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Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy

Page 12

by Heidi Skarie

  “Is this all there is?” Toemeka asked, sounding incredulous.

  “Afraid so,” Michio said. “We didn’t think to transfer the food from the Blue Lady to this ship when we purchased it.”

  She bit into the wafer. “I don’t know why they never came up with anything better than these things. They taste like a piece of cardboard.”

  He noticed she ate several of them, despite not liking them. “Sorry we don’t have something better to offer you.”

  “It doesn’t matter. In a few hours we’ll be home and I’ll see Baymond again.” Her face lit up with happiness.


  The Ring

  It was early afternoon Jaipar time when Erling landed the spacecraft on the royal airstrip. As Toemeka unbuckled her seatbelt and rose, her stomach fluttered in anticipation of seeing Baymond again.

  Michio held out his hand. “Come on, let’s go see our son.”

  She clasped it tightly. “Do you think he’ll remember me? It’s been nearly three weeks.”

  “He’ll remember your voice, touch and scent.”

  “He must feel like I’ve abandoned him.”

  “He’s too young to be anything other than happy that you’ve returned.”

  “I called ahead,” Erling said. “He’s in the nursery with Koriann.”

  Toemeka couldn’t help but smile in anticipation of seeing Baymond as they left the ship and walked to the palace. Erling led them to the second floor where the nursery and royal bedchambers were located. In the nursery, Koriann sat in the rocker with the baby on her lap. Toemeka’s steps faltered upon seeing her infant son. She was suddenly jealous of every moment Koriann had spent with Baymond while she’d been locked away on a distant moon.

  Tears blurred her vision as she lifted her son into her arms. “Oh, sweetheart, you’ve grown so big. How I’ve missed you.” She gazed down on him, enthralled and taking in every change since she’d last held him. He’d filled out and looked healthy and well cared for. He was dressed in a one-piece, blue garment with a dolphin embroidered on the left front. Toemeka drew him close, breathing in the scent of his skin and hair and the sweet smell of milk. His dark hair felt soft against her cheek and was thicker than when she’d last seen him.

  Michio put his arm around her shoulder and she gazed up at him, her heart expanding with love. “Thank you for bringing me back to our son.”

  “This is where you belong.”

  Toemeka turned toward Koriann and saw that the queen and Erling were wrapped in each other’s arms, kissing. When they drew apart, Toemeka noticed Koriann’s face glowed with joy..

  “Thank you, Koriann, for taking such good care of Baymond.” The two women embraced.

  “It was a pleasure. I’ve fallen in love with him. He’s a sweet baby,” Koriann’s smile faded as she looked at Toemeka with deep sincerity. “It’s good to see you safely home.”

  Home, Toemeka thought. Yes, Jaipar felt like home now. She remembered the sacred moment just after she’d given birth to Baymond. Rapture had glowed in Michio’s face as he gazed at their infant son. When he placed the baby in her arms, she’d felt a circle of love connecting the three of them and they’d became a family and Jaipar their home.

  “It’s good to be back. I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed and spending my days taking care of Baymond.”

  Michio and Erling exchanged a meaningful glance, then Michio cleared his throat and said, “Actually, Erling and I thought it would be safer for us to stay at the palace for awhile.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Koriann said, clasping her husband’s hand. “We should give Michio and Toemeka some time alone with Baymond.” She smiled at the new parents. “Erling said to have a meal waiting. Do you want it served in the nursery?”

  “Yes please,” Toemeka said. “I don’t want to leave Baymond and it’s so peaceful here.” The light flooding into the room felt warm on her skin and the sound of waves came in through the three large windows facing the ocean. The walls were painted a soft shade of peachy pink. Everything about the room seemed fresh and cheerful. “It’s a darling nursery. It looks like it’s been recently redone.”

  “It was just finished,” Koriann said, smiling. “While Erling and Michio were gone, Baymond stayed with me in the master suite and I had the nursery redecorated. Everything is new, except the crib and dresser. They were mine when I was a baby. Erling and I will need a nursery soon anyway.”

  Erling looked around the nursery with a puzzled expression. “Why will we need a nursery soon?”

  “Well… it’s important to our country that we produce an heir to the throne. And—”

  He held his hands up, palms facing outward and interrupted her. “Hold it. Our people don’t need an heir yet. Having their queen back should satisfy them for a few years.”

  “We need an heir to secure the future rulership of the country.”

  “The whole idea of royalty is outdated.”

  Koriann straightened. “It is not!”

  A young servant woman appeared in the open doorway. “Queen Koriann, dinner is ready.”

  “Have it brought here.”

  The woman smiled at Toemeka. “It’s good to have you back. Your baby needs his mother.”

  “It’s good to be back,” Toemeka said.

  The woman looked at Erling and her smile broadened. “Congratulations, Prince Erling. Imagine a royal baby already on its way. Why, it’s the talk of the nation.” She curtsied and left the room.

  Toemeka looked from Erling’s stunned face to Koriann’s anxious one. The queen’s gaze was fastened on Erling.

  “Does she think you’re pregnant because the nursery’s been redone?” Erling asked hesitantly.

  “Actually — I was going to tell you, but you were worried about Toemeka and had left with Michio to search for her when I found out.”

  “We were in regular contact.”

  “I wanted to tell you in person and didn’t want you to worry,” she said.” Aren’t you pleased?”

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “We’re pregnant.”

  “I’m not pregnant. Men don’t get pregnant. But it sounds like I’m going to be a father.” He frowned, not looking too happy about it.

  “Congratulations,” Michio said, quickly intervening.

  Toemeka could see Erling was still in shock and realized Koriann must have decided to get pregnant without discussing it with him first. She hugged and kissed both of them.

  Rallying to the occasion, Erling put an arm around Koriann and kissed her tenderly.

  “This is a wonderful homecoming gift. I never really thought about our future child being an heir to the throne. I imagine your people are excited — having a Marsindi on the throne and a royal child on the way after a decade of General Bhandar’s tyrannical rule.” He paused. “Though it would have been nice if you’d let me be the first one in the country to know, instead of the last.”

  “That was my intent, but you weren’t here and I’ve had morning sickness. The palace staff figured it out pretty quickly and I couldn’t contain the rumors.”

  Erling looked at her with concern. “Are you all right now?”

  “Yes, it’s nothing to be concerned about.”

  “My family will be delighted to hear we’re expectant parents. Maybe they’ll be safely off Alandra by the time the baby is born.”

  “I’m sure they will be,” Toemeka said. “Congratulations to you both. Imagine! Baymond will have a playmate. When’s the baby due, Koriann?”

  “In about seven months.”

  “I’m sure your baby will bring you a lot of joy,” Toemeka said. She knew Erling would be a good father and a supportive husband, despite his initial reluctance. Many changes had happened for both of them in a short time. A little less than a year ago, they were both unmarried Coalition operatives and the war was the main focus of their lives.


  Toemeka looked around the spacious palace bedroom where she and Michio
were staying. A large, bay window overlooked the ocean and a sliding glass door led to a large balcony. The furnishings and floor were made from taywood, a material rarely used in current times.

  She and Michio had been back in Jaipar for a week. During that time she rested and enjoyed being reunited with her small family. Michio rarely left her side and treated her with loving devotion. Under his care, she began to feel strong physically and in balance emotionally. She felt more in tune with her higher self.

  That afternoon, she and Koriann had gone shopping for new dresses because they were going dancing that evening. Toemeka looked at the baby in the cradle, reluctant to leave him even for a few hours. Baymond was asleep, contentedly sucking on his fist.

  “Are you sure he’ll be all right?” she asked the elderly nursemaid.

  “He’ll be fine. I’ve been taking care of babies since before you were born. Now go out and enjoy the evening. You need to have time alone with your husband once in a while.”

  “Thank you for watching him.” Toemeka leaned down and kissed the baby’s cheek, then hurried to her bedroom to get ready for the evening. She wanted to look beautiful for Michio. He still seemed distressed about her abduction, so tonight she wanted to take his attention off everything but relaxing and enjoying himself.

  After a lady’s attendant helped her dress, she sat at the vanity while a hairdresser did her hair. On the vanity lay the evening bag she’d used at the party the night she escaped from Cadmus. She felt a compelling urge to look at the ruby ring she’d tossed into the evening bag after Michio removed it from her finger. The large red stone sparkled when the light hit it. She lifted it up, feeling oddly drawn to it. The ruby seemed to pulse with energy and beckon to her to wear it. The stone was a perfect match for the red gown she wore. Impulsively, she slipped it on the ring finger of her right hand.

  “What a beautiful ring,” the hairdresser said.

  Entranced, Toemeka stared at it, studying the ruby and etchings on the gold band. Power seemed to radiate off the ring. “Yes, it is.” Her stomach twisted as she remembered Cadmus sliding it on her finger. Her stomach turned and she frantically tried to pull the ring off, but couldn’t slide it over her knuckle.

  “I’m finished,” the hairdresser said. “How do you like it?”

  Toemeka looked in the mirror. Her hair was swept up with curls falling to one side. “I… I hadn’t realized you were done,” she stammered feeling confused and out of sync. “It’s perfect, thank you.” She glanced at the clock and rose. “Oh dear, I’m late. I’d better go.”

  Toemeka entered the dining room, flush from hurrying, to find Erling, Koriann and Michio already seated at the large, cherry table. Michio’s eyes lit up when he saw her. “You look lovely.” He and Erling stood and he pulled out her chair.

  “You both look beautiful tonight,” Erling said, putting his hand on top of Koriann’s. “We should take you two out more often.”

  Servants brought out a series of savory-scented dishes and Toemeka was struck by Erling’s new lifestyle. “How does it feel to live in a palace after spending so many years as a Coalition operative?”

  “I’m managing to adjust.” Erling’s eyes twinkled. “There’s no doubt I’m getting soft and lazy. I might even get fat.”

  Koriann scowled. “You’d better not.”

  “Maybe if you let me go on a mission once in a while, you wouldn’t have to worry about that.”

  Michio tactfully changed the subject. “So, how is setting up the governing council going?”

  “It’s going well,” Koriann said. “All the positions are filled now. The country will once again be governed as it was for hundreds of years under the Marsindi Dynasty.”

  Michio set down his knife. “Governments always run better when advised by a council of spiritually evolved ministers.”

  Koriann gazed at him. “You know, you could have a position on the council any time you want.”

  “I’m honored, Koriann, but I have responsibilities elsewhere.”

  Toemeka lifted her glass and a flash of red light radiated from her ring.

  “Isn’t that the ring Commander Rochambeau gave you?” Michio asked with a sharp edge to his voice.

  Toemeka felt her cheeks heat up and slid her hand under the table, uncomfortable with his tone of voice. She should’ve realized Michio wouldn’t like her wearing the ring. It sickened her as well. She didn’t want anything that reminded her of Cadmus to ruin the evening. Why had she felt such a strong impulse to put it on? She yanked at it, trying to remove it.

  She still felt Michio’s eyes on her, though she didn’t look up. “I’d rather you didn’t wear it,” he said.

  She felt a heaviness in her chest and close to tears. “It’s… it’s just a piece of jewelry. It’s not like it was a gift.” As she said it, she realized it wasn’t true. Cadmus had given it as a gift. He’d taken off her wedding band and replaced it with the ruby ring, as if claiming her. If Michio knew that, he’d be even more upset. .

  “Can I see it?” Koriann asked.

  Toemeka’s hand trembled as she held it out. Koriann examined the ring more closely. “It’s an exquisite ring.”

  “Let her wear it,” Erling said in a conciliatory voice. “It can’t hurt anything. You’re not showing your usual detachment about this, Mich.”

  “I suppose you’re right. I overreacted. Leave it on, Toemeka, if you enjoy wearing it.”

  “It’s lost any enjoyment it might have given me,” Toemeka said, sliding her hand back under the table.


  Toemeka stood on a bridge, looking into the dark water flowing swiftly by.

  “I’ve come for you,” a chilling voice said.

  She swung around and gasped, “Cadmus!”

  “I’ll never let you go. You’re mine.” He reached out for her and she screamed.

  In the next instant she was in a large ceremonial room. Cadmus stood beside her. The room smelt of burnt flesh and blood, and it pulsed with magic. On a stage, women danced around a firepit. Samrat Condor stood at the front of the stage in a floor-length black robe. He raised his arms and one of the maidens jumped into the firepit.

  “No!” Toemeka screamed. Samrat Condor turned. “Bring her forward, Cadmus. I’ve waited many years for this moment. She’s a worthy sacrifice.” She tried to scream again, but her throat constricted with fear.

  Toemeka jerked awake, the sound of her heartbeat pounding in her ears. It’s only a dream! Just a dream. Breathe. She sat up and took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself. Her body was cool with sweat and she rubbed her bare arms for warmth.

  “What is it?” Michio asked, his voice thick with sleep. “You cried out in your sleep.”

  “I had a nightmare.”

  Michio sat up and drew her into his arms. “What was it about?”

  After she told him, he said, “It’s no wonder you’re upset, but you’re okay now. Try to relax.”

  Her breathing and heart rate gradually returned to normal in the shelter of his arms. “The nightmare felt so real, like being in a dark region of the astral worlds. Stay with me, Michio. Promise me you won’t get up early, like you usually do, and leave me alone. Wait until I’m awake.”

  “I’ll stay close as long as you need me. Try to relax and get some more sleep.”

  They both lay back down. Toemeka rested her head rested on Michio’s shoulder, feeling comforted by his closeness. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something pleasant. The dance had been fun. Michio was attentive to her all evening and his natural grace and athletic ability made up for his lack of dancing experience.

  She enjoyed dancing with Erling, too. He was a great dancer and reveled in going out much more than Michio did. Erling kept her laughing most of the time they were together. It was like old times, when they were in the Coalition and on leave for a few days. They always enjoyed new sights and people, no matter what planet they were on.

  Although she was glad she married Michio and lov
ed him deeply, sometimes she missed her former life. She drew Michio’s hand to her lips, kissed it, then drifted off to sleep.


  One morning a week later, Toemeka awakened to the sound of the baby crying. She sleepily lifted him out of the cradle, took him to bed with her, and gave him a bottle.. As she gazed at him,contentedly sucking, sadness settled over her that she could no longer breast feed him..

  She longed to be living in her own home, but Michio refused to leave the safety of the palace. At the thought of Michio, an uneasy feeling washed over her. Where was he? Since she’d started having nightmares again, he usually stayed with her until she awoke.

  When she’d finished feeding Baymond, she dressed him and placed him on the bed. “Where’s your Daddy?” she asked as she slipped on a top and slacks. “I have a feeling he’s up to something.” She picked up the baby and hurried down the formal staircase to the dining room. Michio wasn’t there. She clutched the baby to her and ran to the front entrance, just as Koriann walked inside. Her eyebrows were drawn together with worry.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Koriann cleared her throat. “I’m not supposed to tell you.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “I don’t want to break my word.”

  “Koriann, I’m not a child; tell me what’s going on.”

  “No, you’re not a child, but you’ve just been through a major trauma.”

  “If you won’t tell me, I’ll ask Captain Zachary.”

  “He’s not here either.”

  “Where have they gone?” Then it hit her. “Shit, they’re taking an air fleet to Devil’s Eye to attack Commander Rochambeau’s compound, aren’t they?” By the sudden stiffness of Koriann’s pose, she knew she was right. “Condor’s blood, Michio promised he wouldn’t go. He didn’t even say good-bye.” Toemeka clenched her fist. “We have to stop them.”

  “You can’t. You’re a mother now with a young baby.”

  “I’m also a wife and I’m not going to let my husband risk his life on such a dangerous mission. Nor do I want Erling and your soldiers to risk theirs. Do you realize how many people will die?”

  “Michio felt it was necessary to insure your future safety.”


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