Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles

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Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles Page 4

by Johnson, Cat


  “Kinsley listen to me. If…if anything happens tonight, just know how much I love you.”

  The Senator’s words slur together as he hugs me tightly. Since Mom died, this is how he copes. My fiancé didn’t want him here, but I assured him that my father could pull it together for one night.

  “Dad, everything’s going to be fine.”

  He shakes his head, taking another drink. My fiancé comes to my side, pulling me away. I don’t miss the look of disgust on his face.

  “Come, darling. Our guests want to congratulate us.”

  Planting a smile on my face, I greet more people than I can remember. Each person says a variation of the same thing. How lucky I am. Never how lucky he is. He’s eating it up, but to me it feels so…fake. The people. The warm wishes. All of it.

  I’m finally left alone, and I slip into a dark alcove to watch the guests and sip my pomegranate wine. Will they even notice I’m gone? I doubt it. All they see when they look at me is my fiancé and the dollar-signs behind his name. I’m nothing more than a bird in a gilded cage that he bought and paid for.

  Something stirs behind me and I jump. A man steps from the shadows, and every hair on my body stands on end. This man is dangerous. I should run, but I find myself drawn to him. He’s tall—so tall that I have to tilt my head to look up at him. He’s dressed like every other guest in his designer tuxedo, but it doesn’t suit him. No, right now he looks and moves like a predator stalking its prey.

  “I didn’t realize anyone was in here,” I stutter.

  “I apologize. I was smoking, and you looked like you needed a break.”

  His deep voice sends shivers of awareness down my spine. As he gets closer, I catch a hint of smoke on his skin. It’s familiar, but I’m not sure from where.

  He stands next to me, so close that our arms touch. “Quite the gathering. I’m sure the couple must be thrilled.”

  I peer at him. Does he not know who I am?

  “I’m sure they are.”

  “It’s all bullshit. No one that’s truly happy has a shindig like this.”


  “In my world, they’d have a small gathering, with close friends and family celebrating around a bonfire.”

  “That sounds nice.”

  Something I’ll never have.

  We stand in comfortable silence until he sighs.

  “I hate to do this, Princess, but I’m about to ruin your party.”


  He grabs my arm, pulling me with him.

  “Stop! You can’t do this.”

  “I can and I will.”


  “Because your father made a deal that I’m collecting on.”

  My breath hitches. “What kind of deal?”

  “You’ll see when we meet the officiant.”


  He smiles, but it’s anything but friendly. “That’s right, Princess. You’re about to marry the President of the Devil’s Regents.”

  “But…I don’t even know your name.”

  “It’s Hades.”

  His name doesn’t mean anything to me, but the Devil’s Regents does. It’s a notorious motorcycle club that is feared, and with good reason. He pulls me through a set of doors to an empty hallway.

  “I think you’ve got the wrong person!”

  He snorts. “I promise you, I don’t. You’re Kinsley Grace Hamilton. Age twenty-four. Born February 15. Only child to Senator Patrick Hamilton.”

  I get the feeling that this man would know my shoe size if I asked.

  “Are you kidnapping me?”

  “No, this is me cashing in on my deal.”

  He’s not making any sense, but I know as soon as we get through the doors—I’m in trouble. Leaning back, I dig my heels into the carpet, trying in vain to slow his pace. Hades looks peeved, but shakes his head. Before I can even think of reacting, he scoops me into his arms, tossing me over his shoulder.

  “Be good, or I’ll spank your ass.”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  His hand makes contact with my bottom, and I yelp at the jolt of pleasure that shoots right to my core.

  “That’s your warning, Princess.”

  “Stop calling me that. My name’s Kinsley, which you already know.”

  He doesn’t reply as we exit through the double doors. The Mississippi air is hot and humid, making my silk gown stick to my body. We’re in the alley, and we’re not alone. Three men stand next to motorcycles dressed in all black. When they see us, they climb onto their bikes.

  Hades says, “I’m going to put you down. Don’t try anything stupid.”

  As soon as my feet touch the ground, I take off. What this jerk doesn’t know is I was on the cross-country track team in college. And I was quite good. The end of the alley comes in sight and I take in a deep breath, getting ready to call for help. That’s when I hear the loud footsteps pounding behind me. And they’re close. Too close.

  “No!” I cry out, as strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back into the shadows.

  His face is close to my ear, and he isn’t even winded.

  “I warned you, Princess.”


  Hades takes me back to where his goons wait. Anger rolls off him in waves, and I know I’ve made a mistake in running. He reaches into the bag on the side of his motorcycle, pulling out a knife.

  I shrink back. “Please don’t hurt me. I promise I won’t run again.”

  His dark eyes narrow. “You think I’m going to cut you?”

  I nod once, and he lets out a string of curses.

  “Let’s get one thing straight, Princess. I’m the good guy in this story. I saved your father, and now I’m saving you from a life of misery with your fiancé. I’m sure as fuck not going to cut you, unless you really piss me off. Got it?”

  I want to believe him, but I don’t know him. I mean, he literally just stole me from my engagement party.

  “Then what’s the knife for?”

  “For your dress.”

  “My dress?”

  He grabs for me, holding the skirt of my dress in his hand. I try to pull away, but only manage to tear the delicate red silk. Using his knife, he cuts it so short that it barely covers my butt.

  “You just ruined a ten-thousand-dollar gown!”

  His goons laugh, while a smile plays at his lips.

  “Add it to my bill, Princess. Now, I’m going to get on the bike. Be a good girl and climb on behind me.” He puts the knife away, but adds, “Don’t try anything funny.”

  “You don’t honestly expect me to get on that…thing, do you?”

  His eyebrow lifts as he climbs onto the bike. Oh my good god, he’s serious. I’ve never been on a motorcycle, but I’ve been on a horse. It’s got to be the same concept, right? Carefully, I climb onto the seat behind him, hating that I have to use his shoulder for support. And when I’m on the bike? Lord have mercy. I’m practically straddling him in a very intimate way. Heat radiates from his body, and even though it’s hot outside, I shiver.

  He glances over his shoulder. “Hold on to me and lean into the turns.”


  I have no idea what he means. He starts his bike and I gasp at the sound and vibration. This isn’t a part of town bikers frequent. Maybe a security guard will come out to see who’s making all this noise. The sound is amplified when the other bikes start. We take off, and I cry out, grabbing onto the back of Hades’ jacket. Guess that’s what he meant when he said to hold onto him.

  We speed down the streets, taking turn after turn, until I feel sick. At one point we pass a restaurant where several people sit on a patio. I think I see a camera flash, but can’t be sure. Closing my eyes, I try to keep my panic at bay. By the time the bike comes to a stop, I’m fighting my roiling stomach.

  “I-I don’t feel so good.”

  I manage to scramble from the bike before vomiting all over the paved sidewalk.

  A m
an laughs. “Well, that was unexpected. Can’t say this is the first time I’ve married someone because they’re knocked up. Come on. You’re late.”

  Looking up, I realize we’re at a small church, where the man stands.

  “I’m not pregnant, thank you very much.”

  My words fall on deaf ears.

  “Come on, Princess. You heard the man. Let’s not keep him waiting.”

  “You’re out of your mind! I’m not marrying you, and you can’t make me.”

  The air shifts between us, and he grabs my arm, pulling me aside.

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I got your old man out of a heap of trouble. In exchange for my help, me promised me your hand in marriage.”

  “Hate to break it to you, but this is the twenty-first century. Women have rights. And I’m not marrying you.”

  My reply hardens his features, but I don’t care that he’s mad. I hate this man and won’t go willingly into this.

  He pulls out his phone, swiping. “Watch this and then tell me again that you’re not marrying me.”

  He shoves the phone at me as a video plays. Dread fills my body. A car I know very well hits a man walking on the sidewalk in broad daylight. My father gets out, clearly intoxicated. He reaches into his pocket for his phone. A few moments later two motorcycles arrive, and I can tell one of the men is Hades, even on the grainy footage. He speaks to my father, and they shake hands. The screen goes blank, but I can pretty much guess what happens next.

  “Did the man die?”

  “He’s alive, if you can call it that. He’s paralyzed from the neck down.”

  “So…what? My father calls you for help and now you think that somehow I owe you?” I shake my head. “No.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. You seem to think you have a choice, Princess. You don’t.”


  “No, that’s where you’re wrong. I’m out of here.”

  Reaching into my dress, I grab my phone that’s tucked inside my bra. I’ve just gotten the Uber app open when Hades takes it from my hands.

  “One call, Princess.”


  “All I have to do is make one call and that video hits the press. Your father will be ruined by dawn, and, by default, so will you. You’ll get to see the hard way how quickly society will turn its back on you.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “You may not, but your agent will. So will producers and directors in Hollywood. To the world, you won’t be America’s darling anymore. And that women’s shelter you volunteer at? Well, they’ll quietly ask you to stop coming so they don’t get bad press. Your father will end up in prison. Or worse. In the end, you’ll find yourself lonelier than you’ve ever been in your life. Is that something you can live with?”

  My chest squeezes in anguish as I realize he’s right. I might not care, but the world will. They’ve been obsessed with me for years, grasping onto any tidbit and running with it. Something like this will ruin me, and then how will I be able to help others?

  “Why go through the trouble of marrying me? You clearly don’t even like me.”

  “I need something that you have.”


  He laughs, loud and deep. “No, Princess. I need your good name and the press that comes with it. You see, my club is facing some unwanted attention right now from the Feds. Once they find out that I’ve married Senator Hamilton’s daughter, they’ll stop digging. Especially once your father gives them a call.”

  “If the Feds are looking into your club, then I’m sure it’s warranted.”

  His lips turn down. “You would think that, wouldn’t you? Must be hard, sitting up there in your ivory tower.”

  I won’t be distracted with jabs.

  I ask, “And then what happens? We ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after?”

  “Once I’m sure my ass is safe, we’ll quietly get divorced, and you’ll be free to go.”

  I narrow my eyes. “How long will we be married?”

  “For as long as it takes.”

  “Not good enough. I need a timeline, and I want it in writing.”

  He stares down at me until I feel like looking away, but I don’t. I won’t give him the pleasure of backing down.

  “One year.”

  “Six months,” I counter. “Or no deal.”

  He sticks out his hand. “Let’s get married.”

  I put my hand into his and quickly jerk away. Did he feel that, too? It was like touching a live wire. If he notices, he doesn’t comment. Instead, he ushers me forward by placing his large hand at the small of my back. A numbness settles over me as we walk up the steps to the church. I’m really going to do this—I’m going to marry this stranger to save my father.

  The man waiting for us smiles. “Thought the two of you were getting cold feet.”

  Hades answers, “Not a chance.”

  “I’ve already drawn up the documents. You’ll just need to sign after the ceremony. My wife and I will be the witnesses, just like you asked.”

  Hades nods. “Let’s do this.”

  The church is empty inside, except for an older woman who sits in the first pew. When she sees me, her eyes widen.

  “Oh. My. That’s a very…modern dress.”

  My cheeks heat. If she knows who I am, then she’s probably wondering if all the tabloid rumors about me are true. I’m not a party girl, but dressed like this, she’s more than likely leaning toward believing the lies. I made the mistake of trusting the wrong person a few months ago and ended up at a party with drugs and paparazzi. Even though I left within minutes of arriving, the damage was done.

  She’s skinny because she’s on drugs.

  She’s out of control.

  Her poor fiancé.

  I frown, thinking of him. He’s known me for years, and yet he believed the rumors, too. Told me I should be thankful he was still willing to marry me. It left a sour taste in my mouth that I still haven’t gotten over.

  Hades glances at me, and shrugs off his jacket, draping it over my shoulders. I shiver as his scent envelops me. Again, the spicy scent mixed with leather and smoke seems familiar. From where, I don’t know.

  “Thank you,” I murmur.

  He clears his throat. “We’re ready.”

  The ceremony is short and to the point. My voice quivers as I say my vows. There’s no going back now.

  “By the state of Mississippi, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  I turn to Hades to tell him we can skip this part, when his mouth crashes over mine. My emotions whirl and skid as he kisses me with so much intensity that I actually moan. Sure I’ve been kissed before, but never like this. His kiss is slow and dominating, so much that I hold onto his arm for support. My other hand grasps his thick hair, urging him on. And he doesn’t disappoint. A delicious shudder heats my body as he pulls me flush against him. This is madness, but it’s also perfect.

  “Save some for the honeymoon,” the officiant laughs, ruining the moment, and reminding me where I am.

  With a slight growl, Hades pulls away. “Let’s sign those papers, Princess.”

  I hate how unaffected he looks as he strolls over to a table, signing his name. I’m less steady as I add my name next to his.

  Hades peers down at me. “Come on, wife. Let’s go home.”


  For some reason I thought he would take me back to my father’s house, and that we’d just go our sperate ways. Of course, I was wrong. We speed down the highway until we’re far from town. The night air is cool, and I shiver, holding onto Hades for warmth. Even his jacket doesn’t help with the chill from the wind. We ride for what feels like forever, until we pull up to a large compound. The parking lot is full of motorcycles and a few vehicles.

  Hades parks in front of the building. As I climb off, I hear deep bass coming from inside. The front doors open, and a cloud of smoke follows the man who stepped outside. He’s obviously drunk and ur
inates right in front of us. I glance at Hades, who only laughs.

  “I see how you are, Ace. Starting without me?”

  The man grins. “Couldn’t help it. Ain’t every night my Prez gets an ol’ lady.”

  “A what?” My voice raises on the last word.

  Hades gets off the bike, unbuttoning the white dress shirt he’s wearing. My breath catches when he takes it off, tossing it over his bike. His muscular chest is covered in tattoos that tell a story I find myself wanting to know more about. There’s a jagged scar above his left pec that looks fresh. My hand itches to trace over it. I clench my fists at my side just so I don’t do anything stupid.

  He turns to me. “Come on. I’ll introduce you to everyone and then take you to my room. I’m sure you’re tired.”

  “I’m not staying here.”

  The muscle in his jaw tics. “Look, Princess, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You’re my wife for the next six months. We need to appear like we fucking like each other, or this is all for nothing, and your old man still goes down at the end of the day. Got it?”

  “Fine. But don’t you dare kiss me again.”

  Because that kiss was dangerous.

  His lips twitch. “I wouldn’t dream of it. I was just giving the paparazzi hiding outside the church a good shot. It’ll make a great front page of People.”

  My face grows warm with humiliation. Of course he hadn’t meant the kiss. Hot tears fill my eyes, and I swipe at them. I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. A look flashes across his face, but quickly disappears as he leads me through the door. Inside, smoke is thick in the air, and leaves me coughing. I’m pretty sure it’s not just cigarette smoke, either. The lights are dimmed, but Hades leads me with ease.

  We reach a platform where a throne of black iron sits overlooking the club.

  I snort. “Taking this ‘Hades’ bit kind of far, aren’t you?”

  He eases into the chair as if he’s an actual king, pointing for me to sit.

  “You’re out of your mind.”

  “Either my lap or the floor at my feet. Your choice, Princess.”


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