Sweet Nothings: A Bethany Beach Romance
Page 17
“Okay,” she said, breaking her glare and smiling again. “I’m glad I won’t have to get out my shotgun. I haven’t fired that thing in years.”
We both laughed, mine a bit more nervously than Mary’s. Kelly came walking into the room carrying a tray of cookies and a small cake on it.
“Everything okay in here?” she asked before sitting down next to me on the couch.
“Wonderful, dear,” Mary said. “Damian and I were just getting to know each other a bit.”
I could see Kelly biting her lip, wondering if that was a good thing or not. Alex and Jodie joined us as well, and I dutifully poured coffee for everyone while we enjoyed dessert. I had just put a chocolate chip cookie in my mouth when Alex, who was seated on the floor next to her mother, blurted out: “Damian, how much money do you have in your wallet?”
I coughed on some cookie crumbs while Kelly shot her sister a mean look.
“Alex!” Kelly yelled.
After clearing my throat, I looked at Alex.
“It’s okay Kelly. You’d be surprised how many people ask me that. Honestly, I’m not even sure.”
I took my wallet out of my front pocket and opened it up. I started counting silently to myself.
“432 dollars,” I told her, folding the wallet back up.
“Man, I thought it would be more,” she said with disappointment.
“I’m amazed I have that much in there,” I told her. “I don’t usually carry much cash.”
“Okay, next question,” Alex said. “What was it like to date this model?” She held up her cell phone, and I saw a picture of me and Jessica Mulder, a model I had dated once or twice, together on the beach. Kelly leaned over and looked at the picture and then looked at me.
“Yeah, what was it like to date her?” Kelly said as she squinted her eyes at me.
I passed the phone back to Alex.
“She was a nice person, but we only went out a couple of times. We met while we were both in Bermuda. She wasn’t really for me.”
I sat back on the couch, still getting a look from Kelly.
“Did you take her on your yacht?” Alex asked. “You have a yacht, don’t you? I’ll bet it’s huge. Can you land a helicopter on it? Do you have a helicopter?”
“Alright, that’s enough questions for tonight,” Kelly said, standing up and taking my hand, so I was up too. “I need to get home and get to bed. We do have work tomorrow you know.”
“Oh man, I have a lot more questions,” Alex said. “Damian, can I have your email so I can send questions to you?
“Forget it, Alex,” Kelly yelled, dragging me towards the front door.
“Thank you for a lovely dinner, Mary,” I said as Kelly kept pulling me. I held onto the door frame so I could say goodbye before I was outside.
Kelly pulled me down the front steps and over towards my truck. She leaned against the passenger door and brought me straight to her. Before I could say anything, she gave me a kiss.
When we finally broke the kiss, we were both breathless.
“I think I need a ride home,” she said to me, reaching for the passenger door. She made sure to rub her body against mine as she slid past me and into the truck.
I got in the driver’s side and drove the short distance to Kelly’s home. She hopped out of the truck before I could even get the engine shut off, and I watched her as she strode from the driveway to her front door, looking back over her shoulder to make sure I watched her the whole way. By the time I got to the front door, she had already gone inside, and I saw the shoes she had kicked off marked her pathway from the hall to her bedroom.
“Sorry for the mess,” she said as she kicked a small pile of clothes to the corner before she sat down on her bed. She slowly undid the few buttons on her dress, showing off her cleavage to me as she reclined on the bed.
“I didn’t even notice it,” I said to her, getting on the bed next to her. I moved to kiss her, and she playfully gave me a short kiss on the lips before pulling away. She did this several times, making each kiss last a bit longer than the next before she stopped, teasing me to no end. Kelly finally let me kiss her longer and deeper as she lay back completely on the bed.
My right hand went and undid the remaining buttons at the top of her dress, exposing the white lace bra she was wearing underneath. My fingers lingered on the lace trim cupping her breasts while we kissed before I reached out to cup her breast myself, grazing my thumbs gently back and forth over her nipples. She gasped lightly in my mouth as we kissed more and she pushed her body closer to mine.
Kelly’s left hand had snaked down and worked open my belt and shorts, and then swiftly went inside, gripping me through my briefs. She stroked me firmly and took my breath away as her fingers worked over me. She then surprised me and rolled quickly so that she was on top of me, as she kept her hand on me the whole time. She took both hands and moved them up my body, unbuttoning my shirt so that she could move her hands over my abs and chest.
Kelly bent down and started to kiss me, kissing me on the lips before she planted slow kisses across my chest. Her hands kept touching me as her mouth moved down my body.
“Your muscles are so… hard,” she said with a sly smile, moving her body, so her knees were on either side of my waist. I wanted her badly and moved my hands over her sides and up to her breasts.
Kelly quickly moved away from my hands.
“Uh uh,” she said to me. “This is my game tonight.”
With that she moved off me and stood up, staring at me. My eyes were locked on hers as I watched every move she made. Her hands started at her breasts, gliding over the cups of her bra and down to her hips. I watched as she slipped her hands underneath her dress, pulling her panties down her legs. She stepped out of the panties and climbed back onto the bed, kneeling between my legs.
“There’s nothing quite like strong, hard muscles,” Kelly whispered.
Her hands started at my knees, and I could feel the palms of her hands go over my thighs and come to rest at my waist before they tugged on my briefs, and pulled them down my legs until they were off me.
Kelly kept her eyes on me again as she moved against me. I could feel the hem of her dress brush against my erection as she moved. She rested her warm wetness against me, taking my breath away for a moment. A playful smile crossed her face as she slowly started to move, allowing her to slide over me without taking me inside her.
I moved my hands down to her waist, trying to hold her in place so I could go inside her, feel her, but her game wasn’t over just yet.
“Play nice, Mr. Woods,” Kelly purred at me as she pulled her body away from me. I put my hands back down to my sides and let her take over once again.
Satisfied that I was willing to go along with her, Kelly moved closer to me once again, letting me just barely feel her. The blood pounded loudly in my head with each movement she made, making me ache for her even more.
“Kelly, you’re making me crazy,” I groaned.
“I think that’s a good thing,” she replied, gliding against me once more.
I felt her hips start to slowly gyrate against me as she rocked back and forth. A quick glance up at Kelly revealed that her eyes were closed now as she moved. She had found a sweet, sensitive spot and made the most of it while I barely hung on. Finally, she allowed me in and drew me slowly inside her. Kelly kept up her slow rocking as she tightened and relaxed on me. Each motion elicited deep groans from me that I had never let out before.
Beads of sweat formed on my brow as I couldn’t take much more. My grip tightened on the fabric of Kelly’s dress over her thighs, and I pulled her closer so I was deeper inside her. That was all I could take and felt my orgasm overtake me. Kelly gasped as she felt me spasm inside her and her thighs tightened around my waist, holding herself still as her own orgasm spread throughout her body.
My body was still shaking a bit when Kelly pressed herself against me and kissed me. She laid her head on my chest as we each tried to catch our b
reath a bit.
“Hmmm,” Kelly hummed as she nuzzled herself into the nape of my neck. “That was pretty good.”
“Pretty good?” I said as I chased my breath. “That was… you were… I can’t even think of the words for it.” I kissed Kelly on the top of her head as I wrapped my arms around her.
“I’m glad I can make you speechless.”
“You did that and more.”
After a few minutes, Kelly got up from the bed, stripping off what was left on of her dress to throw on a t-shirt and got back into bed with me. I put my arm around her once again.
“I hope you had a good time tonight,” she said as she kissed my neck.
“You mean you couldn’t tell?”
“I’m not talking about that,” she said as she playfully hit my shoulder. “I mean dinner with my family. I don’t usually do things like that… or like this.”
“It was great, Kelly,” I answered. “I loved having dinner and spending time with your family. I didn’t really have the “normal” family upbringing where we all got together and had dinner and laughed and joked. Being a part of that was nice. Your mother and your sisters are great.”
“Yeah, they are,” she said with a sigh. Kelly closed her eyes, and I watched her as she started to drift off to sleep.
“You’re pretty great, too,” I said softly to her as I held her.
A small smile crept across Kelly’s face as we lay silently together, holding each other.
I thought it would feel funny to wake up with someone else in my bed, but instead, it was the most comforting feeling in the world for me. Damian had his arms wrapped around me when my alarm clock went off early in the morning. The temptation was great just to shut it off and crawl back to him, let myself get swept up into his arms, and spend the morning with someone like I have not done in a very long time. By the time the snooze alarm was going off for the third time, I knew I had to face the reality of getting out of bed to start my day, as much as I didn’t want to.
Every time I went to pull away from his hold on me, Damian pulled me back towards him, letting me feel his naked body flush against mine. I finally turned myself around carefully, so I was facing him, my breasts pressed tightly against his chest, and I kissed him sensually enough to rouse his body and cause him to open his eyes.
“Damian, I have to get up,” I said as I pulled myself away and off the bed. The cool air from the ceiling fan began to reach my naked flesh as I stood next to my dresser, causing me to shiver.
“Just stay in bed with me,” he pleaded, trying to coax me back towards him.
“I have to get showered and get to the bakery.” I wandered into the bathroom to turn the shower on and let the water get hot.
“Are you sure?” Damian said as he now sat up on the edge of the bed. I could see the strong definition of his muscles as he sat there, and another chill ran through me, this time making me want to get back into bed with him.
“I’m the baker, remember? If I’m not there, half of our stuff doesn’t get made. Besides, mornings are when we make all our money. I’m needed there.”
Damian rose from the bed and stood in the bathroom door, blocking me from entering. He had a playful grin on his face and placed his hands on my hips, pulling me towards him, so our bodies meshed once more. As we kissed, his hand moved slowly down my back until it reached my backside. He cupped my buttocks, drawing me even closer to him. My body was quivering in delight as his lips moved from my mouth to my neck.
“Damian, you have to stop…” I moaned lightly.
“Boy, you really make it hard on a guy,” he said with a laugh, breaking free of me and letting me pass into the bathroom.
“I try,” I said, glancing down at his obvious arousal before I closed the bathroom door.
I tried to shower quickly, but all the time I was going through the motions I thought about the man in my bedroom waiting for me. I knew I was falling quickly for him, faster than I had ever done with anyone else in my life. Normally, something like a relationship would scare me off since I was always so focused on work and my family, but there was something different with Damian, something unique and special, something I wanted to let in my life.
When I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself, expecting to go out into the bedroom and flash Damian as he lay on the bed. Unfortunately, I opened the door, and the room was empty, and my bed was made. I quickly dressed in my casual work clothes and walked out into the hallway. I immediately smelled the fresh aroma of coffee brewing and smiled.
I stood in the doorway to the kitchen and watched as Damian poured cups of coffee. Alice was sitting dutifully by his side, grateful to have a companion other than me in the morning.
“You know,” I said as I walked into the kitchen, my bare feet on the cool tile floor, “I almost fell over when I saw my bed made. I rarely do that myself. Thanks.”
“Old habit I have,” Damian said to me as he handed me a hot mug. “My mother always made us make our beds even though we had staff in the house to do it. She said there was no reason to have someone else do what we were perfectly capable of doing ourselves.”
“Smart lady,” I said, sipping the hot coffee. “Unfortunately for you, you missed me standing there in just my towel.”
“Now that is unfortunate.” Damian put down his coffee mug and walked towards me. “Kelly, these last few days, they have been incredible. I’ve never wanted to be with someone like I am with you.”
I put down my coffee on the counter and snuggled into his chest.
“I… I feel the same way.”
I turned my face up towards Damian, and we kissed once more. Emotions were surging through me, and for a moment, I thought about forgetting about the bakery, taking his hand, and marching back into the bedroom, staying there for days. I slowly broke our kiss breathlessly and stepped back.
“I have to get moving,” I said, taking a long sip of the coffee before slipping into the shoes I had by the kitchen doorway. “You’re welcome to stay and finish your coffee. I’m sure Alice would love the company.”
“I should probably get home myself,” Damian replied. “I’ll take a nap and rest myself up for later.”
“And just what is going to happen later?” I asked slyly, knowing Damian was walking close behind me, watching me as I walked out the front door.
“I know what I’m hoping will happen,” he said, grabbing me around the waist and lifting me up, carrying me out onto the porch. I heard myself scream a bit and start laughing, the sound echoing loudly into the early morning air.
Damian carried me down the steps and next to his truck before placing me down.
“Do you want a ride?” he asked me. I realized my scooter was still at my mother’s place.
“No, it’s fine. It’s not like it’s a long walk or anything. The morning air might do me some good anyway, help me to think clearly so I can concentrate on baking instead of…” my voice trailed off as my left hand ran down across Damian’s chest once more.
“Last chance,” he said to me with a smile. “We can run back inside or hop in the truck and just disappear for the day.”
“Very tempting.” I planted a quick kiss on his lips before I started up the driveway.
“I’ll stop by the bakery later,” Damian said. “Save a jelly donut for me.”
“You bet,” I said.
I switched on the penlight I had on my keychain so that any cars that drove by me could see me as I walked and made my way towards the boardwalk. I watched as Damian drove past me, slowing down as he went by, and I gave him a smile and a wave.
I was right – the cool air did help me clear my head some, and it wasn’t long before I was thinking about what to make for the day and what needed to be done at the shop as I walked along and reached the boardwalk.
I climbed the steps about half the way to the bakery and walked on the boardwalk the rest of the way. I could see the glimmer of the sunrise
just starting to peek out over the ocean, and the beauty of the orange and clear blue sky made me stop and look.
I forgot just how beautiful this place is, I thought to myself as I leaned against the boardwalk railing and looked at the sky. I could see a few birds flying against the sky, creating a picture-perfect setting.
I started on my way once again with a great bounce in my step. I came to the T-Shirt Cabana once again and saw that everything was still closed tight. The “Closed” sign had been taken down that normally hung on the front, and I wondered once again if everything was alright with Harry.