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Page 12

by Davis, Siobhan

  “It does,” I agree, looking at Demi.

  Her stunning smile lights up her whole face, and when she scoots in closer, I open my arm for her, tucking her into my side, uncaring if she gets paint on me.

  “What was it you wanted to discuss?” Henry asks. “I know you youngsters are in a rush.”

  Demi glances at the clock on the wall. “Shoot. I need to get my butt in the shower.”

  “Wait a sec,” I say, holding her tighter against me. “You need to hear this too.”

  She shares a look with her father.

  “The company will cover the costs so you can participate in the experimental drug trial,” I say, just putting it out there with no fanfare.

  Demi’s eyes widen in shock. “How do you—”

  “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?”

  Henry shakes his head. “I appreciate the generous offer, son, but I’ll have to decline.”

  “I thought you might say that.” I stare into his eyes. “This isn’t charity, sir. This is what you are owed. Your employment should never have been terminated. We both know that. Consider it a bonus on your severance package.”

  “I can’t accept, Charlie.”

  “Why not, Dad?” Demi beseeches.

  “Because it’s not right, Demi. Charlie is not responsible for the decisions his father made, and I left of my own free will. No one forced my hand.”

  “If you won’t accept it for yourself,” I say. “Accept it for Demi. Give her as much time with you as possible.”

  He’s wavering, but he’s still not there.

  “I could have done this much differently, and I was going to at first. I was going to make an anonymous donation and ask the hospital to advise you that you had been awarded the funds, but I’m sick of secrets and lies. I wanted to come in here and tell you to your face that we’re doing this because it’s the right thing to do. For you and your daughter.”

  I turn my face to Demi. Silent tears are streaming down her face. “Your daughter’s happiness is of huge importance to me.” I look over at Henry again. “As I know it is to you too. That’s why you’re going to accept.”

  His Adam’s apple jumps in his throat. “I don’t know what to say, Charlie. This is—”

  “Just say yes.”

  He nods, and Demi jumps up, rushing to hug her father. “Thank you, Charlie,” he says in a choked voice.

  “One other thing you should know.” I rub my hands over my black jeans. “And this one is on me. I paid off your mortgage, cleared your medical bills, and your student loans are no more, Demi.”

  Tears leak out of her eyes. “Oh my God, Charlie. You shouldn’t have done that,” she croaks.

  I rise. “I want to take care of you, starting with easing your financial burden.”

  She launches herself at me, half-crying, half-laughing, stepping on her tiptoes to peck my lips. “You are crazy, Charlie Barron, and I’m crazy about you.”



  “I’m still in shock,” I admit from the passenger seat of Charlie’s Land Rover. “And I should probably be mad that you did all that, but I’m too freaking happy right now to care.”

  He slides his hand across the console, squeezing my fingers. “It’s only money, and you should have come to me about it.”

  “It’s only money,” I harrumph, shaking my head. “Only someone with endless pots of money could say something like that.”

  “I can’t help that I come from a wealthy family, and it’s not something I’ll ever apologize for, but what good is money if you can’t help your loved ones out in times of need?”

  My heart skips a beat at his words, the memory of the gorgeous flowers he brought for me, and his extremely thoughtful, generous gesture, and I’ve a sudden urge to tell him I love him.

  I stare out the window in a bit of a daze as the realization dawns.

  I’m in love with him.

  And I think I have been for some time.

  It’s been creeping up on me without me noticing.

  “Hey. Where’d you go?” he asks, squeezing my fingers again.

  “I’m here.” I stretch across the console to press a feather-soft kiss to his cheek. “Thank you. Thank you so much. You’ve no idea how much this means.”

  “I’m glad I was able to help. Your dad is a great guy, and he deserves a fighting chance.”

  I gulp over the painful lump in my throat as I slump back in my seat. “He does, and I hope it works, but it’s not a miracle cure.”

  “You’re not alone in this, Demi. I’m here for you, and whatever happens, I will be right by your side.”

  “Are you sure I’m dressed okay?” I ask for the umpteenth time as we climb out of the car. There are a bunch of other cars in the driveway and a motorbike. I glance up at the sophisticated two-story modern building, composed of cream stone, cherrywood panels, and large glass windows, in awe. It’s a beautiful home, and I’ll bet the inside is to die for. While it’s no mansion, it clearly cost a pretty penny. Money seems to be in plentiful supply in the circles Charlie mixes in.

  “You’re perfect.” Charlie kisses me softly, claiming my sole attention. “Stop worrying. They will love you.”

  I retrieve the bag with the chocolate cake I baked and the hand-painted picture frame from the back seat of the car. I wanted to bring wine, but we didn’t have any at home, and there isn’t spare cash for luxuries like that.

  Well, there wasn’t before, but there is now, thanks to Charlie.

  The urge to tell him I love him rides me hard, but I bite my tongue because the revelation is new and I haven’t forgotten the need to protect my heart.

  Charlie takes the bag, and I smooth a hand down over my knee-length pink-and-purple-patterned dress. It’s my favorite dress. Casual but still dressy and comfortable. I’ve teamed it with a soft pink cardigan and silver ballet pumps. My hair is long and loose, and the only makeup I have on is some mascara, some blush, and gloss on my lips.

  Charlie takes my hand, and I hope he can’t feel how clammy my palm is or hear how anxiously my heart is beating in my chest.

  “Breathe, babe,” he says when we reach the door. “You’ll like them.”

  He rings the doorbell, and it’s opened a minute later by a beaming Abby. She’s wearing a gorgeous fitted knee-length red dress with black ballet pumps, and her hair is styled similarly to mine. “I’m so happy you’re here!” She hugs Charlie first and then me. “Welcome to our home. Come in,” she adds, stepping aside to let us enter. “Everyone is back here.”

  We follow her along a wide airy hallway, our shoes squelching off the cream porcelain-tiled floor. The walls are adorned with tons of family photos, and I’m happy I made her the picture frame now because it seems like the perfect gift.

  Abby leads us into a large open-plan space that is stylishly decorated yet warm and inviting at the same time. There is a massive kitchen with stainless steel appliances and white and gray gloss cupboards at the rear of the space. The kitchen overlooks a manicured back garden with a pool and patio area.

  A long dining table occupies prime real estate in the center of the space. An industrial-type light fitting hangs over the length of the rustic table, illuminating the picture-perfect settings. The table seats twelve and there’s a place setting in front of every chair, confirming we have a full house.

  My nerves ramp up another notch.

  Abby steers us to the left, to the main living space, where everyone is congregated. A bunch of strapping guys are chatting in a circle. Behind them, on one of the long white leather couches, three women are deep in conversation. One of the women looks to be around our age, and the other two women are older.

  My heart rate picks up as adrenaline courses through my body. I grip Charlie’s hand so tight, it’s a wonder there’s any blood flowing to it.

  “Everyone. Charlie and Demi are here,” Abby says, announcing us to the room. I can scarcely hear over the thrumming of blood in my ears. As if in sl
ow-motion, everyone stops talking, and every head turns in our direction.

  A deathly quiet descends over the room as everyone stares at me. Eyes widen, and incredulous looks are exchanged. I shuffle awkwardly on my feet, clinging to Charlie’s side, as panic inches up my throat.

  Charlie bristles beside me. He thrusts the bag at Abby. “This was a mistake.” A muscle pops in his jaw. “You’re a bunch of assholes.” He glares at the guys before looking down at me. “C’mon. We’re leaving.”

  “Don’t,” Abby pleads, her gaze dancing between Charlie and her husband.

  I recognize Kaiden Anderson from photos I’ve seen of him online. Although, the photos haven’t done him justice because he’s way hotter in the flesh. As my gaze quickly flits around the faces, I recognize most everyone in the room, for the same reason, with the exception of the younger woman and one of the older women.

  “Charlie, wait.” Kaiden steps forward, and Abby’s shoulders visibly relax. “We don’t mean to be rude. It’s just a shock.” He steps right up to me as Abby hands the bag off to the woman I recognize as her mother. Kaiden extends his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Demi.”

  I shake his hand, cringing at how sweaty my palm must feel against his cool one. “Thank you for inviting me.”

  “Forgive us,” he adds, trying hard not to stare at me. “Abby said you two looked alike, but it’s still a shock.” He glances at Charlie briefly. Charlie is like a brick beside me, and I lean in closer to him, offering him silent support as much as I need to take it from him.

  Drew Manning comes forward as Abby slides in under Kaiden’s arm. He smiles, but it’s a little off. “The resemblance is uncanny.”

  Charlie is seconds away from imploding, and I wish the ground would open up and swallow me.

  “Get over yourselves, peeps,” Xavier says, strolling confidently to my free side, wrapping his arm around me. “There’s actually a logical explanation for this.”

  All eyeballs turn in his direction, and I’m glad the attention has been diverted.

  “There is?” Abby inquires, her brows climbing to her hairline.

  “You’re related,” he tosses out.

  I blink repeatedly, wondering if I misheard him although that would explain a lot. Abby smiles as her eyes find mine.

  “What?” Charlie snaps. “Why am I only hearing this now?”

  “Why are you?” Abby pokes Charlie in the chest, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward her. “Why are we?” She eyeballs Xavier. “What do you know, oh wise one.” I appreciate her attempt at humor because the tension is suffocating at this point.

  “Why don’t we all sit down and have a drink while Xavier fills us in,” Abby’s mom says, smiling at everyone. She leans forward, kissing me on the cheek. “You’re most welcome, Demi. I’m Olivia. Drew and Abby’s Mom.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you.”

  She palms Charlie’s face. “It’s been too long, Charlie. You’re family. Never forget that.”

  “Olivia.” He kisses her cheek. “It’s good to see you.” He accepts a hug from the other older lady. “You too, Sylvia. You’re looking well.”

  “As are you.” She extends her hand to me. “Pleasure to meet you, Demi.”

  “Welp,” Abby says, turning us around to face the only two guys I haven’t interacted with. “Where are your manners?” She points at Jackson Lauder and Sawyer Hunt. “Come say hi to Charlie’s girl.”

  Charlie slides up behind me, none too subtly pulling me away from Abby. He wraps his arms around me, pressing his body up against me.

  “Pissing on your territory, Barron?” Jackson says, grinning over my shoulder at my boyfriend.

  “It’s a reminder to watch those legendary wandering hands of yours,” Charlie retorts.

  “You don’t need to worry,” Sawyer says, smiling at me as he addresses Charlie. “Jackson has his panties twisted into knots over Nessa. He’s only got eyes for her.”

  “Shut your Goddamned mouth, Hunt, or I’ll shut it for you,” Jackson spits, all humor instantly fading from his eyes. His hands clench into fists at his sides. He faces me, making an effort to relax his facial muscles. A wicked glint races across his eyes. “If you ever grow tired of Barron, look me up. I’ve been searching for my own Abby clone.”

  “Jackson!” Abby screeches, as Charlie thrusts his fist out and punches Lauder in the nose. Jackson is caught off guard, and he takes a tumble.

  “Was that really necessary?” Kaiden drawls, narrowing his eyes at Charlie.

  “Yes,” Charlie hisses. “I expect to get shade for the shit I’ve pulled, but leave Demi out of it.”

  My heart swells at his obvious protectiveness. I take Charlie’s hand in mine, inspecting his clenched knuckles, as Hunt hauls a semi-contrite Jackson up off the floor, and Sylvia brushes past us on her way to the kitchen.

  “Happy families,” the strange woman says, smiling as she sidles up to me. “I’m Shandra. A friend of Abby’s.” She casts a lingering look at Drew before quickly lowering her eyes.

  “Are they always like this?” I ask.

  “Never a dull moment,” Drew says, coming up and offering me a glass of wine. “I didn’t introduce myself earlier. I’m Drew. Abby’s twin.”

  I know, because I’ve snooped on all of you online. For the first time, it feels wrong that I did. But it was months ago, and I had no idea I’d end up meeting all of them one day.

  “Hey.” I smile at him, feeling overwhelmed.

  “Charlie.” Drew slaps my boyfriend on the back. “Glad you’re here, man.”

  After Jackson makes groveling apologies, we all get comfortable on the couches to hear what Xavier has to say.

  “You okay?” Charlie whispers in my ear. We’re tucked up against one another on the couch with Abby and Drew on my other side. I nod, clinging to him a little closer. “I’m sorry about that, but at least, we got it over and done with.”

  I press a kiss to his cheek. “Thank fuck, because that was one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life,” I whisper.

  He quietly chuckles. “I know the feeling.” At least, he seems to have loosened up.

  “Spit it out, Daniels. We don’t have all day,” Kaiden says from his perch on the arm of the couch.

  “Kaiden.” Olivia tut-tuts. “Don’t be rude.”

  “Sorry, Mom.” He blows her a kiss. “Whenever you’re ready, your lordship.” He smirks at Xavier.

  “I prefer Star Lord,” Xavier quips. “It’s got a nicer ring to it.”

  “You’re no Chris Pratt,” Drew says, grinning.

  “The dinner is getting cold,” Hunt says, rolling his eyes and sighing. “So, sometime this century would be nice, please.”

  “No foreplay in front of the oldies,” Jackson says, leaning back against the couch, smirking, and I’m guessing there’s some inside joke at play. I make a mental note to ask Charlie later.

  But the banter is great, and it’s just what’s needed after a very tense start to our afternoon. There’s a lovely vibe among the crew and a genuine camaraderie I’m now enjoying. I also love, and appreciate, how everyone has forgotten the little spat. I grew up with a father who never let disagreements fester. If we had beef with one another, we aired that shit and quickly moved on. I respect and expect straight shooting from the people in my life.

  “For the love of all things holy.” Abby throws her arms into the air. “Everyone, shut up and let Xavier speak.”

  The room instantly mutes, and I share a grin with Abby, loving her strength and the obvious loyalty she commands from everyone here. I watch her husband stare at her with so much adoration and admiration it almost takes my breath away. She’s a lucky woman to be loved so fiercely.

  Drew clasps Abby’s hand, smiling warmly at me, as we prepare for whatever Xavier is about to tell us. Abby takes my hand in hers, and it feels surreal to be here, with the woman I’ve feared and felt inconsequential against, liking her and wanting to get to know her better. The world truly works in myst
erious ways.

  “Your grandmothers were sisters,” Xavier says, just putting it out there. “Paternal on the Hearst side, maternal on your side, Demi.”

  “So, my mom’s mom was the sister of Abby and Drew’s dad’s mom?” I say, working it out, out loud.

  “Michael’s adopted mom or birth mom?” Drew asks.

  “Birth mom,” Xavier says, pulling a crumpled photo out of his back pocket. He hands it to Abby. “No idea why her family didn’t take Michael in when he was orphaned.”

  “They probably knew he was the devil’s spawn and wanted nothing to do with him,” Drew says, and my eyes pop wide. There is so much I don’t know but I hope to discover in time. His statement is met with silence, and no one jumps in to refute his claim, which says a lot.

  “Holy shit,” Abby says, running her finger over the picture.

  Charlie leans over my shoulder while Drew and Kai lean over Abby’s.

  “Were they twins?” I ask, because the two younger girls in the picture look identical.

  “Yep,” Xavier confirms. “And you two are the image of them. It’s a little creepy.”

  “At least, we have an explanation for it,” Abby says, beaming at me as she flings her arms around me. “I can’t believe we’re cousins.”

  “I know. It’s crazy.” I still haven’t wrapped my head around it, and I doubt I will for some time.

  Charlie kisses the top of my head, as Drew leans over, grinning. “Welcome to the family, Demi.”



  “Are you still in shock?” Charlie asks as we are seated side by side around the dinner table. Abby, Olivia, Sylvia, and Shandra cooked a spectacular feast, and everything I’ve tasted is melt-in-the-mouth good.

  “For sure,” I truthfully admit, putting my fork down, unable to eat another morsel. “I’ve grown up with no family because both my parents were only children and their folks died before I had a chance to know them. I never met any extended family, and Dad never talked about any.”


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