Aurora Abroad

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Aurora Abroad Page 4

by Aron Lewes

  So the old woman had wandered over from the bazaar? “Actually, I don’t have any money.”

  “In my experience, when someone says they don’t have any money, they actually have some money, they just don’t know what to do with it. I should tell you about the amazing qualities of this urn! It might not look like much, but it holds incredible power. And even if it wasn’t magical...” the woman held it up to the sunlight, “look at this craftsmanship! The fine handle, the etchings on the rim. If you rubbed it down with a bit of oil, I think the luster would—”

  “Actually,” Aurora interrupted, “When I say I don’t have any money, I mean I don’t have any money.”

  “Ah, you poor girl.” The woman laid a wrinkled, liver-spotted hand on Aurora’s shoulder. “I understand where you’re coming from. And because I feel sorry for you, I’ll lower the price to $ only!”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t afford it.”


  “You seem like a sweet woman, but I honestly can’t afford it! I’m sorry!”

  The lady sat on the edge of the fountain next to Aurora. She was silent for several seconds, which made Aurora think she might have given up on her sales pitch.

  “A hot day, isn’t it?” the old woman asked, tugging at the collar of her perspiration-soaked dress.

  “Yes, very!”

  “So... $9.95?”

  Aurora was saved from further haggling by the sudden squeaking of a bugle, and a collective cheer from everyone in the bazaar.

  Even as an outsider, Aurora could tell that something important was happening. Everyone was lining up along the dusty road that wound through the bazaar. The presence of drums, several of them, could be felt in the vibrating ground. The bugle continued to play, drowning out the tweeting of a piccolo.

  “What’s going on?” Aurora asked the old woman.

  “Ah, this is a momentous occasion indeed!” With an excited cluck, the woman rose to her feet with surprising vigor for one of her years. She clutched the urn to her chest and motioned for Aurora to come with her. “Quick, we need find a good vantage point!”

  “What is it? What are they celebrating?”

  When Aurora got up, the old woman grabbed her by the elbow and steered her to the edge of the crowd. “It’s the Every Day Parade!”

  “The... Every Day Parade?” Aurora was unmoved. “You mean it happens every day?”

  “Of course it does!” The crowd seemed to part for the old woman as she tried to squeeze her way to the front.

  “If it happens every day, how can it be momentous?”

  The old woman shot the strangest look in Aurora’s direction, as if she couldn’t believe anyone would ask such a ludicrous question. “We get to see the emperor! How could it not be momentous?”

  “The emperor? That clown of an emperor?” The old woman didn’t acknowledge what she said; either that, or she couldn’t hear her above the approaching music. Raising her voice, Aurora asked, “What’s this parade for?”

  “For the emperor, of course!”

  “Just for the emperor?”

  “Yes, of course!”

  “So the emperor has a parade in his honor... every... single... day?” Aurora spoke slowly because she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “And everyone gets excited to see him... every day?”

  “Of course we do! The Every Day Parade is the most exciting part of the day!“ Somewhere down the line, another outburst of cheering erupted. “Oh, he must have arrived!”

  “Oh... how joyous,” Aurora uttered sarcastically. She hoped she wouldn’t have to see him again, but it seemed she wasn’t going to be so lucky.

  “He’s such a handsome young man, isn’t he? And so perfect!”

  Aurora had to roll her eyes. “Yes. Perfectly rude. Perfectly obnoxious...”

  A few minutes later, Aurora could see a giant, horse-drawn float drifting in their direction. The horses’ manes were curled, their coats shining. Sure enough, the emperor sat on a throne at the center of the float, and from his ostentatious seat, he pasted on a smile and waved to his admirers. As the float drew near, Aurora swore the old woman was going to die from excitement—and everyone else too. The emperor’s popularity was nauseating.

  “If only they knew...” Aurora whispered to herself as an image of a large stuffed bear flashed through her head.

  All of a sudden, the emperor’s steeds let out a sharp, collective whinny. In the middle of the parade, a small boy, who could have been no more than seven years old, ran up to the float. Dressed in rags and covered in soot, the little boy bravely addressed his liege.

  “Please, sir!” the boy beseeched. “Please, won’t you listen?”

  The emperor turned up his nose at the boy and looked around for his guards.

  “My mum is ill, my dad can’t work! I’ve got seven brothers and sisters, and there’s no one to feed us. Please, you have to help us!”

  The emperor paid no attention to what the boy was saying; rather, he was appalled that his precious parade had to suffer such a hitch. “Guards!”

  The crowd was silent as they watched the spectacle.

  “Please, sir,” the boy continued. “Just a few coins! I could get some medicine for my mum. I could—”

  The boy didn’t have a chance to finish his plea. Two guards seized him by the collar of his soiled shirt and lifted him off the ground.

  “What would you have us do with him, Your Highness?”

  “Oh, what do I care?” The emperor flicked a wrist to show his disinterest in the situation. “Throw him in the dungeon. Whatever.”

  The guards stepped aside to let the float pass, and the people cheered. Aurora couldn’t believe her ears. The people were actually pleased by this? She knew she was already in a heap of trouble, but it wasn’t in her nature to look away when something displeased her.

  “Your Highness!” Aurora leapt out in front of the horses before they had a chance to move. Predictably, the crowd booed.

  The emperor nearly fell out of his throne when he saw her. “YOU AGAIN?!”

  “How can you be so heartless? This poor boy!” Aurora grabbed the little boy by the hand and pulled him away from the guards, who put up no resistance. “You have that grand palace, and you sit there on your golden throne, and this poor child doesn’t have a penny to spare for his sick mother! How dare you!”

  “How dare YOU criticize me!” the emperor shrieked. “You, woman, are more insolent that I thought!”

  “I might be insolent, and I might regret this later, but do you honestly think—” Aurora had to pause because someone in the crowd lobbed a tomato at her. Before it pelted her, she caught it in mid-air and handed it to the boy. “Do you honestly think you’re doing the right thing? Do you even think at all?”

  “Nice catch,” the emperor praised her.

  “It’s obvious that everyone loves you,” Aurora went on, “but don’t you think they’d love you even more if you showed a little kindness every now and then?”

  “Yes... and maybe you should exercise some restraint, little girl.”

  The hairs on the back of Aurora’s neck went rigid. Oh, how she loathed him! He made Prince Charmaine look positively charming!

  Aurora wrapped an arm around the boy’s back. “Maybe, at the very least, you could think twice about having him thrown in jail?”

  The emperor grinned at her. She thought he’d look better with his teeth knocked out. “Maybe you’d like to take his place?”

  “Please, sir!” It was the boy who spoke. “Please don’t do anything to the nice lady!”

  The emperor sat back in his throne, arms crossed, and his eyes danced over the crowd as he assessed the situation. “It would be best to resolve this without further incident. That way, we can resume the parade. I don’t want any more interruptions, but at the same time, I don’t want anyone to make a fool out of me.”

  Aurora sighed. “I’m not trying to make a fool out of you.” You are a fool, her thoughts ec

  “Very well.” Sighing, the emperor dipped a hand into a pocket, pulled out a few gold coins, and flicked them in the boy’s direction. The coins landed at the boy’s feet, and he collected them with an excited gasp. “You should be glad I’m a man who likes to give second chances...or third chances, as your case may be.”

  “Thanks.” Without another word, and without giving the emperor a chance to change his mind, Aurora grabbed the little boy, steered him to the edge of the crowd, and held her breath until the float was out of view.

  When the parade was over, the crowd departed. The little boy tugged at Aurora’s dress to get her attention, thanked her for saving him, and scampered off to find his family. To Aurora’s surprise, the urn lady found her again. The old woman was certainly tenacious.

  “That was very brave,” the woman commended. “Brave... but stupid.”

  Aurora spun toward the old woman, ready to defend her actions. “I couldn’t just stand there while that poor excuse for a ruler threatened to put that child in prison! He should have more regard for those who are less fortunate than he is!”

  “Be that as it may, no one ever stands up to the emperor. No one ever feels the need to do so. We all love him.”

  Aurora rolled her eyes in disgust. “Well, that much is obvious!”

  “He’s a good and righteous man... really, he is!” the old woman insisted. “But I was impressed with what you did. Here.”

  She held out the urn to Aurora, who looked at it with a frown. “I already told you... I can’t buy it.”

  “No, I’m giving it to you.” When she didn’t accept it right away, the woman practically shoved it in her face. “I need to get it off my hands. It’s of no use to me anymore.”

  And neither did Aurora have any use for it, but she couldn’t refuse. She took the old woman’s gift and forced a smile. “Are you sure?”

  “Very sure.” As she stepped away from Aurora, she left her with a piece of advice. “And I wasn’t lying when I said it was magical. Just give it a rub... you’ll see what I mean.”


  AURORA RETURNED TO her cave, emotionally defeated, physically exhausted, and hungrier than ever. She laid down on the floor of the cave and sighed—just sighed. She could have wept, but she knew it wouldn’t help matters. If she cried, it would make her feel as if she was in an inescapably dire situation. Which, of course, was true. She had no solution to her problems, nor did she have anyone to ask for guidance.

  She tried many times to spin the dial on the wayspinner, but it never worked. She even thought about throwing herself into harm’s way in hopes that it would make the wayspinner come to life and whisk her away to safety—preferably back home. But she had no guarantee, so it wasn’t worth the risk.

  And then there was the urn, which seemed to be spotlighted by the waning daylight that seeped into the cave. Aurora laid at her feet and stared at it, wishing it would turn into a plate of steak and potatoes with a side of strawberry pie. After all, it was supposed to be a magic urn, wasn’t it?

  Aurora laughed at her musings, but her stomach protested against the laughter with a growl. She wished she would have eaten a piece of her birthday cake; Charmaine certainly had more than his fair share.

  Charmaine. She even wished he was with her. If he was, at least she wouldn’t be alone.

  Because her mind was occupied with innumerable issues, she hadn’t given much thought to all the surprises she heard on her birthday. So what if she was an affianced princess who was destined to die? None of that seemed to matter at the moment.

  Aurora stared at the urn and sighed again. “Tomorrow... I’ll have to sell you,” she said, speaking to the urn as if it could hear her. She wondered if the desert was making her lose her mind. “That poor old woman didn’t have much luck with you, did she? Maybe you’re an impossible sell.”

  Aurora picked up the urn and turned it over a few times, frowning at all the dents and smudges on the tarnished silver. “Maybe I’ll clean you up a bit?” Aurora lifted the hem of her dress, which itself was a muddied mess, hardly fit for polishing. Nevertheless, she made an attempt to rub the blemishes off of the urn. If it was real silver, any attempt to improve its appearance was worth it.

  But something very strange happened. As she rubbed the urn, there was a loud popping noise, and a cloud of smoke engulfed her. The tiniest of screams escaped her mouth, and she might have screamed louder if not for the fact that the smoke was choking the breath out of her.

  When the smoke disappeared, she saw a small blue man sitting at her feet.

  Blue man?! She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating.

  But there he was. Without a doubt, there was a small blue man at her feet. He wasn’t much larger than a toddler, but he had the face of a middle-aged man, and there were deep wrinkles around his eyes as he smiled at her. He was wearing a pair of faded suspenders, had an intricately curled mustache, and he puffed on an oversized pipe.

  “Greetings and salutations.” He raised his pipe to her as he spoke, then quickly returned it to his mouth.

  All she could do was stare at him with a wide, gaping mouth.

  “Jeez Louise, it sure was cramped in there!” The blue man erupted with an immense yawn, and he stretched his arms above his head. The pipe nearly fell from his mouth as he yawned, but he caught it before it hit the ground. “It’s awfully boring, too, when there’s no one to talk to. Believe it or not, even a man like me gets lonely. So... what can I do for you, Missy?”

  “Um...” It was the first and only sound she could manage.

  “Maybe I should introduce myself.” As he spoke, he extended a tiny hand. “The name’s Gene E. Helmenkalastaja. My friends call me Helmer for short. And you are?”

  Aurora shook his hand as lightly as she could. She didn’t want to hurt him. “Um... I’m Aurora.”

  The surprises never end, her thoughts whispered.

  “So, what’s your wish?”

  “What do you mean, what’s my wish?”

  “What do you mean what do I mean what’s my wish?!” Helmer threw her words back at her. “You rubbed the urn, didn’t you?”

  “Well, yeah...”

  “Then I’m obligated to grant your wish, and you’re obligated to ask for one!” Helmer explained. “That’s how it works.”

  Aurora’s immediate reaction was to be skeptical, but how could she be skeptical after everything that had happened in the last two days? Stranger things had happened, and stranger things could happen still. “Let me get this straight,” she uttered, “You’re going to make my wish come true?”

  “Yep. That’s how it works. Wow, it doesn’t take you long to catch on, does it?” Helmer took out his pipe and rapped it against her head.

  “Any wish?”

  “Well, within reason. There are certain restrictions, which I’ll explain if the need arises.”

  “You’re not pulling my leg?”

  “No, but I can if you want me too. But you’ve got awfully long legs, and that sounds like a waste of a wish to me.”

  “No!” Aurora exclaimed. “I’m not asking you to pull my leg, it’s just an expression.”

  “What kind of expression is that?”

  “When someone’s pulling your leg, they’re trying to pull the wool over your eyes.”

  “Wool? A sheep?”

  Aurora’s chest fell in defeat. “Never mind. Don’t worry about it. So, it’s just one wish?”

  “Yes, one. Uno. Eins. Just one.”

  “And I can’t wish for more wishes?”

  “No! That’s the oldest trick in the book. Everyone tries to pull it on me at one time or another, and it never works. Why do you have to be so greedy? Am I not being generous? Are you not getting something for nothing?”

  “I’m sorry...”

  “Why can’t anyone just appreciate what I’m trying to do for them?!”

  “I’m sorry!” Aurora repeated her apology with more fervor. “Do you want me to hol
d off on this wish thing for a little while? I mean, I’ve barely introduced myself, and if you think I’m being greedy, maybe it would be nice if we chatted for a little while first?”

  “Nah. The sooner you make the wish, the sooner I can get out of here. I haven’t been out of that stupid urn for at least a dozen years or so. I need to get in touch with some old friends.”

  “But won’t you have to go back after you grant my wish? Back into the urn, I mean...?”

  Helmer laughed and shook his head. “Look at you, Miss Greedy! Not only do you want more wishes, but you presume to know how this whole thing works? I won’t have to go back in that damn thing for at least a week, thank you very much!”

  “But you will have to go back?”

  “Yeah!” he snapped at her. “What of it?”



  “You don’t have to be so mean!”

  “I’m sorry.” Helmer took a drag from his pipe, and a sense of tranquility passed over his face. “You can’t blame me for being a little bit pissy. I’ve had a bad decade.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Yea, yea...” He brushed off her half-hearted apology with a wave of his hand. “Let’s just get on with it, okay? What are you going to wish for?”

  “Well, that’s easy! I don’t even have to think about what I’d wish for!” Aurora exclaimed. “I want you to send me back home!”

  “And where might home be? I can’t send you home if I don’t know where you come from. I grant wishes, but I don’t read minds.”

  Aurora frowned at his harsh tone. “Avalon.”

  “Sorry. Never heard of it.”

  “But you can get me there?”

  “Nope. No can do. I can’t send you there if I’ve never been there. Rules and regulations apply... didn’t I tell you that?”

  “Well, yeah.” Frowning, Aurora picked up the wayspinner and held it out to him. “Can you fix this?”

  “You’ll have to formally ask for the wish. That’s the way it works. You have to start with the phrase, I wish...”

  “I wish you would fix this for me.”

  Helmer answered her plea with a shrug and a shake of his head. “Sorry, no can do. I can’t fix it if I don’t know how it works.”


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