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Build-A-Harem- The Island Collection

Page 19

by Zachariah Dracoulis

  “Nope, looks like we’ve well and truly left her behind,” Jesse chuckled, “how come?”

  I didn’t answer him with words, instead I just stopped grabbed my knees as best as I could with the gun still in my hand, and started breathing really heavily.

  “What’s wrong?” Jesse asked with no small amount of panic, “Did she get you?”

  “No,” I breathed out between one of my double inhalations before lifting the gun and showing Jesse, “I have no idea how to work this thing.”

  Jesse was confused for a few seconds, then tilted his head and smiled, “So you’re tellin’ me-”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was all adlib.” I heaved out, “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, do you think she bought it?”

  Jesse didn’t respond to that, well, kind of. He started laughing his damn hole out.

  “Quit it,” I snapped as best as I could, “what if she hears you?”

  “Then I’ll die with laughter in my lungs,” Jesse practically snorted, “how in the Hell did you manage… Oh dear God, there just ain’t words for how fuckin’ hilarious that is.”

  That’s when something strange happened.

  I started laughing too.

  Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t having side-splitting fits, you know, on account of me having been hyperventilating two seconds prior, but I saw the funniness of what had just transpired enough to start chuckling along with my friend.

  Thinking back on it, laughing at myself was probably a really good start to getting on the track to having some halfway decent self-esteem.

  Besides, it was definitely easier than sit-ups, and it was probably about as much of a workout for my abs as well.



  A man can dream, damn it!


  After catching our breath, Jesse and I went ahead and finished our journey back to Fern free of interruption from Red. I could only assume she’d managed to get herself free and had gone off into the jungle to contemplate her life choices.

  Or she was plotting her revenge, who knows?

  “You look tired,” Fern said somewhat caringly once I was within a few feet of her, “you need a nap or something?”

  “I’ll be fine, thanks,” I replied before realizing she was being kind of sarcastic, “how’d things go with the hammer?”

  Fern sighed and, with no small amount of difficulty, tossed the newly enhanced hammer at me, “Most of it’s just ornate dwarf nonsense, but I snuck in a few enchantments here and there.”

  “It’s beautiful,” I said with a grin as I turned the exquisitely decorating hammer, “how’d you get the engravings in the metal?”

  “Same way as with the stones,” Fern replied with a sigh, “magic.”

  “Are you okay?” I asked, turning my full attention to the clearly bummed out Fern.

  “I’m fine,” Fern lied, “let’s just go give this to Cassie so I can get on with the rest of the stuff I wanted to do today.”

  She was being a little catty for my liking, but at the same time I could kind of understand where she was coming from.

  Besides, I knew something she didn’t.

  “Alright,” I said, deciding to play the fool and take Fern’s word on her emotional state of mind, “let’s get going.”

  “Gettin’ a bit dicey.” Jesse whispered out of the corner of his mouth so only I could hear as we walked up the beach to the jungle.

  “Don’t worry,” I almost silently replied, “it’ll be fine.”

  “What are you two whispering about?” Fern asked with no small amount of irritation in her voice.

  “Jesse’s just got this weird infection thing,” I instantly replied, “he was just wondering if I had anything in my Toolbox that could fix it, isn’t that right?”

  Jesse wasn’t all too happy with having me tell people that he had an infection, but he begrudgingly nodded and forced a smile, “I just thought our resident Creator might have a cure.”

  “Ah,” Fern said, growing a somewhat embarrassed expression as she did so, “sorry to pry.”

  “It’s fine,” Jesse replied, “you don’t deserve to have things hidden from you.”

  I understood that that was an obvious jab at me, but I didn’t take it to heart. Why would I after we broke through the last of the trees and saw what Cassie had done?

  “Oh… my… God…” Fern muttered as she looked around the beautiful arrangements that Cassie had put together with what little materials I’d given her, “How did you do all this?”

  “Just used the stuff Dax gave me,” Cassie replied as she fixed up a particularly troublesome arrangement around the edge of the shelter, “figured you deserved something nice.”

  “Well, I suppose that explains that then.” Fern practically giggled before shooting me an approving smile.

  “Explains-” Cassie started then stopped as she turned to face us and saw what I was holding.

  “What? You really thought I was going to leave you empty-handed?” I asked with a grin before tossing the hammer to Cassie who caught it like a fantasy heroine.

  “H-h-how?” Cassie asked as she lost herself, staring in awe at the hammer.

  “Just used the stuff Dax gave me.” Fern chuckled as she started going around the newly flowery shelter and surrounding trees.

  It was good to see them that happy, it really felt like I’d accomplished something and, as a result, made me feel like my work for the day was done.

  By that, of course, I mean I basically turned myself into a mattress-seeking missile and half ran, half stumbled my way towards and into the bed.

  “Lazy bastard,” Jesse laughed as I slogged my way up so my head was practically touching the headboard, “a few hours of running around and you become an exhausted little toddler.”

  “Leave him alone,” Cassie said, clearly still too enamored with her hammer to give the conversation any real effort, “he’s had a big day.”

  “It’s barely past midday!” Jesse jokingly scoffed.

  “Eh,” I huffed out as I rolled onto my back and made an effort to look at the mocking lizard, “it’s more than I’ve done in a long time.”

  “And doesn’t that just say leaps and bounds about your character.” Jesse chortled before looking between the two girls and apparently seeing something I couldn’t, “anyway, I guess I’ll just leave you guys to nap. I could use a feed.”

  “You sure you don’t want me to just give some cured meats or something?” I asked.

  “Nah, I’m up for a bit of a hunt.” Jesse replied as he turned to face the jungle, “Shout if you need me.”

  “Will do.”

  And then he was gone.

  At the time I didn’t fully understand why he’d decided to leave, I was far too focused on how damn comfy that bed felt after a day’s trekking, but then the girls started to turn their collective attention away from their flowers and hammer.

  “So,” Cassie said as both she and Fern met at the foot of the bed, “what are you thinking, Fern?”

  “I’m thinking that it might be time to repay our gracious host,” Fern replied slyly, “you know, for all the work he’s done for us.”

  “Oh…” I trailed off as I looked between the two of them and almost literally felt the cogs in my head slip into place, “guess this is happening now…”


  “You girls know I find you both very, very attractive,” I said surprisingly more confidently than I’d expected, “I just don’t know if I’m up for a whole lot of moving around, you kn-”

  “Then let us take care of it,” Cassie interjected as she and Fern made the decision to start sultrily climbing onto the bed, “we got all this done, so I’m pretty sure we can handle taking the reins for a little while.”

  I chuckled at that and smiled, “As appealing as that sound-”

  “We’re not going to make you do anything you don’t want to do,” Fern interrupted, “so if you just want to sleep, then you can sleep. I’m s
ure we can… entertain ourselves without you.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to,” I clarified, grinning at the mental imagery of Fern and Cassie ‘entertaining’ themselves, “it’s just that I don’t want to be… I don’t want to be a useless lump.”

  “What are you talking about?” Cassie chuckled as they finally reached me and started tracing their fingers everywhere they could reach, “You got us all this. Shelter, food, a sense of security, and do you know how long I’ve wanted a hammer like that?”

  “But you two could’ve done that by yourselves,” I replied, hating the fact that my compulsively argumentative side was trying to talk me out of a threesome, “seriously, you got most of it done, including the flowers and the hammer.”

  “Except you went hunting for that stuff,” Fern clarified, “you gave us the building blocks, we just went with it.”

  “She’s right,” Cassie added with a smile, “if it weren’t for you, we probably would’ve ended up killing each other, regardless of if we made it here or not.”

  “Heh, I suppose so,” I replied somewhat meekly, “but you two have been working all day too, aren’t you in the least bit tired?”

  “Not really,” Fern said with a shrug, “most of today has just been Cassie and I spending some time getting to know each other.”

  “Yeah, we’ve been talking about our favorite foods, our preferred holiday destination, our dislikes, and our likes…” Cassie murmured before finding my half-hard member with her wandering fingers and giving it a firm but gentle squeeze, “Can you guess where you fell?”

  “Hopefully not food,” I half-laughed, the surprise squeeze having got my proverbial starter motor to finally roll over, “and I suppose ‘dislike’ wouldn’t be all that great either…”

  I’m not sure whether it was simply because I was weak when it came to having my dick rubbed through my pants in general or if I was actually just so worn out that every mildly good sensation was enough to turn me into a groaning mess, but after a mere few seconds I was putty in Cassie’s firm but tender grip.

  “Just relax,” she said, giving Fern a subtle hint to start kissing her way down my body, “and let us handle the rest.”

  “I-” I started then stopped as Cassie locked her lips with mine and went to work pulling my ready to go shaft out.

  Her timing couldn’t have been more perfect as pretty much the moment my cock was out of my pants Fern had her lips around my steadily throbbing tip.

  The wood elf wasn’t doing much in the realm of a true blowjob though, instead allowing Cassie to stroke and kiss me while she used her tongue to swirl around my sensitive cluster of nerves.

  But then Cassie stopped stroking and let her hand slip to the bottom of my shaft where she started gently massaging my… honestly, I can’t think of a romantic or sexy way to say ‘balls’.



  Anyway, doesn’t matter because right as Fern slid down for her first surprisingly deep suck we were interrupted.

  “Well, well, well, what have I walked in on?”

  Unsurprisingly, we all broke apart and the girls joined me at the head of the bed.

  “Hello, Red,” I said as stutter-free as I could after being interrupted mid-threesome, “what brings you here?”

  Red shrugged at that as she circled the still somewhat burning pit, “I was just thinking about what you were saying before, about joining your little group of merry… well, there doesn’t appear to be many men here, but I’m sure you understand my meaning.”

  “Mmhm,” I replied, making no effort to hide how irritated I was, “that’s great, but do you think we can talk about this another time?”

  “There’s no real need to talk,” Red said before snapping her fingers and making a black stool appear about ten feet away from the foot of the bed, “no, I think this will do quite nicely.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked as the succubus found her way over to her chair and took a seat.

  “This,” she replied, gesturing to the girls and I, “I was wondering if you’d be able to handle even my simplest of desires, and seeing as there are few things I enjoy in this world quite as much as group sex, I see no reason as to why this wouldn’t be the perfect audition.”

  The girls were still stunned silent, which I honestly couldn’t blame them for, but I kind of wished that the full burden of the conversation didn’t fall solely on me.

  “So, what?” I said, putting my arms around the girls and pulled them close, “You think you can just join i-”

  “Oh, no, no, no,” Red interjected, “I have no intention of joining what very well could be a disappointing ménage à trois. No, this is more of a… I suppose ‘sneak peek’ fits best.”

  I looked between Cassie and Fern, both of whom looked back at me clearly waiting for my response, to which I sighed and turned my attention back to Red, “Look, I don’t know if they’re going to be comfortable wit-”

  “I’m fine with it.” Fern practically blurted out, earning her a surprised look from me and an amused one from Red.

  “And what about you, Cassie, was it?” Red asked, clearly knowing her name.

  “Sure,” Cassie scoffed, rolling her eyes as she did so, “because I’m going to be the prude in this little group.”

  “Very good,” Red said with a smile, “well, seeing as there are no holdouts…”

  Not going to lie, but that kind of made me yearn for when the girls were just letting me do all the talking.

  I certainly wasn’t a ‘prude’, but there was a part of me that didn’t feel altogether comfortable having my sexual prowess being dissected by a third party.

  Well, I suppose technically fourth.

  “Oh don’t worry,” Red laughed, “it’s not like I’m expecting you to do much. I’m here to see what the girls can do.”

  For a second there I was wondering if she could read my mind or if I was just so clearly unsure that she could read my expression, though I quickly pushed those thoughts out of my mind and forced a smile.

  “Alright then,” I said, “let’s do this thing.”


  Now, being watched wasn’t what I’d call one of my ‘things’, in fact it was kind of one of my ‘anti-things’, but clearly that wasn’t a problem for Cassie or Fern who, as soon as I’d uttered the words ‘let’s do this thing’ practically leapt into action.

  At first they were almost overeager, both kissing my neck and trying to get ahold of my still mostly hard cock. Don’t get me wrong, it was pretty fucking hot, but at the same time it was more than a little clumsy and, if we didn’t have an audience, somewhat laugh-inducing.

  Although, after a few seconds with more than a few glances in Red’s direction thrown from Cassie and Fern they started to get into a slightly better groove, Fern tenderly caressing my nuts while Cassie worked on the shaft that was still somewhat wet following the wood elf’s quasi-blowjob.

  In fact, it wasn’t long before I’d completely forgotten we were being watched at all until a soft, almost inaudible moan reached our ears, to which we all turned our attention to Red who had started to slowly pleasure herself.

  I thought the girls would get weirded out at first, but as the succubus smiled and bit her lip at us they seemed to knock it up another gear, Cassie pulling away her hand and working her way down my body with her lips.

  “This,” I weakly huffed with amusement as Cassie reached her destination and, without any sort of warm-up or preparation, took the full length of me in her mouth, “this is definitely not how I saw today going.”

  Apparently eager to shut me up, Fern moved from my neck to my lips, all the while continuing to work her hand in an act of sheer coordination that I simply wouldn’t have been able to pull off in a million years.

  Then Red let out another moan, louder than the last, which acted like the words of the Hatter and made the girls change places, Cassie moving Fern’s hand aside, climbing on top of me, positioning herself
perfectly, and pushing down.

  There was a part of me that wanted to know when she got her pants off before that point, but that part of me was quickly killed when she started to ride me, adding yet another source of moans as Red apparently grew more and more excited.

  That’s when I decided to go ahead and do something useful and moved my left hand around to Fern’s ass.

  At first I didn’t do much, simply opting to cup it firmly, but eventually I shuffled around some and found the bottom of her skirt, something which she clearly enjoyed based on the excited little sound she made.

  I encountered a problem there though, which was just how tight her skirt was meaning, short of ripping it, there was no way for me to get it up from where I was laying.

  And then I had an idea.

  “Whoa!” Fern let out with a surprised squeak as I, without warning, used the Toolbox and absorbed her skirt.

  “Are you alright?” I asked, which was surprisingly difficult with Cassie still steadily riding me.

  Fern didn’t respond with words though, and instead chose to take a page out of Red’s book, which is to say she gave me a little smile and bit her lower lip.

  Naturally, I took that as cue to go on ahead and slipped my hand down the front of Fern’s lacy panties where I just barely grazed the front of Fern’s pussy, which turned out to be enough to make her close her eyes and let out a quiet whimper of approval.

  I went to say something, but then Cassie leaned down and, while I did my best to focus on my fingers, decided it would be best to start passionately making out with Fern who, wanting to make it easier for her new kissing partner, sat up.

  The levels on which that made things more difficult were staggering to say the least.

  There was the combination of all three of the girls’ moans, Cassie and Fern making out, and, oh yeah, Cassie riding me like it was going out of fashion, yes, but the biggest ‘problem’ was that, based on the increasing, almost massage-like tightening I was starting to feel around my cock, Cassie was getting close.


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