Curveball (For the Love of the Game #3)

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Curveball (For the Love of the Game #3) Page 7

by Nadine Hudson

  His eyes glossed over and he quickly swept away tears before they fell. He stood from his seat and patted my shoulder as he walked past me out to the front of the pizza shop. With my dad’s words at the forefront of my mind, I slipped my phone from my pocket and started texting Quinn.

  * * *


  He wants to keep the baby . I laid on my bed, my hands cradling my belly as I imagined how it would look in just a few months. The thought was a little scary, but at the same time, it made me smile. For weeks I’d been terrified of finding out that I was pregnant. Worried about finishing school, of making Tucker feel trapped, of my parents finding out, but since leaving my appointment yesterday I have felt like I’ve been walking on clouds. My mind has been overcome with thoughts of our baby and our life together. Of growing old and happy with Tucker.

  Knowing that he is in this with me makes me feel stronger than ever. Like all my fears and worries have disappeared. I wrapped my arms tightly around myself and an excited girly giggle-squeal escaped from my lips. I can’t believe this is happening. For once in my life, everything is just working out.

  “Quiiinnnnn, I’m herrreee!” I heard Raegan yell from the other side of my bedroom door and I rolled off the side of my bed and headed out toward the kitchen. The countertop was overflowing with poster boards, paint, markers, glue and glitter.

  “I think you may have gone a little overboard this time, Rae.” I announced while giggling at the craft store that was spread out all over our kitchen counter.

  She chuckled back as she tossed a final bag on top of the heap. “Really? I was worried I wasn’t gonna have enough.” She shot me a smirk and a wink then rubbed her hands together and barked out, “Alright! Let’s get started!”

  We began emptying the bags and organizing our supplies. With tonight being the boys' last home game, Raegan thought it would be fun to make some signs to hold up in the stands. It did sound fun, but seeing as I wasn’t the crafty type I offered to host the poster party and only help on an as needed basis.

  “Hey, where’s Chastity? I thought she was going to help with this?” Raegan asked as she flattened the posterboard out in front of her, examining her first canvas.

  “She was,” I grinned. “But she went out last night. I’m honestly not even sure if she ever came home.” I pulled out my phone and checked the screen to make sure I didn’t have a message from her. Nothing. I probably should check in on her though. I opened it up and started a text of my own.

  Quinn: Hey girl! You good?

  “Welp, guess I’m making her sign too, then. Who’s number do you think we should put on hers?” Leaning over the counter, I watched as Raegan began drawing the number twenty-two on her first sign with black permanent marker. That must be her sign for Nate.

  “Umm, I don’t know. I’m not sure she really knows anybody on the team other than Tucker and Nate. She met Glen a few times, but I’m pretty sure she’d rather strangle him than hold up a sign supporting him.” I laughed.

  “Ha! Well she’s not alone there. You’ve basically described a majority of the student body… And most of the professors.”

  Raegan proceeded to open up the glue stick and trace the number twenty-two she had just made before pouring the vile of black glitter on top. I watched closely as she worked. It was almost mesmerizing how invested she was in this project, though I’m sure it was more of a reflection of her investment in Nate. Either way, it made me smile. I absolutely adored these two as a couple—envied them even. They were perfect together. Their relationship was perfect. I wanted, with Tucker, what she had with Nate.

  I rested my chin in my hand and sat quietly as she continued working. Then I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out to find a message from Chastity. Oh, boy. Here we go.

  Chastity: Yeah, I’m fine. Are you home?

  Quinn: Yeah, where are you?

  Her response came in almost immediately.

  Chastity: Shit. Uhhh, okay. Is anyone else here?

  Wait. She’s home? When did she get home? What the hell is going on?

  Quinn: Just me and Raegan. We’re making signs for the game tonight. You were supposed to be helping… rememberrrrr?

  When she didn’t respond I assumed she was getting up and dressed to come help us, but when her bedroom door finally opened I could hear faint whispering and arguing from inside her room. I leaned back in my seat glancing down the hallway toward her door and she finally emerged, looking every bit the hot mess she was. I smirked and shook my head disapprovingly at her. Her hair was in a messy bun barely hanging on, on the side of her head. She had no pants on and from the way she stretched a very large t-shirt, that clearly didn’t belong to her, down over her legs, I’m assuming she wasn’t wearing underwear either. I had only caught her gaze for a moment, but she shot me an unmistakable don’t-say-a-damn-word look. She quickly tiptoed down the hall the few feet to the bathroom door then slammed it behind her.

  I laughed to myself shaking my head again. Girl! What am I going to do with you?

  Raegan looked at me when she heard the door slam. “What the hell was that all about?”

  I chuckled and shrugged, “Who knows.”

  Raegan added a few more outlines and decorative details to her poster before holding it up, presenting it to me. “Okay, what do you think.”

  It was so cute. Raegan’s sign read, #22 Steals More Than Bases… He Stole My Heart. A smile stretched across my face. “I love it. Damn, you are so creative. Where do you come up with this stuff?”

  Raegan winked at me again then continued while grinning devilishly, “Ohh, just wait until you see what I have planned for your sign.”

  We again heard the bathroom door open and slam shut, then Chastity’s bedroom door open and slam shut. From the other side we could hear her arguing with someone. A guy, but it was difficult to make out what they were saying. What the hell is going on? Raegan and I quirked our brows at each other, but ultimately shrugged Chastity’s strange behavior off again. The last thing we wanted to do was get involved in her drama. Then my phone buzzed on the table.

  Chastity: What are the chances the two of you could go hide in your bedroom for like thirty seconds?

  She was now peaking my curiosity with her nonsense and it was turning to concern. Instead of responding to her text, I hopped off my stool and made my way back the hallway to her bedroom door.

  “Chastity, what’s going on? Why are you acting so weird?” I hollered through the locked door.

  “Shhh! No! Don’t you say a damn word!” she barked at her mystery guest.

  “Hello? I’m not going away until you come out so you might as well just open up.” I took a stubborn hands-on-my-hips stance and waited for her to open the door.

  When it finally cracked open the sight sent my jaw to the floor and rendered me completely speechless. Suddenly her absurd behaviors made complete sense.

  “Huh, that’s funny. That’s the same exact look Chastity gave me when I dropped my pants last night,” Glen boasted, strutting past me with a triumphant smirk.

  “Ugghhh! Oh my God, Glen! Shut up!” Chastity groaned from her seated position on her bed. She immediately covered her face with her hands in shame. My eyes bounced back and forth between the two of them, but I still wasn’t able to get a word out. I was in shock.

  “Get the fuck out of here!” I heard Raegan holler from the kitchen in disbelief as Glen made his way to the front door.

  “Hey! Nice to see you too, Rae!” he responded to her casually, arrogance in his voice. After a minute I heard the front door open and close. He was gone. Raegan met me back in the hallway as we both stood in stunned silence staring at Chastity waiting for an explanation. This makes no sense at all! She hates Glen! What did I just witness? Did Glen really just do the walk of shame down our hallway?

  Chastity finally spread apart her fingers allowing her to peek out at us. I raised my brows and crossed my arms tightly across my chest still waiting for her to say somethi
ng, but instead of explaining, she groaned at us, rose from her bed, and announced, “I think I need a drink. Who’s with me?”

  I suddenly had the urge to drink myself, and if it wasn’t for finding out I was pregnant not twenty four hours ago, I probably would have partaken. Instead, Raegan and I leaned to either side, allowing Chastity to pass us by and head to the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of wine that Raegan had left here a few nights ago and opened it up. She pulled a glass from the cabinet before turning her attention back toward us. “Seriously… who’s with me?” she asked, urging us to drink with her.

  “No, I’m fine. I need to be sober to process this…” I admitted still struggling to come to grips with the scene that unfolded just a few minutes ago.

  “Suit yourself. Raegan? C’mon I know you want a drink.”

  “No thanks, girl. I’m good too.”

  “For real? Neither one of you bitches wanna drink with me?”

  “Ohh, it’s not that I don’t wanna drink,” Raegan started as she perched herself on the bar stool opposite me. “I actually can’t drink.”

  Chastity and I immediately turned our attention to Raegan, now waiting for her to explain. She shrugged gently and a smile began to curve on her lips. “At least not for another eight months I can’t,” she explained softly and the message she was trying to send came in loud and clear.

  “Oh my God, Raegan! You’re pregnant!?” I leaped from my stool and hugged her tightly. She started laughing as Chastity and I both wrapped her up in our arms squeezing out our excitement for her.

  “That’s amazing, girl! How freaking awesome. I didn’t even know you guys were trying. Congratulations!”

  “We’ve actually been trying,” Raegan admitted, surprising both me and Chastity. While rubbing a gentle hand over her belly, we watched her small smile slowly disappear. “I’ve had about four miscarriages since last year, but this time it just feels like it’s going to happen for us.” She stared down at her hands, but the hope and what looked like desperation that built up in her eyes was still apparent.

  And my heart broke for her thinking about the level of loss and grief she must have gone through before finally getting to where she’s at.

  “Ssooo, what are we going to call the little angel?” Chastity spoke up, trying to lighten the mood the way she usually does, I suspected. Raegan sniffled back a few tears then smiled fondly at Chastity.

  “ That is the one thing that Nate and I simply can’t agree on,” she giggled, “We’ve basically come to terms with the fact that our child is going to be called Baby A for the rest of its life.”

  “Hmmm… Baby A Grier,” Chastity says out loud, considering how it sounds. “It does have a nice ring to it,” she joked and we all laughed.

  “Okay! Enough baby talk! You have got to fill us in on how Glen ended up in your bed,” Raegan changed the subject as she grabbed a new poster board and began to pick up where she’d left off. I was so grateful that the discussion had moved away from babies and pregnancy. I simply wasn’t ready to share my news with them yet.

  Chastity rolled her eyes, clearly dreading having to tell the story, but complied anyway. “It was no big deal guys. I ran into him at a party last night, had way too much to drink, and I momentarily let my guard down…twice...last night.” I shoved her shoulder in a playful reprimand as she continued. “...And once this morning…” She immediately covered her face again in humiliation as we all started laughing together.

  “Oh my God, Chastity!” I chided.

  “What do you guys want from me? The boy is a stallion in the sheets and I’m only human!” She shrugged nonchalantly and we all burst out in laughter together.

  “Welp, I guess you’ll be representing Glen tonight.” Raegan declared, smirking as she started on a sign for Chastity to hold at the game. My phone buzzed in my pocket pulling me from the conversation with the girls.

  Tucker: Hey baby. What are you doing for dinner tonight? Wanna grab something quick with me before the game?

  His simple question made me smile like a love sick school girl and tingles scattered all over my body.

  Quinn: Sounds good. What were you thinking?

  Bubbles appeared indicating he was typing, then they disappeared, then started again.

  Tucker: I’m really in the mood for seafood, actually. I hear Seattle takes their seafood pretty seriously.

  I giggled at his answer. Clearly he’s joking.

  Quinn: I’m not sure we’d make it back in time for your game if we drove all the way to Seattle to have seafood.

  I played along and his response came in almost immediately.

  Tucker: Hmm, yeah. I guess you’re right.

  Tucker: But…

  Tucker: If I played for the Rainers and we moved to Seattle together, we could have seafood for dinner before all of my games…

  My breath hitched immediately and my heart began banging against my chest. His simple suggestion spoke volumes and caused me to falter for my next words. I felt happy tears begin to prick my eyes as I processed what he was saying.

  He wants to take me with him. He wants us to have a family together. In Seattle. Away from my parents.

  The thoughts seemed almost too good to be true, but I knew Tucker was serious. So I responded with the only thought left in my mind.

  Quinn: I love you so much, Tucker!

  Tucker: I love you too. I’ll pick you up around four.



  “What about Marie?”

  Quinn glanced up from her plate and scrunched her nose indicating she wasn’t a fan. Her reaction made me chuckle.

  “Well, do you have any suggestions?”

  She licked her lips as they kicked up into a grin. “I like Christopher.”

  “Christopher?” I echoed in disapproval. “Listen, baby, if I have a son he’s gonna be named after me. Tucker Jr.,” I announced and flashed her my best one hundred watt smile. She threw her head back in laughter, clearly disapproving of my suggestion.

  “I can barely handle one Tucker Monroe. What am I supposed to do with two?” she giggled, as she stabbed her fork into her salad and took a bite.

  I shrugged in defeat, “Alright, fair enough.”

  “I could compromise with Bryson, though. It’s not your first name, but it is your middle name, so technically still named after you,” she offered sweetly.

  “Bryson, huh?” I ran my hand along my jawline as I contemplated her new suggestion. “I could live with that.”

  A beautiful smile bloomed on those full lips and I had to fight the urge to climb over the table and claim her sweet mouth with my own. Instead, I sat back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest and took in the view before me. I had already finished my meal about ten minutes ago, but Quinn was working on her second round at the salad bar. The sight made me smile.

  She looked as beautiful as she always had, but now she somehow looked even better. I’ve been having such a hard time keeping my hands to myself everytime I’m with her. Her long dark hair shined as it flowed over her shoulders. There was definitely a glow about her now. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but whatever it was, I just saw her in a different light and it suited her well.

  “Are you watching me eat?” she blurted out defensively pulling me from my daydream.


  “No,” I chuckled.

  “Right. Okay, well now back to girl names,” she stated like she was in some kind of business meeting all of a sudden. I laughed, but played along.

  “Yes, girl names. I think since you picked the boy name it’s only fair that I pick the girl name,” I grinned.

  “Pssh, since when do you play fair?” she scoffed. “I thought all was fair in love and war?”

  Her fire made me laugh. I loved when she showed that playful fighting side. I narrowed my eyes at her and she sat up straight in her seat preparing for me to return fire. I could see the excitement and anticipation building in her face and I had to bite down on my lip to
stifle the groan that was mounting in my throat. My cock grew firm at the sight and I adjusted myself in my seat. Damn...pregnancy suits her so well, but now is not the time or the place, Tucker. Instead of giving into my urges, yet again, and bending her over the table in front of everyone, I tried to change the subject quickly.

  “This isn’t war,” I replied coyly. “We’re naming our baby.” I smiled and reached across the table taking her hand and the flush I knew was coming crept up her neck and stole over her cheeks.

  After pausing for a moment she finally gave in.

  “Fine, but you know you’re not always going to be able to sweet talk your way into everything, Monroe,” she smiled. “What else do you got?”

  “What about Olivia?”

  “That’s not bad,” she encouraged, then took another bite.

  Then it hit me. I knew exactly what we should name a baby girl.

  “How do you feel about Catalina?”

  She stopped mid bite and put her fork down on her plate as she stared back at me. “I think Catalina is a beautiful name, but are you sure you’re okay with it? I mean, it would be a constant daily reminder of your mother?” she warned.

  “I know. And I think that’s why I like it. I never really got the chance to know her, but this way...I don’t know. It feels like I kind of get that chance?” As soon as the words came out I immediately felt foolish. “Ne-nevermind. Sorry. I don’t know what I was trying to say. I know that doesn’t make any sense at all.” I nervously ran a hand through my hair ruffling it.

  “Hey,” Quinn reached across the table and this time took my hand making me look at her. “I think Catalina is a beautiful name and I would be honored for our daughter to be named after the woman who brought you into this world,” she smiled.

  I felt a wave of warmth wash over me at her words. Damn, I love this woman. Never ceases to amaze me. She nodded her head in a good-that’s-settled way and continued working on her salad.


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