Book Read Free

First Impressions

Page 29

by Jay Hogan

  “I’m gonna kill both of them,” Michael grumbled, still smiling but a bit too thinly now for Josh’s liking. His eyes went quiet for what felt like a lifetime, as he seemed to drink Josh in, searching for… something.

  Josh remained quiet, content to have Michael find whatever truth he could in Josh’s expression, hoping it was something the other man understood and also wanted. He was past hiding, and he knew his face radiated all the anger, hurt, love, and concern he’d struggled with over the months. It wasn’t pretty, but it was real, and if they were to have any chance at something more between them, they needed to be honest with each other.

  But Josh was also looking. He’d waited too long to see Michael, and the sight didn’t disappoint—he still took Josh’s breath away. He sported a light stubble, Josh’s favourite look. His dark hair was shower damp, soft curls at the nape begging Josh to swipe his tongue and catch the drips clinging to their ends. And all of that deliciousness poured into a faded pair of thin-as-crap jeans stretched across that tight arse and a worn Roxy Music T-shirt that highlighted his barbells. Christ almighty.

  Josh inhaled every last detail and tried to keep the shiver from his skin. He ached to reach out to touch, but he knew there were no guarantees yet. For all he knew this might be as close as he’d get. It could even be the last time he saw Michael.

  Michael dropped his hands from Josh’s face, took a step back, and frowned, as Josh tried to keep his expression steady. This wasn’t his show to run, not yet, but at least the man wasn’t pushing Josh away.

  Michael’s gaze burned the length of Josh to the floor and back, and he couldn’t help but glance down, surprised to find his clothes not burned to a crisp. It was all he could do not to pat his hair in place and tuck his shirt in. Then they locked gazes, and Josh was instantly pinned by a heated stare.

  “Brent?” Michael queried.

  The question needed nothing added, and Josh kept his gaze steady as he answered. “Brent and I never were, not in the way you’re thinking… the way I let you think. He came with Sasha and me to that party, and yes, I invited him, as a friend, just to see. But we both knew it wasn’t going to go any further. We’d already agreed to just friendship… before you even saw us at the hospital.”

  “But you—”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I was hurt and angry with you. I’d seen you at the club… with a guy, the night Cam took you out, and so I let you think—”

  “Nothing happened that night—”

  “I know, now. And as I said, it was a dick move on my part and I’m sorry. I was going to tell you after you took that call but… you had to go be a hero.” He smiled weakly. “I’ve regretted it ever since, wondered if you might not have left if I hadn’t—”

  “Stop.” Michael hesitated. “I don’t know if it would have made a difference or not. I had a lot of stuff I needed to sort through, about us, about all of it. I’m not sure I would have done that if I’d stayed.”

  Okay, then. Josh waited.

  “So, tell me, why nothing with Brent, then? You said he’s a nice guy. Seems like he’d be more your style—”

  Josh put and finger to Michael’s lips. “He’s not you… Michael. And it’s you I want.”

  Michael grunted, and Josh saw the corners of the man’s mouth twitch. He leaned in and brushed a stray lock of Josh’s hair into place behind his ear, and it was all Josh could do not to mewl in hope and press his cheek into the man’s hand. “There’s been no one else.”

  Michael’s gaze flickered with something. Happiness?

  He ran a finger down Michael’s cheek. “Look, I didn’t just expect you to be waiting…. Ugh. What I’m trying to say is I… I understand if you’ve… moved on.”

  Michael put a hand up to silence him. “There’s been no one else for me either. I’m not sure there’s ever been. Not like you.”

  Well, shit. Josh bathed in the pleasure and relief those words brought, and a blush heated his cheeks. “Yeah, that too… for me, I mean.” He took a breath. “But before we get into anything heavy, can I just say one thing?” He waited.

  A frown creased Michael’s brow. “Okay?”

  Josh smiled. “Thank you, you fucking idiot, sweetheart of a man. You put your life at risk to save Sasha, and we… I… am so fucking grateful to you for that.” His eyes brimmed. “Damn it, I swore I wasn’t going to cry.”

  Michael ran his thumb across Josh’s lips, leaving a searing-hot trail in its wake. “Jesus, wolf-man.” He rested his forehead against Josh’s. “I don’t know why you’re here or how this… whatever it is… is about to pan out, so it’s my turn to do one thing first, before we talk more, before anything. Just so I can fucking breathe again.”

  He brushed a soft kiss across Josh’s lips, lingering at the corner of his mouth, hovering, tasting, breathing him in like Josh answered his most important questions. As if without Josh, the man’s world made no sense. And Josh revelled in it, whimpering at the contact. Melted against the other man. Closing his eyes so the delicate sensations had full rein to roll through him. The in and out of Michael’s breath against his lips, the soft caress of his fingers on Josh’s cheeks and through his hair, his delicious scent layering over Josh’s skin like a promise.

  And as always, his body reacted instantaneously to Michael, blood draining south at the first touch of Michael’s skin, the first hint of desire in Michael’s eyes or his breath on Josh’s lips. The fire in Josh’s belly reignited in a raging desire for this singular man he was so sure he’d lost. But he held still, his mind adrift in the soft kiss and the gentle puff of breath on his skin, floating in the tender fragility of the moment. Somehow everything seemed possible in that one brush of lips. If only, he prayed.

  At length Michael pulled away and dropped his hands again, and the inevitable unanswered questions between them loomed large. He looked wary. And Josh offered the only response he felt mattered in the moment. Yes, they needed to talk more, but Josh knew they needed to connect first, they needed… this. He reached behind the other man’s neck and drew Michael back to his lips, inviting him to taste and take what he wanted.

  “Please?” he whispered the word into Michael’s mouth.

  Within seconds, he was flattened against the wall, Michael’s body hard against his, shoulder to hip, cocks aligned and… oh shit… it was so good… it was so fucking good. Something twisted in Josh’s chest and locked into place, and dear God, how had he survived without this? And with Michael’s tongue halfway down his throat, and a pair of liquid hot hands roaming under his shirt, Josh was sure of at least one thing. Michael wanted him, and Josh intended to be in on that action like a rat up a drainpipe.

  His hands found the hem of Michael’s shirt and tugged at it, breaking their kiss for a second as he hauled the offending item over Michael’s head. Then he took a minute to cast his eyes over the man. God, where to start? He leaned in for a taste of Michael’s skin, licking a swathe over the kiwi covering his heart toward the left nipple, but before he could suck the nub into his mouth, Michael pulled back and eyeballed him.

  “Last chance, wolf-man,” he said softly.

  Josh shivered at the nickname. “Last chance to what?”

  Michael held his gaze and smiled. “To talk more… before we do this. Because once I get my hands on you, I’m not stopping. I need you inside me like I fucking need to breathe. So if you want to talk, say so now.”

  Josh’s cock strained at the zip of his jeans, damn near breaking into a happy dance. He pressed his lips against Michael’s in a fierce kiss. “Bed, now.” He figured it counted as an answer, grabbing Michael’s hand and heading… well, somewhere… shit.

  Michael chuckled and redirected them to the stairs.

  They made it up, though not all their clothes fared the same fate, and by the time they landed on the bed, they were naked. It was a fact that made Josh’s heart ridiculously happy. “Lie back for me.” He pushed Michael onto his back. “It’s been too damn long. I need to see every inch of yo

  Michael obliged, and Josh straddled his thighs, their cocks brushing as his gaze travelled Michael’s length. It was the body Josh had so loved and missed, now spread across this bed, Josh’s for the taking. Running his fingers over Michael’s tattoos, he traced each one.

  “Josh… please?” Michael’s breath hitched at his touch. His muscles quivered, and Josh loved that he could still reduce this sexy man to a trembling bundle of need.

  “Shh,” he soothed, dropping his mouth to suckle first one nipple, then the other, rolling the bars around in his mouth, eliciting soft whimpers from Michael as he arched and clenched the sheets in his fists, eyes fixed on Josh. The need to bury himself deep inside Michael was overwhelming, but Josh had waited too long to rush things.

  “You’re killing me here,” Michael groaned.

  Josh kissed his nose. “Not gonna kill you, babe. Just gonna love you.” Josh froze as the words split the air between them. Shit. Too soon? Ah, fuck it. He didn’t imagine it came as any surprise to Michael. You don’t fly six and a half thousand miles for fucking coffee and a catch-up.

  He risked glancing up to find Michael smiling down at him, and sighed, half-embarrassed, half-relieved. “Yeah, about that….” He crawled up Michael’s body to nibble on his lower lip. “I was hoping—” Nibble. “—that… well, that we could maybe—” Nibble. “—or at least that I was feeling a lot more for you… than….”

  Michael grabbed his chin and stared deep into Josh’s eyes with those blue ocean eyes of his. “Less talk, wolf-man,” he whispered, brushing his lips across Josh’s, “and more of that loving me shit. So, I can set about returning the favour… of loving you, that is.” Another kiss, this one full of promise.

  A huge grin split Josh’s face, and he couldn’t stop the delighted laugh that bubbled from his throat. Nor apparently the moisture that gathered in his eyes. “Yeah? Is that so?” was all he could muster.

  Michael nodded. “Yeah. That’s so. Although that might change if my ass doesn’t see some serious action in the next few minutes.”

  Josh planted a firm kiss on the man’s lips, sure he was still grinning like a loon. “I’ll get right on that,” he said, and shimmied down to dip his tongue into Michael’s belly button. Then he followed the run of soft hair down Michael’s treasure trail to his dick standing at full attention.

  Steadying it at the base, he licked the shaft bottom to top, keeping his eyes fixed on Michael. A wealth of emotions passed between them in that one look. But for the first time, Josh believed there would be time for it all to be said, every last bit of it. In the meantime, he had a mouthwatering body fanned out beneath him waiting to be worshipped, and Josh was just the man for the job.

  MICHAEL CLOSED his eyes and fell back on the pillow, letting Josh’s mouth wrap around him like a searing velvet heaven. It was as close to coming home as he’d ever felt. How he thought he could simply walk away from Josh, he’d never understand. And holy shit. They’d just said they loved each other. That had happened. It was a thing. He could scarcely believe it. Then all thought was lost in the wet heaven of Josh’s mouth as he took Michael deep, and Michael fought the urge to slam into the other man’s throat.

  Josh pulled off to stretch Michael’s hands above his head and leaned in to take the man’s lips. “Keep them there, gorgeous,” he growled.

  Hell yeah. Michael loved when bossy Josh came out to play. He rocked his hips, desperate for friction to ease the mounting ache in his groin.

  “Behave.” Josh slapped his butt, and the sensation travelled straight to Michael’s balls, sending a warm flush through his body. “Let me play a bit. I’ll get you there.”

  And when Josh took Michael’s cock deep into his throat once more, Michael damn near lost his mind. He was past trying to understand how or why Josh lit this particular fire in him, this willingness to be cared for. All he knew, all he needed to know was in doing so he became the centre of Josh’s world, the focus of his entire attention. And in those moments, Michael didn’t want to be anywhere else. Josh created a soft space solely for him where Michael’s only job was to receive pleasure. He fired Michael’s body and grounded him in his own. No one had ever cared for him like that.

  Josh stretched a hand to the side as he worked, and Michael dragged enough brain cells together to slap a bottle of lube and a condom into them. The lid snipped, and seconds later Michael felt the cool slick slide down his cock, over his balls and finally, finally teasing at his hole.

  “Yeah,” he groaned loudly. “About time.”

  Josh chuckled and blew cool air across Michael’s sac, causing him to arch up on the bed. “Have I told you how much I fucking love your arse?” Josh said, blowing another swathe of air along Michael’s shaft. “I’ve missed you so goddamn much.”

  Fucking hell. “Then shut up and get on with it,” Michael whined. “Or this particular sweet ass is walking.”

  “Like hell.” Josh growled as he breached Michael’s hole with a slick finger straight up and over his prostate.

  Holy hell. Michael arched his back, and the hungry whine he released should have mortified him, but he was beyond caring. Stubble brushed his taint as Josh’s tongue joined his fingers in their exploration. Christ. This man would be the death of him.

  “More,” Michael gasped.

  Josh’s fingers withdrew, and he crawled up Michael’s body to press a firm kiss to Michael’s lips. “Hey, you,” he murmured, his breath hot against Michael’s mouth. “Fuck if you’re not the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen.” He sucked Michael’s lower lip into his mouth and nipped at it gently. “And I love every sound that comes out of your throat. I’m so damned turned on, I don’t know how I’m gonna last.”

  Michael gripped Josh’s hair, pulling him in for another kiss. “Don’t sweat it.” He rubbed noses with Josh. “If I last more than a few seconds, it’ll be a fucking miracle.”

  Josh grinned and sat up, spreading Michael’s thighs. “Nice and high, babe.”

  Michael gripped his thighs and gave Josh what he asked for. It still shocked him that he could spread himself like a fucking buffet for Josh without a second thought. If Josh wanted to hang Michael in a swing covered in cream, hands cuffed above his head, he’d do it in a heartbeat. Damn. Josh’s thick cock slid through his crease and all thought evaporated. Michael was home. Yes.

  MICHAEL’S COMPLETE willingness to hand himself over to Josh still astonished him. That this complicated man wanted to come undone under his hands was a gift Josh had no way to repay. He could come from the visual memory alone and had, more than once over the last few months.

  He pressed into Michael, feeling the tight heat of his lover engulf him as Michael writhed beneath him, soft nonsense spilling from his lips. Then fully seated, Josh paused, bending low to take Michael’s mouth in a lingering kiss that was rewarded with a soft purr of approval against his lips.

  “Move, wolf-man,” Michael ordered, clenching his ass around Josh’s cock for emphasis.

  Josh needed no further encouragement and set up a solid rhythm that had Michael gripping the sheets, eyes rolled back, dark lashes fluttering. He changed the angle slightly until Michael electrified, arching up against him.

  “Ah… right there.”

  Josh kept up the pace, laser focused on Michael’s responses. Michael’s pleasure was his pleasure, and when he saw Michael reach for his cock, he batted his hand away and replaced it with his own, stroking long and hard in time with his thrusts. His control was running on a knife-edge and keeping his own orgasm at bay was becoming increasingly difficult.

  “Close…,” Michael groaned.

  Thank Christ. Josh wasn’t sure he could hang on any longer. “Come for me,” he growled, biting down on Michael’s shoulder.

  With that, Michael tensed and a deep groan of pleasure escaped his mouth. Josh raised himself to watch him peak, Michael’s face lifted up, his body arched, but his eyes fixed on Josh as his cock emptied into Josh’s fist seconds before Josh’s
own orgasm hit in equally wordless and spectacular fashion.

  Neither looked away as Josh pumped them slowly through the last shivers, with Michael milking every drop from Josh until they both became too sensitive. Then Josh collapsed atop Michael, their bodies slick between them, and Michael’s arms wrapped tight around him.

  Every bone had fled Josh’s body, and he wasn’t sure he was capable of thought, let alone movement, happy to simply listen to Michael’s heart tick down to something resembling normal. His softening cock remained content inside the other man, and he saw no reason to change that anytime soon. A pair of lips ran soft kisses the length of his jaw, coming to rest nestled against his shoulder.

  “You bit me,” Michael hummed softly against his skin. “That’ll cost you extra.”

  Josh turned to press a kiss into Michael’s hair, damp with sweat. “Take it out of my tip.” He chuckled.

  “Mmm and what tip would that be? The one that’s still buried in me, if it ever packs its bags and moves out, that is.”

  Josh laughed. “I wouldn’t count on that happening anytime soon. It seems to like the neighbourhood. It’s all snuggly.”

  Michael snorted. “Snuggly? I’m worried about this kink of yours.” He nuzzled Josh’s neck. “I’m starting to feel like Siamese twins joined at the ass. It’s gonna be hell on our wardrobe.”

  “Our wardrobe, huh?” Josh stared down at Michael, warming at the faint blush that crossed the man’s cheeks. “I could get used to the sound of that. I’m a bit gone for you, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

  “Likewise, wolf-man.” Michael opened to Josh’s kiss, and their tongues did a slow dance, happy to simply taste and enjoy each other. Then when Josh pulled back, Michael chased his mouth to steal a few more kisses before letting him go. Josh tied off the condom, then slid back alongside.


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