Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy

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Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Page 8

by Heidi Skarie

  She swallowed the pill, hoping to escape the pain. “You haven’t destroyed my spirit. Perhaps you will eventually and then I’ll have that same defeated, expressionless look Amaretta wears.”

  “Who is Amaretta?”

  “The slave girl who tends to me. I told you before she has a name. When you see no light in my eyes, you’ll know you’ve won. You didn’t even leave Amaretta her name. Will you take mine as well?”

  He shook his head, looking troubled. “I don’t wish to destroy you. I like your vitality and there’s a glow about you that draws me near.”

  “Then why do you psychically attack me? Just now I felt you trying to invade my mind. Haven’t I the right to my own thoughts?”

  “Interesting — you felt me trying to do a mind-scan and blocked it. Seetva wants me to put you under a spell so you’re a zombie. I refused because you’d be gone and only your body would be left. And although your body is beautiful, it is not enough by itself. My plans for you are different. I’m going to train you to be an enchantress. You have great potential and psychic abilities.”

  “You want me to be a sorceress like Seetva?” she gasped.

  He flinched. “No, certainly not. If you become like Seetva, I’ll personally strangle you. I want you to learn to use the powers you inherently possess.”

  “I have no power. I’m merely a channel for a higher power to flow through.” The pain was beginning to ease as the drug took effect and she closed her eyes, groggy with fatigue.

  Almost asleep she heard him say, “I know it won’t be easy to change your mind about being an enchantress. I wonder if I really want to change you. You’re so much what you believe and I don’t want to destroy the part of you that makes you radiate with an inner glow. It sets you apart from others. You’re so alive, full of energy and spirit.” The door to the room closed as he left the room.

  A jumble of thoughts tumbled through Toemeka’s mind. She saw Cadmus in a way she never had before. He was a violent man who followed a dark path; yet, there was goodness in him as there is in all beings.

  She felt tired and drained from her encounter with him. She shuddered, realizing how much worse it could have been. It was awhile before she was calm enough to sleep.

  Toemeka awoke in confusion when Amaretta whispered her name.

  “What is it?” she asked groggily.

  “We’re leaving.”


  “You can’t stay here. I’m afraid Cadmus will kill you in a fit of rage.”

  “How can we escape?”

  “Gideon has agreed to help us in exchange for your jewelry.” Amaretta opened a drawer and started putting jewelry into a velvet bag. “We have to hurry. Gideon will be here at any moment.”

  Toemeka suppressed a groan of pain as she got out of bed. “I need to get dressed.”

  “There’s no time. Put on this coat.” Amaretta helped her put a floor-length coat over her torn nightgown. “Pull the hood down over your face so no one will recognize you.”

  The door opened and a heavy-set man walked in. “We’ve got to go. Do you have the jewelry?”

  “Yes.” Amaretta handed him the bag.

  Toemeka stared at him uneasily. He had the essence of a ruthless killer. How could Amaretta think he cared about her and trust him to help them escape? Amaretta put her arm around Toemeka and helped her walk out of the room. Toemeka gasped when she saw the guard posted outside her door slumped over with his throat slit. There was no turning back now.

  Her bare feet made no sound as they crept through the hall and down a back stairway. The stairwell was dim and Gideon led the way with a flashlight. Toemeka felt Amaretta’s anxiety. Her own heart pounded rapidly and her side ached. She barely had enough strength to keep going. They finally reached an exterior door. Two men waited outside. Toemeka’s stomach tightened in horror when she saw the bloody bodies of two more guards sprawled on the ground.

  Gideon led Toemeka and Amaretta to an air car. They quickly got inside and the women sat in the back with one of the thugs. As they approached the compound gate, the women were told to crouch down on the floorboards and a blanket was thrown over them.

  They passed through without being stopped and sped through the dark night. Toemeka sat back uneasily on the seat, not trusting Gideon to let them go. Outside the window, she saw a dome covered the city and surrounding area. Beyond it the land was barren and uninhabitable. To escape Cadmus, she’d have to steal a spacecraft.

  Gideon stopped the aircar at Raider’s Tavern. One of the men yanked Toemeka out of the vehicle and pulled her into the bar. Amaretta followed them inside. The man took Toemeka over to Gideon, who had opened the velvet bag and was inspecting the jewelry. Toemeka scanned the crowded bar, recognizing the distinctive smell of angel mist, a hallucinogen drug.

  “The jewelry is only part of the price for your freedom,” Gideon said.

  Toemeka shuddered when his lustful eyes latched onto hers.

  “I’ve always wanted to enjoy one of Cadmus’ women.” He walked over and ripped off her coat. She glanced around for a means of escape. Several men gathered around her. A few of them smirked at Gideon’s remark.

  “Gideon, please. You promised to help us,” Amaretta said. She tried to break through the circle of men surrounding Toemeka.

  “Keep the slave girl out of this,” he said to one of his men. His eyes stayed fastened on Toemeka as he roughly pulled her toward him.

  “My husband will pay a large reward for my safe return.”

  Gideon smiled nastily. “Perhaps I’ll ransom you, if you survive the night.”



  Cadmus burst through the door and his commanding presence filled the bar. “Gideon, let go of the woman.” His voice carried across the barroom with force.

  The circle of men broke apart as Gideon released Tomeka and pulled out his blaster. Cadmus sent a bolt of energy from his hand and it hit Gideon with explosive impact. Clasping his heart, Gideon collapsed lifelessly to the floor.

  Cadmus killed the other two men in the same manner. The barroom vibrated with dark energy. His eyes swept the bar. “Is there anyone else who opposes me?” The tension in the room was tangible and no one moved. Cadmus crossed over to Toemeka and lifted her into his arms. He spotted Amaretta huddled behind a table. “Slave, get the bag of jewelry and come with us.” Cadmus carried Toemeka out of the bar without a backward glance.

  Back at his compound, Cadmus brought Toemeka to her room. “Do you understand now how futile it is to try to escape?” he asked, speaking to her for the first time. “I’m all that protects you from the criminals who live here. Those men would have raped, then murdered you.”

  “How did you find me?”

  “I tracked you down psychically.” His expression grew hard. “Your actions have resulted in several of my guards losing their lives. Who betrayed me and helped you escape?”


  “Gideon didn’t act on his own. Tell me or I’ll beat it out of you.”

  “There was no one else.”

  Cadmus unfastened his belt and slid it out. “I won’t show you any mercy this time. You’ll learn to obey me.”

  Toemeka tensed, dreading the bite of the belt on her already torn and bruised body.

  “I was the one who helped Toemeka escape,” Amaretta whispered.

  Cadmus swung around and stared at her. “You? You’re just a slave.”

  “I bribed Gideon with Toemeka’s jewelry.”

  “It was my fault!” Toemeka exclaimed. “I asked her to help me escape.”

  Cadmus glared at Amaretta. “Why did you do it? You know the punishment for betraying me.”

  “I… I was afraid you’d kill Toemeka in a fit of rage.”

  “You’ll pay for your crime.” Cadmus grabbed Amaretta’s arm and started for the door.

  “Wait! What are you going to do to her?” Toemeka asked.

  “Death is the punishment for betrayal.”

  “No! Spare her.” Cadmus left the room with Amaretta and slammed the door.

  “What have I done?” Sorrow flooded through Toemeka.


  After a nearly sleepless night, Toemeka awoke early in the morning, wondering if Cadmus had already put Amaretta to death. Wincing in pain, she changed into a dress, then pounded on the door until a guard finally opened it.

  “I want to see Cadmus,” she said.

  The tall guard scowled down at her. “He’s still sleeping and will probably continue to sleep for a few more hours. No one got much rest last night.”

  “Please tell him I want to see him when he wakes up.”

  “You’re in no position to ask for favors.” He slammed the door in her face.

  Little wonder the guard was angry with her, she thought. Gideon and his men murdered three guards in her failed escape attempt. Only Gideon had no intention of letting her go; he just wanted jewelry and to taste one of Cadmus’ women.

  Toemeka skimmed the Internet on the tablet, undeterred in her quest to find a way home. Anything she learned about Devil’s Eye might prove useful. She soon discovered the dome was the only habitable place on the moon. It had only one spaceport and pilots were required to get permission from spaceport authorities to land or leave. Discouraged and worried about Amaretta, she set down the tablet.

  Outside the window, red and yellow flowers danced in the sunlight. She longed to be there, instead of trapped in this room. She closed her eyes and visualized being in the garden as she sang HU, a love song to God, to tune into the Eternal Life Stream. In her mind’s eye, she walked along a stone pathway leading to a pond filled with pink water lilies. She touched the water and felt its coolness. Surprised, she glanced around and realized she’d projected out of her body and was in the Inner Worlds. Master Bakka, I know you’re always with me. Please appear to me, she said telepathically.

  Master Bakka materialized before her. I’m here, Toemeka. I’ve never left you. He radiated warmth and love, and his kind, ageless face was filled with understanding. He was surrounded by Light and wore a blue robe.

  I’m worried about Amaretta. Cadmus threatened to kill her and may have already.

  You can’t control her fate. It was her decision to trust Gideon. She couldn’t see what kind of man he was. You need to stay in balance. Cadmus can’t do anything to you spiritually unless you allow it.

  But I was given drugs and psychically attacked, which made it impossible to keep in touch with the Eternal Life Stream.

  Yet you found the strength to come here, Master Bakka said compassionately.

  Only after they stopped drugging me. How can I reach Michio?

  Focus your attention and visualize him being with you. He’s also finding it hard to stay in balance and to connect with Spirit. He unwittingly let grief and despair block the flow. Yet his love for you is deep and pure. It has expanded his heart and allowed love, the greatest of God's qualities, to uplift him. The love bond between you two makes him open to what you’re feeling.

  The Master gazed at her with profound understanding. Together you can have experiences you’d never have alone. Having a mate to share your life with is a great blessing, if there is true, unconditional love. Yet the most important relationship for both of you is with the Light and Sound of Spirit. Fill yourself with the Eternal Life Stream and send your love out to him. Let the Light of Soul shine.

  Toemeka filled herself with love until the Sound Current pulsed through her body in waves, then she sent her love to Michio. Happiness engulfed her as she thought of him. Gradually she began to feel his love and unique vibration. She’d missed both his presence and the inner connection they shared.

  The air shimmered, then Michio appeared. He looked vibrant and radiated Light. She hurled herself into his arms. Joy filled her as their lips met and she drank deeply of his essence, basking in the strength of their inner connection. He was completely open to her and she to him; she felt his deep love for her. They became as one, with one heart and one purpose. Rapture swept through her.

  Toemeka, my love, he said telepathically, holding her close.

  Is Baymond all right?

  Yes, he’s doing well.

  Cadmus tore me away from him.

  I know. I was on my way home when your terror blasted into me like a powerful windstorm. Baymond was crying when I arrived, but otherwise fine.

  Tears of relief filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Thank God. I was so worried about him.

  I’m sorry I didn’t get there in time to prevent Cadmus from capturing you. He kissed her tear-streaked face. What about you? Are you okay?

  I’m scared I’ll be trapped here forever and never see you and Baymond again.

  His hands slid down her arms and captured hers. Anguish radiated from him. I won’t stop searching for you until we’re reunited. Where are you?

  She backed away from him and shook her head. The pain in her chest was almost unbearable. I can’t tell you. Cadmus will kill you if you come. Overwhelming despair filled her and she lost her connection with Michio.

  She opened her eyes and found herself back in her body. “No!” she exclaimed, missing Michio and their baby more than ever. Yet a ray of hope remained. She’d succeeded in contacting Michio once and was sure she could do it again. Exhausted, she fell into a deep, healing sleep.

  When she awoke, Cadmus was sitting in the chair near the lounge where she slept. Dread tightened around her heart, threatening to break her newfound inner peace. She put up a matrix of Master Bakka and looked at Cadmus through it. His expression was dark and the vibrations coming from him were heavy. They jarred painfully against her, for she still vibrated with the current of Light. “How long have you been sitting here?” she asked tentatively, afraid of angering him.

  “Not long. I was told you wanted to see me.”

  “Is Amaretta still alive?”

  His nostrils flared. “She hasn’t been put to death yet.”

  She swallowed. “Please spare her life. She was just trying to help me.”

  “You should be more concerned about how I’m going to punish you.”

  She stiffened, realizing he was manipulating her with fear. “I… I hadn’t thought of myself.”

  “Maybe if you were more concerned about yourself, you would’ve had the sense not to leave this compound with Gideon, a dangerous man whom you knew nothing about. A man who would betray the man he’s paid to protect is not someone you should trust. And how were you planning to get off Devil’s Eye without any money? I thought I made it clear that this dome is occupied by the lowest men in the galaxy. None would’ve helped you. Is it really so bad here? I realize I lost my temper yesterday, but surely that wasn’t enough to warrant such a desperate escape attempt.”

  “I had nothing to do with the arrangements. I told Amaretta I wanted to go home to be with my baby and she solicited Gideon’s help. I was asleep when she came and told me we were leaving. I realized Gideon was a treacherous man, yet when I saw the guard posted outside my door with his throat slashed, I knew there was no turning back. I never intended for anyone to die.”

  “Yet three of my men were killed because of your desire to go home. They were trusted guards who cannot be replaced easily.”

  “I’m sorry they died.” She took a deep breath, trying to stay balanced.

  “Don’t look so distressed. I don’t blame you for what happened. Gideon plotted this. He stole you from your bed without even letting you get dressed. I know you didn’t have the strength to even walk out of this room on your own. Amaretta’s a different story. She will have to take full responsibility for her actions. She’ll be put to death.”

  “No!” Toemeka gasped. “Please spare her. She only sought to help me because I’m the only person who’s been kind to her and treated her like someone of value.”

  “She knew the penalty for helping you escape.”

  “She’s hardly more than a child.”

  “The slave dies.�

  Heat flashed through Toemeka’s body. “Murderer!”

  “Why should I care what you think?” Cadmus strode across the room, slamming the door behind him.

  “Cadmus!” Toemeka limped to the door, holding her hand to her side, and tried to open it. Finding it locked, she sank to the floor, weeping.

  She spent the rest of the day in agony, knowing she was responsible for Amaretta’s death.

  Later that night, she was awakened when Cadmus barged into her room yelling, “Whore, get out of bed!”

  Toemeka stumbled out of bed, her eyes swollen from crying. She was beyond caring what Cadmus did to her. “Murderer!”

  “I should kill you for all the torment you cause me!”

  She smelled alcohol on his breath and knew he was drunk, but she was too upset to use caution. “Go ahead, kill me! What do I have to live for? You’ve taken away all I love and now you’ve killed the one person I cared about here. What more can you do to me?”

  “What more? What more, you ask? I’ve pampered you, given you whatever you wanted. I’ve been patient with you and waited for you to get well before taking you to my bed. I’ve coddled you, but no more. I’m done trying to win your favor and please you. What more can I do to you?” His voice became hard. “I can make your life a living hell.”

  “It already is! How could you kill her?” Hysterical, Toemeka pounded her fists against his chest.

  Cadmus grabbed her upper arms and violently shook her. “Woman, you drive me beyond endurance. I didn’t kill your worthless slave.”

  Toemeka stared at him, stunned as his words sank in; then everything blurred and her knees gave out. Cadmus caught her as she fainted.

  She awoke to find herself on the bed and looked at him in confusion. “What happened?”

  “You collapsed. Are you all right?” he asked. His voice held a note of concern.

  She put her hand to her forehead, still feeling weak. “Thank you for sparing her.”

  “You’re a fool to care about a worthless slave.”


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