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End Game

Page 28

by Samantha Wayland

  “I know.”

  Garrick’s dubious look confirmed he wasn’t fooling anyone.

  For the life of him, he couldn’t remember why he’d agreed to let Chelsea to tell her grandfather about him. It was true that it was better he heard it from her, so that she could lay it all out for him and let him absorb the shock in private. It couldn’t be easy for anyone to learn his daughter had abandoned his grandson twenty years before. From the way Chelsea spoke of the man, it was obvious he loved his grandchildren fiercely.

  But why did he have to be told at all?

  Rhian sighed. He knew why. It had been eating Chelsea up to have to lie to him about where she was living, let alone keeping something so important as Rhian’s existence from the man who had stood by her throughout her life. Protected her, knowingly and not, from their hell-beast of a mother. If it had just been a matter of leaving the man ignorant, Rhian could have withstood the pressure. But Chelsea was miserable worrying that one day he would learn the truth and be furious with her for keeping it a secret.

  Rhian hated it when Chelsea was miserable. He smiled ruefully. His sister had him wrapped around her little finger.

  Rhian checked the clock again. Where the hell was she? She’d left a couple hours ago and they’d not heard a word since.

  As if on cue, Rhian’s cell phone chimed.

  We’re coming over.

  Rhian jumped up from his stool. “Oh shit. She’s bringing him here.”

  Garrick came around the island and pulled him into his arms. “It’s going to be fine.”

  Rhian rested his chin on Garrick’s shoulder and took a deep breath. “I know.”

  Garrick’s chest shook with a chuckle.

  Savannah came up behind him and wrapped her arms around them both. “We’re here.”

  Rhian sighed and relaxed in their arms. “I know.”

  And it made a huge fucking difference.

  They stayed like that, rocking gently. Rhian closed his eyes and held on. Goddamn, he was the luckiest son of a bitch on earth.

  Savannah brushed her face against the back of his neck. “We don’t have to leave for the first open house for a couple hours.”

  Rhian nodded. They were on the hunt for a bigger apartment. They loved this one, particularly for the memories it held, but it didn’t work anymore.

  For one thing, Chelsea’s room was far too small and dark. She would leave for school in a few weeks, but Wellesley was only fifteen miles outside the city, and they all expected—wanted—her to stay with them on holidays and over the summers. Savannah was already working on getting her an internship with the Bruin’s front office.

  Chelsea, amusingly, had developed a passion for professional hockey. Go figure.

  Rhian really hoped she got the job. Just last week he’d signed a five-year deal with the B’s, and he wanted to show off his brilliant sister to his friends and colleagues.

  That they had decided to portray themselves as “roommates”, as far as most of those friends and colleagues were concerned, was another key reason they needed to find a place with more than two bedrooms for four people.

  Also, Savannah had been giving Garrick a ton of shit about how he’d unleashed her inner screamer, and now she struggled like hell to keep quiet during sex. They all did, having more than once resorted to clapping their hands over each other’s mouths. Rhian liked to joke that they’d have to put Chelsea in a separate wing to be sure she wouldn’t hear Savannah in full passion.

  Truth be told, he missed the noise. A lot. And he knew Garrick did too.

  Rhian made a note on his mental list of things to do to ask about sound-proofing at today’s open house. More and more, he thought they should buy, not rent. It wasn’t like they were going anywhere.

  Everyone jumped at the sound of a key in the front door lock. They moved to the hallway and stood waiting when the door swung open, his lovers aligned behind him. Rhian stared at a handsome older gentleman standing in the hallway, Chelsea at his side. She chewed on her lips and wrung her hands, looking between her grandfather and Rhian.

  Shit, one of us should keep their shit together. He’d kind of been counting on it being Chelsea.

  Turned out, it would be their grandfather. He walked into the apartment with his gaze pinned on Rhian’s face. His movements were remarkably graceful and athletic, particularly given his age. He stood tall, his clothes tailored perfectly to his lean frame, his silver hair neatly trimmed.

  Rhian couldn’t think of what to say. His grandfather stopped right in front of him, silent, and Rhian figured he was having the same problem.

  The old man yanked him into a ferocious hug.

  Rhian blinked, his arms waving uselessly at his sides before he hesitantly wrapped them around his grandfather.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I swear by all that’s holy, I did not know,” his grandfather said.

  Rhian had no idea if his grandfather’s voice was always so hoarse, but he could feel the despair in the strength of his hold.

  Rhian gulped. This was more than a little awkward, but he felt a terrible sympathy for the man. Rhian had known his mother for who she really was his entire life. This poor man had learned the truth about his daughter today.

  Rhian looked at his lovers, their arms around his sister, all three of them crying.

  Goddamn, how am I supposed to not get misty if even Garrick is crying?

  He sniffed, trying hard not to wipe his face on the old man’s blazer. He patted his grandfather’s back, trying to ease him. He would do anything to get him to stop apologizing for that woman. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know.”

  He didn’t hear Rhian until the third or fourth time he said it. He pulled away abruptly. “I’m terribly sorry. I’m not usually…well, I’m a stranger to you. I shouldn’t have assaulted you like that.” He turned away and wiped his face dry.

  Rhian took pity. “There’s no need to apologize. For anything. I imagine this is quite a shock.”

  “Yes. Yes, it is.” His grandfather looked his way and seemed immediately transfixed by what he saw.

  Rhian was back to not knowing what to say.

  His grandfather stuck out a hand. “I’m very happy to meet you,” he said formally, his dignity restored. Then he laughed. “In case it wasn’t obvious from my blubbering all over you.”

  Rhian smiled and shook his hand. “I’m happy to meet you, too.”

  “Congratulations on your deal with the Bruins. I’m a big fan. I’m still trying to absorb the fact that I sat rinkside all season and didn’t know it was my own grandson skating past me. You’re a gifted player.”

  “Thank you,” Rhian said. How many times had he seen this man and not had any idea?

  “Tell me, are you happy with your agent? He’s got a good reputation, but if he’s not taking good care of you, we can find a better one. Also, I understand you got a big signing bonus. Let me introduce you to my money manager.”

  Rhian laughed.

  Chelsea rolled her eyes. “Grandfather, leave him be.” She smiled at Rhian. “I warned you he can’t resist interfering in his grandchildren’s lives.”

  “Young lady, I’m only looking out for you. I should have recognized long ago that your mother shouldn’t be trusted.” His mouth settled into a thin, pale line. “Ever.”

  No one argued.

  “In any case,” his grandfather said, “I should apologize. Again. I’ve been terribly rude.” He turned to Garrick and Savannah. “Please introduce me to your visitors.”

  Rhian, Savannah, and Garrick all looked at Chelsea, who shrugged. “Sorry, I thought it should be up to you to decide.”

  Rhian nodded. “Mr. Lynch—”

  “Please, call me Grandfather.”

  Rhian faltered. When his grandfather looked like he was about to apologize again, Rhian rushed on with the introductions. “These are my partners, Savannah Morrison and Garrick LeBlanc.”

  His grandfather’s brow wrinkled as his gaze shifted betwe
en the three of them.

  Chelsea laughed. “Now he thinks you’re in business together. You’re going to have to spell it out.”

  Rhian didn’t hesitate. If the man couldn’t accept it, then he was out. It was that simple. “Grandfather, Garrick and Savannah are my best friends and partners. For life.”

  Not one iota of confusion cleared from the old man’s face.

  Rhian silently pleaded for his sister’s help.

  Chelsea took pity. “Grandfather, there are only two beds in this apartment and I sleep alone in one of them. Therefore, these three sleep…”

  Rhian sent his sister an exasperated look. Did she have to explain it in terms of their sleeping arrangements? Subtle as a brick.

  Comprehension dawned with a rush of pink on the old man’s cheeks. “Oh, right. I didn’t…I never…”

  Silence fell while everyone waited to learn one man’s verdict on their unusual relationship.

  His grandfather turned to Garrick and thrust out his hand. “Thank you for taking care of my grandson.” They shook, then he smiled at Savannah. “And you, dear. Thank you.”

  Savannah took both his hands in hers. “Thank you, Mr. Lynch.”

  “I’d be honored if you’d both consider calling me Grandfather, too,” he added with a nod.

  She and Garrick grinned.

  Rhian smiled, slung his arm around Chelsea and winked at his lovers. “Well then, Grandfather, welcome to the family.”

  About the Author

  Samantha Wayland has always dreamed of being a novelist. She wrote her first book as an escape from the pressures of her day job. That fascinating piece of contemporary erotic mystery/suspense with elements of paranormal, international intrigue, and god only knows what else is safely tucked under her bed, where it will remain until hell freezes over. Since then, she’s learned a lot about the craft and turned her attention to writing contemporary MM and MMF ménage erotic romance.

  Sam lives with her family—of both the two and four-legged variety—outside of Boston. She used to spend her days toiling away in corporate nerdville but was recently sprung from that hell. Now when she’s not locked away in her home office, she can generally be found tucked in the corner of the local Thai place with a few beloved friends (and fellow authors).

  Her favorite things include mango martinis, tiny Chihuahuas with big attitude problems, and the Oxford comma.

  Sam loves to hear from readers.

  Email her at or find her on Facebook (Samantha Wayland) or Twitter (@SamWayland).

  Also by Samantha Wayland

  With Grace

  A man yearning to explore his sexual tastes but afraid to turn up the heat, the woman who loves him but is hungry for more spice…and the chef who craves them both.

  When Grace, Philip and Mark find a mobster's flash drive full of incriminating information, they are quickly embroiled in a dangerous situation. They stay together for safety, but proximity ignites the sparks they've long been fighting to ignore.

  When three friends dare to succumb to their appetites, they find the perfect recipe for love.

  Destiny Calls

  Patrick didn't think it would be a big deal to kiss Brandon, his best friend and fellow police officer. Hell, they'd done crazier things to escape a bar fight. But then he had no way of knowing just how hot it would be.

  Destiny Matthews is not a woman who is afraid to ask for what she wants, and when she sees her two best friends kissing, she knows just what she's going to ask for. Before she can convince Patrick that he's not as straight as he likes to protest, Brandon is attacked by an unknown enemy.

  While they fight to protect each other's lives, they prove time and again that they're even better at protecting their own hearts.

  Fair Play

  Hat Trick Book One

  Savannah Morrison is the new athletic trainer for the Moncton Ice Cats, a professional hockey team in the wilds of New Brunswick. It’s a good thing she’s got plenty of knowledge and grit, because as the only woman trainer in the league, she has to work twice as hard to win the players’ respect. The last thing on earth she would do is date one of them.

  Twelve year hockey veteran Garrick LeBlanc isn’t ready to hang up his skates, particularly since he hasn’t figured out what the hell he’s planning to do next. He needs the new trainer to keep him fit to play, and she’s got the skills to do it. Too bad he lost his mind and hit on her the day they met. Now she hates his guts and he’s made an art of ignoring her.

  When the team is put up for sale, Garrick and Savannah have to work together to save their jobs and their team. Somewhere along the way, they discover Garrick isn’t just a hockey player, Savannah isn’t only passionate about her work, and just maybe they’ve got more in common than they thought.

  Two Man Advantage

  Hat Trick Book Two

  Rhian is working his way up the ranks of professional hockey, with the dream of making it to the NHL getting closer every day. He’s doing it alone—no family, no friends—and that’s the way he likes it. Then he arrives in New Brunswick, and meets the Moncton Ice Cats. Suddenly, he’s got friends—and even something that might be an honest-to-god crush.

  Garrick is lonely and counting the days until his last season with the Ice Cats is over and he can move to Boston. When his girlfriend suggests he take a lover—as long that lover is a man and Garrick tells her all about it—he laughs it off. But damned if his buddy Rhian doesn’t take on the starring role in his fantasies. Good thing Rhian is way too young—and straight—for what Garrick has in mind.

  Rhian takes a chance when Garrick’s increasingly confusing signals start making sense, and soon discovers he’s bitten off more than he can chew. Sex with strangers is simple. Sex with his best friend? Complicated.




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