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Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy

Page 3

by Heidi Skarie

  “Sit in the chair; you’ll feel more comfortable.”

  Erling sat down and the baby clasped his finger. “He’s a fine little fellow, Toe, and strong.” He moved his finger back and forth as the baby continued holding it. “You’re going to be mean and tough, just like your mother, aren’t you, little fellow?”

  “Don’t tease Toemeka,” Queen Koriann said. “It’s hardly fair when she’s too weak to defend herself. Let me hold him.” Erling handed her the baby, looking relieved.

  “Oh Toemeka, he’s so precious,” Koriann cooed. She smiled with delight, comfortable holding the baby.

  Erling gazed at Toemeka. “You look like someone dragged out of a battlefield, Are you okay?”

  “I feel like I’ve been in battle, but none of it matters now that Baymond is here.”

  “Do you want to open presents?” Onolyn asked, holding out a gift. Onolyn was the rookie on the Coalition team when they’d first been sent on the Jaipar mission. She was more mature now. She’d been through the war on Alandra and suffered greatly at the hands of the sorceress, Seetva.

  Toemeka opened the lid on the box and saw a holographic camera inside. Onolyn took the camera and snapped a picture of Koriann holding the baby. A holographic image appeared in the air. “Baymond’s first picture!” Toemeka said. “Thank you, Onolyn, it’s a wonderful gift.”

  “It’s from Zac, too,”

  Toemeka looked at the stack of unopened gifts. “Michio, would you open them?”

  A concerned crease marred Michio’s brow. “We’re wearing you out. You can open them tomorrow after you’ve had time to rest and recover. We’ll go now and let you sleep.”

  “I’m all right. Let them stay a few minutes longer.” She opened a small package from Koriann and Erling. Inside was a gold rattle engraved with the name Baymond. “It’s lovely.” She was glad she’d already told them she was naming the baby Baymond after her brother.

  “I’m glad you like it.” Koriann held the baby against her shoulder and swayed, softly singing a lullaby.

  “Can I hold him?” Onolyn asked. Koriann passed the baby to her.

  Enchanted, Zac drew closer and looked down at Baymond. “He’s tiny.” Onolyn and Zac were about the same height and both had red hair. Zac’s was a startling bright red-orange color and Onolyn was strawberry blond.

  Erling’s communicator beeped. During the short conversation that followed his face paled. He disconnected from the call. “I need to return to the palace.”

  “What is it?” Toemeka asked.

  “This isn’t the right time to tell you.”

  “To tell me what, Erling?”

  He glanced uneasily at Michio.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “My family’s been arrested and put into a concentration camp.”

  “Oh God, we have to save them,” Toemeka gasped. Erling’s family had been her surrogate family after her own was killed. His parents took care of her while she recovered from the shock of their deaths and his two sisters became dear friends. She couldn’t let them be killed or waste away in a concentration camp.



  King Zanton Duborginact, the swarthy ruler of Hakluyt, walked toward his royal bedchamber in a rage after meeting with Captain Zachary Kwao. Prince Erling intended to keep him as a figurehead ruler with Hakluyt occupied and controlled by Jaipar. The thought of Prince Erling having all the power in Jaipar (that was once to be his), plus the power over Hakluyt, infuriated Zanton. He stopped in the middle of his long stride, ruminating on Prince Erling’s demise.

  Maybe he’d already succumbed to the temptation of using the Borithon swords. A warrior wouldn’t be able to resist trying out a new weapon for very long. If he was wounded, the poison would work quickly; Seetva’s new toxin had no antidote and was impossible to remove completely from sword blades.

  King Zanton started walking again, realizing he wouldn’t have any peace until Prince Erling was dead. He paused; there were always ways to assassinate a ruler. With new determination inspired by hatred, he entered his bedchamber and threw the new ordinances on the table. A slight scraping noise behind Zanton made him spin around. A tall, thick-muscled man stood in the dark shadows.

  “Cadmus!” he gasped.

  “Hello, Zanton,” Commander Cadmus Rochambeau replied, his voice a deep baritone.

  “What are you doing here?” The king backed toward the door, ready to call for his guards.

  “We had a bargain. If you take another step, it will be your last.” He made a slight gesture and two men emerged from the darkness with drawn blasters.

  “I can explain—it wasn’t my fault!”

  “Explain! I don’t want explanations. You’re out of time. Samrat Condor sent full military support for your takeover of Jaipar. Even that wasn’t supposed to be necessary. You were to marry Queen Koriann Van Marsindi and take over Jaipar peacefully. Now you don’t even have control over your own country!”

  “It wasn’t my fault! The Coalition stepped in and sent Major Erling Fenian to aid and advise Queen Koriann. Fenian headed the Coalition team that assisted in overthrowing General Bhandar. Once he arrived, she was no longer intimidated by Samrat Condor’s threat of invasion.”

  “I know who Major Fenian— now Prince Erling—is. His presence is no excuse!” Cadmus advanced on King Zanton.

  “Michio Kimes joined forces with Fenian and not even Seetva with her sorcery was strong enough against the two of them.”

  Cadmus grabbed him by the collar and started twisting it in his hand. He towered a half-head above King Zanton and easily pulled King Zanton closer. The king didn’t fight back, still hoping to reason with him.

  “Samrat Condor doesn’t like how things turned out. You made me look bad,” Cadmus said, giving King Zanton’s collar another twist.

  King Zanton’s face turned a reddish-purple as he gasped for breath. He grabbed Cadmus’s wrists, trying to break his hold.

  The door swung open. “Cadmus!” Seetva exclaimed, striding up to them. “Release him.”

  He loosened his hold and Zanton desperately drew in a breath of air. Cadmus glowered at her. “Zanton forfeited his life when he lost the battle.”

  “Let him go,” she said, radiating dark power. “We need him alive.”

  “We?” Cadmus’s eyes narrowed.

  “Yes, together the three of us can regain control of Hakluyt and Jaipar.” Her voice sounded silvery-smooth. “Alone none of us are strong enough.”

  “I don’t need either of you.” Cadmus put both hands around King Zanton’s neck and started choking him again.

  Seetva pointed her finger at Cadmus and a powerful bolt of energy shot forth and hit him on the arm. Cadmus gasped as he released King Zanton, who collapsed on the floor, choking and gasping for breath. Cadmus’ men leapt forward as Cadmus turned savagely on Seetva.

  “For that, witch, I’ll kill you as well,” he growled.

  Seetva let out a fluid bewitching laugh. “Cadmus, you have always been an intelligent man. Surely you aren’t going to let your anger blind you.” She stepped over to him and ran her hands up his hard, muscular arms, continuing to weave her hypnotic spell. “I’m glad you’ve come to Haklute. I’ve missed you.”

  Cadmus swung an open hand into her cheek and sent her flying to the floor. “Don’t weave your magic on me, witch!” he spat out, staring down at her coldly. He walked over to the liquor cabinet and poured three drinks. “Get up, both of you.”

  Seetva’s eyes were like spears as she got up. “You dare hit me!”

  “I could’ve killed you by using just a little more force, but I held back to see what you have to say.”

  “Don’t ever touch me again!” she hissed.

  Even with her rapidly swelling cheek, King Zanton thought she looked exquisite. Her skin was flawless, her eyes luminous and her luscious bronze hair fell in a thick mass around her shoulders.

  Cadmus scowled. “You didn’t know I’ve been training in the
black arts with Samrat Condor. You thought you’d just weave your spell on me.”

  “I didn’t expect such ruthless treatment from an old lover.”

  “Lover? What do you know of love, Seetva? A man has to sell his very soul to sleep with you. That is not love.”

  King Zanton rose to his feet and said in a raspy voice. “You were lovers with Cadmus?”

  “No, not lovers,” Seetva replied. “Cadmus is right. I used him just as I use you.” Seetva handed King Zanton a drink and he quickly downed it. As Zanton poured himself another, he glanced at his Borithon sword that hung on the wall. He thought of sliding it from its sheath and imagined the satisfaction it would bring to thrust it into Cadmus’ heart— if the man had one.

  Cadmus’ eyes narrowed on Seetva. “So, what are your plans?”

  Seetva picked up a glass and took a sip, wearily watching Cadmus. “I meant what I said. If you ever touch me again, I’ll kill you. You may have studied the black arts, but you will never be as powerful as I am.” Her sharp, shrewd eyes bore into him. “I’ve been teaching King Zanton sorcery. My plan is to kill Prince Erling and Michio Kimes, then take over Jaipar.”

  “Easier said than done, witch.”

  “It’s possible if we abduct Toemeka Ganti Kimes. She’s Michio’s wife and Prince Erling’s former Coalition partner. When they come after her, we’ll kill them.”

  “Toemeka!” Cadmus exclaimed. “She’s here on planet Borko?”

  “You know her?” King Zanton asked.

  “She worked under me at the Jaipar Military Development Center. Turns out she was an undercover operative. She stole an important invention and it was on her account that Erling plunged a knife into me. So I have reason to want revenge on Prince Erling.”

  “And on Toemeka,” Seetva said.

  “Revenge?” A soft look came into Cadmus’ eyes and he stroked his large chin. “No, that isn’t what I wish for her.”

  With a look of suspicious jealousy, Seetva stared at Cadmus. Zanton wondered if the witch had feelings for Cadmus or just wanted to control him as she did most men.


  Michio woke up to the sound of Toemeka moaning in her sleep. He reached over.

  “Toemeka, what is it?” he asked.

  “No… no!” she cried out.

  He shook her, gently. “Wake up, honey.”

  “Michio?” She looked at him with confusion, then moved into his arms, trembling. He stroked her hair and at last she quieted. “I had a terrifying nightmare. I dreamed Cadmus was chasing me. I kept running from him and hiding, but he always found me. It was so real, but it can’t be—he’s dead—Erling killed him.”

  “Cadmus can’t hurt you anymore.”

  “He can still attack me in the Inner Worlds.”

  “He can’t hurt one of Bakka’s students. You have the Master’s protection.”

  “Is it enough?”

  “It’s enough unless you allow fear to make an opening large enough for Cadmus to get through.”

  “When I’m with you, I feel strong and safe, but sometimes when I’m alone I’m afraid. I hated working under him at the MDC. He was always watching and threatening me. But I stayed to develop the oscillator that helped overthrow General Bhandar.”

  “You’ve been through a great deal, but it’s over and you’re safe now.”

  “I know. I’m blessed to be married to you.” She kissed him, snuggled into his arms and soon fell back asleep.

  Michio lay awake a long time, thinking about Toemeka’s dream. Was Cadmus attacking her from the invisible worlds? An uneasy feeling settled over him.


  The next morning Michio awoke to find Toemeka nursing the baby. His heart filled with love and happiness as he watched them. Baymond was only a day old and he still had that new quality about him that made him look as if he wasn’t quite in the physical world yet.

  “You’re finally awake,” Toemeka said.

  “I had trouble getting back to sleep last night after you told me your dream and I’d had very little sleep before that. You were in labor a long time.”

  “I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “I was glad to be of comfort. I’ll make you some breakfast.”

  After he brought up a breakfast tray, Michio took a shower and fixed himself something to eat. He was just about done eating when he heard the front door open and Erling calling out, “Mich! Where are you?”

  “I’m in the kitchen.”

  Erling walked in, greeted him, then turned a chair around backwards and sat down, leaning with his elbows against the chair back. He was attired in a casual shirt and slacks. Becoming ruler of Jaipar hadn’t changed him much. He was still easy-going and uninterested in power. Yet leadership seemed to come naturally to him.

  “I’m surprised to see you,” Michio said. “I know government matters are pressing.”

  “True, but I wanted to see how Toe is doing. She had a difficult labor.”

  “She’s much better.”

  “How did your first night as a new father go?”

  “Rough. The baby woke up every few hours and Toemeka had a nightmare about Cadmus.”

  Erling raised his eyebrows. “Cadmus, huh? I’m sorry to hear it. She’s suffered from nightmares ever since I’ve known her. They started after her family was killed. Any trauma seems to trigger them now. Cadmus wanted Toemeka for his mistress and she hid it from both of us so she could still keep working undercover.”

  “She believes in duty over personal safety. Would you like to see her?”

  “Is she up for company?”

  “I’ll check and see.” Michio grabbed a kaya and took a bite out of the succulent fruit as he went upstairs to the bedroom. Toemeka was resting but she opened her eyes and stretched like a lazy cat when he walked in.

  “Erling came to see you. Are you up for company?” Michio asked.

  “Sure. Hand me that hairbrush. My hair’s a mess.”

  Michio handed her the brush before returning to the kitchen. “Go on up.”

  “There’s something I want to discuss with you first,” Erling said.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s about Zac. This last trip to Haklute upset him. You remember how hard it was for him to accept the fact that he killed Hendora? He blames himself even though it really wasn’t his fault since he was under Seetva’s power. Going back to the country where it happened evidently stirred up old memories—opened old wounds. Could you talk to him? He looks up to you.”

  “I’ll be glad to sometime, but right now I need to take care of Toemeka.”

  “You don’t have to go anyplace. Zac’s right outside, keeping guard.” He glanced at the door. “It’s weird having a bodyguard, but Koriann insists on it.”

  “Rulers always have to be guarded. It’s part of having power.”

  “So I’ve discovered.”

  Michio walked outside to talk with Zac.


  Erling entered the master bedroom. Toemeka sat in bed, looking much better than she had the day before.

  Her face lit up upon seeing him. “Erling, it’s good to see you.”

  “And you.” He crossed over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then looked down at the baby sleeping in her arms. Infants all looked pretty much the same as far as he was concerned. But little Baymond was special since he was Toemeka’s. It was almost as if one of Erling’s sisters had given birth and he was an uncle. He took a closer look. Baymond had dark hair, long eye lashes, a tiny nose and a small rosebud mouth. “He’s a cutie.” Erling felt his heart open, the love he had for Toemeka expanding easily to embrace her son.

  “Any more news of your family?” she asked.

  “No, but I’ve been investigating the new government on planet Alandra. In the country of Jelmur, the citizens are little more than slaves. Anyone connected with the old form of government or the Coalition has been put into concentration camps and some are publicly executed. Spies are everywhere; mind scans, black mag
ic, and psychic attacks are widely used. Samrat Condor demands to be worshipped as the supreme god and the one true religion. No other form of worship is allowed. Condor is against the Secret Teachings more than any other religion— he knows an initiate is hard to manipulate.”

  Toemeka chewed her lower lip anxiously.

  “I also discovered Alandra isn’t completely taken over yet,” Erling continued. “Guerilla armies have formed near mountainous areas, forests and jungles. They strike Condor’s troops, then go back into hiding. Jake is leading the Resistance group near Jelmur. He asked the Coalition to station him there after the war was lost on Alandra.”

  “Have you come up with any ideas for rescuing your family?”

  “Not yet. I’m working on a rescue mission. Jake and others in the Resistance are willing to help me.”

  “Promise me you’ll keep me informed of your plans.” She looked down at her infant son, then back up at Erling. “I wish I could join you on a mission to save them, but it’s not possible right now.”

  Erling nodded. “I know. The timing’s wrong.”

  “If Baymond were older I’d consider it.”

  “Mich would never approve of you going.”

  “How does Koriann feel about you leaving?”

  Erling sighed. “She doesn’t like it, but she understands.”

  “If you succeed in rescuing them, will they be willing to leave Alandra and come here?”

  “I’m sure they will now that Alandra been defeated.” He rose. “I’d better get going. I’ve got a rescue mission to plan.”


  New Challenges

  Michio and Zac walked along a woodland path at the base of the mountains. It was a beautiful day in early spring with a fresh crispness about the air, although it wasn’t cold. Michio waited patiently for Zac to speak. He knew this wasn’t easy for him.

  Zac looked uncomfortable as he gazed down at his slender hands. “Hendora is dead because of me. I killed her when she came to rescue me.”

  “Seetva controlled you. You never would’ve shot Hendora otherwise.”

  “True, but Hendora is dead all the same.”

  “What happened?”


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