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Return : Stratham Knights Book 1

Page 17

by NV Roez

  He reaches over in an attempt to grab my hand. "Angel, I mean, Evie... I... I love you."

  I slam my hand down hard on the table, jarring everything and knocking my drink over. "NO! Don't you dare say that to me. Don't you ever say that to me."

  I take a deep breath in and out before getting out of the booth. I stand on shaky legs and turn to him, "You watch them tear me down every chance they get, and you do nothing. You let them hurt me. You didn't even have the balls to tell them you're here right now. That isn't love, Micah. It's pity that brought you here, and I don't fucking need it."

  We stare at each other and I watch as he lets quiet tears fall. He's never looked more beautiful. We're both lost in the rhythmic push and pull of our currents, and after a minute, I'm the one to break, shaking my head slowly.

  "We can't keep doing this, Micah." I turn my back to him, tears threatening in my own eyes, and walk out of The Brewery.


  "Do I really have to go?" I ask Celeste, pouting.

  "Yes," she snaps, "I'm not going to be hiding in our room. You are not a victim. You are not weak. You will not hide from life because of a few assholes. Besides, this is different. The Greek Council is hosting a movie night, so while it's a 'party', you don't actually have to talk to anyone. So get up, get dressed, and let's go. After this, it's spring break. Just do this one thing for me. After all, I did almost die."

  It's been less than forty-eight hours since she was discharged and she’s already using the accident to get her way.

  “And I also clearly remember telling you to go to class and your stubborn ass wouldn’t listen,” I retort, knowing full well I’m not winning this one.

  Secretly, I’d probably give her anything, but no way in hell I’m telling her that.

  Reluctantly, I put on a pair of ripped blue jeans, my Guns-N-Roses hoodie, and my favorite pair of Dr. Martens. I slip my knife in my back pocket, sneak a shot of Celeste's fireball, and follow her out the door.

  We walk across campus to Kelly House. Plush cushions, chairs, bean bags and heating lamps litter the lawn out back. There are two popcorn machines and a concessions tent is already set up for our outdoor movie experience.

  "See, it's not that bad. Welcome to the world of the living." She smirks at me, and I can't help the grin on my face.

  To think, I almost lost her.

  "That's easy for you to say, Cele. You weren't pushed off a fucking mountain by these people," I reply, and for whatever reason, that makes us both laugh.

  I mean, seriously, how many people can say they've been pushed down a mountain and survived? Add that to someone running us off the road, and I'd say I've got about seven lives left.

  We pick up tonight's itinerary and look for Taylor and Justin. Tonight's cinematic options are Animal House, The Matrix, The Princess Bride, and Fight Club. The Greek Council set tonight up so that the main wall is separated into four sections— one for each movie—and we can stream the sound through an app on our smartphones. Well, I'll be listening through Celeste's phone, since my phone is still broken.

  "I say, we go for Animal House. It's a classic," Justin says to our little group.

  "They're all classics, Justin. And I don't particularly care for frat boy antics. We see enough of that here," I chastise him with an empty smile. I've had more than enough frat boy antics for a fucking lifetime.

  We cross off Animal House and Fight Club pretty easily and end up watching The Matrix. Celeste voted for The Princess Bride, and even though that was my sister’s favorite movie, I can’t bring myself to watch it in front of all these people. It’s just too personal, so The Matrix it is.

  We settle onto our bean bags, set up the audio, and watch the movie with about forty-five other Stratham University students. There are actually quite a few students out tonight, enjoying the outside movies.

  I look over to Celeste, who is snuggled up with Justin, and the sight warms my heart. They look so good together and I couldn't be more happy for my friend. They're actively debating on whether or not they would have taken the blue pill or the red pill when the movie abruptly stops.


  I look around from my seat, and all four movies appear to have stopped playing all at once. After thirty seconds of confusion, the video feed comes back on, but it's not The Matrix. In fact, none of the previous movies come on. It looks like it's some kind of nanny cam video and... Oh. My. God.

  My heart squeezes with anxiety as I watch Celeste being pinned on a bed in front of me.

  With an experienced eye, I can tell she's been drugged, but to anyone else, she looks resigned, not really participating, but not putting up a huge fight either. Her blouse is pulled just enough to expose her bra and her skirt is being pushed to her waist.

  I can't tell who the guy is who is crawling on top of her, I can only make out his back, but we watch as he unbuckles his pants.

  I turn my face. I can't watch this. I'm going to throw up.

  All the color drains from Celeste's face as she realizes what she's seeing. Silent tears start to fall from her eyes and everything starts happening at once.

  "What the fuck is this, Celeste!" Justin roars, pushing her off his lap.

  "Justin, it's not what it looks like," she pleads, visibly shaking, her voice barely above a whisper.

  "Not what it looks like?" He pauses for a minute, remembering that he’s outside and in front of the Stratham University student body, and continues through gritted teeth.

  "It looks like you having sex with someone who's not me. Is that why you've been standoffish with me? Because you've been cheating on me?”

  The heartbreak in his voice nearly breaks mine.

  “After everything I had to do for us… Have I been a fool this whole time?"

  The anguish reflected in both their eyes is pure torture. They're both good people.

  The Stratham students are either focused on the damn video that's still playing or the drama unfolding between Justin and Celeste. A few idiots even start shouting propositions for Celeste to 'do them next'.

  Elite assholes at their finest.

  I jump in between Celeste and Justin. She’s having a meltdown and I’ll be damned if I let that happen here.

  "Justin. Can’t you see she was drugged?” I search his eyes, trying to get through his pain, praying he can hear the truth.

  “You and I both know Cele would never willingly do drugs. This isn’t her doing.”

  Celeste is quivering on the cold ground. I think she’s in shock. I need to get her out of here.

  "Justin didn't tell us you're an aspiring porn star." Of course, the fucking Barbie princess would make an appearance.

  I look over at her with that hateful saccharine grin on her face and I see red.

  Fuck consequences. Celeste is drowning and I desperately need to do something.

  The next moment, I'm straddling Genna, my knife flush against her throat.

  "Please, say another word, Genna. Please make this easy for me and say another goddamn word. It will be my pleasure to slice your pretty little throat," I breathe calmly in her ear, letting the truth of my statement be enough.

  Unfortunately, she doesn't speak.

  Staying on top of Genna, I nod to Taylor, telling him to find the source of the video feed and to get that goddamn video turned off.

  I turn to Justin.

  “Get her out of here, Justin. This isn’t the place and you know it.”

  There’s uncertainty clouding his eyes.

  “Please,” I beg. “If you truly love her, just get her out of here.”

  I breathe in relief as he picks her tiny body from the grass. She barely acknowledges the movement. She’s completely checked out. I watch Justin’s back as he carries Celeste like a child across campus, momentarily forgetting that I’m still straddling Genna—only momentarily.

  I turn my gaze to the scared girl underneath me. She can pretend with these assholes all she wants, but I can see her fear and she knows it.
br />   The next thing I know, strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me off the bitch princess before I get a chance to hurt her for real.


  "Calm down... You've got to calm down. You can't do this here, Angel, they'll kick you out," Micah mutters in my ear, his coconut and warm cinnamon scent enveloping my senses.

  "Let go of me, Micah," I growl back, hastily trying to get out of his strong arms.

  Alexis and London pull Genna off the ground as Caleb and Elijah saunter up, like the kings they pretend to be.

  I’m being surrounded by everyone I hate.

  "This is how you run this school? You broadcast women being assaulted like it's a fucking joke?" I spit out, the devil in me thirsty for blood.

  "Don't know what you're talking about, Eve. Stuff like this didn't happen before you showed up. We didn't have anything to do with that video and it certainly doesn't look like she's being assaulted," Elijah replies flatly, but there's a hurricane brewing in his eyes.

  “That’s true, Elijah. If you ask me, I think the tramp is behind ruining tonight.” Genna shoves her two cents into the mix from behind the safety of her friends. “She likes to record other people’s private moments and probably wanted to help Celeste jump start her career.”

  I start walking towards the bitch, but Micah shadows me, ensuring that he stays between us.

  "Maybe you two should transfer out," Caleb speaks out but doesn't look at me. What?

  My raven hair whips around as I snap my face towards his.

  "Is that what this is, Caleb? Resorting to hurting innocent people just to get me out?" The shock and disappointment is clear in my voice. "Yet you judge me for the risk you claim I took when the group home burned down? Did you have her assaulted too?"

  "Now you're starting to sound paranoid, Eve," Elijah deadpans. "No one’s ‘out to get you’.”

  He and I both know that’s a damn lie, but people are watching and he has a reputation to maintain.

  “Careful. We know you're under mandated therapy sessions to be here. I would hate to have to call Dr. Lewis."

  "I don't give a flying fuck what you do to me, Elijah. But to Celeste?" I pause, making sure he can see the wrath in my eyes. "You know what, thank you."

  "For what?"

  "For the first time in four years I'm actually glad Ivy's gone. She doesn't have to witness the pathetic excuse of a ‘man’ you've become."

  Elijah jerks back like someone smacked him.

  Fuck him.

  I grab Taylor’s arm and drag him away from these assholes. We have more important things to do, like help Celeste.

  I take two steps and I turn to Micah.

  "This... this is why people leave, Micah."

  And I walk away...

  My emotions are a distorted bowl of hatred, fear, heartbreak, and anxiety as we walk back to Emily Hall. My world is spinning out of focus and the panic of losing control is creeping up my spine. I start my breathing exercises and keep moving my feet. By the time we make it to my room, my anxiety is tenfold.

  So much for counting and deep breaths .

  When I open the door, the chaos within me ceases as I narrow in on Celeste sitting on our couch, knees to her chest, rocking softly as tears stream down her face. Justin paces in front of her, frustration and anger evident in his entire body.

  Both of them are in pain.

  “Just talk to me, Cele. Tell me what the hell I just saw tonight. Tell me that you were forced into that and then tell me which motherfucker thought he could put his hands on you.”

  She squeezes her eyes shut, trying to block out whatever it is her eyes see, and frantically shakes her head.

  “I can’t. I just… can’t,” she whispers.

  He moves to touch her, but she flinches, forcing her back into the sofa.

  “Dammit, Cele. I’m not going to hurt you. Just tell me what happened.”

  I nudge Taylor to get some water from our kitchen and I walk towards Celeste, cautious to not make any sudden movements.

  “Cele. You were drugged in that video, weren’t you?” I keep my voice soft while my insides are burning with rage. Whoever hurt her will die by my hand.

  She looks at me and gives me a single nod before going back to rocking herself and staring at nothing.

  Justin tries again to get her to talk. “Tell me who hurt you. If you love me at all, tell me.”

  Celeste starts to cry—I mean ugly cry—and the need to murder the man who hurt her radiates through every bone in my body.

  “I love you,” she sobs. “I just can’t.”

  Justin pauses his frantic pacing. “I thought we didn’t have any secrets? What else haven’t you told me, Cele?”

  She snaps her head towards his as he continues.

  “You did so well at keeping this a secret. It makes me wonder, how many more lies or omissions are there? Was any of it true?”

  Taylor walks over to hand her a glass of water and stares at Justin.

  “Come on, man, this is Celeste you’re talking to. She’s been over the moon for you since freshman year.”

  “Has she? Or was it all to just get another notch on her bedpost?”

  Now that pisses me off.

  “Watch who the fuck you talk to like that. She’s not that kind of girl, and you damn well know it.” I straighten my spine and shift to block Celeste from his view.

  His chocolate brown eyes bore into mine. “No. She’s just the kind of girl who keeps secrets and lies to my face.” His shoulders slump in defeat. “I just can’t be with someone who will openly lie to me. My family… my wealth… I risked everything to be with her, and she lied.”

  “This had nothing to do with you, Justin. Just give her time.”

  He shakes his head. “It isn’t about time, Evelyn. It’s about trust. And clearly, we don’t have that.” He raises his hands up in submission. “I can’t have anything to do with this, whatever this is. I can’t trust her.”

  He shifts so that he can see her behind me. “You did this. All you had to do was tell me. I would have protected you. I would have moved heaven and earth to make sure no one ever hurt you, and shit like tonight would never have happened. You never even gave me a choice. I don’t ever want to see you again.”

  He storms out of our dorm room like the place is on fire. Not once looking back, leaving the door wide open in his wake.

  I move to close the door when Ryan comes into frame, dressed to kill in a black sharp suit and James Dean smile.

  "Hey there, beautiful." He grins at me, showing off his perfect teeth. "I thought I'd surprise you and whisk you away for a few days.”

  "Now's not a good time, Ryan. We've had a long night. Can I call you tomorrow?"

  His smile falls almost imperceptibly. "That's okay. I knew it was a risk. Can I come in?"

  "No!" Celeste all but shouts from the sofa. Ryan pretends to not hear her or Taylor's soothing words that follow.

  "Not tonight, Ryan. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

  He shrugs, "Suit yourself, but I won't wait forever, Evie. I'll be heading out before ten and I'd really like it if you came with me."

  "I have plans for spring break with Celeste, Ry. I can't just drop her."

  He winks at me and leans forward to kiss my forehead. "Just let me know if you can make it, okay? Until tomorrow, beautiful."

  I get back to the kitchen to see Taylor helping Celeste get some more water. Her eyes are glassy as she just stares through me.


  She sags her shoulders, leaning against Taylor who's at her back.

  "I need to go home for spring break." Her voice is small and robotic. "I'm not up for a trip. I'll reimburse you whatever the reservation costs are, but I just want to get out of here and be at home."

  "No worries, Cele. Whatever you need, you do that."

  "I've got her, Evie. You head to bed. You look like shit," Taylor says, trying to lift the dark, heavy atmosphere that we're all swimming in.

I half-heartedly smile. "That's the first time you've ever said that I wasn't beautiful."

  "Even beautiful girls can look like shit." He nods his chin and walks with Celeste to her room. She doesn't look at me before he closes the door, and I can't help but feel like I did something wrong.

  What the hell did I do?


  I feel like death warmed over after a restless night full of nightmares, replaying memories of unwanted touch. But instead of my face, it was Celeste. Just the thought of anyone hurting her makes my blood burn.

  I rub my palms down my face. I need coffee, to check my school grades, exercise, and an escape.

  Our dorm is quiet, and when I check on Celeste, her room is empty. There’s a note in the kitchen apologizing to me for leaving without saying anything, but she couldn’t sleep and decided to just head home.

  Sigh. I miss her already.

  I fire up my laptop and make some coffee while I wait for the machine to boot up. A few minutes later, it pings with an email notification from Stratham U Admin Offices. I open it and the words on the screen drain the blood from my face.

  I know who you are. You look so much like her. I wanted you to leave Stratham, but since you’re not getting that message, I’ve decided to change the game. I will have you, then destroy you. I do so like to play with my food…

  Let the games begin...

  What the fuck?

  I pull up my tracing program, but it just leads me back to a Stratham University server. Digging further, the IP address goes to the Stratham Library, which means it could have been anyone with access to the library.

  Panic starts to crawl up my spine.

  I need air.

  I need to run, and that’s exactly what I do.

  After my morning run, I call Ryan to let him know that I'll take his offer to head out for spring break. I desperately need to get out of here. With Celeste gone and getting that email this morning, I need a break from all the drama.

  For all I know, that was just some stupid prank from one of the Knights, and I refuse to let them get to me.


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