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When We Fall

Page 8

by Olivia Rose

  "I understand. Thank you for treating me like an adult and letting me handle this. I know it's getting worse, but I can handle it. I promise, okay?"

  "You're growing up, what else am I going to do?" she says and shrugs with a smile. "Though, not too old for Taco Tuesday, right?"



  "Yo, Erin! Hold up." I turn and see Scottie half-running, half-waddling toward me, her arms juggling the biggest stack of books I think I've ever seen her with. I take half from her before she falls and everything goes to hell in a handbasket.

  "Thanks, dude; I genuinely didn't think I was going to make it."

  "What even is this stuff?" I say, laughing at her.

  "You know, bits and bobs," she shrugs noncommittal.

  "Put me down, assholes!"

  I turn at the shouts and see Tommy with his girlfriend Ella as he champions a gaggle from the football team lifting Josh and carrying him toward the big trash skips near the cafeteria. I head toward them, but I'm stopped when Scottie grabs my arm.

  "Dude, you already have stitches. I've not asked questions, but I can only imagine. You don't need to be getting involved in that, too."

  "Ignoring it makes us as bad as them, Scottie."

  "No it doesn't—it's survival. How many times do you think he's walked past something happening to you or me and just kept going? High school is survival of the fittest, or in this case, the ignorant."

  "I can't do nothing," I tell her before heading toward the idiot jocks manhandling Josh. Before I can get to them across the quad, Josh is thrown into the trash before they walk away, laughing and high-fiving each other like they're proud. I look around and see my classmates stood around me, each ignoring what's happening, carrying on as if nothing's happening. What is this world we live in when bullying is overlooked and accepted as a norm?

  "Come on, Erin," Scottie says, pulling me back toward the library. "There's nothing we can do for him." I sigh defeated. I hate it, but what I hate more is the small sliver of relief that it's not me.

  We drop her books off at the library, before heading to my locker. Mason is leaning against it, playing on his phone. That guy is addicted to Candy Crush. Seriously, it's unreal.

  "Hey," I say quietly. I have no idea how we are after last night. I laid a lot out for him, none of it pretty.

  "Hey, yourself, pretty girl," he says with a smile. "Hey, Scottie."

  "Hey, pretty boy. Yeah, that's right, I'll say it," she says laughing and rolling her eyes. "I'll catch you guys later."

  She waves as she enters the crush of students in the hall.

  "How are you feeling today?" he asks softly, brushing my hair from my face with his fingers to get a better look at.

  "Puffy, and bruised, but other than that, I'm peachy."

  "It looks like it hurts."

  "Thanks, just what every girl wants to hear," I laugh.

  "Still the prettiest girl I've ever seen," he says lowly.

  His stormy eyes darken but he keeps his distance. I'm pretty sure Mason Knight looks like sex: pure, dirty, raw, and passionate sex. The look he's giving me is like the ones you see on the movies before the alpha hottie picks up the damsel and tears her panties off with his teeth. I take a step back; these are not thoughts I need to be having on a Wednesday morning.

  "Erm," I clear my throat. "What are you doing for Thanksgiving next week?"

  "I don't know. Probably dinner with Grams and Parker."

  "Oh! You guys should totally come over to ours. Monica always cooks way too much."

  "I'd love to, I'll run it past Grams."

  I pull my books out of my locker and put them in my bag, when Mason takes it from me.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Exactly what my Grams would beat my ass for not doing."

  "I'm fine carrying it," I protest.

  "I know you are. I learned that well and truly the last time, but you want Grams to beat my ass, is that it?"

  "Well, I suppose not; it is a very nice ass."

  "Oh, I see. Someone's been checking me out," he says walking a few steps ahead of me, shaking his ass.

  "Well, you flaunt it so much, it's hard not to." I can't help but laugh at him.

  "Hey, you gotta shake what your momma gave ya. It would be a crime to keep all this hidden away."

  "Oh my god, what a goof!"

  "Yeah, but it made you laugh, so it was totally worth it. Now then, darlin', let's get you to class."

  "Oh, and he brings out the southern drawl. Ladies and gents, lock up your daughters."

  He laughs at me and shakes my hand before taking hold of it.

  "There's only one girl that gets all this southern charm."

  I blush as he pulls out the chair for me, then sits down next to me. I have a feeling I might be in trouble in all matters Mason Knight.

  A BANGING AT THE DOOR has me locking my computer and heading down the stairs where I find a soaking wet Scottie on the other side of the door with a suitcase.

  "Stupid rain," I hear her grumble as I let her in. "Only I would get caught in a flash shower. So stupid." I laugh at her and take her to the bathroom, giving her some towels to dry off.

  "So what's up? You never show up unannounced."

  "Erm... I kinda need to stay here for a couple of weeks; if that's okay with Monica, I mean."

  "What's going on?"

  "Well, my family are going out of town over Thanksgiving, but I don't want to go. They're going to Canada, and it's so fucking cold. I don't want to freeze." She explains as she strips down and re-dresses.

  "I don't see it being a problem. Monica likes having a full house."

  We head back down to the kitchen, stowing the suitcase in the guest room and raid the fridge. Monica comes breezing through.

  "Morning girls, isn't it a beautiful day!"

  "Erm.... Are you okay, Mon?"

  "I sure am. What are you pair up to today?"

  "Not much, but Scottie's family are going out of town for a few weeks, 'til after Thanksgiving. Is it okay if she stays with us while they're gone?"

  "Of course, the more the merrier."

  "Oh, erm, I forgot to tell you, Mon. I kinda invited Mason, Parker and their grams to dinner too..." I say, looking down at my hands.

  I swear I can hear Scottie's excitement.

  "Well, we definitely have the space, and we both know your uncle will love having more people here. It's not a problem," she says with a sly smile.

  "Thanks," I mumble, before shoving burrito into my mouth.

  "So, Mason, huh? Thanksgiving? You're obviously friendlier than I realized," Scottie says, waggling her eyebrows. I almost spit out my breakfast laughing.

  "Oh my god, never do that again!"

  "I second that motion," Monica says as she picks at her food.

  "So, spill. What exactly is going on with you guys? Scottie asks again with enthusiasm.

  "Well, I was actually meant to be seeing him tonight. He's texted asking if I want to meet some of his old friends at a party, but with you staying here I can cancel."

  "Don't you dare, you crazy! Just tell him to bring a friend," she winks.

  "Erm, if you're sure? His friends aren't from around here."

  "Even better," she claps her hands with glee before chowing down on her burrito. Well, this could either go amazingly, or to shit.

  "I'm not home tonight, Erin. Sorry, Scottie. I have to go away today for that yoga retreat I told you about," she says, but her face is scrunched.

  "Oh, erm, okay. I don't remember you mentioning it, but well that's hardly a surprise."

  She shakes her head and smiles. "No, it's not." She says, looking relieved. "I'm going to go pack. You girls be good while I'm gone."

  "Aren't we always?"

  "Uh-huh," she says, rolling her eyes as she clears her plate away. "See you later."

  MASON PULLS UP IN FRONT of the house and climbs out of his car with his friend in tow. I pull back from the window and double c
heck my hair in the mirror before stopping myself. No, I am not that girl. Scottie rocks up next to me, looking like some beach goddess. Next to her I look like a sad goth girl, but fuck it, I like monochrome.

  Mason knocks on the door, and I open it, feeling all sorts of awkward.


  "Hey yourself. Erin, this is Rico. Rico, this is Erin."

  "Now I see why you've been keeping her to yourself, papi. Chica is beautiful," Rico says with a cheeky grin.

  "Hi, Rico," I say shyly. "Erm, this is Scottie."

  "Hello, boys," she winks. "Let's get this party started, shall we?" She says before grabbing her hoodie and her phone.

  "Dude, I know you think Mason is hot shit, but his friend, oh my god!" She whispers to me as she breezes past before talking up a storm with Rico as they head to Mason's car.

  "You okay?" Mason asks quietly as I lock up.

  "I am," I smile. "You know I'm just weird with new people."

  "Rico is good 'new' people. He's a total goofball, but he'd lay down his life for his friends. I've known him my entire life, and he's helped me more than I could ever repay him for."

  "He sounds like good people." I say as he takes my hand and kisses it.

  "This okay?" He asks and I nod. He walks me to his car, opening the door like always.

  "And they say chivalry is dead," Scottie calls out from the back seat.

  Mason chuckles behind me.

  "You've not met my Grams. Believe me, you'd be chivalrous too."

  "She sounds amazing. Bring on Thanksgiving!" She calls out as we head toward the beach. Rico and Scottie talk quietly in the back for most of the ride. I don't know how she does it, but I swear she can talk to anyone when we're away from school. Mason takes my hand and wraps it in his. I'm not sure just how okay I am with this, but it doesn't feel wrong, so I'm trying to just go with it. We pull up to beach, and the party Mason was so excited about is in full swing.

  "So, these are your friends?"

  "Some of them were, some still are. Some never were, but I figured you could relax here. These guys are here to enjoy themselves and not ruin anybody else's night."

  "Okay," I smile and squeeze his hand as he pulls me onto the sand and toward the bonfire lighting up the beach.

  "Scottie and Rico seem like fast friends," he laughs as we watch Rico pick Scottie up and run into the sea with her while she squeals.

  "Yeah, she has that way with people. They're just drawn to her."

  "I can see that. Next to you though, her light doesn't shine that bright," he says, and I blush. He says these things, and it's like he's been reading those books of Monica's.

  "You want a drink?"

  "Sure," I say, taking a seat on the sand by the fire. The sun hasn't completely set yet, but the chill coming from the water is definitely there. I watch the people around me as music filters across the beach. Everyone here seems happy. Free. Like they have no cares in the world. Apparently, I'm living life wrong. I stare out at the sea and watch Scottie as she runs through the water. Mason drops beside me and hands me a bottle.

  "Don't take a drink from anyone but me or Rico, or leave it unattended. These guys are mostly good people, but some people are just idiots," he says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. I lean into him, soaking up his warmth. A few people join us on the sand. Mason introduces me, and I smile, but mainly, I stay quiet, just enjoying listening to Mason laugh about stupid shit he and his friends got up to before he transferred to Rocky Falls.

  I stand up and excuse myself. My anxiety is starting to drag me into a black hole, so I decide to get away and fall apart in private.

  "I'll come with you," Mason interjects.

  "I'll be fine. You stay and enjoy yourself," I object with a smile.

  Brushing the sand off my legs, I walk back toward the beachfront and search for a bathroom. Being around this many people is all good and well, but my anxiety is sky-high. I'm not used to people paying attention to me without having ulterior motives. Even if their attention is on Mason, it seems like he was a king at his old school. Everyone loves him; they either want to be him or be with him. It's strange seeing him with these people; their hierarchy is so different to where Mason fell in at Rocky Falls. I mean, he's not exactly ignored, but he's not ruling the halls either. I lock myself in one of the bathroom stalls and lean against the door taking deep breaths. I wish I could be more like Scottie; she's out there, living her life and just enjoying the moment, and here I am, freaking out because I've been around people for a night, and I'm just waiting for something bad to happen.

  I hear the door to the bathroom open and hold my breath. I let it out slowly, trying to calm the storm building up inside me.

  "Did you see the girl he brought with him? She's such a mouse. I don't know why he's wasting his time. He could do so much better."

  "Don't be such a bitch, Shannon. You don't know her, maybe she's just shy? You're just jealous because it's not you."

  "Maybe I am, but I'm way hotter than her."

  "Modest, too," the other girl sighs.

  "Don't be such a hater, Demi. You don't always have to be such a goody-goody."

  They're not talking about me, right? I mean, this is a huge beach, and this is just a random bathroom I found. Mason would tell me to go face them down, but I hear Tegan in my head, telling me they're right. Fuck this, Tegan will not run my life. I take another deep breath, flush the chain, and unlock the door. The wide eyes that meet me in the mirror let me know that yes, they were talking about me. I keep my head high, wash my hands and walk past them, making my way back to Mason. I sit beside him, and he tucks me into his side again, pressing a kiss into my hair.

  "You okay?" he asks.

  His entire presence calms me, and his smile, well, a girl could get lost in that.

  "I am now," I smile and reaching up, I kiss him softly. When it ends, he pulls me even closer to him. Maybe Mason is right. I've been trodden on and beaten down, pushed to the floor, and walked over all my life. Maybe it's time to stand up and live my life.

  The night passes and I try my best to interact with Mason's friends, but it turns out that social interaction isn't exactly my thing. Rico and a disheveled Scottie join us. Then Rico magics up a guitar from somewhere and starts playing. At first, he's the goofball we've come to know, but then he switches it up and plays properly, and it's mesmerizing.

  Everyone is enchanted and entranced when we're interrupted.

  "Well, if it isn't the infamous Mason Knight," I hear from behind me. Mason goes stiff. He takes his arm from around me and I go cold as he stands and turns to face the voice. Three guys, who look like they definitely don't belong here from their haircuts, tattoos, and menacing scowls on their faces stare him down. They're emitting a dangerous energy.

  "What are you doing here, Joey?" Mason asks, his voice darker than I've ever heard.

  Rico comes and stands to his right, and another guy from the bonfire, Nic, stands to his left. Scottie shuffles next to me and holds my hand. The air around us suddenly feels sinister.

  "Well, we heard the king was back to challenge for his throne. Can't do that without taking out your successor."

  "Is it just me or does this sound like an episode of Game of Thrones?" Rico snickers.

  Mason's expression remains calm, but the tautness of his jaw gives a clue of an underlying tension. "Joey, you've lost your damn mind. I'm here to chill with my friends, and my girl. I have no interest in going to war with you and yours."

  "Sounds about right, chicken shit. Just like always. Running when shit gets real. Mason Knight doesn't deal with the tough stuff, just cuts tail and leaves. Girly, if you ever want to kick it with a real man, you call Joey," he says, licking his lips, causing a shiver to run down my spine. Just gross.

  "You should just leave, Joey," Mason growls. "And you need to leave my girl out of your shit. Trash like you doesn't get to speak to her."

  "Aw, now come on, Mason. No need to be like that
. I just want to get to know your new friends," he says, coming almost nose to nose with Mason.

  I see Mason's fist clench at his sides as he stands taller looking down at Joey.

  "They don't want to know you. So, I suggest you leave now."

  "Maybe we don't want to go; maybe we want to stay and party," one of the guys with Joey says, sneering lewdly at Shannon.

  "Well, we think you should pack up your shit, and go back to whichever hole you crawled up out of," Rico says squaring up with him.

  A cop car drives past the beachfront sounding its siren, lights flashing before coming to a stop. People take a step back from each other.

  "Is everything okay down here?" one of the cops calls, stepping out of the car.

  "Yes, sir. No problems down here," Enzo calls out.

  "Joey Romano, is that you? You're not causing trouble, are you?"

  "No, sir. We were just leaving. Right, boys?"

  "That's what I thought. I'm sure your uncle wouldn't appreciate me hauling you down to the station."

  "No, sir," Joey says, the hatred in his eyes pointed straight at Mason.

  "Mason Knight, it's been a long time. You keeping out of trouble?"

  I don't know who this cop is, but apparently, he knows everyone here. I guess this place is just as small as Rocky Falls."

  "Yes, sir," he replies, trying to look relaxed, but I can tell he's tense.

  "You say hello to your grams for me."

  "I will do, sir."

  Joey and his friends start walking away from our group, and the cop car stays until they drive away.

  "Well, that was different." Scottie pipes up as Mason and Rico walk back to us.

  "You could say that," I say with a frown.

  "Sorry about that," Mason apologizes as he reaches me. He pulls me into a hug and holds me tight. I don't understand any of this, but I let him hold me for as long as he needs to.

  "I swear, I'll explain. Just not now, okay?" He says softly.

  "Okay," I reassure him. This is obviously part of the past he had started telling me about—when he said he had got in with the wrong crowd. I kind of assumed he meant skipping class or something. Those guys looked like gangbangers, or some shit.


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