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Build-A-Harem- The Island Collection

Page 15

by Zachariah Dracoulis

  What? I’d just barely survived an explosion, it wasn’t like I was a hundred percent focused on her breasts anymore.

  Red didn’t seem to mind that I wasn’t at ‘full power’ though, Hell, she actually seemed kind of amused by it based on her sly grin, and before long she’d started to stroke, her mesmerizing eyes locked with mine as she did so.

  Now, I hadn’t really had any sort of underwater sexual experience up until that point. I’d tried with an ex at the beach one time, but that had just resulted with me losing my board shorts and, soon afterward, getting dumped on the sand.

  Twice if you count the wave and the girl.

  Anyway, my point is that I wasn’t really sure what to do other than try my best to stay roughly where I was, which was trickier than you’d think.

  It was kind of like patting your head and rubbing your belly while someone was jacking you off.

  However, Red seemed more than a little familiar with scuba-whoopie and, as a result, was more than happy to guide me through the process, not that there was much guiding necessary.

  In fact the hardest thing I ended up having to do was keep my eyes open as she expertly stroked, using her fingers and thumb to occasionally rub and massage between up and down beats.

  She’d apparently thought of that though and, with a cute sort of playful nudging, started to gently force our bubbles against each other until they sort of popped together, at which point she started to kiss me.

  Her bare breasts were pushed up against my chest, her free fingers were running through my hair, and her strokes were getting faster and harder.

  I couldn’t say anything, Hell, I could barely keep myself stable, but there was something about Red that made me fine with not being in control, and it wasn’t just the way she expertly moved her fingers and threw in a gentle squeeze every so often.

  It was that she was magnetic.

  I wanted to grab every part of her.

  No, I needed to.

  Seriously, it was involuntary, and while I certainly wasn’t complaining as I got to grope her phenomenal breasts, there was some part of me that knew it was for her benefit.

  She wanted me to touch her.

  She wanted me to cum.

  I was willing to go along with her wants, don’t get me wrong, but it was a strange feeling to have someone enjoying the act more than I was.

  I didn’t know if it was just that it made her feel like she was repaying me or if it was something slightly less… altruistic.

  Thing is, every time I tried to focus on Red and why she was doing what she was doing, she’d look deep into my eyes and I just wouldn’t care anymore.

  “Cum for me…” she whispered with what sounded like an echo in her voice.

  I wanted to follow her command, but my body just wasn’t ready to finish in the slightest.

  But then she repeated herself, “Cum for me, Dax, you know you want to…” and I simply lost all control.

  It was like a spell had been cast over me, like my cock had been hypnotized.

  As fun and funny as that may sound, I have to admit that there was a small amount of concern in me.

  However, as soon as I started to cum I lost any and all sense of worry as a long groan escaped my lips, spurring Red to lock her smiling ones with mine.

  Not going to lie, I kind of felt like she was trying to suck the air out of my lungs for a second there, but that feeling was quashed as Red finally pulled her hand away and returned to her own bubble.

  “Je-sus Christ…” I muttered with a satisfied smile, ignoring the fact that somehow there was no sign of the ‘final product’ that should’ve been floating around and stickily clouding my mostly flaccid member, “what was that?”

  “Just a little thank you,” Red replied with a grin, “and maybe I get a bit of a kick out of it myself.”

  “You know what?” I chuckled, “I really like you.”

  Yeah, I’m pretty sure you can guess that I was going to eat those words pretty soon after.


  After making sure I was mostly cleaned up, I gestured my head up towards the water’s surface, “Come on, we should make sure that little explosion of yours hasn’t burned down my island.”

  “Oh, I don’t imagine it would’ve,” Red replied as I started swimming up, “I’m rather good at keeping that sort of thing contained.”

  “Heh, I’ll say,” I let out with a stunned laugh as I broke the surface of the water and was greeted by the sight of a somewhat smoldering but mostly just collapsed ship, “how’d you manage that?”

  “Little bit of magic,” Red replied after joining me above water, “a whole lot of gunpowder.”

  I have to say, that was enough to get me excited to have some real fun with the magic of the world, but I accepted that it’d probably have to wait for another day.

  “So,” I said while I lazily swam towards the shoreline, “why do they call you ‘Red’?”

  “They have their reasons,” Red answered cryptically, “why do they call you ‘Dax’?”

  “Because my full name annoys the Hell out of me.” I replied with a half-smile before reaching a point where the water was shallow enough for me to start walking.

  “What the fuck, Dax?” a thoroughly pissed off Jesse growled, bringing my attention to the rocky shore where he stood on his hind legs with the understandably concerned-looking Cassie and Fern, “Why the Hell did you blow it up?”

  “I didn’t,” I replied defensively as I waded through the waist-high water before gesturing to the gorgeous woman who was swimming up behind me, “that was all Red.”

  “Who in the good fuck is…” Jesse trailed off as I heard Red get to her feet, “Get out of the water.”

  “What?” I chuckled, watching as everyone on the shore’s faces turned to ash.

  “Listen to him, Dax,” Cassie warned, getting Fern behind her as she did, “get out of the water, right fuckin’ now.”

  I was confused to say the least, but I did as I was told and marched my way onto the shore where I turned around to see Red walking with a sort of unnatural elegance, like the water wasn’t affecting her ability to move whatsoever.

  “You know how you asked why they call me ‘Red’?” she asked as the water around her legs started to boil and evaporate, “Here’s why.”

  I didn’t get a chance to respond before her transformation began, her skin turning a bright red, her hair a pitch black, and two curled horns pushing their way out through her head as a pair of bat-like wings and a tail unfurled behind her.

  That’s the last thing I remember before waking up on my back, the hazy stars above me being the only indicator that any time had passed since I’d seen Red change.

  “What happened?” I groaned without moving, realizing the cliché only after the words had left my mouth.

  “That… thing took off,” Jesse explained from somewhere to my right, “kicked you in the head on her way up.”

  “How did you not know what she was?” Fern snapped from roughly the same place as Jesse, “Seriously, how do you see a succubus and not immediately run in the other direction?”

  “Lay off him,” Cassie said as she came to sit next to my head, “he clearly didn’t know what she was, otherwise he would have, right?”

  I wanted to say yes, but my mouth kind of felt like it had been filled with paste after I got out my first zombie-like groan.

  “Besides,” Cassie continued once it was clear I wasn’t going to respond, “he shouldn’t have been on the ship on his own.”

  “Why are you lookin’ at me like that?” Jesse asked innocently, “Ain’t my fault he didn’t call for my help.”

  “Yeah, except for the fact that, as previously established, he didn’t know he needed your help.” Cassie replied accusatorily, “You would’ve been able to tell him exactly what she was before he got anywhere near her.”

  “Speaking of,” I murmured as loudly as I could while Cassie took my temperature with the back of her hand, “
how did you guys know what she was?”

  “They all look the same when they’re in human form and don’t have access to their illusion spells,” Cassie clarified, “my bet is that that ship had some kind of dampener on it that stopped her from being able to turn back into her demon form.”

  “You mean the slave ship she was being held on?” I scoffed, causing a sort of waviness to go across my vision.

  “That wasn’t a slave ship,” Jesse said as he finally decided to come over, “that was prisoner transport vessel.”

  And just like that, I felt guilty.

  “So all the semi-alive people that just blew up?”

  “Prisoners and guards, yeah.” Jesse replied, “Probably a couple of pirates that got a pardon in exchange for using their ship to take a bunch of nasties over to a penal colony. Hence the criminal succubus that is now loose on the island.”

  “That doesn’t make sense though,” I said, forcing myself to sit up as I did so, “wouldn’t you want the strongest ship possible to move something like that? I mean, I assume succubi are the sort of thing that pack a lot of heat?”

  Cassie nodded at that, “Which is why the people in charge don’t like using their nice shiny ships to move ‘em. Succubus brings down a pirate ship out at sea, problem solved. Succubus gets to the penal colony, problem solved.”

  I have to admit, it threw me off a bit that the people in charge were happy to just let hundreds of people die, but at the same time I kind of saw the logic in it.

  “I suppose we should get home now, right?” Fern suggested from where she sat near the jungle.

  “Only if he feels alright to move,” Cassie replied before turning to me, “do you?”

  “Yeah,” I lied as I slowly got to my feet, accepting that the swirls in my vision would probably clear up when my increasingly worse headache did, “why didn’t you move me before though?”

  “Didn’t want to do more damage,” Jesse explained, “besides, you were only out for about fifteen minutes and we all agreed we wouldn’t move you until it had been twenty.”

  I didn’t feel all that great knowing that they’d opted for a ‘hope for the best’ treatment to my head injury, although I was pretty quick to accept that none of them were doctors and that knowing not to move someone with a potential spinal injury was pretty damn good.

  “Wait, fifteen minutes?” I asked as I started somewhat clumsily leading the way into the jungle, “How has it only been fifteen minutes?”

  “Just that time of day,” Cassie clarified, “one minute it was afternoon, the next it was night.”

  I got what she meant, although it still seemed kind of fishy, “Doesn’t that seem a bit weird to anyone else? You know, magic person transforms and flies and two seconds later it’s night?”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, Dax,” Jesse replied, “seemed pretty gradual to us.”

  Maybe if I wasn’t so dizzy I would’ve argued more, but the truth was I was having trouble standing let alone trying to dissect what seemed to be a pretty normal transition to everyone else.

  Hell, by the time we’d found our way back to the shelter I was barely able to stay on my feet, so you can imagine my confused disappointment when I saw the bed the girls had brought back in the fire.

  “What happened there?” I asked, fighting the stomach-emptying swimmy feeling.

  “Was covered in sand and dirt,” Cassie quickly replied, “we figured you could just make a new one.”

  She was right, of course, but I had the strangest feeling that that was only a half-truth and that other half had a little something to do with how ticked off they’d seemed on the beach.

  Again though, I was in no position to maintain any sort of conversation, much less drag out an admission of anger or frustration from either of the girls.

  So, without saying another word, I spawned a bed in roughly the middle of the shelter and stumbled towards it, my legs feeling more and more like jelly with each passing second.

  “Are you alright?” Fern asked, showing her first real sign of concern since I’d woken up.

  “Yeah, yeah, just a bit woozy is all.” I replied before flopping down onto the welcoming bed, “Figured I could use forty winks.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Cassie agreed as she came over and joined me on the bed, “I reckon I could use a few hours as well.”

  “Me too.” Fern added before coming over and snuggling up to the other side of me, “Just wish we had some blankets or something…”

  I wanted to use words, but instead I only managed a throaty grumble before making a large blanket appear over us as best as I could while facedown.

  The girls did a good job of tucking me in though, and as soon as Cassie had kicked off her somewhat stabby shorts the warm cuddles helped ease me towards a nice, deep sleep.

  And then I panicked.

  I wasn’t able to flail or anything, I couldn’t even open my eyes, but the moment I hit the point of no return to sleepy land, I remembered everything bad about passing out with a recent head injury.

  I’d flipped the coin though, forced the hands of the Fates, and all I could do was let myself drift off into what I was convinced could very well be my last dream.

  Shut up, like you haven’t been overdramatic before.


  And then I was dead.

  Just kidding, I woke up and I was fine.

  Game logic, FTW.

  Anyway, I did get up, and I felt awesome, particularly when I saw the girls were still cuddling me, although that also came with a small feeling of worry.

  Not for my safety or anything, no, but simply because I was still lying on my face and there didn’t seem to be much of a way to get up without waking them.

  “Difficult position you’ve got yourself in there,” Jesse quietly joked from the foot of the bed, “need a hand?”

  “As much as I do, I don’t see how-”

  Jesse didn’t let me finish my sentence, instead opting to grab me by the foot with his mouth and drag me out of the bed so quick I got carpet burn on my belly before landing hard on the jungle floor.

  “What the Hell?” I grumbled under my breath as I got up to my feet.

  “Look,” Jesse replied, indicating to the girls who had, miraculously, not woken up, “same principle as pullin’ a tablecloth out from under a bunch of plates and glasses.”

  “Yeah, except I’m not a tablecloth,” I snapped near-silently before seething as my shirt settled over my newly stinging skin, “I’m a human, complete with nerves and skin and… Ugh, whatever thanks.”

  Jesse seemed kind of surprised by the gratitude, even though it was slightly wrapped in irritation, “You feelin’ alright?”

  I nodded before walking over to the still smoldering pit, “It hurt, and I’m pissed, but I guess you did a good job at not waking them up.”

  “Heh,” Jesse huffed amusedly as he joined me, “someone’s better adjusted.”

  “I wouldn’t say that,” I weakly chuckled in response, “I’m just making an effort to be less of a whiny bitch.”

  Jesse smiled at that, “Good on you.”

  “Thanks,” I replied before taking in a deep breath through my nose, the smell of smoke and a new day filling my lungs, “what do you reckon we should do today?”

  “Could go huntin’ for that succubus,” Jesse suggested, “or we could go give that ship another once over.”

  “You don’t think I’ve done enough there already?”

  “Eh,” Jesse replied with a shrug, “it’s not like it could explode again. Besides, I went for a quick look through after y’all decided to pass out on me and found some pretty cool stuff.”

  “And you didn’t think to bring any of it back?” I asked with a raised my eyebrow and a somewhat mocking smirk.

  “Figured you’d prefer to get it yourself,” Jesse said before lifting up one of his hands, “also, less than poseable thumbs.”

  “Fair enough,” I chuckled, “alright, let’s go look at
the ship the-”

  “Or you could not get yourself killed,” Cassie interjected with a yawn, “seriously, why would you do that to yourself, again?”

  I hesitated to turn around, hoping for a second there that she was a figment of my imagination courtesy of my head injury and that the real Cassie was still fast asleep, but I eventually resigned myself to the judging, if not sleepy look she was giving me.

  “Well?” Cassie snapped, “Do you?”

  “I’m pretty sure it’s not goin’ to blow up again,” I replied coolly, “besides, I might find something that could help get this place really going.”

  “And what’s wrong with it as it is?” Cassie asked with an undeniably fake offended expression on her face.

  “Nothing,” I said, looking around at the fixed shelter, “but it could be better.”

  I have to say that that was one of the greatest parts about standing up for myself and getting more confident. There was a lot less time between words forming in my head and coming out of my mouth, and most of them seemed to be the ‘right’ thing to say.

  With that being said, I quickly learned that when someone wants to be angry or annoyed, they’re going to find a way to be angry or annoyed.

  “So what you’re telling me is that it’s fine as it is, but it needs improvement? Can’t you see the hole in that logic?”

  Not going to lie, I was having a bit of trouble.

  Cassie didn’t seem like the kind of person to engage in that sort of discourse, but at the same time I didn’t really think she was the kind of person who would burn a bed because she was pissed off with me.

  And that’s when I had a bright idea.

  “Fine,” I said, throwing my hands up in the air, “if you really want to ruin it…”

  “Ruin what?” Cassie asked.

  “Yeah, Dax,” Jesse added with confused but intrigued smile, “ruin what?”

  “Cut it out, Jesse, she’s pulled it out of me.” I sighed before turning my attention back to Cassie, “I was hoping I could go out and find you guys a little something to make up for yesterday.”


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