it to me.

  “I came to check on B and Lucas,” Aunt Deb tells me.

  “No worries, they’re fine. I just checked. I’m taking a couple of lights to Maddie in case she needs them to check on the kiddos. Mason is gone. Left a note saying he got a call out. Is Shield still here or do you know?” I ask Aunt Deb.

  “I was getting a glass of warm milk when Sarge left. Sarge left Shield a message on his phone for when he woke up.” Aunt Deb doesn’t want to admit she doesn’t sleep very well with Rye gone. “Some of the brothers caught sight of two bikers on the other side of the county. Sarge was going to question them and get back here to you for a few hours before work.”

  “I knew it was important if it took Mason away from the house.” I grab my back when another pain rocks my body.

  “Are you in labor?” I laugh at my aunt once the pains are gone.

  “I wish. It’s Braxton Hicks again. I’m going to get these lights to Maddie and go lie on my side some more. Why haven’t the generators kicked on yet? It’ll be getting hot in this house soon if they don’t start soon,” I tell Aunt Deb.

  “Remember, I put that safety switch in and I have to go to the kitchen to flip it. Then they’ll kick on. I was on my way back to bed when the lights went out. I went to my room to get lanterns. You take those lanterns to Maddie and then get back to bed. I’ll make sure the generators kick on and then I’m turning in too. Try to get some sleep.” Aunt Deb is always taking care of us.

  “Sounds good to me.” We hug each other goodnight and then I turn and walk to Maddie’s room. I tap on the door, but I don’t expect Shield to open the door so fast. It startles me. “I brought some lanterns so you could check on the kids when needed. I just checked on them and they were both sound asleep. Aunt Deb has gone to the kitchen to turn on the safety switch for the generators, so the air should be back on soon.”

  “Thanks, Micah. I woke up when the lights went off. I found the message on my phone from Sarge and I was getting dressed to go check everything. Do you want to stay in here while I go do the rounds just to make sure?” I start to turn to go toward the bed. I see Maddie sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Then I feel liquid gushing out of me. I look at the liquid pooling at my feet and I am wet. Shield’s eyes take on a crazy look and he steps back, so he doesn’t get any of the fluids on him.

  “Did your water just break?” Maddie asks me. I shake my head yes. I am so scared, and I want Mason. Hell, this is it. I want the hospital and drugs. Well shit.

  “I need Mason, the hospital, and some good drugs and not necessarily in that order.” I look at both Shield and Maddie and they are in shock. “That means move your asses, now! Maddie, will you go to my room and grab some dry clothes? Shield, I need you to get one of our vehicles out of the garage and bring it to the front door.”

  “What is all the noise about? You’ll w
ake the babies,” Aunt Deb says. She looks at me and then the liquid on the floor. “Do what she says, now. I’ll drive to the hospital and Shield can stay and watch the children. Everyone move!” Aunt Deb says in a composed but demanding voice. Shield walks out of the room like his ass is on fire. Maddie is up and out the door and then I feel the sudden urge to push.

  “Aunt Deb, I don’t want to scare you or anything, but I need to push now.” Aunt Deb looks at me.

  “If you want me to keep my sanity, then do not push. I’ve never even been in a delivery room with a child being born. I’ve delivered plenty of foals though. I guess you could consider that similar. Do you have your phone?” I nod and then hand it to her.

  “Go wipe up a little in the bathroom. Leave your pajamas in there. Maddie should be back soon. I should have told her to get your to-go bag. It’s alright, I can get Sarge to do it later.” Aunt Deb is in take-control mode. I go in the bathroom and I feel another gush come out of me. I sit on the toilet a minute and then clean up a little. By that time, Maddie is back.

  “Can you help me get dressed?” I ask her.

  “Sure thing, Micah.” I let her help me put on a clean gown. She is trying to help me get my panties on when another pain hits me. It is excruciating and I want to push.

  “Change of plans, ladies. It’s going to be about twenty minutes before we can leave. One of those lightning strikes struck the tree over the garage. About three of the big limbs fell on the garage and I can’t get the doors to open. I checked for a barn truck and they must be in the fields. There’s nothing there except for the one ready to be towed to the shop. I checked it, and it has two flat tires. One of the guys from the club is bringing a truck from the clubhouse. I tried calling Sarge, and all I got is his voicemail. I left him a message. I also called an ambulance just to be on the safe side.” The thing is, I don’t think I have twenty minutes. That truck better get here soon. The pains are coming closer together and they are stronger. I need to push so bad. I haven’t told the others about the pains getting worse. I don’t want them to worry, but that’s not going to be an option if the contractions get closer together.

  “Micah, what’s wrong? You look like you’re in pain. I remember labor pains, and if I remember correctly, that’s how I looked before I delivered. How bad are the pains and how close are they?” Maddie asks me.

  “Now is the time to ask if you ever wanted to know any of my secrets. I will tell you anything to stop this pain. I am going to crush Mason’s balls in my hands if he ever gets close enough.” Shield takes a step back from me—excellent choice.



  “Maddie, get me some hot water, a sharp pair of scissors, and some towels. Deb, can you check on B and Lucas and then watch for the ambulance or one of my brothers?” Thank goodness the damn lights just kicked on. “Micah, I’m going to carry you back to your bed. I don’t want you having the baby in here.” The three women seem stuck in time until Micah shrieks out in pain. “Deb, keep trying to call Sarge. Move, ladies, time is ticking away.” I wait for Micah to straighten up and I pick her up and carry her to her room. I put her down in a chair while I pull her comforter off the bed. Micah gets up and gets in the bed. “Micah, we are going to get to know each other a lot better than we do now, but don’t worry, I love your sister. I have some medic training from when I was in the Marines, but I have never delivered a baby. I have seen it done but never done the honors. I need to check you to see if we have the time to wait for that ambulance and the paramedics can take over,” I explain to Micah, trying to calm both our nerves.

  “Have you told Maddie that you’re in love with her?” Micah asks.

  “Nosey! Yes, I have told her. Now lose the sleep pants and panties. Do you need help?” She shakes her head no and gets them off.

  “No wonder you weren’t beating the girls off with this kind of bedside manner.” Micah tries to make a joke, but I can see it’s to hide her fear. I get up and go to the bathroom to wash up and try to find something to disinfect my hands with. I find antibacterial soap and that will need to work. I walk back into the bedroom and I see Micah is having another contraction. “I need to push so bad.”

  “This may help with the pains. Take a deep breath in and blow it out slowly. Concentrate on your breathing, and Micah, I don’t need to have a good bedside manner to get the ladies to drop their panties.” I wink at her and I know Micah would be laughing her ass off if she wasn’t in such pain. I put my hand on her stomach and the bedroom door opens. Maddie walks in with all the things I asked for in her both her hands.

  “I put the water in a clean bucket, and I sanitized it before I did. Damn, Micah, you are flashing your hooter to everyone,” Maddie says with a laugh.

  “Shield wanted a good look before he went any further with you. We are twins.” I look at Maddie and she has tears of laughter in her eyes making them sparkle. She is so beautiful.

  “Is the contraction gone?” I ask Micah. She nods. “I need you to lie back, spread your legs and take a deep breath until I tell you to let it out.”

  “You know this stopped being fun a while ago. I think I’ll take my toys and go home. I can’t do this without Mason,” Micah says, and then does what I asked. I do what must be done and hope Sarge doesn’t shoot me for touching his woman. It takes me about two minutes to check what I need to, and it looks like this baby is going to be born right here.

  “Let the breath out,” I say in my calmest voice. “Maddie, pour some of the water in a bowl. Get a baby blanket or big towel if it’s closer. Sterilize the scissors and the knife you brought. Good thinking. I also need a strip of clean cloth to tie the cord. Micah, you are in complete effacement, and you are dilated to a ten. The baby’s head is right there, so it’s time to push.” I hear boots running up the hall. “Maddie, I also need a nasal aspirator.” Maddie looks lost. “The things you clean the baby’s nose out with.”

  “Brother, what the fuck are you doing with my woman? Explain now!” Sarge looks wild.

  “I’m having our baby, you idiot. I don’t have time to get to the hospital.” That’s all Micah has time to say before she is wracked with another contraction.

  “Go in the bathroom and get washed up. Change your shirt and then get back in here and help your wife deliver this baby.” Maddie rushes back into the room with the things I asked for in her hands. “Maddie, wash your hands when Sarge is done and we will get this baby delivered.” Sarge and Maddie come back and get in their places and that’s when I block everything else out and go into delivering mode. It only takes five pushes to get the baby out. It’s a boy, and he comes out screaming. Sarge cuts the cord and I tie it off. Sarge holds his son and starts cleaning him off while I attend to Micah who is in awe of Sarge holding their son. I finish up and that’s when I hear the paramedics and Deb sticks her head in the doorway.

  “Thank you, Shield, for delivering Wolfe.” Everyone looks at Micah. “I couldn’t have gotten through this without you.”

  “Your naming your son, Wolfe? It’s after Eddie on that show we used to watch in black and white but wasn’t his name Wolfgang?” Maddie asks.

  “Yes, we’re calling him Wolfie, Wolfe Mason Brumley,” Sarge says to us with pride in his voice.

  “We need to examine the mom and the child. Could everyone but the two of them and the dad leave the room? We need room to work,” one of the paramedics informs us.

  We all move to the hallway. Maddie comes straight into my arms. Deb disappears toward B and Lucas’s rooms. “Thank you, Jeb. You were magnificent. Seeing you with Wolfie in your arms made my ovaries sing.” Maddie doesn’t know how happy that makes me. Some single moms won’t even consider having another child.

  “Does that mean that you would consider having a child with me in a couple of years?” Maddie smiles up at me.

  “Will you agree to deliver it?” I don’t think for a second.

  “As long as an ambulance is standing ready and I have a midwife at my side, but you
need to realize that means no drugs for the pain.”

  “After this, sign me up when Lucas turns two. I think every child should have the focus on them for a least two years even if after the first they never get the full attention. They must share with their siblings.” That puts the biggest smile on my face. Maddie is thinking of the big picture with me.

  “It’s a date, and I’m all-in.” I bring Maddie to me and give her the deepest kiss. Our tongues tangle and my cock is at full attention. We are over to ourselves in the hall, but I know Maddie doesn’t deal with open PDA very well. A quick kiss she’s good with but not what we are sharing. I pull away from her and respect her boundaries. Sarge walks out of the bedroom and closes the door behind him.

  “Micah and Wolfie are doing fine, but they are going to be transported to the hospital in the ambulance. I’m grabbing our bags and then I’m going to follow them. I know everyone wants there turn in fussing over Micah and our boy but can you give us until around two this afternoon so Micah can get some rest and we can spend some time together as a family.” Sarge turns to me. “Brother, I will never be able to that thank you enough. Micah feels the same way. Anything you ever need, brother, just ask.”

  “You don’t owe me a thing. I’ll keep everyone away so you can have your time. I will also set up security detail for while Micah is in the hospital,” I tell Sarge. The door to the bedroom shoves open and the paramedics bring Micah out. Sarge follows them down the hall.

  “We’ll be there later, Micah,” Maddie yells after them. Micah waves a hand as B comes out her bedroom door.


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