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Hood River Zero (Hood River Hoodlums Book 4)

Page 5

by K. Webster

  The woman frowns. “You’re the replacement sitter?”

  Before I can answer her, a little girl peeks her head around the woman’s leg. My heart clenches like it does whenever I see Sebban, something I don’t quite understand, but don’t hate.

  “Hi, Zella,” I chirp, pretending to sound like Charlotte since she puts everyone at ease. “I’m Penny.”

  Zella’s familiar brown eyes pin me. “I’m not allowed to talk to strangers.” The quiet whisper—almost inaudible—makes me want to snatch her and steal her for Terrence. She’s obviously his. They make the same sad expressions and have the same eyes.

  “It appears this will be your new sitter, Zella,” the woman says. Then, her eyes dart over to Terrence. “Mr. Henderson won’t allow you to bring your boyfriend over. He’s strict.”


  I almost laugh.

  But Terrence slings his arm over my shoulders, making me freeze at his possessive touch.

  “Don’t worry, ma’am,” Terrence rumbles. “We’re just stopping by. She’ll come alone next time.”

  “Marilyn,” the woman says. “My name is Marilyn. Come inside for a bit then.”

  She and the little girl step aside, allowing us entry. Terrence’s arm slides off my shoulders, his palm settling at the small of my back, as he guides me in. I know we’re playing a part, but I can’t explain the jackhammering of my heart.

  “Have a seat. I can make some tea,” Marilyn offers. “Zella likes Earl Gray with a bit of cream, don’t you sweetie?”

  Zella nods, her array of tight, golden curls bouncing. Since I want this lady to leave us be, I force a smile.

  “I’ll have it the same way then,” I say to Marilyn.

  The woman walks away, leaving me and Terrence with the girl. She sits on the love seat, her curious eyes sweeping over me and then Terrence. He sits on the sofa, angling his body toward her and leaning forward. I sit beside him, studying her.

  Her dark eyebrows are pinched together and she frowns. Most kids around her age are bouncing around and getting into trouble. They most certainly can be noisy. Sebban is definitely a rambunctious, noisy kid.

  “How old are you?” I ask.

  “Four and a half.”

  Terrence tenses from beside me.

  “When’s your birthday?”

  She frowns harder. “April.”

  Terrence curses. I elbow him to keep his emotions in check. The dates must be adding up for him.

  “My birthday is in April too,” I tell her. “I’ll be eighteen. Are you going to have a party?”

  Her gaze falls to her lap and she shrugs. Silence cloaks the room, and for the first time ever, I don’t welcome it. When I was her age, Mom and Dad always had elaborate birthday parties for us. Tons of kids were invited. Cool cakes and themed decorations. Presents galore. She seems as though she doesn’t know what a real party would be like.

  “Where’s your mother?” Terrence demands.

  I punch his leg. “Stop talking.”

  He shoots me a furious glare, but I ignore him.

  Marilyn storms around the corner, her face red and her phone in her grip. “What did you say your name was again? Was it Phoebe?” Her tone is shrill and it makes me break out into an uncomfortable sweat. “Mr. Henderson said the new sitter wouldn’t be by until tomorrow.”



  “Sorry to impose,” I say quickly. “We’ll leave. We don’t want you to get into trouble.”

  We rise from our seats. I snatch Terrence’s hand, dragging him away from the girl. He seems to be stalling, which is super annoying considering how big he is.

  “See you soon, Zella,” I assure her.

  Her eyes lift once more, but they’re watery with tears. I don’t like this. Nothing about her situation feels right. Leaving seems like a mistake, but based on the furious vibes Marilyn is putting off, I think it’s best we leave before she calls the police.

  Zella manages a small wave before she dips her head again. I tug Terrence out of the house. His body thrums with anger. It ripples off him, intense and out of control. I manage to get him over to the Jeep and we climb inside. Once I peel out, I take in a calming breath.

  “That’s my kid, Penny,” Terrence croaks out. “What the fuck do we do?”

  I don’t know what to do.

  Dad will know.

  “We’re going to get help,” I assure him.

  He buries his face in his palms. I can feel his frustration pulsating through the air. The urge to comfort him is overwhelming. I don’t know why I feel differently around Terrence. It’s bothersome, but not always in a bad way. Just noticeable. Constant. Penetrating. I can’t ignore it.

  We drive back to Dad’s loft. I’d never tell Mom, but I prefer it over Aunt Karen’s house. Aunt Karen’s place squeaks and groans like ghosts roam. At Dad’s, it’s more insulated or something. It just feels quieter. That is, when Jace, my prison pet, isn’t running his mouth.

  After I park in the underground garage, Terrence follows me into the elevator. I sneak a peek at him. He’s scowling, his jaw clenching over and over. It makes me wonder if I placed a palm on his cheek, would he relax. Fisting my hand so I don’t do anything dumb like touch his face, I look away. The elevator dings for Dad’s floor. I walk a little too quickly to escape the prickly awareness that seems to poke at me whenever Terrence is near and enter our loft.

  Jace is sitting in a chair with some redhead on his lap, sucking his face.


  “Ew, dogs aren’t allowed on the furniture,” I tell him. “I’m gonna tell Dad.”

  Jace’s rumbling laugh has his girl pulling away in irritation. “Happy to see you too, squirt.”

  “I brought company.” I nod toward Terrence. “We have family business to discuss. Tell your Tinder skank it’s time to leave.”

  The woman scoffs, climbing out of his lap to glower at me. “I don’t know who you think you are, little girl, but you need to respect your elders.”

  “Brittany, just go,” Jace says.

  “Tiffany,” she snaps. “And I was here first.”

  “We had this threesome pre-scheduled,” I say with a shrug. “Take your saggy vagina lips to someone else’s apartment. Jace is ours.”

  He starts laughing and Terrence shakes his head beside me.

  “You’re a kid!” she screeches.

  “Seventeen. They’re so fucking kinky,” I taunt. “Jace is desperate for another prison sentence.” I pretend to whisper to her. “He prefers boys, so he’s trying to get back to OHP where the boys are plentiful. Looks like fucking a teenager might be his fast-track ticket back.”

  She gasps, her eyes darting over to Jace. “You’re a pervert?”

  He shrugs. “It would appear that I am.”

  “Bye, Brittany!” I call out. “He’ll write from prison! Hope you like gay porn stories!”

  The door slams shut, a sound I don’t mind considering it means she’s gone.

  “Why you gotta be so gross, pet?” I ask, dropping into the chair next to him. “Now our house smells like hoes. Where’s Dad?”

  “He ran out. Should be back soon. Thanks for cockblocking,” Jace says, amusement in his tone.

  “I did you a favor. Now you can remain STD-free. You’re welcome.” I flash him a bitchy smile. “Terrence found his kid. We’re gonna steal her.”

  Jace’s amber eyes widen. “Slow down, brat. Rewind.”

  “He’s old,” I whisper to Terrence, who sits down on the sofa. “We have to talk slow for him.”

  Jace smacks my arm. “Stop being a bitch and get to explaining.”

  “Don’t touch me,” I grind out, hissing at him. “I honestly don’t want to have to say it twice. I’ll wait for Dad.”

  The room falls blissfully silent. I close my eyes, reveling in the absence of sound. Seconds later, the quiet is interrupted when Dad enters the loft, a sack in his hand.

  “Hey, princess,” Dad calls out as he heads in
to the kitchen. “Hey, Terrence.”

  After he drops his bag off, he comes into the living room. His eyes dart around to the three of us, waiting for someone to speak.

  “Jace almost got crabs, but I rescued him,” I reveal. “Seriously, stop bringing skanks here or I’m moving in with Cal.”

  Dad snorts. “It’s bad enough one of my girls lives with Cal Hutton. Two is out of the question.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “What’s going on? Be serious.”

  “We went to his house,” Terrence mutters. “She’s mine. Zella is mine. The dates add up, man.”

  Dad glowers at me. “What the hell did you do, Penny?”

  “I peeked at her file and found her address.” I shrug. “Smash and I went to pay her a visit—”

  “You can’t do shit like that,” Dad barks out, throwing his hands in the air. “I don’t even have to tell you the laws you violated that could put my practice in jeopardy.”

  “But he wants to name them all,” Jace taunts. “I can see him reciting them in his head. Come on, Gary, tell us all about the penal codes—”

  “You’re a fucking idiot,” Dad growls at his best friend, shooting him the bird. “Besides that very important fact, you could have endangered yourself, Penny!”

  I curl my lip up, edgy from the decibel of Dad’s voice. “I had a bodyguard. Terrence had my back.”

  Dad shoots Terrence a murderous glare. “It was stupid.”

  “Anyway,” I grind out, annoyed he won’t let me finish without flipping a gasket. “I looked this dude up on social media. He’s a total fuddy-duddy old man with a beer belly. We were fine. Now focus on the main part of the story.”

  Dad scowls, but I continue.

  “Zella is Terrence’s. There’s no doubt about it. The timeline matches up. We need to get Blowjob Barbie to help us get her back,” I exclaim.

  Jace chuckles. “Blowjob Barbie. I’m so gonna call Samantha that when I see her next time.”

  Dad pinches the bridge of his nose before finally sitting down next to Terrence. “We can pursue this. Legally. No more recon missions. I’m serious.” He turns to Terrence. “You want to see that little girl? Then you need to play by the rules.”

  Jace leans into me. “Your dad has such a hard-on for rules.”

  “And you have a hard-on for skanks in spandex. We all have our faults, pet.”

  “Let me…” Dad trails off. “Let me get with Samantha and we’ll get the ball rolling.”

  Terrence clears his throat. “I, uh, just started my job as coach, so I can pay my way now. For everything.”

  Dad arches a brow at him. “I can barely afford Samantha. Trust me, she’s too expensive. I’ll handle it.”

  “She does me for free,” Jace says, his lips curling into an evil grin. “Does Jordy for free too.”

  “Maybe Samantha has a hard-on for deviance,” I offer. “In that case, Terrence is a shoe-in for Blowjob Barbie pro bono work.”

  “Penny,” Dad says in exasperation.

  “Yes, Daddy?” I bat my lashes at him.

  He sighs heavily. “You’re my most difficult child.”

  “It’s why I’m your favorite,” I explain slowly because he’s old.

  The smirk on his face tells me I’m not wrong.

  Terrence’s penetrating stare has me recoiling. Dad and Jace start discussing something, but I lose focus, fixated on the way Terrence sees inside of me.

  With Terrence, I sort of forget about my walls. He’s seen me break down a few times lately. When I’m around Dad, I have to keep a huge-ass brick wall up in front of me. He’s a doctor and senses when people aren’t right.

  I like my life, even if it is a little loud.

  I certainly don’t need Dad giving me pills to numb my world, or worse yet, send me away to some asylum because everyone around me makes me positively insane simply by breathing, chewing, and existing.

  Terrence’s eyes narrow. He sees me. Thankfully, for me, his nice pink lips stay firmly pressed together. Our secret. I can handle Terrence knowing I’m a freak, but if I want to stay Daddy’s favorite, I need to keep this little tidbit away from my father.


  Every time I close my eyes, I see her face.

  My daughter. She has to be. I see Lacey in her, but I see so much of me. With thoughts of Zella comes the anger. Why was she kept from me for four and a half years?

  Lacey owes me an explanation.

  Furthermore, she needs to explain why she’s not here with her.

  I’ll make her talk to me eventually.

  In the meantime, I have Samantha on the case. I only answered a thousand questions this morning over the phone. She promised to get the ball rolling on requesting a paternity test. I’m going to go crazy until I find out for sure.

  “I can’t wait to see baby Emilia,” Charlotte chirps from the front seat of Cal’s truck. “I never get enough of her.”

  Cal reaches over and takes Char’s hand, bringing it to his lips, and kisses it. They share a quiet moment, loaded with unspoken words. I’m glad this girl has my best friend. She’s his, which means he’ll take care of her until his dying breath. Maybe one day they’ll pop out a kid like Little Hoodlum and Jordy.

  Then all the Hoodlums will have kids.

  When the fuck did we grow up?

  My phone buzzes in my jeans’ pocket. I pull it out and sigh after reading the text.

  Grandma: Come get your mail, Terry.

  Me: I will this weekend.

  “Goddammit,” Cal complains. “Someone needs to teach that brat how to fucking park.”

  Charlotte and I both laugh.

  “Let’s hope you’re not the teacher,” Charlotte says. “You suck at it yourself.”

  We all climb out and I smirk at the fact Penny drove her orange Jeep around all the other cars, parking in front of them, right in front of the stairs at Hollis and Roan’s. She drives and parks just like Cal. It’s fucking funny to me.

  I head up the steps behind Cal and Charlotte, nursing my leg. It’s been aching today, putting me in a bitchy-ass mood.

  The front door opens and the first thing I notice is the music. It’s not loud by any means and mostly background, but it’s still more than I care for these days. I grit my teeth and endure as I make my way inside. Their quaint apartment is decorated with gaudy New Year’s gold and silver. The table is loaded down with snacks and shit. I forget what a little entertainer Hollis is until it’s time for a birthday party or holiday. It makes me wonder if his siblings are the same way.

  Charlotte, sure.

  Penny, no way.

  I find my grumpy girl sitting cross-legged in the recliner, a beanie pulled low over her brows, nearly covering her eyes. It’s her outfit, though, that has me freezing.

  I’ve only seen Penny once in something that wasn’t comfortable and baggy. At Jordy’s wedding. And back in October, I was still so fucked up from my migraines, I didn’t take the time to notice.

  I notice now.


  An irrational spike of anger shoots through me, jealous of anyone who can see her. A quick assessment of the people here has me relaxing. They’re all taken or related to her, aside from Lo, who’s chatting it up with Roan, and he’s gay.

  Chill the hell out, man.

  Her expression is a bit more scowly than usual tonight. But she’s wearing makeup. Her lashes have been painted with mascara and her blue eyes are lined with black eyeliner. Pouty lips are stained Barbie pink and she chews on her bottom one like it’s personally wronged her. I skim my gaze to her outfit that made me crazy in three seconds flat. Dark, painted on skinny jeans that have more holes than actual material covers her long, slender legs. She wears a black pair of ankle boots that I’m shocked she even owns. Her white tank under her black, fitted leather jacket is loose and hangs low. A long, black necklace sits right between her perky tits, a bunch of silver and gold house keys attached. The tank is thin, so you can see the outline of her black bra underneath. />
  I can’t with this goddamn girl.

  “Smash,” she says, tipping her head at me, barely looking up from her phone. “What’s up?”

  Ignoring the laughter of the guys in the kitchen, I stalk over to Penny. I sit down on the coffee table right in front of her, drinking in her sweet floral scent. Fuck. She’s too fucking pretty and distracting.

  Only seventeen.

  Until April…

  The thought feels like a lifeline I cling to. Soon she’ll be legal. And then what? I don’t like Penny. Not like a chick I want to stick my dick into.

  No, you like her more than that.

  She starts to shed her leather jacket. My mouth goes dry as she reveals her creamy arms that have cute curves of muscle from her being on the basketball team.

  I’m not going to survive her.

  I can feel it in my bones.

  I’m going to do something regrettable—something that breaks the Hoodlum code.

  Because… fuck.

  “Put your jacket back on,” I bark out, leaning forward and resting my elbows on my knees so I’m in her personal space.

  Her lip curls up as icy blue eyes sear into me. “I’m hot.”

  No fucking kidding.

  My jaw clenches as I drop my stare to her sassy mouth. “Penny…”

  “Stop talking.”

  Our gazes meet and there’s amusement in her blazing blue eyes. Fuck if it doesn’t make my dick hard, too. For a girl who’s grumpy as shit, I suddenly feel the urge to amuse her a helluva lot more. My lips quirk up on one side as I let loose a chuckle.

  “Fine, brat,” I say with a grumble. “You don’t want to talk to me, I’ll go talk to someone else.”

  She kicks out one of her booted feet, planting it between my spread legs. “Stay here, Smash.” Her words are warm and playful.

  She leans forward until her face is close to mine. It’s then I notice her AirPods are in. Her blond hair that’s usually in a ponytail is loose and is in messy waves that suit her. I crave to reach out and twist a silky strand around my finger.

  I bite down on the inside corner of my bottom lip, roaming my stare over her made-up face to her pink lips. “So you’re going to talk to me?”


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