Trap 'N' Trace

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Trap 'N' Trace Page 24

by Tee O'Fallon

  After depositing the condom in a trash basket under the bathroom sink, he examined the expensive-looking toiletries on the counter. Crystal canisters with gold and silver lids. A gold-handled hairbrush. How could this ever work? He didn’t have a clue.

  I’m fucked. Because he’d fallen for her. Hard.

  Returning to the bedroom, he shoved his legs into his slacks and headed for the door. The box of condoms on the nightstand caught his eye. He grinned and grabbed one, stuffing it into his pocket before heading downstairs.

  Kat stood at the counter, humming as she sliced a cucumber. Her back was to him, her robe clinging lovingly to the same curves he’d touched everywhere and wanted to again, but he couldn’t move. Watching her prepare a meal for him made his heart squeeze in a way that was fan-fucking-tastic and terrifying. Because he was getting waaay ahead of himself. First, he had to catch a killer. Then they could see what happened.

  He padded to where she stood then skimmed his hands up and down her arms. “Mmm,” he murmured against her hair.

  Grrr. Angus trotted into the kitchen, shaking his head back and forth. The toy clamped between his jaws rattled and hissed as air escaped from one end that had practically been chewed clean off.

  Dayne pulled Kat’s hair aside and kissed the curve of her neck right below her ear.

  “Mmm is right.” She set the knife on the counter then turned in his arms.

  He leaned down to kiss her when Angus’s slobbery toy landed on his bare foot. He nudged the sticky thing off his toes.

  “Angus, that’s disgusting.” Kat parked her fists on her hips and the edges of her robe parted slightly. “Tomorrow we’re going to the Haven to find you a new toy.” She slid her hands up Dayne’s chest then down his pecs and nipples. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “That’s okay.” And yeah, it was. In fact, everything was okay. With her fingers teasing his nipples and her robe about to part down the middle, revealing her warm, luscious breasts…

  Angus yipped, nudging the toy back onto Dayne’s foot. He reached for the toy and picked it up by one end. Yuck didn’t cover it. He was about to toss it to the other side of the kitchen when something black poked through the torn end.

  He froze. In the span of time it took for his heart to beat once more, missing pieces of a very convoluted puzzle slammed home.

  Why the killer had murdered Becca.

  She definitely had something on him.

  Why the killer had gone to the Haven that night.

  The press had been all over Becca’s crime scene, more so when they figured out a billionairess had discovered the body. Every news story reported that the victim’s puppy was being cared for by Kat at the Canine Haven. He and Detective Paulson had assumed that since Kat had been at Becca’s crime scene and at the Haven where the killer murdered Amy, that Kat was the common denominator. But she wasn’t the only common denominator.

  Angus had been there, too. The killer had been looking for the puppy.

  “Dayne, you’re scaring me.” Kat gripped his arm. “What’s wrong?”

  He shook the toy over his hand. A slim piece of black plastic about an inch and a half square fell into his palm.

  A memory card.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “We’re in!” The CCU tech clapped his hands together over the keyboard. The poor man had been called in on a Sunday but seemed just as eager as the rest of them to crack the encryption.

  Kat leaned closer to view the list of photos on the memory card. Her shoulder brushed Dayne’s and she inhaled the same shampoo he’d used on her hair that morning.

  After finding the memory card in Angus’s toy, they’d tried accessing it on Dayne’s laptop but since it was encrypted, they’d been forced to wait until a forensic expert could work his magic. They’d also been worried that all the tiny teeth marks in the covering had damaged the contents. Regardless, the discovery had left them brimming with so much excitement, sleep hadn’t been possible. So they made love well into the early morning hours.

  Her cheeks still burned from Dayne’s stubbled jaw as he’d kissed her again and again. Every time she moved, her bra rasped against her nipples, tender from his wicked tongue and lips. She even had to keep shifting on the hard chair to ease the delicious throb between her legs from the many times he’d entered her.

  With the discovery of the memory card, they were that much closer to finding Becca and Amy’s killer. Soon this could all be over.

  She tightened her fingers around her coffee mug. What if Dayne left when the case was solved? What if he didn’t feel the same way she did?

  I’m falling in love. They hadn’t even been on a date yet, but her heart didn’t care.

  There was so much to talk about. So they came from different backgrounds. That didn’t mean they couldn’t work hard and make compromises.

  “Good job,” Dayne said, looking just as handsome in jeans and an untucked button-down white shirt as he had in his tuxedo. “Open them.”

  Detective Paulson set his mug on the table and pulled up a chair. “There.” He pointed to the screen. “Can you magnify that tag?”

  The tech moved the cursor over the car’s license plate and clicked several times. NJ C24-BM. The shot had missed the third letter on the right side.

  Dayne scribbled the plate number on a pad. “Looks like a gray Nissan. Could be the same one that followed us last Sunday on our way to Englewood.”

  “I saw a gray car parked on the street outside Becca’s office the day I found her.” She rested her hand on Dayne’s shoulder. Paulson caught the movement then turned back to the computer. “You told me to close my eyes and I recalled a New Jersey license plate.”

  “You also said the car had a dented rear fender.” He pointed to the image where a dent graced the left side of the bumper. “Open the rest of the files.”

  One by one the tech clicked open the files. All distance shots of the same vehicle.

  “That’s the corporate building Kat and I drove to in Englewood,” Dayne said. “The last address in Becca’s GPS app.”

  Paulson leaned back in his chair. “The detectives and agents who went to that location interviewed managers from every office in the building. The ones that would talk to us didn’t know Rebecca Garman. Naturally, the law firms said they’d get back to us.”

  “Naturally.” Dayne and Paulson exchanged knowing looks. Like Dayne had said, law firms wouldn’t confirm or deny anything until they’d covered their asses.

  The next files showed a man exiting the car wearing a dark suit. His back was to the camera, and a series of successive shots showed him walking to a stairwell beneath the building.

  “Stop!” Dayne leaned in. The last file was of the same man with his head turned in profile. He pulled out a folded sheet of paper from his pants pocket—the sketch of the man who’d attacked Kat. “It could be him. Kat?”

  She studied the image. “I can’t tell. It’s only a profile.”

  “That’s the last one.” The tech looked from Paulson to Dayne.

  “Print them,” Dayne said. “We have five out of six characters on that tag. Can you run a DMV query and see how many vehicles with the same sequence are gray sedans, especially Nissans?” He tore the top sheet off the pad and handed it to Paulson.

  “I’ll see what I can do.” He took the sheet to his desk and started tapping away at the keyboard. “Got it,” he said a few minutes later. “Printing now.”

  Dayne grabbed the sheets from the printer. His brows drew together as he scanned the pages, then he grabbed a pen and made notations. “There are fifteen gray sedans on the list, including six Nissans. I can get a team of agents to help you track down the owners, and another agent to run all the names for criminal histories.”

  “I’ll take that assist.” Paulson grabbed his jacket.

  “Keep me posted.”

nbsp; …

  By noon, Kat sat at her desk, staring at two distinct piles. The first contained newspapers and mail that had been accumulating for the last two weeks and the other, a stack of resumes Emily had solicited to replace Amy.

  Sadness filled her heart as she picked up a framed photo on the desk. Walter had taken it a year ago at the Haven. Kevin, Fiona, and Amy had surprised her with a birthday cake. The last birthday her friend would ever share with her. I still can’t believe you’re gone.

  A birthday party, especially one that had been arranged by Colin, didn’t interest her in the slightest. Not for the first time, she hoped he’d cancel. After last night, he probably hated her.

  The doorbell rang, and she heard Dayne’s and another man’s voice. Not Colin’s. Good thing, because she had no interest in seeing him. At least, not for a while.

  She glanced at the front-page article of the New York Post: “Socialite Cat Fight.” The other big city papers had similar headlines.

  Dayne leaned against the doorjamb, frowning at the stack of newspapers. “Your weekly roses just arrived. Pink.”

  “Did Manny deliver them?” She hoped not.

  “No.” Dayne’s voice held a discernible edge.

  A tiny bit of guilt twisted in her belly. “I hope he doesn’t lose his job.”

  “He did, but not because of that.” The crease in his forehead deepened. “The shop owner said Manny stopped showing up for work the same day we saw him in the city.”

  “I wonder why. He’s been working there for years.”

  Dayne shrugged. “I made sandwiches. Want me to bring you one?”

  His thoughtfulness brightened her mood and she smiled. “Thank you, but I’m not very hungry right now. Maybe just some fruit, if you don’t mind.”

  “Fruit coming up.” A few minutes later, he returned carrying the bowls of zabaglione and strawberries they hadn’t gotten to last night. A distinct gouge in the middle of the custard resembled a finger swipe. “No sense letting this go to waste. You were right. It is good.” He dipped his finger in the zabaglione then held it in front of her mouth.

  Hmm, this could be fun. She closed her lips around his finger and sucked off the custard. His eyes darkened as she licked his finger clean. “Aren’t you hungry, too?”

  “Yeah.” His eyes glittered in that sexy way she’d come to love. “I am.”

  She dragged her index finger through the custard then held it out for him. Sporting a wicked grin, he closed his lips around her finger, his eyes glued to hers while he slid his tongue up, down, and around, licking and sucking as he swallowed. “Mmm,” he mumbled then picked her up by her waist, plunking her ass first on the desk.

  “What are you doing?” She giggled then her laughter died as he pulled apart the knotted ends of her silk wraparound dress and pushed the garment off her shoulders. A quick flick of his fingers later, and her bra slid down her arms.

  “Oh yeah.” His lids lowered, his eyes flaring with heat. With that one look she was jelly in his hands, willing to go wherever he wanted to take her. Which, clearly, was right on her desk.

  He eased her down, parting her thighs to stand between them then cupping her breasts and rolling her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Her body was a musical instrument, and he played her like he was a master violinist.

  Closing her eyes, she moaned and arched into his hands. His throaty rumble was as arousing as his touch.

  Something cold hit her breasts and she opened her eyes to see generous dollops of zabaglione on her nipples. Just before he dipped his head, the side of his mouth lifted into a devilishly handsome grin.

  His tongue flicked at her nipple, swiping away some of the custard. He swallowed. “So sweet.” Then his mouth fastened on the tight bud, laving, until it glistened and jutted pertly, an erotic pleasure point connected directly to another part of her that throbbed and pulsed with need.

  Sex had never been like this before. If he left her, it never would be again.

  “We shouldn’t let these go to waste, either.” He grabbed a whole strawberry from the bowl then dunked it in the zabaglione and dragged the custard-laden berry between her breasts, down past her belly button, to the lacy edge of her purple panties. He bit into the berry, chewing as he held the rest of it out for her.

  She took the remaining piece into her mouth. Sweet juices hit her tongue and she swallowed, licking her lips as Dayne began dragging his tongue down the custard on her body. When he’d licked her clean, he pulled her panties down her legs, taking her shoes with them.

  Kneeling, he pulled her to the edge of the desk and draped her thighs over his shoulders. The second his lips met her wet, throbbing sex, she arched off the desk and nearly bucked to the ceiling.

  With his fingers, he parted her folds then impaled her with his tongue. Her belly quivered and she clawed her fingers through his thick hair. Pleasure surged outward then ripped through her body, leaving her limp, sated, and smiling.

  The sound of a zipper broke through her haze of lust. Crinkling paper, then he was there. Hard and full, and entering her slickness. His face was beautiful in all its strained harshness as he thrust into her.

  She locked her legs around his ass, gripping his biceps to hold her in place. Papers rustled, falling to the floor.

  “Baby,” Dayne whispered harshly, “I want to watch you come again. Can you do that for me?”

  Oh god. “Yes,” she moaned, locking her legs tighter as he stroked harder, faster. “Yes.” She couldn’t have stopped it if she tried. Another wave built then crashed over her in a tidal wave of pleasure. “Yes!”

  He stiffened, thrusting hard and throwing his head back before crying out her name. His chest expanded with heavy breaths. He cradled her head in his hands, staring intently as if he were searching for something.

  “What is it?” She reached out to cup his face. A face she’d come to love in such a short time. I do love him. Nothing in her world was more certain.

  “Not a thing,” he said between gasps. “I—”

  The gate bell chimed.

  He eased out of her then deposited the condom in the wastebasket and zipped his jeans. His phone shrilled, and he glanced at the screen. “Colin’s here.”

  “Oh no.” She let him help her to her feet then gathered up her clothes. “I should talk to him.” While she dressed, Dayne’s expression soured by the second. “I owe him an explanation about last night.” From the thunder clouds in Dayne’s eyes, he didn’t agree. “Look, I know you can’t understand. That’s just the way things work in my world.”

  “Your world?” He caught her hand as she turned to leave. “In my world, you don’t owe him a thing.”

  “Please.” The angry, adamant look in his eyes tore at her heart. She hadn’t meant to draw a metaphorical line between the differences in their lives, but it was there nonetheless and neither of them could deny it existed. Crossing that line and meshing their lives would take time. “Let me take care of this in my own way.”

  She left him standing in her office, a grim expression on his face. No, not grim. Disappointed. He was disappointed with her, and she felt horrible about that.

  In the foyer, she pushed the button to open the gates. A minute later, the rumble of Colin’s Jag came from outside. Remy and Angus watched expectantly. She opened the door then signaled to the young security guard that everything was okay.

  “Kat, we need to talk.” Colin rounded the car, stalking up the steps. His expression was also one of disappointment.

  I’m getting it from all sides today. Although she probably deserved it. “Let’s talk in here.” She led the way to the sofa and sat.

  Colin settled next to her. “What in the world is going on with you? Your behavior last night was unbelievable. I didn’t even recognize you.”

  She sighed. “I admit I didn’t recognize myself.” Telling Crys
tal Lockwood off still felt darned good.

  “It’s that FBI agent.” His tone turned bitter. “The minute he came into your life you haven’t been yourself.” That much was true, and she liked the changes. “Are you sleeping with him?”

  “Colin!” His prying question lit her fuse. “That’s none of your business.”

  “Then you are.” She opened her mouth to again object to his invasive question, but he held up his hand. “I don’t want to know, but for God’s sake, you need to think this through. He’s not one of us, and he never will be.”

  “Did it ever occur to you that’s what I like about him?” More than liked. Loved.

  Colin made an exasperated sound. “I get it. Chad hurt you, and you were on the rebound when Andrews walked into your life. When you were attacked, he must have seemed like something out of a movie, coming to your rescue. Do you have any idea how much it hurts that I wasn’t the person you turned to? You’re shutting me out of your life.”

  “I never meant to shut you out.” Losing him would hurt, but if he couldn’t accept their platonic relationship, she’d have to.

  His brow wrinkled. “How do you know he’s not after your money? We all know Chad was.”

  “He’s definitely not after my money.” She uttered a laugh. “In fact, sometimes he even seems to resent it.” Which was both good and bad.

  He stood to pace in front of the fireplace. “Do you really see yourself with this guy? He’s a federal agent. He’s used to calling the shots and ordering everyone around. A guy like that could never be happy following you to charity events, standing to the side while the press interviews you. He’ll always be in your shadow and he’ll come to resent it. He’ll come to resent you.”

  “I think he’s confident enough not to let that bother him.” She frowned. Wasn’t he? I think so. I hope so.

  Colin ran a hand through his perfectly coiffed hair, something she’d never seen him do. “He’ll never be able to provide for you because he doesn’t have to. You have enough money to buy out his net worth a million times over. Every man wants to provide for his woman. Do you think he can be with you, knowing that he doesn’t have to?”


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