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Starlight & Shadows: A Limited Edition Academy Collection by Laura Greenwood, Arizona Tape, Juliana Haygert, Kat Parrish, Ashley McLeo, L.C. Mawson, Leigh Kelsey, Bre Lockhart, Zelda Knight

Page 8

by Laura Greenwood

  I laugh. “Of course.”

  “Ooh, was that you outside my bedroom window last night?”

  “So you did see me!” I joke.

  “Yes, the tree wasn’t quite large enough.”

  “Are you implying that I’m fat?”

  “No, I’m saying you should come in next time.”

  “Who says I didn’t?”

  She snickers. “You’re funny. But seriously, what brings you here?”

  “Well, my raid was cancelled so I thought I’d come set a proper time for our… date?” I ask carefully, making sure to use the word date so she can correct me if that’s not what this is.

  Athalia wipes her hands on her apron. “How about now?”

  “Umm. Now?”

  “Yes. You’re free, I’ve just finished. I could use a break.”

  She makes good arguments so I nod. “I guess, why not? Can you hunt constellations during the day?”

  “Hmmm, not really but it’ll give us time to hike up to the Mountain and set up. I just need to grab some gear and then we’re good to go. You said you’ve never hunted before?”


  “Excellent. You never forget your first time.” With a wink, she completes her suggestion and I can feel my cheeks heat up just thinking about her implication.

  “Shall we go?” I suggest, eager to get out of here. I can’t remember the last time I met someone new that captured my interest and attention like this.

  Her smile lights up the Forge. “Lead the way.”

  Chapter Nine

  There’s something special about the Starlight Mountains that can’t be put into words. The dark trees are threatening but the paths swirling through the rocky terrain are a promise of light and safety. The evergreen flora maintains an air of mystery while the colourful flowers add that joyful touch.

  Trying my best to catch my breath, I hike after Athalia up the narrow and winding path. Even though she’s carrying a cooler and has a massive backpack, she’s managing to stay ahead of me.

  I’m impressed. She must be in good shape.

  I let my eyes travel over her figure, taking in her muscled calves and her strong physique. She uses her entire body to add power to her step and yet, she manages to stay bouncy and light on her toes. She’s in great shape.

  Realising I’m staring, I avert my eyes and drag my attention back to our surroundings. There should be a clearing up ahead with barbecue pits that’s only used by second-years and beyond that, a meadow that always makes me feel like I’m back on Earth. Birds on swinging branches chirp as we pass them and the occasional rustle in the bushes betrays a passing bunny or fox. No matter how different everything is up here, the Realm always manages to feel alive. Vibrant.

  “Beautiful,” Athalia muses. She pauses at the top of the hill to adjust the straps of her large backpack, rattling the gear inside and the large bow strapped to the front. With a smile, stares up at the pearly blue ceiling. “It feels so…”

  “Real?” I suggest.

  She lets out a breath. “Yes. Thank you for coming with me.”

  I wave her gratitude away. “Some things are better shared.”

  “I agree.” She brushes her dark hair out of her face and holds up a small map. “So beyond the meadow we should find the sky lake, right? Oh, I can’t wait to see it.”

  We set in motion again, braving the last hills and running through the green meadow. The long grass tickles the palms of my hand as I weave through it, enjoying the feel of the breeze through my hair.

  Athalia laughs as she runs through the field with a childlike carefreeness. She smells a flower and despite the heavy pack she’s carrying, she doesn’t seem weighed down in or burdened. Watching her take in the new sights and enjoy the world around her gives me a new appreciation for everything.

  I remember being in awe of all this when I first came to the Realm but over time, the magic of it wore off. But once again, I’m able to really see things again and the beauty is overwhelming. The world around me is stunning and I never want to stop seeing it this way. If only the pink never faded from my glasses.

  After the meadow, the trees thin out and funnel us down into the valley. Even from here, I can see the large lake at the bottom of the hill, the blue water shimmering and calm like a mirror.

  Next to me, Athalia gasps at the sight and for a moment, we both just stare at the lake, our breaths taken away. There’s nothing quite as beautiful as the sky reflected in the water.

  We share a look and without words, we understand each other. Laughing and screaming, we race down the hill in an unspoken contest. My legs go faster than normal as the ground falls away underneath them and it feels like I’m flying. Now that I have wings, I can actually make that comparison.

  Breathless, I arrive at the foot of the hill, just a beat ahead of Athalia. I double down, panting as my legs twinge from the effort. As soon as I catch my breath, I look at the woman next to me and find myself smiling. Even though we just met, it’s like we’ve been friends for years. There’s just something that makes it easy to be around her. Familiar.

  She thuds her heavy backpack down and sinks down next to it. “I haven’t run like that since I was a child.”

  “Me either.”

  “That was so much fun.”

  Despite having run down one hill, we’re on a plateau ways above the lake still. I gesture to the body of water. “Are we staying here or do we need to get closer?”

  She pulls on a couple of strings and straps to open her pack and pulls out a checkered blanket. “Here is good.”

  I look around, admiring the lake in front of us and the patches of grass and pebbles all around it. The whole area is beautiful and just as nice as here. I unstrap my sword and sit down next to Athalia. “It really is beautiful.”

  “Agreed.” She spreads out the blanket and sits down on one side, leaving plenty of space for me. She pats the other half as she unpacks more things. A large bottle of nectar, a small knife, and two cups. She gives the bottle a playful shake as she looks up at me. “Drink?”

  “Yes, please.” I eye up the cooler she brought but I don’t question what’s inside. I’m sure she’ll tell me what’s in it when the time is right.

  She pours me a good glug of the golden liquid and hands me one of the metal cups. We toast and as we settle on the blanket, a comfortable atmosphere falls over us.

  I take a sip of the sweet, slightly bitter drink and sigh. “So… tell me more about constellation hunting.”

  Athalia chuckles. “Well, it’s more like… constellation fishing but that doesn’t sound very cool. We wait until nightfall and watch the sky through the lake. Depending on the rotation of the Earth and what lake you’re at, different stars will be visible. When you see one you like, you shoot off an arrow and reel it in. Most of the time, you’ll catch lone stars or lesser constellations but every now and then, you get something really exciting and rare.”

  Her explanation makes me snicker. “So is that why they call it… a shooting star?”

  She laughs at my stupid joke. “Good one.”

  “So what’s the best star you ever caught?”

  “Hmmm… Not me, but my friend once caught one of the stars in Sirius’ tail. The big constellations are protected so he had to throw that back but that was really cool.”

  “That is cool. So what other hobbies do you like?”

  Athalia chuckles. “Really? You want to make typical first date conversation?”

  “I’m guessing from your tone that’s not what you want.”

  “I want to get to know you. Not the superficial you, the real you.”

  “That’s very forward.”

  “You seemed like someone that could handle it.” She shrugs. “Alright, we can chit chat for the next three dates before we talk about anything real.”

  “No. What do you want to know?” I challenge her. “Come on. Ask me anything.”



  “Okay…” She picks a couple of strands of grass and ties them into knots. “Tell me something you haven’t told anybody.”

  “Anybody? Not even down on Earth?”

  She nods.

  I fold my arms under my head as I lie down in the grass and stare up at the blue sky. I know it’s not real, but I can’t tell the difference.

  “I’m... scared of cats,” I say, earning a light chuckle from Athalia.

  “They can be vicious.” She rolls into her stomach and looks at me, her eyes twinkling with something deep. “But really. Tell me a proper secret.”

  “Okay...” I think for a moment. “Alright, when I was six, I stole a yo-yo from the store. My mother found it and when she asked where I got it, I lied. I said I got it from a friend. It was the first time I did that and I felt awful. I threw the yo-yo away the next day and I never told her the truth because I was too ashamed. To this day, I haven’t stolen anything else.”

  Athalia remains silent, a little stunned.

  “How’s that for real?” I joke.

  She smiles. “Thank you for sharing that with me.”

  “Now I get to ask you something, right?”

  She nods.

  I also pick a couple of strands of grass and let them drift away in the wind. As I watch them float away, I gesture around. “How did you feel when you learned about all this?”

  “Excited,” she answers quickly. Too quickly.

  I give her a sceptical look. “Really?”

  “And terrified,” she admits. She takes another swig from her nectar and stares up at the blue ceiling. “It all happened so fast. One day, I was training to be a chef and the next, I’m here. I used to work part-time in a little French restaurant and every morning before I started, I would sharpen my knives. Now I sharpen swords. It seemed a logical step. Ish…” A pensive look falls on her face as the smile falters from her lips. “How did you feel?”

  “Awful,” I admit. “I had a wonderful life down below. Great friends, lovely family. Some days, I’m not sure why I gave it all up.”

  “So why did you?”

  That’s a question I ask myself all the time.

  I stare at the large sky lake in front of us, watching the artificial sun play with the ripples of the water. The reflection, the silver streaks, it certainly invites deep thoughts.

  Finally, I respond. “I guess I couldn’t stand the idea of going back down, knowing about the fragility of life and the constant threat. I didn’t want to put my head in the sand.”

  “I understand that. I admire you for it.” A thoughtful look crosses Athalia’s face. “I wish my own reasons were as noble. In all honesty, my life on Earth was pretty basic. My birth parents are nice people but I always had this sense of… of something being off. I could never put my finger on it. So when this all came along...”

  I wait for her to continue but she stares into the distance.

  After a long pause, I nudge for more. “When this all came along?”

  Her voice catches. “I felt the biggest sense of relief. I’d been waiting my entire life for something, I didn’t know what or even why, but… It was the knowledge that something had been waiting for me just as much as I’d been waiting for it. My parents here, I can feel that bond, that sense of belonging. I was happy to skip out on my mundane life and come do all this cool stuff up here. Being a Forgemaster and crafting weapons is so much more fulfilling than stirring pots all day. It’s great that we’re keeping the world safe but I’d choose this life even if it contributed to nothing. Is that selfish?”

  “It’s not selfish to want to be happy.” I smile at her, overwhelmed with how connected I feel to her, even if we just met. The way we’re talking doesn’t feel like we’re strangers. In a sense, we no longer are.

  Chapter Ten

  Snuggled under the blanket with Athalia, we talk about everything and nothing while we wait for the night to fall. Hours pass like minutes and eventually, the whole world around us grows quiet. The birds stop chirping, giving room to the wind rustling through the trees. The sky above us has become dark, just like the sky lake beneath us. The first twinkle of starlight makes its way to the surface and lights up the dark water.

  Athalia breathes into her hands as she rubs them together. “Let’s go fishing!”

  I push the blanket away and get up, eager to get my first taste of constellation hunting. I’m not sure what to expect but it has to be good. It’s the Celestial sport and mostly, it sounds cool. Who doesn’t want to catch some stars?

  With a big grin on her face, Athalia frees the large bow strapped to her backpack and a quiver with large arrows. She swings both over her shoulder and looks at me. She holds out her hand, her smile never faltering. “Ready?”

  I take her hand and let her pull me towards the midnight lake. The darkness is so deep and endless, it makes me feel small and fragile, a single dot in the cosmos.

  The lake ripples our reflections as we watch the stars emerge in the dark sky as small waves tickle our feet. Crickets and cicadas have taken over from the birds and are filling the night with soft, melodic chirping. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I was back on Earth, camping somewhere in France or Switzerland.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” Athalia muses, sounding breathless. “I think the sky lakes are my favourite part about the Realm.”

  “They’re growing on me,” I reply. I realise we’re still holding hands but instead of letting go, I tighten my grip.

  She looks down at our intertwined fingers and smiles. “I’m really glad I met you, Kassandra. You’re so easy to be around. It feels like…”

  “Like we’ve known each other for years,” I finish her sentence.

  A smile lights up her face, making her eyes sparkle. For a moment, we just stare at each other and time stands still. The chirping crickets fade into the background and vanish, leaving just the girl in front of me. We share a hesitant smile and she averts her eyes, her cheeks flushed red.

  I clear my throat and pull my hand out of hers. “Ahem… so… constellation hunting? Fishing?”

  “Right, right.” She rummages through her backpack and pulls out a rounded bronze item. With a lot of flair, she pulls the thing open and I gasp.

  “Ooh, it’s a telescope!”

  “Exactly. Some hunters prefer setting up a proper telescope but I’ve found that a spyglass does a pretty good job. Here, have a look.”

  I don’t need to be told twice. I put the piece against my eye and aim it at the lake. “I feel like a pirate.”

  Athalia snickers. “You’d make a cute pirate.”

  Her compliment has me smiling from ear to ear and I’m glad I’ve got the telescope to hide that I’m grinning like a lunatic.

  I’m not sure what to reply back so I just keep fiddling with the spyglass. There are all kinds of numbers and circles on the thing that I don’t understand. Clearly, this is a much more advanced device than a simple telescope. It takes a little adjusting but once all the barrels slide in place, the image sharpens and the stars are as visible as on Earth, just much, much closer. They’re so big, it feels like if I stretched out my hand, I could touch them.

  “Beautiful, huh?” Athalia says next to me.

  I lower the spyglass and look at the other girl. People are always at their most beautiful when they speak about something they’re passionate about and her enthusiasm makes her sparkle.

  Her smile is contagious and I nod. “Very beautiful.”

  “Let’s find ourselves a constellation to hunt. Have another look and pick a star.”

  “Any star?”

  She nods. “Any star.”

  I peer through the lens again, scanning the night sky and the twinkling stars. Some of them are really close and glowing while others are faded into the dark waters. I wonder if they’re further away or just not as bright.

  My eye is caught by a cluster of bright stars. They’re not too far away, not too close by. There are quite a bunch of them and they’re calli
ng to me.

  I lower the telescope to hand it to Athalia and point towards the water. “Over there. The seven bright stars that make up a bunny shape.”

  She looks through the eyepiece and at the map she’s holding. “Ooh, that’s one of the lesser hound constellations. I think it’s called the Lucky Dog Cluster.”

  “A dog?” I peer at the stars again, trying to draw the lines to form the shape. “I don’t see it.”

  “Yes, look!” Athalia steps closer and presses her temple against mine so she can point in the right direction. “That’s the head and there’s the body. That bright star and the end is the tail.”

  I glance to the side, not sure if it’s the dog or Athalia that’s making me feel all warm and fuzzy. I grin as I look at the cluster again. I don’t see the tail or body, but I’m not going to argue with her.

  Athalia smiles. “Well, let’s see if we can catch one of them then. I’ll shoot, you’ll tell me if I hit it.” She reaches for her bow and places one of the arrows from her quiver on the string, pulling it taut. As it tightens, the string glows golden and the light dispels the dark around us as the circle of things we can see grows. Once the bow is pulled to its maximum capacity, the string starts to hum and sing as it charges with celestial magic that spreads to the arrow and the rope attached to it.

  She releases a slow breath and lets the arrow fly away. It soars through the air, leaving a golden tail as it shoots across the lake and crashes through the surface of the water. The arrow disappears into the depths of the sky, it's only connection to us a frail line of rope on a spool. As the arrow gets further away from us, the line keeps unwinding and unwinding, faster until it’s a blur.

  Athalia lowers the bow. “Well, go on. Look through the spyglass!”

  I quickly put the lens to my eye and try to follow the arrow soaring through the water until it’s barely visible. Just when I think it’s all for nothing, the string tightens and glows up even more than before.

  “Yes!” Athalia jumps to grab the spool and starts cranking the handle. The reel clicks as she turns it, pulling her catch closer. “Oooh, we’ve got something!”


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