Curveball (For the Love of the Game #3)

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Curveball (For the Love of the Game #3) Page 8

by Nadine Hudson

  “So what about Seattle? Are you sure you’re comfortable moving with me? I mean, I don’t want you to feel like you have to follow me so I can chase my dreams. I want you to be able to fulfill your dreams too, Quinn.”

  “Graduating with a business degree was never my dream, Tucker. It was my parents’ plan for me. Besides, I’m sure they have online classes I can take in Seattle. Maybe I can major in something else. Something I actually enjoy.”

  I nodded my understanding, but still felt a pang of guilt.

  “Are you sure you don’t have any doubts or reservations about this? I mean any of it. You and me, Seattle, the baby? We need to communicate and be open and honest with each other if we are going to build a life together.”

  She paused for about thirty brutal seconds as she considered my question. I may have held my breath the entire time.

  “Every doubt I ever had disappeared the moment I heard our baby’s heartbeat. There is nothing in this world that I am ever going to want more than to build a life and a family with you. I love you, Tucker.”

  “I love you too, Quinn.”

  Raising her fingers to my lips I kissed her knuckles gently before releasing her so she could finish her meal.

  “Stop watching me eat!” she reprimanded with a full mouth and a goofy grin. It made me laugh out loud.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” I put my hands in the air as a form of surrender. “I guess I’ll just go use the bathroom and pay the bill while you finish up. Jeez… pregnancy hormones,” I joked, but the glare she shot back at me told me she didn’t think it was very funny.

  When I returned to our table Quinn was sitting there with her eyes cast down and her hands in her lap. My heart immediately started to race.

  “Hey, you alright?” I put a hand on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  “I think I’m gonna be sick,” she whimpered, holding one hand over her stomach and the other over her mouth. I squatted down in front of her so I could see her face. Her complexion had paled and I started to feel worried.

  “You want me to get you a trash can or help you to the bathroom?”

  “No, I don’t want to throw up in public,” she groaned quietly, licking her lips and slowly blowing out a breath. “I think I’ll be alright.”

  “Quinn, if you’re gonna be sick it’s okay. Just let me help you.”

  She closed her eyes and blew out a few more breaths through o-shaped lips.

  “No, really Tucker. I think I’m okay.”

  “You want me to take you home instead of Raegan’s house? It might be good for you to at least lay down for a bit before the game?”

  “Yeah, that would be great actually. I’ll just text her and tell her to pick me up there. Thanks.”

  * * *


  Quinn: Hey Raegan. Can you just pick me up from my place around 6? I have some things I need to do before the game?

  Raegan: Sure girl! No problem. See ya then.

  I tucked my phone beside my pillow and wrapped my blankets tightly around myself. The nausea came on so suddenly that I still can’t figure out what triggered it. One minute, I’m enjoying a nice salad and the next I feel like I’m being whipped around turns in a vehicle driven by a mad man. Yes, that’s exactly what it felt like. Car sickness...but without the car.

  Just thinking about it now made the subtle nausea return and I felt my mouth start to water. Uh oh... I sucked in breath after breath through my nose and blew each one out slowly trying to keep my dinner in my stomach where it belongs, but a few seconds later I felt it begin to build into my throat.

  I leaped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, covering my mouth with my hand desperately trying to keep it in, at least until I made it to the toilet. Luckily, I made it there just in time to completely empty the contents of my stomach. When I had nothing left to heave up, I grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom cabinet and ran it under the facet of cold water. I shuffled back the hallway to my bedroom and laid flat on my back in my bed, spreading the cool cloth over my eyes and forehead.

  The cold cloth actually seemed to help and I was just about to drift off to sleep when I heard the front door open and close. I slipped my phone out from under my pillow and peeked at the time. It was only four o’clock. Chastity didn’t get home from class on Tuesday’s until almost five thirty. Panic suddenly set in as I sat straight up in my bed. I could hear muffled voices coming from the kitchen and they seemed to be getting louder.

  Whoever just let themselves into my dorm was coming back the hallway. As the voices grew louder they also became more clear and my blood ran ice cold the instant I recognized them. Ohh no.

  My nerves were ricocheting all over my body. My throat felt like it was constricting around the lump forming inside it, depriving me completely of oxygen. My bedroom door crashed open and terror built on my face.

  “Ohh, good! We were hoping we would catch you at home, sweetheart…”



  I got to the field early so I could hit some pitches off the machine before tonight’s game. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it that far. I’ve been sitting in the locker room for the past hour sending link after link of potential apartments to Quinn to look at.

  Tucker: What do you think of this place? SPACIOUS SEATTLE APARTMENT CLICK HERE!

  Tucker: This one is nice… 2 BR, Close to parks and schools. CLICK HERE!

  Tucker: Ohh! Here’s a townhouse...REMODELED TOWNHOMES! 2 and 3 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE! CLICK HERE!

  I don’t know how to describe what’s happening to me. I feel like an entirely different person. All I could think about since leaving that doctor’s office yesterday was mine and Quinn’s life together and our baby.

  If it's a girl, I’ll bet she looks just like Quinn. Long dark hair, captivating blue eyes. The thought made a stupid grin pull at my lips. On second thought, I’ll have to keep up with my batting practice. If she looks like Quinn the boys will be chasin’ her all over the damn place. My grin vanished immediately and I swallowed hard.

  “Shit.” I mumbled to myself resting my head against my locker in defeat, “Please be a boy.”

  “Hey Tucker! When the hell did you get here?” Nate called when he spotted me across the large open locker room.

  “Uhh, just a little bit ago,” I lied. I didn’t want to tell him that I had been here for over an hour already. It would only drum up more questions and I hadn’t talked to Quinn about making our news public knowledge. I wasn’t sure how she would feel about people knowing yet.

  “Well you better get changed, my man. Coach wants us to start warm ups here in about thirty.”

  I nodded and started digging my uniform out of my locker. Being mindful that we were in the locker room I glanced around the room to make sure we were alone before I asked my question.

  “Hey Nate…”

  “Hmm?” he replied casually, raising his brows and grabbing the last few items he needed from his locker.

  “How…” I ran a hand roughly through my hair as I tried to find the words. “At what point did you decide you wanted to marry Raegan?”

  He froze in place then slowly turned to face me, quirking a brow and I continued.

  “Yanno, did you know she was like… I don’t know…” I waved my hands in the air. “ The one … I guess,” I blurted out trying not to sound too lame. My eyes nervously bounced back and forth between my hands, my locker, and Nate. Until I saw a knowing smile appear on his face. He looked across the room, but he looked as if he were seeing into his future...seeing her.

  “I knew Raegan was the one …” he tilted his head at me with a teasing smile before his expression grew serious again, “...because I couldn’t picture life or a future without her. I couldn’t picture it with anybody else.” His eyes fell to the batting glove in his hands that he had been fidgeting with as he spoke. “And one day I realized, it wasn’t even just that I couldn’t picture life without her, but I didn’t want to picture life with
anyone but her.”

  A small smile graced my lips. Although I was physically bigger and older than Nate, not by much, but older nonetheless, I looked up to him. He and Raegan’s relationship was an inspiration to me. And I appreciated having them to model my own family after.

  “What is up my pussy-whipped pals?! Who’s ready to kick some Tiger ass tonight?” Glen wailed, making his presence in the locker room known as he barged through the doors, followed closely behind by the rest of the team who, based on all of the eye rolls, appeared to already be sick of his mouth.

  Nate and I both shook our heads in amusement at Glen.

  “One day, Young Buck. One day you’ll understand,” I retorted to his pussy-whipped comment.

  “Ohh no! Didn’t you hear Tucker? That day is today!” Nate announced, hitting my chest with the back of his hand.

  I cocked my head at him in confusion.

  “Ohh shit! You really didn’t hear? Quinn didn’t tell you? Ha! Chastity had him tied up in her bedroom. All. Damn. Night. Like her own little personal sex puppet,” he hollered loudly towards Glen from across the room. Glen laughed as he made his way toward us and utter shock stole over my face. Get the fuck outta here!

  “Listen here men,” Glen called out as he stepped up onto a bench like he was stepping out onto a stage. “Glen Cresse does not get pussy-whipped,” he clarified, pointing a finger in the air as he paced back and forth on the bench, one hand hidden behind his back as if giving some formal speech. “ But ...When a beautiful black haired sex goddess ties you up with her thirty-six D bra, puts on a thong made out of candy, and tells you not to stop licking until you reach the center, well men… You certainly do not respond with no thank you. I’m not hungry. ”

  Hoots and hollers broke out throughout the locker room as all of our teammates began laughing and cheering.

  “No, you don’t!” Glen continued. “You tighten your chin strap soldier and you take that pussy for the ride of her life!”


  “Woo Hoo!!”

  “Yeah, Buddy!”

  The calls and chants were coming in from all directions, but all I could do was laugh at Glen doing exactly what Glen does—getting people riled up. This kid is just too fucking much sometimes.

  “Okay, Hawks! That’s enough tickling each other’s tallywackers! We’ve got a game to win!” Coach Anderson announced joining us in the locker room. All the players grew silent and listened as he started his pregame speech.

  A few of the players got emotional, especially when he got into the for some of you, this is the last time you will ever step out onto this field as a Hawk part. I felt the tears tugging at my eyes too, but I managed to choke them back. I was more than ready for this. And everything that was coming after.

  * * *


  I instinctually wrapped a protective arm around my torso as soon as they stepped into the room. I rose from my bed and balanced on the balls of my feet shifting my weight back and forth between them. My adrenaline was surging through my body at rapid rates. I’m not sure what I was preparing for. To run? To fight? To fight so I could then run? I have no idea, but whatever my parents were planning to do, I was going to be ready.

  “What are you doing here?” I bit out and my father immediately took an aggressive stride towards me causing me to flinch and retreat. He only stopped when my mother, all calm and calculated, lifted a hand at him.

  “Ohh, Quinn,” she cackled softly, rolling her eyes, “always so dramatic. You get that from your father, you know?” She made her way further into my room, removed her jacket and draped it over the back of a chair as she looked around. My eyes stayed narrowed on her as she circled me like I was a wounded lamb and she the proud lion. I thought again about running. Making a break for the door, but my father’s wide frame blocked my escape route. He was a heavyset man with a large build and a mean temper. I glanced in his direction from the corner of my eye and I could see him glaring at me. His eyes burning into the side of my face.

  It was useless.

  I was trapped.


  “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” My mother asked calmly as she tugged off her black satin gloves and gracefully swiped her thin bangs back from her forehead. I squeezed my fists closed and my jaw had been clenched so tightly that it was starting to hurt. I couldn’t bring myself to dignify her accusation with a response.

  When I didn’t answer, she moved to stand in front of me. Leaning over, her face was inches from mine and I could feel her hot breath blowing back at me. “When I speak to you, you fucking answer me girl!” Her voice grew louder as she spoke and without warning I felt a familiar sting explode across my cheek that hit me so hard I nearly fell off my bed.

  I instantly covered the blemish with my palm and it felt hot under my hand. The tears filled my eyes, but I wasn’t about to let them fall. I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. Instead I bit down hard on my lip to keep it from trembling.

  “It seems all this time spent at school is taking an unfavorable toll on you, sweetheart. It would appear that you have forgotten your place. Why you’re even here and who put you here to begin with,” she lectured. “I spoke to Scott Charleston, Amanda’s father. Did you really think you could behave however you’d like? Do whatever you want? Do unrectifiable damage to important potential partnerships and your father and I would just sit back and allow it all to happen without consequence you little cunt?” she seethed.

  Her words made me wince, but they no longer hurt me. Not like they used to anyway. It used to bother me that my own mother thought so little of me, but not anymore. Not since finding Tucker. Her opinion of me no longer mattered. Only his. And in that moment I held onto him and thoughts of our future together to give me strength. He was always the light in my dark world. The thought made a small smile tug at my lips.

  “You think this is funny?” she shrieked. And for the first time since she had been there I tilted my head up high and looked her in the eye, my small smile still lifted on my face.

  “Well…” she started, stepping towards me again, a smile of her own curling on her thin lips. “We’ll see how funny you think it is when you have to end things with the baseball player that you love so much.”

  I squared my shoulders to her immediately. “I won’t! You can slap me around all you want. You can cut me off, withdraw me from school, disown me, I don’t care! There’s nothing in this world you could do to me to make me leave him!” I was finally able to use the voice that Tucker had helped me find and it felt exhilarating. Then my father barged between us, taking me by the hair on the back of my head.

  “I’ve heard enough!” His deep voice boomed through the room and he shook me around in unison with his words causing my fear to suddenly return full force. My heart drummed loudly in my chest and the burning on the back of my head caused tears to overflow from my eyes. “You will end things with that boy. You don’t deserve to run off and live happily ever after, after the way you’ve disobeyed us,” he hissed. He roughly released his grip on me and took a step back.

  I sucked in a deep breath and the last bit of courage I had left. “And if I refuse?”

  He spun back around and grabbed me firmly by the jaw smooshing my face in the middle. His face was so close to mine that I could feel his unshaven whiskers stabbing against my cheek. “Don’t forget who we are, Quinn,” he started, snarling in my ear. His voice was low and sinister. “We are not some low life sorority skank that you have the option to say no to. We have influence everywhere. If I find out you’re still seeing him he will fail a drug test, or be charged with possession, or test positive for steroid use. I’m telling you now, he will lose his offer. Your little boyfriend won’t make it out of this town. Mark my words,” he threatened while pushing my face away from his.


  “Now go clean yourself up. You’re a fucking embarrassment to me.”

  His threat depleted me of any courage that had once lingered
in my body. I could feel my arms and legs get weak as my body began shaking. I unsteadily made my way to the bathroom without saying a single word. I was defeated.

  Once I made it to the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. My wet, matted hair framed my tear soaked face. I knew if they found out about Tucker that they would find a way to use him against me. I knew this would happen. What do I do now? I have to leave him. They’ll ruin him if I don’t!

  I cupped my hands under the spigot to catch some water and splash my face. I desperately hoped with each wash that it would somehow wake me from this nightmare I suddenly found myself in. I could faintly hear my parents still talking in my bedroom. Then I saw my dad walk past the open bathroom door from my peripheral vision and I heard him exit out the front. Instead of following behind my father, my mother stopped outside the bathroom door, but I didn’t bother to look at her.

  I heard her leave out a heavy breath. “I don’t know why you have to be this way, Quinn. You were always such a difficult child. I’d rather hoped you’d grow out of it by now.”

  I stared back at my cowardly reflection and felt the rage trying to reignite inside of me.

  “Ohh, and before I forget…” she started calmly, “Get rid of that parasite you’ve got growing inside of you,” she commanded smugly. “You have been a big enough burden on your father and I, we don’t need another one to have to take care of and obviously the baseball player isn’t going to be helping you raise it. Not to mention, did you even consider how this would look on our family to the congregation? Our daughter! Pregnant! Out of wedlock! I knew you were selfish and irresponsible Quinn, but this is low even for you.”

  I physically felt my heart ache at her demand. What?! How did she know?

  She finally got my attention. “How did you…”

  “I’ve told you before Quinn, intelligence is simply not in your repertoire. You are covered under our insurance, you naive twit. When I got the statement that you attended an OBGYN appointment and had a follow up prenatal visit scheduled, well…you’re not smart, but I’m sure even you can figure out the rest. Anyway, I cancelled your prenatal appointment and I got you an appointment with a doctor friend of mine who specializes in discreetly eliminating these sorts of problems . I made the appointment for next week. That way the semester will be over and you won’t have to explain why you’ve missed classes and it shouldn’t raise any questions with your intrusive roommate. You’ll return home with your father and I for the summer and when you come back here in the fall I expect you to know your purpose.”


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