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Royally Loved

Page 32

by McKenna James

  “I have to go, there he is at my door. I love you, and I'll text you and let you know where we are.”

  “Okay, be careful and have fun,” she said as I was practically hanging up on her.

  I buzzed Drew up and when I opened the door, there he stood with a dozen long stemmed red roses. My breath caught in my chest as I realized just how romantic he was.

  I took them in my hands and began to cry. “No one has ever brought me flowers before. Thank you, Drew, they're beautiful.”

  He stepped inside the door and took me into his arms. He gently kissed me, slowly and lovingly. “Eliza, I love you very much, and I can't wait to show you where we're going.”

  “I can't wait either,” I said.

  “So, if you're ready, right this way.” He moved aside and allowed me to exit first. “Your chariot awaits.”

  “Thank you, kind sir,” I said as we both laughed.

  This was the man that I wanted to spend my life with. He was fun, sweet, and kind, not to mention gorgeous; Drew Harrington had it all.

  Once we got to his car, I realized that I had never ridden with him before. “Wow, this car is really nice,” I said as I looked around at the wood grain dash and felt the soft leather seat beneath me. I was certain that it had cost more than both my parents had ever earned together in their entire lifetimes.

  “Thank you. It was a gift from Mum when I graduated.”

  Wow, all I got when I graduated was my dad's thirty-year old clunker that he pretended was the Holy Grail of automobiles. I thought he'd cry when he gave it to me. It was so beat up and the paint had chipped so badly that I was almost ashamed to drive it. But I figured it beat riding my bike everywhere, especially in the winter, so I gladly took it.

  “So, where are we going?” I asked, hoping he'd share with me.

  He looked at me and grinned. “Oh no, you're not getting that out of me. You'll just have to wait and see.”

  I sat back and smiled as he drove. “Drew, aren't we headed for the palace this way?” I asked when I realized that he was taking me by his home.

  “Well, yes,” he said. “I have to make a pit stop to see my mum.”

  His mum? The freaking Queen of England?

  “What? You're going to see your mum?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Oh, I just didn't know that you had to stop here,” I said. My hands were beginning to shake. The closest I'd ever gotten to the palace was when our school took a field trip one day and our bus drove past it as the tour guide told us who lived there. The palace wasn’t somewhere that you just casually drove past each day. No, there were huge gates and guards all around, so this was going to be interesting.

  Drew drove past them nonchalantly, as if they meant nothing to him. No stopping, no questions—nothing. But I had forgotten that this was his home. To me and the rest of the country, it was the Royal Palace and off limits, but to him it was home and nothing more.

  “Okay,” he said as he put the car in park inside a large garage. “Mum wanted to meet you before we leave.”

  “What?!” I exclaimed. “You mean the Queen of England wants to meet me?”

  I was in shock and felt as though I would stop breathing.

  “Look, don't think of her as the Queen; think of her as my mum,” he said easily, as if it was just an everyday meeting.

  “But, Drew, she is the Queen, and there is a certain protocol that I must adhere to.”

  I was still beyond believing that I was about to meet the Queen.

  “Yes, but it's not that strict since you're meeting your boyfriend's mother. Just roll with it, okay?”

  “I'm glad that you're so causal about this because I can feel my legs already shaking.”

  About that time, the side door to the garage opened, and a petite woman stepped out. “Drew, your mother asked that I escort you and your guest to the study,” she called out to us.

  “That's Patricia, she's my mum's right hand and secretary. She's been with Mum since she's been Queen. She's super nice, and she will love you as much as I do.”

  “But, Drew, I don't know what to do. I mean, do I curtsy? Do I bow? What do I do?” I was stumbling over my words.

  “Do whatever you want; it's just my mother.”

  He was taking this far better than I was. I was about to go inside of the palace and meet the fricking Queen!!!

  As we stepped inside of a kitchen, I felt a little more at ease. I didn't know why, but I expected to see some opulent throne with a woman wearing a crown of diamonds sitting high above us. It was silly, I knew, but it was the image that all children grew up with in England. The Queen was an untouchable persona who radiated power and strength. She wasn't someone whom you simply walked up on and said hey to.

  We walked through a corridor and into what looked like the library from The Beauty and the Beast. The walls were lined from floor to the vaulted ceilings with books, large leather sofas framed a seating area, and centered before the large bay window was a mahogany desk.

  “Your mother will be right in,” Patricia said. “Eliza, it's nice to meet you,” she said as she shook my hand. “Don't be nervous; she’s just Drew's mum today, and not the Queen.” She laughed and winked as she said it. She was trying to calm me down, but it wasn't helping at all.

  I heard footsteps outside of the door, and my stomach turned over to the point that I was afraid I was going to throw up right then and there.

  “Mum,” Drew said as he stood and hugged her. “This is Eliza Noble.”

  My mouth was so dry that I could barely utter hello. I curtsied and mumbled something about it being nice to meet her. My head was spinning. Oh my God, I wished my mother could’ve see all of this.

  “Eliza, it's so nice to meet you. I can't say that Drew has told me all about you, but it's still so kind of you to come and meet me today.”

  She was sweet and very beautiful. Her blonde hair was just at her shoulders, and her skin was like porcelain. She was just as she looked on television, regal and royal. Even though I was meeting Drew's mother, she was still the Queen.

  “Thank you for having me, Mrs...Your... Ma'am...” I was stumbling because I had no idea what to call her.

  Everyone laughed loudly, including the Queen. “It's alright, dear, no one seems to know what to say at such informal meetings.

  I was so embarrassed that I felt my face was burning hot. My cheeks had to be the color of crimson. I tried to smile, but honestly, I couldn't say whether or not I did because it felt as if I was having an out of body experience by that point.

  After some small talk and a cup of tea, I could feel myself relaxing as we sat there. No longer did I feel as though I was with royalty, but instead, I was with my boyfriend's mom, Mrs. Harrington.

  When it was time to go, Drew stood and hugged her. It was wonderful to witness the bond that he had with his mum, and I admired him for that. Losing his father probably helped him cling to his mother while he was growing up.

  “It was nice to meet you, Eliza. You must come by again and visit,” she said as she hugged me.

  I was surprised that she reached out and embraced me as she did. “Thank you, it was the most awesome experience meeting you as well,” I said.

  As we left, I was still in awe of the fact that I had been sitting in the palace. Never in a million years would I have believed that I would be drinking tea with the Queen, or dating her son, for that matter. But there I was, with both of them. My life had taken a surprising and wonderful turn.



  The look on Eliza's face when she saw my mother standing in front of her was one that I would never forget. I was certain I had seen her knees buckle for a second. I realized that meeting the Queen of England was an enormous deal, but to me, she was just Mum. I guessed I was too close to the situation to truly grasp what it meant to those who were outside of our circle. But it was a hoot seeing her eyes glazed over, stumbling over her words, and shaking so terribly that, at one point, I wasn't sur
e she would be able to hold the teacup without spilling it. She was sweet and innocent, and I loved her for that. She didn't try to put on any act around my mother; she was just herself.

  “So,” I said once we were seated in my car. “Did you have fun?”

  She looked at me, still with the deer in the headlight gaze, and she managed a smile. “Yes, it was great.”

  I laughed and took her hand, which was still shaking a bit. “You were wonderful. I could tell that my mother was taken by you. I think she really likes you.”

  “Really? You think so? Because I was so nervous that I don't remember half of what we talked about, to be honest.”

  She took a deep breath and leaned her head against the soft leather seat.

  “Eliza, I love you. You were kind to my mother, and she saw that. Trust me, that's all a mum is looking for in her son's girlfriend. She wasn't trying to test you on your knowledge of Royal life. She was just wanting to see how you came across as a human being, and you did wonderfully well. You were your true self, and that's what counts.”

  I kissed her hand softly. “I'm proud to call you mine, Eliza. I've never known anyone else who has a gentle heart for others as you do. That means everything to me.”

  “Thank you, Drew. It means so much to hear you say that. I feel that you have that same heart as well. I see the way you treat people who are not on your level in life, and it's touching that you care so much for those less fortunate. You don’t love me any less because of where I come from. You love me for who I am.”

  She laughed as if she were uncomfortable.

  “Eliza, you must get out of the habit of speaking about your lot in life and feeling down on yourself because of where you came from. You're no more to blame for that than I am for being born into royalty. We are given our stations in life, and we must deal with it the best we know how.”

  I turned toward her and caressed her soft cheek. “When I think of you, I don't think of your lack of wealth or material things. I think of the wonderful woman you are who is gentle and kind and who will be a great mother to our children one day.”

  “Children?” she said suddenly.

  Hearing her voice question my statement caused me to wonder if I had said the wrong thing. I suddenly felt like I wanted to take it back. Was I moving too quickly for her?

  “Uh, yeah ... don't you ever think about that kind of stuff?” I was tripping over my words.

  She smiled. “Well, yeah, but I didn't think that you did. I mean, girls think about things like weddings, babies, and married life from the time we're little. But I didn't think that boys gave it too much thought.”

  I shrugged. “Well, I don't know about any other “boys” as you put it,” I said. “But this man has and does think about it.”

  Resting my head against the seat, I looked into her eyes. “I have fallen madly in love with you, Ms. Noble, and I think about living a long, happy life with you.”

  She smiled, and a tear crept out of her eye and rolled slowly down her cheek. “Oh, Drew, that's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.”

  I leaned over and kissed her full lips. “Well, we must get going if we're going to make our trip,” I said as I started the car and backed out.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as she buckled her seat belt.

  “Oh come on now, you know I can't tell you that. It's a complete surprise.”


  I could feel the anticipation in the air as we talked about our trip. Although traveling was nothing new to me, my reasons for feeling euphoric were far greater than she realized. Watching my brother jet off to exotic places with women during his bachelor days was something that I could never understand. Why would he want to drag whiny women on holiday with him? It seemed everyone he dated was always so into the whole “royal” thing and what he could do for them that it turned me off at an early age. I didn't want that lifestyle. I didn't want to be with women who only wanted me to buy them things. Little did I know as a youngster that Edward was getting something out of it his promiscuities as well. But even still, I didn't want someone who only wanted material things. I had found Eliza to be genuine months ago, and I was comfortable with going away with her.

  After an hour passed, the plane arrived at our destination. Her eyes lit up as she looked around. “Drew, are we where I think we are?” she asked with a huge smile.

  “Well, where do you think we are?” I was toying with her.

  “Paris?” she asked, slightly grinning.

  “Yes, we are in Paris? What gave it away?”

  She giggled. “The Eiffel Tower, silly man.”

  We deboarded the plane and into the car that was waiting for us. The look of sheer delight on her face was enough to cause me to smile. She was like a child who was seeing Santa for the first time.

  “Oh my god, Drew, I can't believe that you did all this for me?” She seemed humbled by my gesture.

  “I love you and I want to give you nice things, sweetheart,” I said as I kissed her forehead.

  I meant every word I said. I wanted to be good to her, to open her up to experiences that she'd never had in her life.

  “Come on,” I said as the limo pulled up to the hotel. I looked around to see a hoard of paparazzi out front. “Stick close to me and don't answer any questions at all.”

  “Oh god, Drew. Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked. Her face was full of fear and dread, and I could tell that she wasn’t anticipating them being there. Neither was I, for that matter.

  “Liam,” I said to the driver. “What about the back entrance?”

  Looking in the mirror, he answered me with a smile. “I can do that.”

  “Okay, listen. This is our first time out in public and your first time dealing with those swamp rats. So, instead of just pushing you in front of them, we're going in the back way. The hotel has a private entrance that Mum uses, so we'll go in there.”

  “I hate that you have to go to all this trouble for me.”

  “It's no trouble. I don't know why I didn't plan for this. I was just so happy to be coming that I didn't think about it.”

  My bodyguards, in the car ahead of us, did a perimeter sweep.

  “All clear,” I heard James say.

  “Your Highness, all is safe you and Ms. Noble to enter the hotel now,” Liam chimed in.

  “Come on,” I told her as I took her hand and walked with her to the elevator.

  “This is both exciting and a little intimidating,” she said as the door closed.

  I leaned over and kissed her as we ascended. “Drew, not here,” she whispered and looked at our guards.

  I chuckled. “They don't mind. Trust me, Eliza, they protected Edward. They've seen it all.”

  Connor, the tallest guard, turned and winked at me as he grinned.

  I opened the door to our suite, and her jaw dropped. She was amazed as told by the look in her eyes. “Drew?” She gasped and put her hand over her mouth. “I've never seen anything like it in my life.” She walked toward the sofa. “Not even in books.” Her voice was full of astonishment and awe.

  I couldn't help smiling. I was proud of being there with her and showing her how good life could be. “Well, it's our home for the next few days.”

  She dropped her bag and ran to me. “Thank you so much. I don't know what to say,” she said through tears.

  “Eliza, you don't have to say anything; just enjoy it all. I want these next few days to be a very relaxing and happy time for you.”

  She walked throughout the large suite and examined everything from the bookcases filled with first edition works, to the oversized marble tub with real gold faucets. Over the next hour, I answered every question she asked me about it all. I was willing to let her soak in her surroundings and the new life that she was going to be exposed to.

  “What would you like to do?” I asked after she settled onto the couch.

  “I don't know.” She was blank, and I realized that she had no idea what to do.
  “Well, we can go out and see the city; Paris is beautiful at night, you know. Or we can stay in and eat here. It's up to you,” I told her.

  Bringing her finger to her chin and looking up, I could tell that she was earnestly considering her options. “Hmmm, I've always wanted to see Paris...” She paused. “But I think I'd rather stay here with you and have dinner alone. If that's okay?” she asked.

  “That's more than okay. It's perfect. I'll have the chef fix something for us.”

  “Chef? Wow,” she whispered to herself. It amused me, and I laughed softly.



  As if waking up in the Royal penthouse at Hotel Etienne wasn't enough, there I was waking up next to the love of my life, Prince Andrew Harrington. I couldn't believe it. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. As I looked out and saw the bright sunlight coming through the large windows that separated us from the world, I felt a sense of security knowing that nothing could touch us or tear us apart. All was right in our world.

  Drew had told me about everything that had happened with Clayton, how he had turned his back on him and his social circle. I felt horrible for the lost friendship, but I was proud of Drew for confronting him. I could make Drew much happier than his so-called friends could with their snobbish attitudes toward others.

  I rolled over to see that Drew was still sleeping soundly. The sight of his strong arms and muscular chest made me tingle with desire. Making love with him was more wonderful than I ever could have imagined, and I was pleased that I had saved myself for him. Mum was right, it was a magical time that you could never get back, although she had no idea that I'd already had that time.

  “Good morning,” I whispered as his eyes fluttered a bit.

  “Mmmm,” he said as he slowly opened them to look at me. “Good morning.”

  I brought my lips to his and softly held them there for a few seconds. He returned the gesture and opened his mouth. We kissed passionately and gently for a while before he pulled back.


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