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Royally Loved

Page 30

by McKenna James

  I hung up my phone, threw on my white silk robe, and buzzed him through the door downstairs. Before he could make it up, I ran to the bathroom and gargled mouthwash. I didn't have time to brush my teeth or put on makeup, so he was going to see a side of me that he'd never seen before. It would be okay, because he had Poppy now, and I was a part of his past. I doubted that he was there to look at me in a sexual way at all.

  I opened the door when he knocked once.

  “Hey.” He nodded as he stepped inside my flat, his hands shoved inside his pockets.

  “I didn't expect to see you tonight,” I said as curled into myself in the corner of the couch.

  He stood there, looking mad at the world.

  “What's wrong?”

  “I'm sorry to come by so late. I had no idea that you'd be in bed, but I wanted to see you and set some things straight.”

  He had on grey sweats, a hoody, and trainers, and I thought that was rather odd attire for a Prince, especially if he’d taken Poppy to the Royal Gala tonight as Clayton had suggested.

  He sat in the chair opposite the couch and raked his fingers through his hair. It was evident that neither one of us knew where to begin because silence filled the air for a good two minutes before either us of spoke.

  “How was the Gala?” I asked.

  “Drab. I made my appearance and left.”

  “Oh I’m sure Poppy wasn’t happy about that, not being able to rub elbows with the Queen,” I scoffed, not liking the jealous side of myself.

  “Poppy? I went alone. Why wouldn't you answer my texts and calls?”

  I wasn't sure that I was ready for all of this, especially after midnight, but there were things that needed to be said. Whatever the outcome, good or bad, we needed to put things in their place and bury them.

  “Clayton…” I cut off, deciding that Clayton had been the catalyst of our problems from the beginning, and I had to remove him from the equation. “Never mind.”

  “No, Eliza. That isn’t how this is going to work. We’re trying to work through whatever in the hell the miscommunication was. Don’t shut me down with ‘never mind’. What the hell did Clayton do now?”

  He was right, and I decided in that moment that all of this could have been resolved had I just attempted to talk to Drew.

  “I was there the morning when you two were in the commons area at school. I heard and saw everything, Drew.”

  I choked back a sob, trying to keep my emotions under tow. “I couldn't allow him to destroy your reputation just because you were seeing me. I wasn't going to give him more ammunition than he already had to cause you more grief.”

  It was as if it all dawned on him. “So you walked away without so much as a goodbye?”

  “I thought I was doing the right thing.”

  All of my feelings and emotions were out there on my sleeve along with my heart, but I didn't care. Drew was right—he deserved to know why I’d shut him out if we wanted to work through our differences. It just pained me so much to discuss it with him.

  “It hurt, Drew. I know that Clayton has been like a brother to you, and I didn’t want to come between that friendship. But Clayton isn’t out to only hurt you, Drew. He has a vengeance against me that I don’t understand. So what if I’m not some heir to a multi-billion dollar corporation. I’m still a person. I love you, Drew.”

  “Eliza, why didn't you just tell me that?”

  “Because Clayton wasn't bluffing when he said that he would ruin you. He knows my father is a tabloid reporter, and I was afraid that he would go to him with the story about how the Prince was dating a commoner. If you weren't ready to let people at school know, then you sure weren't going to be ready to tell it to the world.”

  His brow was furrowed as if he had no clue as to what I was trying to say. “Yeah, so?”

  “So, don't you see? He would have given my father the scoop of a lifetime just to hurt us. And knowing my father, he would have ran with it. Not in a negative way, but in a “my daughter is dating the Prince of England” type of way. He wouldn't have put us down, but he surely would have printed it to make himself a huge pile of cash and to make himself look like a big shot. There is no way that my dad would have kept our secret for us.”

  I dropped my head. I was embarrassed enough with what my father did for a living, but to tell the man I loved that my father would have used us both just for his own personal gain was humiliating.

  “I had no idea, Eliza. I can see why you closed me off, but I wish that you would have explained things to me.”

  He sat on the middle couch cushion, close enough that I could smell his cologne.

  “I tried. But by then, I had seen you with Poppy, and Clayton had obviously put another plan into motion. I was only trying to protect you and your family’s name.”

  He leaned his head back and looked at the ceiling. “That bloody bastard has ruined so much.”

  It was evident that he was upset, but at the mention of Poppy’s name his jaw tightened. I wanted the conversation to be over. I wanted to back to weeks prior when Drew and I were together and everything was right in the world … when I was experiencing love for the first time as he held my body as close to his as physically possible. But I couldn’t move forward without knowing the answers to all the questions I had.

  “So what do you need to tell me about Poppy?” I asked hesitantly. If what Clayton had told me was true, then I’d need to brace myself to hear Drew admit it. I’d considered not even bringing it up, letting it be water under the bridge. But I had nothing to lose, except a little more dignity.

  “Eliza, we're just friends.”

  I felt a sense of relief when I heard those words, but the tremor in Drew’s voice gave away his dishonesty.

  “Friends? That's all?” I asked enthusiastically.

  “Yes, friends.” He shifted his body on the couch. I wondered if the questions were making him uncomfortable. “Why?”

  “Poppy is a beautiful young woman, Drew. I saw the two of you in class before spring break. Clayton told me that you two were together. You’d been … intimate.” I sighed, trying to find the courage to carry on. “Clayton had told me Poppy was going to the gala with you, and I assumed you’d moved on.” That wasn’t exactly how I’d preferred to phrase it, but just the thought crushed my heart.

  “The problem with your questioning, Eliza, is you’re basing your assumptions from lies told to you by Clayton. You want to know what happened with Poppy?” he questioned leaning close as if he was about to tell me a filthy secret.

  My eyes rounded in surprise as my heart caught in my throat, and I couldn’t find the words to speak.

  “Poppy was a pathetic distraction by Clayton to get my mind off of you. He framed it that he was concerned about the paparazzi since the gala was highly publicized. Being seen with Poppy wouldn’t raise many suspecting questions. I was so wrecked that you weren’t talking to me, I trusted the fucker. But they didn’t want me to just be seen with Poppy.” He looked away, his eyes hard and angry. “No, she wanted me to fuck her.”

  All air left my chest as I gasped; no matter how well I prepared myself mentally, I wasn’t expecting to hear this from Drew.

  “But she. Wasn’t. You. She kissed me. But she tasted too sweet. Like honey. As gorgeous as Poppy may be, and as tempting as the opportunity was, I couldn’t fucking touch her. Because she wasn’t you.”

  Tears welled in my eyes, but as I pierced my eyes closed so Drew couldn’t see me cry, he gripped my face in his hands and crashed his lips to mine. Drew was passionate and controlling, consuming all the pain I’d felt with one simple kiss.

  “Don’t shut me out again, Eliza.”

  “I’m so sorry, Drew.”

  “Eliza, I’m as much to blame about all of this as Clayton is. I put restrictions on us. I allowed Clayton to do the same. Please accept my apology. I’ll never hurt you again.” He pressed his lips to my forehead then wrapped me in his arms, and I’d never felt so safe and loved than
I did in that moment.

  He held me in his arms, only the sounds of our hearts echoing filled the silence of the room.

  “Eliza, from this moment forward, promise me that you’ll always talk to me when something is bothering you.”

  “I promise, Drew.”

  “I won't lose you a second time.”

  His words were like a gentle balm on a fresh wound; healing and soothing. It was a promise, one I’d hold him to.

  I knew at that very moment there was nothing that we wouldn't be able to work through or overcome.

  “I love you,” I said. Looking at him, I wondered if he would say it back to me.

  “I love you too,” he replied, kissing my forehead again.

  We sat quietly for long moments, but something was still pestering my every thought.

  “So … what are you going to do about Clayton?”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “I mean, if he finds out about us, he will not stop until he ruins you.”

  He cleared his throat again. “Let me handle Clayton. Don't you give it another thought.”

  His words were the reassurance that I needed to hear. My heart could beat again, I could breathe again, and the sun would surely shine again. All was good in my life once more.



  Eliza felt wonderful in my arms. She was home to me, as if she was born for me and I for her. I didn't want to lose her again, and I’d do whatever I had to do to keep us together. It crushed her to hear that Poppy had kissed me, but I couldn’t be dishonest with Eliza. I’d already allowed too much to happen to her and our relationship. She deserved better from me, and she would get it.

  “Hey,” I said as I held her tightly against me. “All this time lost … I’ll make it up to you, Eliza.”

  “Promise?” she asked as she nuzzled against my chest.

  “I do.” I kissed the top of her head, and there it was—

  the aroma of peaches that I loved. She was fucking perfect. God, I loved this woman, and she loved me. I felt like the luckiest bastard in the entire world.

  “Drew?” she asked quietly.


  “Would you like to go to bed?”

  “Only if you’ll let me hold you while you sleep.”

  I felt her smile against my chest, then she stood and offered me her hand. I took it and stood, allowing her to lead me into her bedroom. She removed her robe then pulled back the duvet before she climbed in. I pulled my hoodie overhead and climbed in behind her, then pulled her back to my chest.

  She felt good against my body. Her tiny frame felt as if she needed protected. She was a petite girl who looked defenseless when she stood, all five-feet-one of her. I towered over her at over six-feet. She was mine to protect, and I silently vowed that I always would. There was no way in hell that I was going to let Clayton say another word to her. And as I lay there willing sleep to come, that was the only thought that consumed my mind—how would I protect Eliza from any further harm.

  Waking up next to her was the perfect way to start my day. She was still cradled in my arms the way she had been when we fell asleep. Neither one of us had moved all night. Maybe subconsciously we were afraid to and our bodies wouldn't allow the separation, even during sleep. Maybe it was because she just felt so good that my arms and heart refused to let her go.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” I whispered in her ear.

  She stirred a bit and let out a slight moan. “Good morning, my love.”

  My love ... that sounded so perfect. I loved it. I squeezed her tighter as I kissed her on top of the head.

  “How did you sleep?” I asked.

  “Amazingly,” she said as she rolled over to face me. “How about you?”

  “I slept well with you in my arms. It was nice.” I kissed her gently. “So what would you like to do today?”

  “You have rugby today, don't you?” she asked.

  Shit, I’d hoped we could spend the day together. “Oh yeah, I had forgotten about it.”

  “How about you go to practice and then you can come over this evening and we can order a pizza and maybe watch a movie.” Her soft hand was tracing my jawline, and I could feel my dick getting hard. I wanted her, but the time would come. With a fresh start, I wanted us to take things slowly.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I agreed with a smile. “Eliza, one of the reasons I love you is that you don't ever want to go out and spend money, or try and meet celebrities or socialites. You seem to just want me for me.”

  “I don't care who you know or how much money you have. None of that impresses me. What impresses me about another person is how kind they are to others, how loving and gentle they are. Those are the qualities I look for in human beings, not material things. I wouldn't care if you had nothing—I would still love you because you are the sweetest guy I've ever met, and you have treated me with the utmost respect.”

  I felt terribly undeserving of her kind words. I wasn’t the sweet guy she had just described; I was a prick who had let my best friend dictate who I dated, I’d let my best friend hurt Eliza. It was something for which I might never forgive myself.

  “I don't feel like I deserve all of that, but I like way you see me,” I said to her through guilt-laced words.

  “But you do,” she said as she sat up. “And one day, you’ll see yourself just as I see you. I will see to it.”

  A quick peck on the cheek and she was up and on her way to the bathroom. “I'm going to grab a shower; I'll be out in ten minutes,” she called out.

  “Okay, but I'll be going soon after you get out.”

  I stretched out on her bed and smiled as I looked at the ceiling. I was back where I belonged, and nothing or no one was going to ruin it for us. I heard my phone buzz as it vibrated on the nightstand. Picking it up, I noticed that it was Clayton calling. I declined the call and waited for the inevitable voicemail I knew he would leave. Twenty seconds later I saw the prompt on the screen. I pressed the button and listened to him as he asked where I was and if I was going to make it to practice.

  I quickly shot him a text that I would be there in a few minutes.

  I stood and walked to the bathroom door that was open. I could see Eliza's perfect figure through the glass shower door. The soapy lather as it ran over her large tits was enough to cause my cock to swell.

  “Hey, that was Clayton calling and hurrying me up to practice. I think I'm gonna take off,” I said.

  “Okay, hold on, let me give you a kiss.”

  When she turned off the water and opened the door, leaving her naked body exposed to me, I thought I would come in my pants right there. She was gorgeous, especially wet and soapy. Her nipples were hard and standing erect just asking to be kissed. My dick was fighting to get out, but it wasn’t the time.

  “Wow, you are amazing,” I said as I looked her up and down.

  She smiled. “Thank you. You can touch if you like.”

  She stepped out of the shower, her naked perfection standing so close I could smell the scent of her bodywash.

  “Eliza, I want to, really I do. But if I take you this morning, I won’t be able to give you the attention you deserve.” I hated to deny her, but there was no sense in rushing. “I’ve got rugby practice, remember?”

  She grinned and tiptoed to kiss me. Her firm breasts were pressing against my bare chest. “I do understand, but I thought I would offer,” she said as she turned around and grabbed a towel. Her round ass seemed to beg me to grab it, but it was all I could do to control myself. I wanted her, but for more than just the physical act of sex. I wanted all of her—heart, body, mind and soul. I was bound and determined to do things right from there on out.

  “Call me after practice, before you come over,” she said as she bent over and dried her legs.

  “I will,” I barely muttered. I feared that I was going to have to jack off before practice just to get my dick to go down.

  “Drew,” she said as she stood and
tossed the towel into the laundry basket. “I love you and I'm so happy that things have worked out for us.”

  I smiled and gave her naked body one more look before leaving. “I love you too. And I'm happy as well.”

  I put on my shirt, shoes and grabbed my keys and left. In the Rover, I exhaled a breath of relief. One dilemma was solved, now I had to set Clayton straight.



  “Mum,” I said after my mum answered the phone.

  “Eliza, dear, how are you today?” My mother's voice was sweet and full of love for me.

  “Oh, Mum, I'm so happy!” I exclaimed. “Drew and I worked things out last night.

  “Sweetie, I'm thrilled for you!” she said loudly.

  “Please don't say anything too loudly. I'm afraid that Daddy will hear you.”

  “It's okay, honey; he's at the office. He said that he had a lead on some big story, so he went in early today.”

  I rolled my eyes at the thought of my father following yet another unsuspecting celebrity to get photos or dirt on them. But I didn't call Mum to talk about my father and his career. I had more important things to tell her.

  “Mother, thank you for the advice you gave to me. It is because of you that I even called Drew again and that we talked. I love you more than you know.”

  My words were sincere; my mother had always been my favorite between my two parents. My father's cheating had left me with a less than a favorable view of him. I thought him to be selfish and cowardly for lying to her for so long.

  “Eliza, I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Honey, I'm so glad that you worked things out. You know that I want the best for you that life has to offer,” she said as her voice began to break.

  She sounded as though she was on the verge of tears. My mother had always carried a special kind of love in her heart for me, one that was tender and understanding. She had been harder on my sister because there was such a big age gap between us, and by the time I came along, she was more patient as a parent. I felt bad at times because it was almost as if I was her favorite child.


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