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Build-A-Harem- The Island Collection

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by Zachariah Dracoulis









  Cat girls.

  That’s what convinced me to dive out of the Re.Generation base game and into the ‘Harem Paradise’ that was promised on the back alley poster.

  Two cat girls in skimpy lingerie that honestly threw me completely off-guard with how, ahem, ‘excited’ they made me.

  So, without a second’s thought, I tapped the ‘PLAY NOW’ button at the bottom of the poster expecting to feel the initial jerky, queasy feeling I’d first experienced when I’d entered the permanent, full-immersion virtual reality world of Re.Gen who knows how long beforehand.

  No such thing though, no, instead I was simply and suddenly in a white, door-lined hallway dressed in nothing but a white bathrobe.

  “Hello, William Thaddeus Daxter,” a soothing female voice said from within my head, “welcome to Harem Paradise.”

  “Everyone calls me Dax.” I replied out of instinct, my mind still struggling to adjust to the new space I was in.

  “That’s nice, William Thaddeus Daxter,” the voice said with just a twinge of condescension, “would you like to initialize the tutorial?”

  I frowned at the fact that the construct was refusing to call me by my name, but managed to get past that and shake my head, “How hard could this be?”

  “You’d be surprised,” the voice quietly chuckled, “please, pick a room.”

  I wanted to ask a few questions, the first being about the hall I was in as opposed to the advertised island, though I didn’t see much of a point in that and instead decided to start walking.

  Without really thinking about it, I skipped past the first few doors, stopping only when I realized that the hall wasn’t just long, it was endless.

  “Alright,” I murmured as I turned to face the door on my immediate left, “let’s see what’s behind door number one…”

  I’m not going to lie to you, there was a small part of me that was rather hesitant about turning that first silver doorknob, mostly because I had the strangest feeling that that would mean I was completely committed to seeing out a new world filled with fantasy and wonder.

  It might sound a bit weird, but think about the first time you ever used your laptop or phone to look up porn, or even the first time you picked up a dirty magazine at a gas station.

  It’s thrilling, it’s terrifying, and more than a little embarrassing.

  Now imagine that ten-fold and that someone spotting you also probably means that they will capture footage of you doing the do and share it with everyone in the whole wide universe.

  Unless you’re a celebrity, in which case you already know what that feels like.

  Anyway, I eventually found the strength, both emotional and psychological, and turned the knob, pushed open the door, and got ready to see what the new expansion had to offer.

  “An octopus?” I asked confusedly as I looked into the room and saw the slippery cephalopod sprawled out over the king-sized bed, “An octo-oh… Oh, yeah, no…”

  There was a part of me that was curious because of course there was, but I wanted to start off slow, so I pulled the door back shut and took one, slightly overly tentative step backwards.

  “Okay, can you tell me which one of these doors is something… I don’t know, human?” I asked as I stood staring at the octopus’ door.

  No response.

  “Hello?” I called as quietly as I could without actually being silent before accepting that the voice was gone, “Alright, I guess… I guess I’ll have a look around then.”

  I tried a couple of other doors after that, most of which opened onto various dungeon-like scenes and inter-species orgies, and started to become somewhat concerned that the game didn’t have an ‘easy’ mode.

  “Come on,” I sighed after closing a door that led onto a bunch of naked gnomes throwing cabbage at each other, “I just need something simple, something less… specific. I just want a single, human girl to get me acquainted with the system.”

  The last word had just escaped my lips when the hallway went ahead and decided to change my mind for me with the door I’d just opened.

  “Well,” I let out with a little huff of amusement, “guess I was wrong.”

  Cat girls.

  Two almost identical sexy cat girls with short vibrant blue hair, the only difference between them being that one was wearing red lacy lingerie and the other was wearing blue.

  They were both waiting for me on the queen-sized bed, because apparently threesomes require less space, and they were both clearly very happy to see me.

  “You coming in?” the one on the left asked with a sultry smile.

  “Or do we have to come and get you?” the other one added.

  “Not on your life,” I chuckled as I slipped into the room, turned around to face the door, and shut it, “but do you mind if we take it a bit slow? I… Well, it’s just that I’m new here and…”

  “Don’t worry, we don’t bite.” the first girl, let’s call her Red, whispered into my ear after silently coming up behind me.

  “Much.” the second, Blue, finished in my other ear before giving it a slight nibble.

  “Oh no, I can handle this,” I said confidently without turning around, “I just don’t want to overexert myself and accidently…”

  I didn’t really want to say the words ‘get ejected from the game’ for fear that I’d jinx myself, but I was genuinely worried that the game wasn’t in a solid state and that I was mere moments from being pulled back into the base game.

  And then one of the girls reached into my robe, past my chiseled abs, and grabbed ahold of my steadily growing member, making all that worry and fear slip away.

  “Why don’t you come to the bed and see if we can help you relax?” Red asked as she ran her unbelievably soft hand up and down at an almost painfully slow pace.

  “Alright.” I replied as deeply as I could past the catch in my throat, struggling to keep my eyes open as I did so, before realizing that I was as good as physically incapable of forming any more words.

  Evidently, that didn’t matter, as Blue gently pulled off my robe while Red let her grip slip away and walked back over to the bed.

  With my confidence growing the more aroused I got, I turned around and saw that Red had climbed up onto the bed on all fours and was slowly swaying her petite ass and tail while looking over her shoulder with a sly smile.

  “Well?” Blue said as she took my hand and started leading me towards Red, “Are you going to help her get those off?”

  It took me a moment to realize that she meant her perfectly lined panties, but even when I did I decided to make an effort not to seem overly eager.

  “I suppose I shall.” I finally replied boldly as Blue released my hand and crawled up onto the bed where she started passionately kissing Red.

  Doing my best not to cum right then and there, I started running my fingers up the back of Red’s thigh, eliciting a pleased little sound, before reaching the lace where I let two of my fingers slide under and along the frilly fabric.

  “Stop toying with me,” Red said with just the right amount of bossiness as her tail flicked around, “I’m ready now.”

  “See, that just makes me want to take longer.” I teased with a smile before grabbing the tiny section of fabric on her hips and pulling it down, making sure to let the lining tickle her thighs all the way until I’d gotten them off her ankles.

  “Let me guide you.” Blue practically squeaked as she came t
o the end of the bed and grabbed my hard cock as softly as she could with all her obvious enthusiasm.

  “Take it easy,” I said, my voice holding strong as I let my hands fall into place on Red’s hips, “I promise you’ll get your chance.”

  Blue seemed slightly embarrassed, her cheeks going a rich shade of red, but she eventually released me and let me get into position on my own.

  “Are you ready?” I asked in a deliberate attempt to frustrate Red.

  “Oh for God’s sake,” Red groaned before pushing her ass against my groin, allowing my cock to graze along her pussy, then looked up at me with a mixture of desperation and irritation, “does that not feel ready to you?”

  I chuckled slightly then gave her a nod, “If you’re sure.”

  She was still looking up at me when I first thrust into her, allowing me to catch the exact moment where she realized what she’d signed up for. Her eye’s half closed, her mouth opened wide, and this weak sort of moan escaped her lips.

  “Are you still sure?” I asked jokingly as I slowly pulled back, causing her to grip at the sheets and tense around me.

  Before she could answer, I’d thrusted again, eliciting a stronger, more resounding moan of pleasure from her as Blue looked on, biting her lip and tracing her fingertips over her chest.

  “Okay,” I muttered as I started to thrust harder and faster, “I’m starting to really like this game.”

  Without saying another word, I took one of my hands off Red’s hips and put it behind Blue’s head, gently pulling her towards me for a moment before she realized what I was doing and practically lunged forward, locking her lips with mine and kissing me passionately while Red continued to let out moan after moan.

  “Never mind,” I said after breaking away from Blue as waves of pleasure started to rock their way through me, “I love this game!”

  The waves were reaching a crescendo.

  “Yes…” Red moaned as Blue started kissing me again.

  The waves were stronger.

  “Yes.” Red gasped out.

  Oceans of pressure were building up.

  “Yes!” Red cried out.

  Suddenly water was everywhere.

  Not everywhere.

  I was in the water.

  The girls were gone.

  A wave slammed me into the hard sand.

  I was lost.

  The midday sky and the ocean indistinguishable from each other.

  I was drowning.

  I was panicking.

  I was pulled back up into another wave then slammed once more.

  I couldn’t breathe.

  I couldn’t swim.

  My heart was pounding out of my chest.

  And then the water retreated.

  I was on the shore.

  I’d survived.

  “Hello, William Thaddeus Daxter,” a coarse, almost cowboy-like male voice said from just in front of me while I laid face down in the sand, struggling to breathe, “welcome to Harem Paradise.”

  I was still choking on a mixture of warm sand and freezing water, but, with my final few seconds of consciousness, I managed to get out four words, “My name… is Dax.”

  “That’s nice,” the male voice scoffed, “William Thaddeus Daxter.”


  As much as it pains me to admit, I let out a high pitched squeal as the cold wave that awoke me crashed over my ankles, causing me to scramble forward like a panicked crab before losing my balance and propelling my face into the sand.

  “That was funny,” the coarse voice chuckled, “how are you feeling?”

  “Cold,” I replied without lifting my face out of the sand, “annoyed, and confused. How long was I out?”

  “I dunno, three seconds? Time can be a bit weird out here for the first few days, especially with sleep cycles.”

  “Yeah, well, as long as there are more cat girls I don’t give a damn.”

  “Cat girls?” the voice scoffed, “Partner, you’ve got a while before you see cat girls again. They’ve gotta make that loading sequence less appealing…”

  “Loading seq-Jesus!” I yelped after lifting my head out of the sand and seeing the eight-foot-long Komodo dragon sitting in front of me.

  “Ease your roll there, friend,” the dragon said calmly, “I promise I ain’t gonna hurt you.”

  I was frozen stiff, staring into the eyes of the lizard in front of me as he licked his lips, waiting for certain death.

  “I-I don’t want any trouble.” I stuttered out fearfully, waiting for more of the massive lizards to come out of the jungle about two dozen feet up the shore.

  “I would hope not,” the dragon chuckled in response, “we’ll be workin’ together for quite some time, so the last thing we need is any unnecessary trouble.”

  “You-you’re a lizard.”

  “I’m a Jesse, actually,” the lizard replied bitterly, “and I’d be grateful if you’d go ahead and refer to me as such, human.”

  I wasn’t sure why he’d taken such offense to being called a lizard, he was one after all, but my experience with people had taught me that it just saves a lot of time if you call them by what they want.

  Speaking of.

  “Alright then, Jesse,” I said as I nervously got up off my stomach and onto my feet, making sure not to break eye-contact with the lizard as I did so, “you can call me Dax.”

  “I can call you whatever I like.”

  “And why’s that?”

  “Because I can bite you and poison you.”

  He had a point, he was using it to be a bit of a douche, but he did have a point.

  “Okay, fine, call me what you want,” I sighed in an effort to hide the fact that I was absolutely terrified, “what is this place?”

  “That’s a bit obvious, ain’t it?” Jesse chuckled before going up on his hind legs and pointing over his shoulder, “This is an island.”

  “I can see that,” I replied, pretending that the fact that he was standing didn’t up the scare-factor, “but… Okay, why am I on an island?”

  “Because you’re playing a game where you start on an island,” Jesse said matter-of-factly, “I’m sorry, did you end up in here by mistake or somethin’, ‘cause you seem awful confused.”

  “No, I just… This was advertised as a harem simulator and… well, I don’t see a harem.”

  “Do you have a mine in the beginning of Minecraft? Do you have a republic in KoTOR? Do you have a halo in the beginning of Halo?”

  I just stared at him blankly for a few seconds after that, all my fear having been replaced entirely by confusion, “I… don’t know? I’m sorry, not much of that made sense.”

  Jesse went to scold me, stopping just short of saying anything as if something had just dawned on him, “Oh, right, you probably don’t remember much of… Alright, my point is that this is a game, and the point of the game is to build a harem.”

  “Build a harem?” I scoffed.

  “Yes, build a harem,” Jesse scoffed right back, “seriously, why doesn’t anyone do the tutorial?”

  “Because it’s optional,” I replied as if it was a completely justifiable thing to say, “if you want people to do it, you’d be better off making it mandatory.”

  I hadn’t realized it yet, but there was some part of me that was starting to accept that it was perfectly normal for me to be talking to a lizard. Don’t get me wrong, I was still waiting for him to take a bite out of me, but I’d started to see him as a person.

  Kind of.

  “Look, I don’t need to be judged by you,” I said after a few seconds of Jesse staring at me like I’d slapped him in the face with a stop sign, “how do I build a harem? Do I just pick a site and start bringing in the ladies?”

  “Eh, it’s a bit more complicated, especially with that.” Jesse replied, pointing to my stomach.

  “Wha-oh my God!” I shouted as I discovered that my washer board abs had been replaced by a sad sort of paunch, “Where’d they go?”

  “I a
ssume you’re talking about the abs that you had?” Jesse asked, taking far too much delight with my horror for my liking, “Yeah, they’re gone, will be until you start working out and eating right. Besides, it ain’t that bad, it’s just a bit… average.”

  “I don’t want to be average,” I snapped, “I want abs, and pecs, and women.”

  “Those first two are easy done. Get fit.”

  “But why?”

  Jesse regarded me with confusion for a few seconds after that, “So you can get abs and… pecs? I’m sorry, friend, but I don’t understand what’s trippin’ you up about that.”

  “The fact that I’m playing videogame porn and that I have to get fit if I want to be… fit.” I groaned, hearing only then how whiny I sounded.

  “It’s to give you a sense of accomplishment.” Jesse said while I went on having some pretty severe body confidence issues before dropping back down on all fours and walking along the beach, “C’mon, why don’t you just give it a try? You might have fun.”

  “I wanna have fun,” I sighed as I trotted after Jesse, “sex is fun.”

  “Sex is fun,” Jesse agreed, forcing me to think about all the lizard sex he’d had, “but you know what else is fun? A compelling gamin’ experience!”

  “You’re like the world’s most annoying school counselor. You know that the more you try to push me away from sex and drugs the more I’m going to want to do it, right?” I asked as sarcastically as I could.

  “Kid, I ain’t gonna to stop you from gettin’ some somethin’ somethin’,” Jesse replied as we got further up the beach and a cold wind whipped across my bare ass, “but I also ain’t about to pretend that this is gonna be a cakewalk of fuck.”

  “Alright, not a school counselor.” I said, taken aback by the phrase ‘cakewalk of fuck’.

  “Not if you want mindless robots that follow all the rules.”

  “Says the guy leading me on a strict path.” I muttered.

  “Says the guy helpin’ you fulfill a kick-ass harem experience.” Jesse retorted before letting out a prolonged sigh, “I don’t have to be doin’ this, you know? I could’ve left you behind on that beach back there, I’m smart enough. I’m choosin’ to help you out.”


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