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The Escape: A One of the Boys Novel

Page 9

by Crumpton, Teresa

  Weaving my way through the round high and low top tables along with the leather chairs nestled into them. Faintly I hear my name being called.

  “Hey, Teagan! Did you come up to approve the new songs we want to add?” Sean asks as I step around the bar.

  Dan finishes House Party, and Kris changes gears from country to pop as she begins singing Meghan Trainor's My Selfish Heart. I laugh because these two really do try to fuck with each other when they practice.

  “They've been doing that all afternoon, and it's not just them,” Sean informs me. “Phil and Becca have joined in, and I'm not going to lie...since the staff started shuffling in, we've been handing them songs, too.”

  I bust out laughing. “That’s awesome. I’m glad y’all are having fun with it.” I sober. “With some of the changes I made, I was a little concerned.”

  “Honestly, you give us just enough structure so we don’t screw up, and Rex doesn’t kill us. It’s perfect,” Sean assures me, leaning against the bar as I count the bottles.

  “Well, you and your staff make it easy. So, thank you.” I affirm, and he nods. “So tell me, is there anything y’all need up here? Anything we need to think about switching out or around? Do you need more of anything?” I question as I finish my count.

  “We’re actually good right now, but I’ll see if the staff have anything for the meeting next week,” Sean says before returning to wiping down the bar.

  “Sounds good. Let me know if anything changes. Otherwise, I’ll leave y’all in peace.” I head out from behind the bar and out of the room.

  As I pass the piano bar, Dan starts playing Legs by ZZ Top, riling up the room, and I move to the next bar on this level which happens to be my least favorite. It probably wouldn’t be my least favorite, but during my first week on the job, I had an incident there. Until that day, I wouldn’t have thought there would ever be a place that served alcohol that I wouldn’t like. Now, I’m sure we all have one bar we don’t like to be in, and for me, it’s this room, our actual escape room. Rex designed it to be just that––an escape room that our patrons have to literally figure their way out of in order to leave.

  It’s like a puzzle, only with a bar, of course, and those who enter are given clues as to how to make it out. Hell, Rex has clues hidden everywhere, and the puzzles change weekly. He even has the room decorated like a 1940's private investigator’s office, which is pretty damn cool.

  Thankfully, he set it up similarly to those escape rooms that you can find in almost every city, so there is a time limit. Otherwise, some patrons would never escape. The downside is, I really hate confined places, so it heightens my anxiety. Which definitely did not help the one time I got locked in here by accident. I couldn’t get out for hours. I now carry a key that can unlock any door in this place.

  Not wanting to stay in the escape room longer than I need to, I quickly make my rounds and leave before another panic attack strikes. As I exit the room, my cell buzzes from my back pocket.

  Jay: I know it's early, but the gentleman that I'm going to work for wanted to get a sense of how y'all work Alchemy as you open. Can we come in early? Maybe let him get a glance at how your security team works?

  Me: Are y'all here now, or on your way?

  Jay: On the way. He doesn't want to look around. He wants to head straight down to Alchemy, if that helps.

  Me: I'll have Mike meet you at the door. Just let me know when you get here.

  Jay: Deal. Thanks, sis.

  Backing out of my message with Jayson, I pull up the one I have with Mike and send a text to him.

  Me: Hey, Mike. Jayson's going to be bringing a guest in early that wants to talk with Rex and me. We had a meeting set for when we open, but he now wants to see how we set up. He's only interested in Alchemy. I think it has to do with how secretive we try to keep it. Will you let them in, please?

  Normally, Mike responds right away, so when he doesn't, I slide my phone back in my pocket and head to The Lounge down the hall. Before heading inside, I check the schedule to see if we have any shows going on tonight. Twice a month, I've been scheduling acts to come into The Lounge for a night. We'll have a band come in and play and sing, I’ve had a comedy show a could of times and a drag queen act. One night we had a drag queen do stand up. That was an interesting night, actually it was hilarious, and it brought in some serious money.

  With nothing on the schedule, I enter the room and quickly round the bar and check to make sure it's ready to go. It is, so I mark what inventory I can and head out. Since Rex fired our problem bartenders and assistant manager, all the bars have been stocked, in order, and everyone seems content, if not happy, to be working. Which is making my life easier. Now, if I can talk Rex into making two of our leads assistant managers and promoting two mixologists or cocktail servers into the lead positions, we'll be golden. Then maybe we'll be able to hire replacements for the assholes Rex had to fire.

  Exiting The Lounge, I head for the stairwell, and the Rooftop bar, when my phone vibrates my ass. Grabbing my phone, I check my messages.

  Mike: Sure thing.

  Me: He may have questions about security, too.

  Mike: I'll stay with them then. You want me to let Rex know about the change?

  Me: If you see him before I do, yes. I'm on the upper floors doing inventory.

  Mike: He's standing next to me.

  Me: Ha. Yep, it's all on you! Thanks.

  Mike: No problem.

  Putting my phone back in my pocket, I trudge up the steps and outside to the Rooftop bar. On this late spring afternoon, the view from up here is gorgeous. It's not often I get to come up here and see the setting sun, and while it's not ready to set quite yet, the sky is already changing colors from the bright blue it was earlier to shades of pink, orange, purple, and a bit of red. Instead of moving straight to the bar, I pull out a chair and sit, taking a minute or so to bask in this day and the beauty around me.

  Soaking up as much sun as I can get away with, I pull myself out of the chair and stroll behind the bar. Because of the Texas heat, this bar is actually a long concrete shack of sorts in the middle of the roof. Both sides of the building have an actual bar, so if you don’t want to sit at the tables or on the couches, you can sit at the bar. Unlike the other bars and clubs at The Escape, the patrons can’t actually see the liquor we have up here. It’s all kept in mini-refrigerators and the coolers built into the bar itself, which makes taking inventory up here a giant pain in the ass.

  Glancing at my watch, I realize I need to get back downstairs and change into my outfit for tonight. Just like the night of Alchemy’s grand opening, I’m changing to fit the mood of the bar. Plus, I need to see if the white jackets for the main crew that will work that bar have arrived yet. Taking one last breath of fresh air, I pull the metal door open and step into the stairwell once again.

  As the door closes behind me, my phone buzzes with an incoming text.

  Jay: We’re finally here. Do you know if the door is unlocked?

  Me: Not sure. I’ll text Mike.

  Jay: K

  Me: Mike, Jay and his guest just arrived. Can you let them in? Also, I still need to change.

  Mike: I have it under control. See you in Alchemy.

  Me: Thanks.

  I put my phone away and quickly move down the stairs to the next level. From there, I exit the stairwell and speed walk to the elevator. Pushing the button, I wait for the box, reviewing our numbers in the meantime.

  Chapter 16


  Staring at my desk, I rummage through the notes I made when adding Alchemy into The Escape. I'm never this unprepared––even with last minute meetings––but I’m completely out of sorts for this one.

  Can this day get any worse?

  How could I have forgotten this meeting? I know I'm getting up in age, but Teagan texted me about having it before I headed down to Calla and Wes's.

  Calla and Wes's. Son of a bitch!

  Well that explains my slip. I sti
ll need to talk to Teagan about what's going on. Hell, I need to talk with Mike and his team, as well. Maybe they'll have some ideas. But first things first––Teagan. That little spitfire and I are going to talk. Very soon.

  A buzzing sounds from somewhere on my desk that’s now covered with papers. My phone goes off a few more times, and it takes me a minute to find it under everything. When I reach it, I notice I missed a couple of texts.

  Mike: Teagan’s brother is here. I’m escorting them into Alchemy.

  Forest: Have you had a chance to talk with your security team?

  Wes: Hey, man. Didn’t you tell me you wanted to use Belladonna this Sunday for a staff meeting? I need to give the info to Nessa. Text me back.

  I read over all the messages before responding to Mike first.

  Me: I’m headed down now. Also, about what we discussed earlier, have you spoken with the team yet? Forest just texted about it.

  Mike: We were just discussing it when Teagan texted that her brother was here. I’ll make sure you have answers before we leave tonight.

  Me: Thanks, Mike. Last thing before I meet you at Alchemy, how many of the guys will be at Belladonna for the meeting Sunday?

  Mike: You’re welcome. All of them. They don’t want to miss this.

  Me: Good. Leaving my office now.

  Gathering the paperwork off my desk, I head out of my office, returning Forest’s and Wes’s texts, in that order, as I go.

  Me: Spoke with Mike briefly. He still needs to talk to his team. That said, he and the entire team will be at Belladonna on Sunday for brunch with me and Teagan for a meeting. I’ll try to get the info you need tonight, though.

  Forest: Thanks man.

  Me: Yes. I still plan on having at least one meeting at Belladonna on Sunday.

  Wes: I’ll let Nessa know.

  Walking down the back halls, I pass the security room, the break room, and the employee bathrooms before leaving the back office area for the main floor. I move for the corridor leading to Alchemy, bypassing the dance club area to save time. At the end of the long walkway and down the flight of stairs, I arrive at Alchemy’s closed door and knock three times in code. The secret slot opens in the door, and Scotty’s voice filters out.

  “Password please? Sorry, boss.”

  “Prohibition,” I answer and the door opens. “Thanks, Scotty.”

  “No problem, boss. Teagan’s brother is over in the far booth with his guest. Teagan is there. as well,” he informs me.

  “Thank you,” I acknowledge, stepping into Alchemy.

  As Scotty closes the door behind me, I make my way to the bar where John is manning the drinks.

  “Hey, boss! What can I get you?” he asks.

  “Witherspoon Single Barrel Reserve, please and make it a double. Thanks, John.” He quickly makes my drink and hands it over.

  Drink in hand, I head to the corner booth at the back of the bar. The closer I get to the table I’m able to hear more and more of the conversation.

  “I must say, having a Speakeasy with the flare of a laboratory is pretty ingenious, if you ask me. Do you know what made your boss decide to use that decor?” the older man sitting next to Jayson asks.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. He never told me why he chose it. I think the vintage volumetric flask, beakers, Erlenmeyer filtering flasks, mortar and pestle, and apothecary bottles add to the flare and nostalgia of a speakeasy,” Teagan replies as I step up to the table.

  “Sorry to leave y’all waiting. I was going through my notes in case there were specifics you had questions about,” I explain, setting the papers and my drink down before sliding in next to Teagan.

  “It’s quite alright. I’m the one that wanted to show up early. You must be Rex Honeycutt? I’m Thomas Kennedy, II Ph.D.” The distinguished older gentleman across from me introduces himself as he sits forward, holding out his hand for me to shake.

  “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Kennedy,” I reply, taking his hand and shaking it.

  “Call me Thomas, please,” he implores as he pulls his hand across the table and leans back into the wooden booth.

  “Well, Thomas call me Rex.” Thomas nods in agreement. “So, Thomas, what brings you out to The Escape, and more specifically, Alchemy?” I ask taking a sip of my drink.

  “That is a very interesting question, and I’d like to give you a little more information about myself before I get into why I wanted to meet with you regarding Alchemy,” Thomas begins, taking a sip of his extra dirty martini.“I’d like to make sure you’re not under the impression that I want to take your idea and use it against you in anyway.”

  A phone beeps to my left, and I glance over at Teagan. Checking her phone’s screen, she shifts in the booth. “Will y’all please excuse me? It seems there’s an issue that needs my attention in the country bar.”

  I scoot out of the booth and hold my hand out for her to take. She grabs it, allowing me to help her up. “Is everything okay?” I ask before letting her hand go.

  “I’ll text you and let you know. Hopefully I’ll be back shortly,” she replies, stepping from the table and heading to the elevator as I reclaim my seat.

  “She is a very gorgeous and lovely woman you’ve got there,” Thomas comments, watching Teagan’s ass in her form-fitting dress as she strides away.

  Lifting my glass, I sip my whiskey as a means to keep myself in check.

  You can’t beat the ever-loving shit out of a man for checking Teagan out. You don’t have a claim on her. And he wasn’t saying anything that wasn’t true. She’s gorgeous. Hell, she’s sexy and other people are going to find her attractive too.

  The corner of my eye twitches at his words, and I want to growl, “Mine,” even though she would kick my ass if I said that.

  “Yes, she is,” Jayson responds, breaking through my thoughts. He watches me as I take a few calming breaths.

  Thomas studies me, as well, as if he knows his words got to me. And he very well might try again to get a rise out of me.

  “As I was saying before Teagan had to leave us, I’m a professor of Anthropology at UT, and I’m also an archaeologist. I just recently returned from an extended study in Europe, where I was conducting research on some of the darker sides of life throughout history.”

  “By darker side, what exactly are we talking about? Murder, torture? I need a little more to go on, and why it would have anything to do with Alchemy,” I tell him as my phone buzzes with an incoming text. “I need to check this.”

  Teagan: It was nothing major. I’m on my way back down.

  “Teagan will be back with us shortly,” I inform Thomas and Jayson.

  “Should we wait to finish this until she returns?” Jayson asks, but I shake my head.

  “I’m sure your sister can get up to speed when she gets back. Please continue, Thomas.”

  Thomas takes another sip of his martini, eyeing me closely. “Let me ask you a question.” I nod in agreement. “Have you ever ventured into Crave?”

  His question gives me pause. Not because I’m embarrassed about being a member, or even living the lifestyle. It gives me pause because that is not something many people ask when they first meet me. Hell, it’s not something that normally is discussed in the majority of first meetings, regardless. Not unless you’re somewhere BDSM is pretty much guaranteed to be a topic of conversation. Alchemy is definitely not one of the places I would’ve thought my kinks would be discussed by those I’m barely acquaintances with.

  “I’m guessing since you brought up the topic, you already know the answer to that question,” I state blandly, never breaking eye contact with Thomas as I sip a little more of my whiskey.

  Thomas doesn’t say anything. Instead, Jayson is the first to comment.

  “Does Teagan know?”

  “Do I know what?” Teagan asks as she steps up to the table, returning to the meeting faster than I expected.

  “That Rex here is in the lifestyle?” Jayson answers her question.

  “Why i
s that any of your business, and is there a reason we’re discussing this topic at a business meeting?” she questions as she slides into the booth, pushing me over.

  She would show her dominance tonight. From the gleam in Thomas’s eyes, he might be intrigued by her, but a switch is not what he craves. He wants––and needs––a true submissive. Someone he can mold.

  “I was just getting to that point, my dear. And yes, Rex, I did have my suspicions, which is why when Jayson told me about you opening Alchemy, I thought I could pick your brain a bit.”

  “Please go on,” I say reluctantly intrigued, my knee bumping into Teagan’s.

  Thomas finishes his martini popping one of his olives in his mouth when he’s done.

  “What I meant by ‘darker side’ is those things that are considered taboo in life...more specifically, sexual appetites. Yes, Austin has Crave, and it’s perfect the way it is, but there are some fantasies that aren’t catered to there. I want to cater to those hard limits. Those fantasies that are taboo––even in the lifestyle,” he explains.

  “I won’t lie and say there’s not a need for a place like that in our city, but how do you think I can I help you with that? And it still doesn’t answer the question as to why this has anything to do with Alchemy,” I add.

  “Do you remember the raves during the nineties?” Thomas asks, and I nod. “What I want to do is something similar to that. However, I’d have the club move from place to place every night it’s open, in order to indulge in those taboo fantasies...for a price.”

  I let what he wants to do sink in, and just like Teagan had Jayson help us on opening night, I can see why Thomas would want to keep Jayon on full time. He’d be the one marketing these events and bringing in clientele. And like Alchemy, Thomas wants to keep his establishment a hidden gem that’s strictly on a need-to-know basis. Therefore, passwords and security are paramount for his idea to work, just as they are for Alchemy.


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