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Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy

Page 16

by Heidi Skarie

  Erling, Jake and Zac ran though the entrance and shot down two more guards who raced toward them.

  “Come on!” Toemeka yelled to the Fenians as she ran toward Erling and Jake. Smoke and dead bodies lay on the ground around them. Other prisoners poured out of the gate and scattered into the nearby woods.

  “Hurry,” Erling said when they reached him. “We’ve got a truck waiting.”

  Breezy threw herself into Jake’s arms. “I knew you’d come for us.”

  “I wasn’t about to let you die.” He grabbed her hand and they tore through the entrance. Everyone else followed. Jake led them to a truck with the motor running and Onolyn at the wheel. He climbed in front and Breezy scrambled up beside him. Zac opened the back of the truck and helped Najetta, Sharma and Richwood inside.

  Two men and a woman appeared and asked if there was room for them. Toemeka glanced at Erling and he nodded. She helped the three strangers into the truck, then she and Erling climbed in after them. Zac climbed in last and closed the large doors. The truck started moving as they all sat on the benches that lined the sides of the truck.

  The truck bounced along the rough road, speeding up as it went. They had only covered a short distance when a loud boom erupted and the truck lifted off the ground. It slammed back down and tipped on its side. Toemeka was sitting on the side that landed up in the air. She lost her seat and tumbled to the other side, slamming her head into the side of the truck. Screams of terror surrounded her.

  “Are you all right?” Zac asked.

  “What happened?” Toemeka’s head was spinning and her ears rang. Around her, people were untangling themselves and moving toward the open doorway of the truck. The door had been blown off in the blast.

  “We must’ve been hit by a torpedo.” Zac helped her out of the truck, then turned back to help the Fenian family.

  One of the passengers had flown out of the truck when the grenade hit and lay on the side of the road, his chest covered in blood. Toemeka checked his pulse and verified that he was dead.

  “Toemeka, hurry,” Erling said. “We’ve got to get out of here fast. Soldiers are coming.”

  She looked up and saw Jake leading everyone into the woods. Erling grabbed her hand and they ran after the others. Before long they caught up with Najetta and Richwood. Richwood had his arm around his wife, helping her along. It was getting dark and increasingly difficult to see, but Jake never paused as he led them down a path. They came to a narrow footbridge that crossed a river and came to a stop.

  “I’ll go first to ensure it’s not guarded,” Jake said.

  “I’ll come with,” Onolyn said.

  Jake and Onolyn pulled out their blasters and moved quickly across, then signaled to the others that it was safe.

  “Toemeka, keep guard,” Erling said. “I’ll get my family across.”

  “I lost my blaster when the truck turned over,” she said.

  He handed her his blaster, then led his mother across the bridge. His father and Zac followed, then Sharma and Breezy started across.

  They were halfway across when a spotlight shone on them. A voice yelled over a loud speaker, “Freeze or we’ll open fire.” The two young women froze.

  “Don’t shoot!” Richwood yelled. He ran back onto the bridge and put his arms around his daughters.

  Toemeka ducked into the bushes. Soldiers ran past her onto the bridge. More soldiers and their commanding officer appeared moments later, approaching the bridge. When the officer came to a stop a few feet from her, his face became visible and she stifled a gasp, not daring to move.

  He turned toward her and raised his blaster. Her heart stopped as their eyes met.

  “Cadmus!” she said in a choked whisper.

  “Drop your blaster and come out with your hands up.”

  She dropped it, then raised her hands in the air and stepped out of the bushes. “Let them go. They’ve done nothing wrong.”

  “Why should I let them go? I’ve been ordered to put down the Resistance.” He pulled handcuffs off his gun belt and clapped them around her wrists with her arms in front of her.

  “I’ll exchange my freedom for theirs.”

  He grabbed her arm and jerked her to him. “I’ve already captured you.”

  “I won’t try to escape again,” she said, although the promise sickened her.

  The soldiers brought Richwood and his daughters over. “Release them,” Cadmus said. His eyes drilled into Richwood’s. “You have five minutes to get out of here before I order my men to start shooting.”

  “What about Toemeka?” Richwood asked.

  “She stays.”

  “I won’t sacrifice her.”

  “I’ll order my men to shoot all of you right now if you don’t get out of here.”

  “Go, Richwood,” Toemeka pleaded. “Get Breezy and Sharma out of here.”

  “Come on, Father,” Breezy urged. “Let’s go while we still have a chance.”

  Richwood gave Toemeka one last pain-filled look, then left with his daughters. They crossed the bridge and disappeared into the darkness beyond. Toemeka stared after them, relieved they’d escaped despite her own predicament. She hadn’t been able to save her family, but she’d succeeded in saving her adopted family.

  “Someone is on the bridge,” one of the soldiers yelled.

  Toemeka saw a flash of blond hair in the moonlight and knew it was Erling coming back to help her.

  “Go back!” she yelled, afraid he’d be shot.

  “Kill him,” Cadmus ordered. His soldiers started firing.

  Erling dropped over the side of the bridge into the raging river.

  Toemeka’s felt the world close in on her. Had Erling been shot? Master Bakka, don’t let him die, she pleaded inwardly.

  “Follow them,” Cadmus ordered his men. “Keep out of sight; they’ll lead us to their base.”

  “Cadmus, you promised to give them five minutes,” Toemeka exclaimed as the soldiers headed across the bridge.

  “Did you really think I’d let them go just because you promised not to escape? You’re mine to do with as I choose, regardless of what happens to them. This whole setup was a trap. I ordered the Fenians executed to draw you and Erling to Alandra and wipe out the rest of the Resistance. I felt your presence as soon as you arrived in Jelmur.”

  Toemeka stared at him in horror, realizing her decision to join the mission could lead to the whole rebel army being destroyed. “Please let Erling’s family go,” she gasped.

  “You think you can ask for favors after running away from me? I treated you well and gave you whatever you wanted.”

  “You beat me with a belt, drugged me, intimidated me, and used sorcery to control me. How can you call that treating me well?”

  Cadmus’ expression darkened. “I waited for you to get well rather than forcing myself on you.”

  “You think that’s a kindness when you were the one who fractured my ribs?”

  “I tried to win your affection, but you were always too good for me. Today you’ll be mine and if you don’t please me, I’ll degrade and humiliate you. I’ll cast you to my men and let them abuse you until you’ll wish you were dead.”

  “You have no heart — no feelings. I hate you.”

  Cadmus grabbed her arms and shook her. “That’s right. I have no heart, so you’d better cooperate.” A blast of negative psychic energy poured from him, seeping into her mind and emotions. She swayed, knowing her trepidation made her vulnerable.

  “You won’t escape again.”

  Toemeka focused on her love for Michio. Help me, Michio. Give me your strength, she cried as she inwardly battled Cadmus and forced back his negative energy.

  Finally Cadmus withdrew his inner assault. He studied her thoughtfully. “You’ve grown in strength. You’ll be a powerful enchantress someday.”

  “I’ll never be an enchantress.”

  “Anyone’s love can be turned to power, given the right incentive. I’m sure you wouldn’t hesitate to use
power to protect your baby.”

  A chill rolled through her. Was he indirectly threatening her baby?

  “I wouldn’t hesitate to use a weapon if you threaten Baymond, but I wouldn’t use black magic.”


  From the cockpit of his ship, Michio heard Toemeka inwardly cry for help. It was so intense and full of terror that it shocked him. The inner contact was gone as quickly as it came, leaving him shaken. She was in Cadmus’ hands! How had it happened? Adrenaline surged through him and his whole body tensed.

  He took several calming breaths to stay in balance and focused on his love for Master Bakka. He let go of his trepidation for Toemeka and let the shimmer stream of Light flow through him. It washed away his mind-numbing terror.

  Master Jadock manifested in the copilot seat. “You’re doing better this time,” he said.

  “Dealing with my wife’s capture?” Michio asked, surprised to see his teacher from the School of Eagles.

  “Yes, do you notice any patterns?”


  Master Jadock remained silent and Michio thought for a moment before speaking.

  “When Toemeka is in danger, I have trouble staying in balance. Before we married, I left my training with Master Bakka to rescue her after General Bhandar arrested her. When I was at the School of Eagles, I wanted to leave because I knew she was in danger, but stayed to finish my training. Recently Commander Rochambeau kidnapped her and now she’s in his hands again. I don’t know what it all means, but usually things repeat themselves for a reason.”

  “Go on.”

  “There must be something Toemeka and I need to learn from these experiences. For me, it’s been learning to surrender to the Inner Master and not becoming dependent on the impermanent lower worlds for happiness. I’ve also learned a lot about love. Toemeka and I seem to be drawn into finishing this cycle with Commander Rochambeau.”

  “For Toemeka, this cycle reaches further back than that.”

  “Further back?” Michio remembered Toemeka’s nightmares. “It started with Samrat Condor.”

  Master Jadock nodded. “This next test will not be easy for either of you. Beware of illusions. Your past experiences can be used against you.” The Master disappeared.

  A short time later Michio landed his spacecraft near the Jaiparian ship Erling and Toemeka had flown in on. The ship was covered with branches to disguise it, but if you knew what to look for, it was obvious it was an aircraft.

  Michio left his ship and looked around, wondering what to do. It was dark and would be hard for him to track Erling’s team. He pulled a small globelight from his gun belt, shone it on the ground near the ship and found footprints leading into the woods. He followed them to a flat spot where it looked like a tent had been set up. He heard a noise and flipped off the light, then stood still, listening. It was totally dark beneath the leafy branches where even the moonlight was blocked. The wind made a whistling noise as it moved through the leaves. He heard a branch crack and silence followed.

  Then a faint sound of voices floated on the wind. The hushed voices grew louder along with the sound of leaves rustling and an occasional stick cracking. People were in the forest, coming this way. It could be Erling’s team returning to the ship… it could be or enemy soldiers.

  Michio slid behind a tree and peered out. A light appeared and he made out dark forms. A man came into view wearing a worn jacket, followed by a middle-aged man, a woman and two young women in near rags — definitely not soldiers. Then Onolyn and Zac came into view, followed by Erling, whose clothes were soaked. Toemeka wasn’t with them.

  Michio stepped out from behind the tree. “Where’s Toemeka?”

  “Michio, what are you doing here?” Erling asked.

  “I followed as soon as I found out Toemeka came on this mission.”

  “She didn’t tell you she was coming?” Erling sounded surprised.

  “She left me a note,” Michio said. “Where is she?”

  Stricken, Erling shook his head. “Commander Rochambeau captured her.”

  Michio’s chest constricted. He wasn’t surprised after her inner cry for help, but it still jarred him.

  The dark-haired man leading the group flipped on his communicator and held it to his ear.

  “Benray, this is Slick. We’re at the ship. Come immediately.” He slid his communicator back into his pocket and faced Michio. “We thought it best to get Erling’s family safely to the ship, then go back for Toemeka.”

  Michio now recognized the man as Jake. They’d met once when Jake and Toemeka returned to Jaipar from a Coalition mission. “You left Toemeka behind with Rochambeau!” Michio snarled.

  Jake stiffened. “She’s a competent field operative. She can take care of herself until we free her. Commander Rochambeau is staying at a military compound in Tismus. He’ll take her there.”

  Upset with Jake’s answer, Michio glowered at Erling. “Why did you let her come on the mission in the first place?”

  “She’s a good agent and I knew she’d be an asset on the mission.”

  “Save your anger for Commander Rochambeau,” Jake said as several of his men slipped silently out of the forest and walked over to him.

  “Benray,” Jake said to the nearest man, “thanks for coming so quickly. You’re in charge until I return. Erling and I are going after Toemeka.”

  He turned to Zac. “You and Onolyn can fly Erling’s family to Jaipar.”

  “Onolyn can fly them back,” Zac said. “I’m staying with Erling. I’m his bodyguard.”

  “You’ll follow orders,” Jake said.

  “I’m going after Toemeka alone,” Michio said.

  “You won’t stand a chance alone,” Jake said. “Cadmus’ compound is nearly impenetrable. I know my way around. You don’t.”

  Blaster fire rang out, hitting one of the guerialla soldiers in the head, knocking him to the ground.

  Jake yelled, “Take cover!”

  Michio slid behind a tree and returned fire. Resistance soldiers and Coalition agents joined in while Erling’s family scattered into the forest. Michio fired off a few more rounds, then raced into the woods. He continued firing at the soldiers as Erling and Onolyn raced toward him.

  Once everyone was in the woods, Onolyn said, “Should I gather Erling’s family together and make a run for the ship?”

  “No,” said Erling. “It’s too dangerous. There isn’t enough cover.”

  A loud boom pierced the air as one of the ships blew up, throwing them all to the ground. The other ship exploded right after it. Michio’s ears rang as he crawled over to one of the Resistance soldiers. When he got close, he saw that half the man’s face was blown off. Onolyn lay nearby. Michio felt for her pulse, afraid she was dead as well. “Onolyn, wake up.” She moaned and relief spread through him.

  Zac crawled over. “Are you all right, Onolyn?” he asked in a panicked voice.

  “I think so,” she said weakly.

  “Clear out!” Jake ordered.

  Zac helped Onolyn to her feet and they followed Jake.

  Erling put his arm around his mother and together they moved deeper into the forest with Richwood and Sharma following. Breezy stayed behind with Jake, firing at the soldiers to give her family a chance to escape.

  Michio crossed over to Jake. “Where’s the military compound? I’m going after Toemeka.”

  “Benray can take you there.”

  A man with a thick beard covering the lower half his face drew close. “I’ll be glad to help free Toemeka. She’s a brave woman to go into that concentration camp.”

  “Erling and I will take his family to safety,” Jake continued. “After you free Toemeka, Benray can lead you to our rendezvous place. Good luck.”

  “Good luck to you as well,” Michio said.

  “We’ll give you and Benray cover.” Jake and Breezy fired a round at the soldiers and Benray took off running, weaving through the trees. Michio followed, amazed that such a burly man could move so fast

  “Where are we going?” Michio asked, once he caught up to him.

  “We’ve got a truck a couple of miles from here. I’ll drive you to the compound.”

  “Is there a way into the compound?”

  “There’s always a way.”


  Unholy Sacrifice

  Toemeka pressed against the door of the military air-car, wanting to get as far away from Cadmus as possible. Primal terror made it hard for her to think. She was back in Cadmus’ hands and knew he wouldn’t show her any mercy this time. Although she felt his eyes upon her, she kept her gaze fastened on the view out the window. The surrounding buildings lay in rubble from when Samrat Condor’s space fleet bombed Tismus. She knew this area well and felt sickened at the sight of so much devastation.

  Before long they reached the military compound, which was comprised of a series of barracks and several large buildings. It also had an enormous airfield with hundreds of fighter aircraft lined up for battle.

  Cadmus took her inside the nearest building. The receptionist at the front desk looked up when he entered. “Commander Rochambeau, while you were out, Samrat Condor arrived with a fleet of ships. You’re to report to him immediately.”

  “I didn’t know he was coming to Alandra!” Cadmus exclaimed.

  “No one did. It’s caused a stir among the officers.”

  “I’m sure it has.” Cadmus’ grip on Toemeka’s arm tightened as he started down the hallway. “You need to be safely hidden away before I meet Samrat Condor.”

  A chill of dread blasted through Toemeka. Samrat Condor was here and could wipe out the Resistance. When they reached a door at the end of the corridor, Cadmus pushed the number keys on the lock and opened the door. “Get inside.”

  Before she could comply, Samrat Condor and his men appeared in the hallway.

  “Commander Rochambeau,” Samrat Condor said, “I was just notified you had returned.”

  Toemeka took a step backward, feeling the force of Samrat Condor’s negative power. He stood over eight feet as he was from a tall race of copper-skinned people. His face was badly scarred on one side, his head was bald with a high forehead, and his eyes were wide-set and heavily-hooded.


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