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Jamieson Finn (Redemption Series Book 3)

Page 23

by Sandi Lynn

  “Can you at least try?” he asked. “Please, just hear me out.”

  “Fine. Explain yourself, but it isn’t going to change anything. I’m done with you. You hurt me so badly. Worse than this gunshot wound did.”

  “I know and I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry is just a word.”

  “I didn’t want us to be married anymore because of the way it happened. It wasn’t right. And I needed you to move out because I had to make sure that I didn’t just grow comfortable with you. I love you, Grace. I always have, but I wouldn’t admit it to myself. I fought like hell to bury the feelings I had for you. I felt it that night back in New York, but it didn’t matter because I was never supposed to see you again. Then you show up here, and it scared me. I needed that time alone to prove to myself that what we had was so real and special. I know that’s really fucked up. Hell, if it makes you feel better, I hate myself for doing it and I always will. I will never forgive myself for hurting you the way I did. When I came home that night and saw all your things were gone, my world went black. I tried to tell myself that I’d be okay, but I wasn’t. I was far from it. I have never loved anyone so much in my life. I need you to believe that. I gave everything great thought from the first night we met. I don’t believe in natural forces or any of that woohoo stuff, but something or someone made sure we met and made sure we stayed in each other’s lives. It wasn’t a coincidence us meeting in New York and then you moving here to Los Angeles and taking a job in the same hospital. I had been in pain for so long and you had your issues with Sam, and we both needed each other. I now believe that there is someone out there that is made for one person, and you, Grace Harper, are my person. The person I was supposed to fall in love with.”

  I swallowed hard as tears infiltrated my eyes.

  “If you give me the chance, I will redeem myself to you. I want to make everything that went wrong with us right.”

  “I’ll take everything you said under advisement,” I spoke.

  “What? Seriously?” He cocked his head. “That’s all you have to say?”

  “For now, yes. After everything that happened, you just can’t come in here and expect me to forgive you so quickly.”

  “Okay.” He looked at me strangely. “How much time do you need?”

  “I’ll let you know. If you don’t mind, I’m really tired.”

  “Of course. Get some rest.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead.

  As soon as he walked out of the room, my Aunt Cora walked in.

  “I heard every word that man said. Grace, why are you doing that to him? You know damn well you’re going to take him back. I’ve never heard such sweetness and sincerity come from a man’s mouth. It’s kind of hard not to forgive him after that speech.”

  “He needed his time, and now I need mine.”

  It was the middle of the afternoon, and as I was eating lunch, my nurse, Jenna, walked in holding a dozen red roses in a beautiful crystal vase.

  “Look what came for you.” She smiled.

  “They’re beautiful. Who are they from?”

  “Take one wild guess.” She smirked as she walked out of the room.

  A moment later, she walked back in with a cart and two other nurses followed behind her pushing carts with roses sitting on them.

  “Oh my God, what is this?” I grinned.

  “Fourteen dozen roses, all in vases for you, Dr. Harper. Here’s the card,” Jenna spoke as she handed it to me.

  I took the small card out of the envelope and read it.

  One dozen red roses for each day we were apart.

  I love you, Grace.

  Love forever, Jamieson

  “What the hell?” Renata smiled as she walked into the room. “Let me guess. Jamieson?”

  “Yes. He’s trying to redeem himself to me.”

  “If that man wasn’t such a damn fool to begin with, he wouldn’t have to.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I love him, Renata.”

  “I know you do, sweetheart. Sometimes, we just have to forgive the jackasses in our life. No matter how badly they hurt us.” She smirked.

  Chapter Fifty-Two


  Two months had passed. Grace forgave me, moved back into my beach house, and we were living our dream life. But not quite yet. I had a plan, and if I was going to do it, I needed to do it now because we were running out of time. I brought in a chef to cook a romantic dinner and had a candlelit table set up on the rooftop. I told Jackie to make sure Grace was out of that hospital by seven p.m. and if a trauma came in to make sure someone else took over. I wanted this night to be special for her without any interruptions. I was up in the bedroom when I heard the front door open, so I slipped the small box into my pocket and walked down stairs.

  “Hi.” I smiled as I kissed her lips. “How was your day?”

  “It was good. Are you cooking? It smells delicious in here.”

  “Sort of.” I smirked. “Go get changed and we’ll have dinner. It’s almost ready.”

  “Okay.” She looked at me strangely.

  I went upstairs and waited outside the bedroom for her to change. When she was finished, I took her hand and led her up to the roof top.

  “I thought we could dine up here tonight,” I spoke.

  “Wow. Look at you getting all fancy with candles.” She smirked.

  I pulled the chair out for her and then took the seat across from her.

  “Aren’t you going to get the food?” she asked with an arched brow.

  “No need. Someone will be bringing it up to us,” I spoke as I poured us each a glass of wine.

  “Jamieson, what are you doing?” A beautiful smile crossed her lips.

  “I just wanted to do something special for the woman I love, and I thought a professionally prepared candlelit dinner up on the roof top was nice.”

  “It is very nice. Thank you.”

  The chef brought our dinner and we ate and had great conversation.

  “Would you like to dance with me?” I asked her as I stood up and held out my hand.

  “I would love to, Dr. Finn.” She grinned.

  I grabbed the small black remote, hit the button, and soft music began to play. I held her in my arms and nothing felt more right.

  “I love you,” I whispered before leaning in and kissing her lips.

  “I love you too.”

  We danced until the song ended, and I took in a deep breath.

  “Grace, thank you for giving me a second chance. I honestly don’t know what I would have done if you had said no. Actually, I do know what I would have done. I would have pursued you relentlessly.”

  She let out a light laugh.

  “I’m serious, and I’m serious about us. I don’t ever want to be apart from you again. My life revolves around making you happy. I never want to see you sad. If I do, I’ll wipe your tears and I’ll take away your pain. If I see you angry, I’ll calm you down. If you need help with something, I’ll be right there to help you. I will always be here for you, Grace. You are my stars on a dark night. You are my sun during the day, and I love you more than any amount of words can tell you.”

  I pulled the box out of my pocket and got down on one knee.

  “We didn’t do it right the first time, but we can do it right this time. Will you do me the honor of marrying me again and becoming Mrs. Jamieson Finn?” I smiled.

  “Jamieson.” She placed her hand over her mouth. “Yes. I want nothing more than to marry you again.” Tears filled her eyes.

  I took the ring from the box and placed it on her finger. It was a perfect fit. After bringing her hand to my lips. I stood, picked her up, and swung her around.

  “I love you, Grace.”

  “I love you, Jamieson.”



  After we made love and celebrated our engagement, Jamieson held my hand and softly stroked my ring.

  “There’s something I want and I’m hoping you’
ll say yes,” he spoke.

  “What it is?” I lifted my head from his chest.

  “I want us to get married on your birthday. Now, before you shoot the idea down, just hear me out. I know that day is something awful for you. Your parents died, and we drunkenly got married. I know you don’t celebrate that day, and with good reason, but I want to turn that all around for you. I want you to celebrate again and I want it to be special. Your parents wouldn’t have wanted you to stop celebrating your birthday every year. I want us to become husband and wife on that day and celebrate it every year. I want to celebrate us, and I want to celebrate you. I love you, Grace, and I don’t want your birthday to come around every year and you’re too afraid to acknowledge it. I know it’s a bad memory, but let’s make a new memory. A beautiful one.” I smiled.

  “Wow. I can’t believe you,” I spoke as tears filled my eyes.

  “As in I’m asking a bad thing?” he nervously asked.

  “No. Not at all. I love everything you just said, and I would love to become your wife on my birthday again.” I softly smiled.

  He let out a deep breath.

  “Oh my God, I was so nervous to ask you. You really mean it?”

  “Yes. I really mean it.” I reached up and kissed his lips. “Thank you.”

  “No. Thank you. We have four months to plan a grand wedding, so we better get started.”


  One Year Later

  “Page Dr. Finn,” I spoke.

  “Wait, you are Dr. Finn.”

  “My husband,” I spoke with irritation to my new intern.

  “Oh right,” he spoke.

  I placed my hand on my belly and took in a deep breath.

  “Are you okay, Dr. Finn?” Dr. Lasher asked.

  “I’m fine. His abdomen is distended, and I can’t see much with this ultrasound. I’m going to need to do a laparotomy.”

  “You paged me?” Jamieson asked as he walked into the room.

  “Gunshot wound to the upper left quadrant. X-ray is showing the bullet is lodged in his spinal cord.” I pointed as I held the X-ray up.

  “Let’s get him to the OR,” Jamieson spoke.

  As we were scrubbing in, Jamieson glanced over at me.

  “Are you okay, babe?”

  “I’m fine. Why?”

  “You look like you’re uncomfortable.”

  “I’m nine months pregnant. My back hurts, my feet are swollen, and my legs feel like I’m carrying an elephant. So yeah, I’m a little uncomfortable.”

  “Did you just refer to our daughter as an elephant?” His brow arched.

  “Oops.” I bit down on my bottom lip.

  As I was walking into the OR, I felt a sharp pain again. The same pain I’d been experiencing all day. I ignored it because I had a patient to save. Both Jamieson and I operated together. I stopped the bleeding and as I began to repair the tear in his liver, Jamieson went in and began to remove the bullet.

  “Oh shit,” I said to myself as I took in a deep breath.

  “Umm. Dr. Finn, I think your water just broke,” Amy the scrub nurse spoke.

  “What?” Jamieson looked up at me.

  “I’m aware my water just broke, Amy. Dr. Finn, I’m almost finished repairing his liver. Hurry up and remove the bullet from this poor guy’s spine.”


  “Jamieson, do it now!” I spoke through gritted teeth as I doubled over in gut-wrenching pain.

  “Get her a wheelchair!” he commanded to one of the residents. “Grace, you’re not due for two more weeks.”

  “I know that. Apparently, your daughter isn’t willing to wait. Fuck!!” I yelled. “Ron,” I looked over at the anesthesiologist, “do whatever you have to and get me an epidural now!”

  “I thought you weren’t going to have one,” Jamieson spoke.

  “I’ve suddenly changed my mind.” I gritted my teeth.

  “The bullet is out. Dr. Carter, do the closing so I can get my wife up to labor and delivery.”

  “Sure thing, Dr. Finn. Good luck to both of you.” He smiled.

  Jamieson wheeled me out of the OR, and suddenly, I felt something.

  “I have to push, Jamieson, and I have to push now.”

  He stopped the wheelchair and looked at me.

  “Grace, no. You have to wait until I get you to labor and delivery.”

  “I can’t. What are you going to do, push the wheelchair down the stairs? I can’t wait for the elevator!” I shouted.

  “Jesus. Umm. Okay.” He grabbed a nurse and wheeled me into a room. “Page Dr. Edmonds stat and tell her we’re up here and she needs to come now. Page Jackie down in the ER and tell her the baby is coming.”

  He helped me from the wheelchair and onto the bed. One of the nurses on the surgical floor ran in with a gown and quickly helped me into it.

  “I have to push, Jamieson. OH MY GOD!” I yelled as I gripped the sides of the bed.

  “Where’s Doctor Edmonds?” he shouted.

  “She’s delivering a baby at the moment. She said she’ll be here as soon as she can,” the nurse spoke. “We have fetal monitors on this floor. I’ll go grab one.”

  “Okay, Grace. Let me see what’s going on down there,” Jamieson spoke. “Whatever you do, don’t push yet.”

  “Easy for you to say!”

  “I’m here. I’m here.” Jackie ran into the room.

  “You’re dilated to ten, baby. I can see her head.” Jamieson smiled as he looked up at me.

  “It’s okay. Push,” Jackie spoke as she held my hand and held me up.

  I pushed as hard as I could and let out a howl.

  “She’s coming, Grace. Give me another push.”

  “AH!” I screamed as I pushed again.

  “One more, baby,” Jamieson spoke.

  “I can’t. I’m exhausted.” I lay back on the bed. “Just go up there and pull her out or something.”

  “You only pushed a couple times. How are you exhausted already?” Jamieson asked.

  Was he serious right now?

  “I just worked seventeen hours straight, you idiot!” I shouted as I sat up and pushed as hard as I could.

  Suddenly, I heard my baby cry.

  “She’s here, Grace, and she’s beautiful.” Jamieson smiled with tears in his eyes.

  He cut the cord and then placed her on my belly so I could touch her. After a few moments, he handed her over to Jackie so she could be cleaned up. A few minutes later, Dr. Edmonds walked in the room.

  “I’m here. Wow. I guess I’m a little late. Congratulations, you two.” She smiled as she walked over to me and began massaging my belly.

  Jackie wrapped my daughter in a blanket and placed her in my arms. Jamieson kissed my forehead and told me how much he loved me.

  “I love you too.”

  “She looks like you,” he spoke.

  “She has your lips. Lucky girl.” I smiled.

  “Do we have a name?” Jackie asked.

  I looked at Jamieson as he placed his finger in his daughter’s hand.

  “Ava Nicole Finn,” he spoke.

  “A beautiful name for a future doctor.” Jackie smiled. “By the way, Dr. Finn. Happy birthday. I bet you didn’t expect this.”

  “No. Not at all. I can’t believe I delivered my own daughter on my birthday. This is the best birthday present anyone has ever given me.” He kissed my lips.

  “Happy birthday, my love.” I softly stroked his cheek.


  Five Years Later


  “And what’s this?” I asked Ava.

  “The cerebrum, Daddy.”

  “And what does it do?”

  “It’s the largest part of the brain and it has two hemispheres. A right and a left.”

  “That’s my girl.” I kissed her head.

  “And what is this right here?” I pointed to the monitor.

  “That’s a brain tumor. A beautiful big brain tumor.” She smiled.

d where is it located.”

  “The frontal lobe.”

  “You are a genius, my love.”

  “Really, Jamieson? She’s five. Do you think it’s wise to teach her about brain tumors?” Grace asked as she walked into the neuro room.

  “You’re never too young to learn about brain tumors, Grace. She’s a genius like us. Ava, tell Mommy what your life plan is.”

  “I’m going to Harvard and I’m going to become a world class neurosurgeon like my daddy.” She smiled as she folded her arms.

  “What?” he asked as I narrowed my eye at him. “You can teach our son all about trauma if you want. Wait, maybe he’ll be a brilliant neurosurgeon too and then he and Ava can work together. A brother and sister team.” He grinned. “You can teach trauma to the next one.”

  “The next one? I haven’t even had this one yet and you’re already talking about another one?”

  “Daddy, I want to see more brain tumors.”

  “Of course you do, sweetheart.” I kissed her head as I winked at Grace. “Go look at that monitor over there and see if you can spot the brain tumor while I talk to Mommy.”

  “Okay, Daddy.”

  I walked over to Grace and wrapped my arms around her.

  “I love you, Dr. Finn.”

  “I love you too, Dr. Finn.”

  My life was perfect. I had a beautiful wife, a beautiful daughter, and a son on the way. I never thought my life would turn out the way it had. I envisioned myself being alone, because that was how I wanted it, until Grace walked into my life. She turned my world upside down and I hadn’t been the same since. She was the bright side of my life, and the best thing that had ever happened to me. I redeemed myself and I was rewarded in ways I never thought possible.

  Redemption is just not about the survival of our soul.

  It’s about the revival of a soul that was once dead.

  ~ Rebekah M. Hallberg

  About the Author

  Sandi Lynn is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author who spends all her days writing. She published her first novel, Forever Black, in February 2013 and hasn’t stopped writing since. Her addictions are shopping, going to the gym, romance novels, coffee, chocolate, margaritas, and giving readers an escape to another world.


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