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Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy

Page 30

by Heidi Skarie

“I’ll go alone if you won’t go with me. I’m not abandoning Michio.”

  “We’re partners. If that’s what we decide to do, we’ll search for them together.” He paused and cleared his throat. “First, we’ll have to go back to the Owayan camp and look for them among the dead.”

  Toemeka’s stomach twisted in horror and she stammered, “I… I don’t think I can do that. I mean, I will, but the thought of looking through the dead for Michio…”

  “It’s all right. You can guard while I do it.”

  “No, Michio’s my husband. I should be the one looking for him.”

  “I want to spare you that. I can’t imagine how I’d feel searching for Koriann among a bunch of bloody corpses.”

  “Michio’s not dead!” she snapped. “Neither is Jake.” She was afraid she’d shatter emotionally if Michio was found among the dead. It was too terrible to think about.

  “We’d better get some sleep,” Erling said. “I’ll take first watch.”

  “We could both sleep.”

  “Too risky. We don’t have anything to tie us to the tree. Besides, the giant night buzzards might decide we’re still in their territory.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” She lay on the rough bark with her head on Erling’s thigh and he firmly clasped her upper arm. Inwardly she focused on Master Bakka and asked him to protect Michio and Jake.



  Koriann sat in a council meeting with the twelve-member Jaiparian governing board. Erling’s seat was conspicuously empty. The discussion turned to the importance of keeping the planet united in the event of another attack by Samrat Condor.

  “King Zanton is stirring up his allies against us,” Hideo said. He was the oldest man on the council and had also served on her father’s council. “He’s supposed to be guarded, but he always finds a way to get messages out.”

  “Prince Erling is the only one with enough influence to imprison King Zanton and still keep the planet united.” Captain Orneil said

  Hideo looked uncomfortably at Koriann for a second, then cleared his voice and said, “We need to consider who will fill the head of the military position on a more permanent basis, in case Prince Erling doesn’t return.”

  Koriann went rigid. “It’s unnecessary; he’ll make it back.”

  “Two operatives sent to Alandra found no leads. It’s as if he just disappeared.”

  She glared at him. “This type of mission often takes time.” She stood abruptly and walked out, upset that the matter was brought up. Erling, where are you? Her chest tightened and tears gathered. Please don’t ever do this to me again. Your place is here. Not off on a mission, even if it’s to rescue your family.

  She entered her father’s former office, not wanting anyone to see her break into tears. Nothing had been changed since he’d died fifteen years ago. Through a blur of tears, she looked around the room. It reminded her so much of him. His massive desk, portraits of past rulers, and a large wall map of Alandra. He’d been a great leader and she could never fill his role. She walked to the bookshelf and studied it a moment before finding the right book and pulling it forward. A section of bookshelf slid open to reveal the secret tunnel. The smell of stale air hit her nostrils. She peered inside, remembering the day her father showed it to her. The tunnel was built as a way to escape the palace in case of an attack..

  She’d never forget the night she was awakened by her nursemaid and led to the tunnel through a hidden exit in her room. A frightened child of ten, she’d been exhausted by the time they’d traversed the tunnel and hiked to Embrosa and Dr. Leyran’s home. It was then that she’d found out she was the only member of her family to survive. Her parents and brothers had been murdered in their beds.

  It was hard being reared by Embrosa, the strict and demanding Resistance leader. She’d raised Koriann to be strong and never let her forget her responsibility to her people. Fortunately, her husband, Leyran, was a heart person; he was the one who nurtured her through the pain of losing her family.

  The coup of the palace had been followed by a rapid takeover of the country and executions of all the nobility. Her childhood friend, Zachary, was from a noble family. He and his family escaped from Jaipar and hid in the spiritual mountain village of Kumba.

  She’d known Michio from childhood as well. He wasn’t from Jaipar, but he’d visited on several occasions with his father. He was five years older than Koriann, and she’d always sensed something special about him and enjoyed his visits. She’d come to know Toemeka and Onolyn when they arrived in the City of Silver Light with their Coalition team to fight alongside the Kameets Resistance, for Jaipar’s freedom.

  It was unbearable to think that her husband and dear friends might all dead. Was the child she carried all she’d ever have of Erling? And sweet Baymond all she had left of her friends?

  As she slid the book back into place, the displaced section of bookshelf moved into its former position. She’d never been in the tunnel since the day of her escape, but had maintained it in case she ever needed it.

  Did Erling, her handsome, courageous, loving best friend and husband, know or suspect what he was putting her through? Please return to me! she begged inwardly. She sank into her father’s leather chair and wept, giving in to the grief she’d held back for so long. Pain spilled out of her as she sobbed. To have loved so much and now feel so alone. Sobs wracked her body until her chest ached and her throat felt raw. Still she continued to cry, despairing that she’d ever be happy again.

  Finally her tears subsided and she felt a little better. Her head was stuffy and forehead ached, but it was a relief to let go and not always be so brave. So much rested on her shoulders — not just the welfare of Jaipar, but the whole Planet Borko, which needed to stay united. Hideo was right; at some point they’d have to find someone to take Erling’s place as head of the military, if he didn’t return. But who? He’d united a whole planet and brought them to victory over Samrat Condor. He was respected and he’d proven himself in battle and in leadership. He was a hero and heroes weren’t easily replaced.

  Queen Koriann looked through the stack of papers on her desk. She always had so much work to do, so many decisions to make. She longed for Erling’s wise council and companionship.

  She was engrossed in one paper when a knock on the office door startled her. She didn’t know how long she’d been working. “Who is it?” she asked, not wanting anyone to see that she’d been weeping.


  “Just a minute.” Koriann rose and looked in the wall mirror. There was no hiding her red swollen eyes and puffy face, but she couldn’t turn him away.

  She opened the door and Dr. Leyran limped in followed by Embrosa. After taking one look at her, he took her in his arms. “Captain Orneil called us. He’s concerned about you. How are you doing?”

  “Not well. At the council meeting Hideo brought up appointing a new head of the military, as if it was a forgone conclusion that Erling’s dead.” Tears started streaming down her face again. “He’s not dead.”

  “Of course not.”

  “I’m sorry for crying.”

  “It’s just your hormones. It happens to all pregnant women.”

  She stepped away from him and wiped her eyes. “I can’t blame what I feel on hormones.”

  “The council should be disbanded for their incompetency,” Embrosa said. “Of course Erling’s going to return home. He’s one of the best warriors I’ve ever met. And with him is Michio, an Ahimsa warrior; Captain Zachery, head of the guards; as well as Toemeka and Onolyn, loyal Coalition operatives and teammates.” She embraced Koriann. “You’re not alone, Koriann. We’re here to support you.”


  Toemeka kept guard the last part of the night. As she sat listening for the sound of soldiers or buzzards, she ached for her infant son. She hadn’t expected to be separated from him for so long. After her family was killed, she’d joined the Coalition, wanting to stop Samrat Condor’s takeover of the
free worlds. Now, with the destruction of Coalition headquarters and takeover of Alandra, that goal seemed further away than ever. She decided if she made it back to Jaipar, it was time to let go of the past and make Michio and their child her priority.

  When the sun rose, the wind picked up and began to blow the tree’s large, blue-green leaves. Erling stirred and sat up. “Thanks for letting me sleep.”

  “Did you sleep well?”

  He stretched. “Not really. Sleeping in a tree isn’t comfortable and I’m cold. How are you doing?”

  “I’m tired and hungry.”

  “Are you still determined to go after Michio and Jake?”

  “Yes, I’m not leaving them in Cadmus’ hands.”

  “What if they weren’t captured? If we go back, we could needlessly expose ourselves to danger and delay getting my family off this planet.” Agitated, she started to interrupt. He held up a hand. “Let me finish. I think it’s time to try to meet Michio in the Inner Worlds again.”

  “It’s too dangerous. Cadmus is waiting for me.”

  “Searching for Michio and Jake is even more dangerous. What if you traveled to a Temple in the higher regions of the Inner Worlds? Inner Temples are protected by guardians and Rochambeau could never gain entrance.”

  Toemeka tapped her fingers against the bark. “I suppose I could try traveling to a Temple,” she said, hesitantly. “I can’t think of a better idea.” She paused to think as she braided her hair into a single rope to keep it from blowing around. “I could go to the Temple of Amrita and contact Michio from there.”

  “I’ll keep guard while you’re out of your body.”

  Toemeka closed her eyes, uncertain if she was skilled enough to travel to the Temple. She focused inwardly and chanted shonu, the word Master Bakka gave her and Michio to facilitate connecting inwardly. Although chanting helped her feel more at peace and uplifted her consciousness, she was unable to leave her body.

  She knew the anxiety of Cadmus finding her held her back. She renewed her efforts, focusing on the love she felt for Michio and a desire to be with him. As love filled her heart, her anxiety faded. She felt a slight shift, then flew free of her body and found herself in the astral world.

  She visualized the tall, circular Temple of Amrita and the colorful gardens near its entrance. Before she could move into the higher worlds, a deep baritone voice said, You’ll never escape me.

  Cadmus! she thought, recognizing his voice. Dread filled her and in the next instant she was alone on the side of a cliff with a ferocious wind blowing against her. In the distance, thunder rumbled and flashes of lightning filled the sky.

  Where am I? She looked around for Michio, calling his name. The wind snatched away her words and beat against her clothes. Michio, find me!

  She thought about going to the Temple, but was afraid another Spirit Flight would attract Cadmus. She focused deeper and deeper within, letting the bond between her and Michio reach into the physical world. Michio, if you can hear me, please come.

  She felt his unique energy, then the air shimmered and Michio appeared in a glowing body of Light. She ran into his arms.

  My love, he said, holding her close and kissing her tenderly.

  Her chest tightened. Are you alive in the physical world?

  Yes, Jake and I escaped.

  When I saw the teepee bombed, I was afraid you were in it.

  He held her even closer. We’d already left the teepee to search for you and Erling.

  I was captured at the river and overheard soldiers’ plans to attack the camp, but I couldn’t do anything to stop them. She shuddered. Erling freed me but we were too late to warn the Owayan warriors and they were slaughtered.

  I know. Jake and I saw the attack and were captured. Kumaroo and some of the others escaped. He freed us and gave us an axterdon.

  I’m glad you’re free. Erling and I were going to search for you. A flash of lightning lit the sky followed by another boom of thunder. Toemeka looked up at the darkening sky. We can’t stay long. A bad storm is rising. Erling and I will meet you at the farm.

  If you get there and we don’t show up within a day, don’t wait. You need to rejoin Erling’s family and get off this planet. Go home to Baymond. Trust that I’ll find my way back.

  She shook her head. I won’t leave without you.

  You must. Rochambeau is pursuing you. Promise me you’ll leave no matter what. Baymond needs you.

  She nodded. I won’t wait more than a day.

  Lightning flashed and Toemeka realized they had to leave; there was no place to take shelter on the ledge. A heavy rain started pouring down. They kissed, ignoring the cold water that splashed on their heads, ran down their faces and drenched their clothes.

  I wish we were together in the physical world so I could protect you from Rochambeau. Michio held her close one last time. I’ll see you at the farm in Kossel. He released her and was gone.

  Toemeka focused on her physical body, expecting to return instantly. Nothing happened. She was trapped in this stormy place.

  She sensed Rochambeau close by and threw up a shield of Light as she started running along the ledge, searching for shelter from the torrential rain. Negative energy swirled around her and she felt Rochambeau hunting her. Panic tightened her throat.


  Erling felt a tingling up his spine and wondered if it was a premonition of danger. Perhaps soldiers were near. Although Toemeka was in deep contemplation, her initial peaceful state now seemed agitated.

  Erling looked through the leafy canopy to the ground below. He didn’t see anything to be concerned about, but the uneasy feeling didn’t leave him. Then movement caught his eye. He watched closely and soon made out soldiers heading for the tree he and Toemeka hid in.

  His heart jumped to his throat. How had they found them? Even as he asked, he knew. Cadmus must have been waiting for Toemeka to contact Michio, sensing when she left her body. He must have traced her Light Body to her physical body somehow. Erling now regretted suggesting such a perilous plan.

  Toemeka’s chest rose and fell in short nervous breaths.

  “Toe, wake up. We have to get out of here.”

  There was no response.

  He gave her a shake. “Come back to your body.”

  She remained in a trance-like state,

  Hundreds of birds suddenly flew into the air with cries of alarm. He peered down through the leaves to see what startled them. Far below a soldier started climbing up the trunk.


  Michio reappeared in front of Toemeka. I sensed you were in trouble.

  I can’t return to my body.

  I’ll bring you back. He took her hand. Focus on your physical body.

  She visualized sitting beside Erling and imagined the feel of the bark behind her back and beneath her legs. She heard alarmed bird songs and felt a subtle shift. Opening her eyes, she was back in her physical body in a heavy rain shower.

  “Toemeka, you’re back!” Erling exclaimed. “We have to get out of here. Rochambeau traced you and soldiers are just below us climbing the tree!”

  She scrambled to her feet and hurried along the branch after him, heading toward the limbs of neighboring trees. Below her, the nearest soldier had almost reached the branch they were on.

  “Run!” Erling yelled as he started racing toward the neighboring tree branches. She followed close behind, but rain made the branch slippery and keeping her balance became increasingly difficult.

  “Stop or I’ll shoot,” a soldier yelled.

  Ahead of her, Erling stopped to glance back. A soldier stood near the trunk where the branch they stood on connected to the tree. His blaster was aimed at them.

  “Don’t stop!” Toemeka exclaimed. “He won’t shoot me and can’t get a clear shot of you with me in the way.”

  “They’ve shot at you before.”

  “Go. Cadmus wants me alive.”

  Erling tore along the tree limb and she followed, afraid of being shot in the b

  The branches of neighboring trees intertwined with the branches of the tree they were on. When the limbs became thick enough, Erling jumped to the neighboring tree. He turned to look back just as Toemeka jumped. She wobbled unsteadily and he seized her arm to stabilize her.

  “Got your balance?” he asked.

  “Yes, go.” She dashed after Erling, heading for the tree trunk. His foot slipped on the wet bark and he fell to one knee, then scrambled up and moved deeper under the cover of the tree canopy. They reached the trunk, then climbed from branch to branch, encircling the tree, protected from the worst of the rain by its large leaves.

  Toemeka glanced back. “He’s following us.”

  “More soldiers are probably climbing this tree. Keep going.”


  When Michio shifted his attention back to his physical body, he discovered it was raining. He rose and glanced around for Jake.

  “Any luck?” Jake asked walking over.

  “Yes, I connected with Toemeka. She and Erling were going back to search for us. After all that’s happened, can you believe she’d even consider such a foolish thing? She knows Cadmus is tracking her.”

  “I’d be surprised if she wasn’t considering it. You don’t know what Toemeka’s made of if you think she’d leave us to perish at Cadmus’ hands.”

  Michio bristled at the implication that Jake knew Toemeka better than he did.

  Jake kept talking. “This projecting-out-of-the-body-thing is pretty useful. Maybe I’ll get Breezy to teach me how to do it.”

  “Good luck,” Michio mumbled under his breath as he mounted the axterdon.

  He helped Jake up and kicked the beast in its sides. The creature lifted its heavy tail off the ground and began racing through the forest as if it sensed danger.

  After several hours, the axterdon showed no signs of fatigue even though it was burdened with the weight of two large men. When it grew dark, they stopped for the night and ate some dried meat-and-berry mixture Kumaroo had packed for them.

  “Did Kumaroo include food for the axterdon?” Michio asked.

  Jake glanced over and saw the axterdon chewing on leaves. “Looks like it can forage for food.” He yawned. “Do you mind taking the first shift? I’m wasted.”


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