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Page 25

by Robin Roseau

  I found myself smiling with her. “Yes,” I agreed. I lifted a hand to her cheek. “Dee.” Then I moved it and brushed her arm. “I miss the resin.”

  “Not for long,” she said. “We’re going to match.” We both smiled more widely. “There you go,” she said. She moved her own hand to brush my cheek.

  “Thank you, Dee,” I said. “There’s no one I’d rather be doing this with.” My heart swelled as I realized how much I loved this woman.

  “Kiss me,” she ordered. She drew me back to her, and we kissed, a short, sweet kiss, and then we hugged tightly once more. She kissed my ear and said, “This is going to be so much fun!”

  Then she gave me just a little push away, and we both stepped backwards. Other than brief glances down to ensure I didn’t trip, I didn’t take my eyes from her. We were both still grinning, and once we each came to a stop, Dee lifted her hand and waved her fingers at me. Then she gestured, and we both turned to look at Teasest.

  Teasest smiled at us and asked, “Are you both ready?”

  “No,” I called out.

  “Begin,” Teasest said with a laugh.

  I returned my focus Dee. She hadn’t stopped smiling. She stepped towards me, coming to a stop at the midpoint of the trench. The audience didn’t become quiet, but they became quieter. Dee gave me a come-hither gesture.

  I stepped closer. And then she surprised me. She knelt, although upright, just on her knees, facing me. The audience grew hushed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You may take advantage, or you can kneel, too.”

  I closed most of the remaining distance, coming to a stop just outside lunging distances. Dee looked up at me and made another come hither gesture. “Dee.” I didn’t know what else I wanted to say, but I looked at her, kneeling in the resin. She was watching me, smiling, and I thought she might be panting a little. I realized I was, my heart pounding.

  I came to a decision. I closed the remaining distance, moving slowly and watching her carefully. I didn’t know if she was tricking me, but I knelt in front of her. From our knees, we both moved a little closer to each other. Dee lifted a hand, then moved a tiny bit closer. I matched her, and she set her hand to my cheek. I stared into her eyes, and when she drew me closer, I went. We embraced, and then we kissed, we kissed deeply.

  Oh, that woman could kiss!

  I could have surrendered to her, right then. But that wasn’t really how either of us wanted the event to go. But we kissed deeply before she shifted us to a hug. “I love you, Allium,” she said into my ear. Then she withdrew, and we separated.

  I opened my eyes. Dee had retreated, but not far, and she knelt with her hands held out, palms up, her hands halfway between us. I eyed her. “I’m not here to trick you,” she said. “But we can clasp, and then the struggle begins. Or you can do something else.”

  I offered her my hands. We both clasped, my hands around her wrists, and hers around mine. And then we began to struggle.

  She didn’t stay on her knees. Oh, she didn't stand. No. She let me tug her forward, but then she slid on her knees before straightening her legs and pulling on my wrists. I remained where I was, although she pulled me off balance, and there was little I could do as she wrapped both her legs around my middle and locked her ankles behind my back.

  She twisted, and I fell sideways into the shallow resin.

  The audience roared their approval. I struggled to free myself, but she pulled again, pulling herself atop me, and then pressed. She did something with her legs and somehow hooked them inside mine and lifted my hands over my head before flattening me on my back.

  My heart was absolutely pounding. Dee had surprised me, and now I found myself half immersed in the resin with this delightful woman atop me. Dee was giggling in her joy, her infectious joy, but then she slowly lowered her mouth to mine.

  That was the last time I paid any attention to the audience, any attention at all. I lost track that we were being watched. I lost track of everything except this wonderful woman on top of me, pinning me down and kissing me.

  She kissed me, and I felt the resin begin to climb me. I felt the magic beginning to take hold of me, then realized that was wrong. It had been taking hold of me for a while, but it also held Dee, and, somehow, I felt that.

  It was a long kiss, a wonderful kiss, and I lay there, panting, when finally she pulled away. I opened my eyes to see her watching me, smiling.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you, too,” she said. “This is the hard part now.”

  “Getting me tied.”

  “Yes. I think I’ll work on your resistance for a while.” Then she lowered her mouth again. She kissed. But she also squirmed, rubbing against me. And then I felt her foot doing something, but I wasn’t sure what.

  I let myself get lost to the kiss, although I struggled a few times. Token struggles.

  She kissed, and then she shifted, lowering her lips to my neck, and she kissed there, and nipped just a little.

  I grew quieter and quieter. I could feel the resin, and I could feel the magic.

  “If I do this long enough,” she whispered. “You would become increasingly complacent.” She lifted slightly, looking into my eyes, and her grin returned. “While that would be lovely, I think we both want this to be more fun.”

  I found myself returning the grin. “You still have to get me tied.”

  “I do,” she agreed. She leaned back down and nibbled my ear. She shifted again. Her legs wrapped around me instead of locking inside of mine. And then, a little at a time, she jerked, pulling me towards the end, intending to leave my feet at the middle.

  She dragged me like that, maybe a foot or so, and she began giggling again. I tried struggling with her, but she did in pieces. She pinned my arms tightly and then wriggled. Then she shoved my hands further over my head and did it again.

  And there was little I could do about it. And her giggling was infections. As I ineffectively struggled with her, I began giggling with her.

  I tried, of course. I tried bucking her off me, but each time I did, she rode it out, and I found my arms shoved further down the trench. I wasn’t working her loose, but I was helping her move me into deeper resin. “I love this event, Coo.”

  “You’re so beautiful,” I told her. “And I’ve never met anyone as sweet as you are, as full of joy.”

  She bent down and kissed my ear, and then she moved me another six inches.

  We reached the end of the trough. If I laid my head back, the resin covered me to just over my ears. It was a little disconcerting. We were both giggling and panting, but she rested there, holding me pinned while we each caught our breath and calmed down, although I didn’t think my heart was ever going to stop pounding.

  Dee smiled at me then bent down and kissed me again. I enjoyed the kiss. Once she pulled away, I asked her, “Now what will you do?”

  “Tie you,” she said.

  “Before you do that, could I tell you something? Give me your ear.”

  She turned her head. I stared at her ear, then kissed it. “You’ve done very well so far, but Dee, I build roads and bridges. I’m not just a supervisor. I work very hard, and I’m much, much stronger then you are.”

  And then I proceeded to reverse her grip on my wrists.

  She gave a squeal of outrage, but she tightened her legs and pressed into me, giving me most of her weight. I tried to sit up, hoping to spin us over, but she pressed down, and I collapsed backwards.

  We struggled for control. And then I bucked, and she fell sideways. Her legs stay locked, and I lost control of one wrist.

  And she grabbed a rope.

  “No you don’t!” I yelled. I tried pulling her away from the rope, but she held tightly. I made a grab for her, and I tried to move further towards the other side of the trench. She pulled her wrist away from me. I bucked, and she almost lost control, but then I felt rope around my wrist, and she yanked it tight.

  “Got ya!” she yelled

  “No!” I screamed. I yanked on the rope, which was absolutely the wrong choice. And I bucked, which might have been a good choice, but she fell sideways, grabbed another rope, and went after my free arm, using all her weight.

  And somewhere in that, she had begun giggling again.

  If I’d had a moment, I could have removed the first rope. And it wasn’t taut. There was slack, but not enough to reach all the way to the middle. We fought for my free arm, and then she wrapped rope around it.

  “No!” I screamed again, but she made more loops as I tried to push her off me, and then there was a loop around my wrist. She pulled it tight. I bucked, and she flew off me, but she did something, and she began yanking my arm to the side.

  I was stronger than she was, but she had leverage, and somehow once she gained ground, I didn’t get it back. It took another minute before she climbed, panting, back atop me, now sitting on my hips and looking at me. I tried to struggle with the ropes, but she leaned over and worked on better knots. Then she took turns, pulling on one end of each rope, which caused it to tighten to the stout stakes on the outside of the pit.

  She didn’t pull my arms entirely taut, but she pulled them well away from my body, and there was no longer a thing I could do about it.

  Then she collapsed atop me, both of us panting heavily. “Are you mad?”

  “No, Dee. My heart is pounding.”

  “You’re half red. We both are. Coo, you know I’ve won now. Olivia could beat me like this, and maybe Claary, but you won’t.”

  “I know. I don’t mind, Dee.”

  “Of course you don’t. Coo, this is my first lesson. You should continue to try to win. Struggle however you can. Don’t try to kick me, but otherwise fight everything I try to do to you. It will get me more excited, and you could turn this around. I could lose myself before you do.” She nuzzled me, and then she slipped away.

  I watched her. She didn’t go far. She only went far enough to collect ropes for my ankles. She threw one end on top of me, and I jerked away from it, pulling my knees up.

  My knees, brightly encased in the resin. And I was still panting. Even like this, I could feel the resin climbing.

  Dee moved to the side of the trench, kneeling to my right. I turned to look at her. She smiled. “How are you doing, Wife?”

  I smiled. “Dee,” I replied, not sure what else to say. I struggled with the ropes, but I wasn’t going to free myself. I stilled and looked back up at her. She was giggling again. Had she stopped? I wasn’t sure. She was giggling in her joy, but there was hunger in her look, too.

  And she was red to her waist.

  “How red am I?” I asked.

  She looked down at herself. “About the same as me,” she replied.

  The magic had me; it had both of us. But the magic didn’t matter. Dee brought her own magic, and I didn’t need the resin to know how I felt about her.

  Without taking her eyes rom me, Dee slipped back into the pit with me. “You should continue to struggle,” she said.

  And so I did. I tried to squirm around, but she had little trouble, first sitting on my chest, then moving down, pressing my hips back into the resin. I tried bouncing her off. She rode through it then, when I stopped to catch my breath, spun around. I tried to take advantage of the moment, but she flattened herself, pressing hard on my knees, and I lost traction with my heels. She flattened me out, hugging my legs and wrapping around me before grabbing one of the ropes.

  I made her work for it, but she got each ankle tied, both of us giggling the entire time, then she climbed past me. After a moment, she began tugging my legs, pulling them further away from my wrists, yanking me tighter, and forcing my legs part besides. And there wasn’t a thing I could do to stop her.

  Still giggling, she returned to me. “I love winning,” she said. She climbed back on top of me and stroked my face as I panted up at her. Then she went to work on the shift, taking her time. She left half of it underneath me, but she threw the top half aside.

  That was when it began to get serious, and slowly we both stopped giggling. Instead, we began panting.

  I groaned when she began playing with my breasts.

  She played for a minute. A few times I tried to knock her loose, but she wrapped her legs more tightly and lowered her mouth to my breast.

  And that was the last of my physical resistance.

  She sucked. She nibbled. She giggled. And she bathed me in the resin.

  I was most of the way gone by the time she found one of the devices. She slipped it into me and then slid over the other end. She began to move, and the magic took the remaining hold of me.

  A minute later, I called out, and the magic finished the process. I was Dee’s, entirely hers. Through our event, I had realized something I’d probably known for a while. I absolutely loved this woman, and now here I was, encased in resin. I belonged to her, heart, body, and soul, and I couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.

  But she continued to move until she, too, called out before collapsing atop me.

  She cradled my head, both of us panting. She cradled my head, ensuring I didn’t tip into the resin. “Oh, Coo,” she whispered. “Oh, Coo.”

  “I love you, Dee,” I said. “I love you. I love you.”

  I’d been wrong; one thing could be more perfect. We were now both in resin, and in that way we matched, and that was even more perfect than before.

  The guards helped us both from the field.

  * * * *

  Olivia took us home. I clung to Dee the entire time. We were both encased in the resin, which I found emotionally overwhelming. So I clung to Dee. For her part, she stroked me and spoke soothingly, telling me how much she loved knowing I was hers.

  Olivia took us home. Dee and Bee helped me into the house, and then Dee said, “Kneel to me, Coo. Kneel to me now.”

  I did, and when she gave more orders, I did them all.

  * * * *

  For a week, I was in heaven. I was Dee’s, entirely Dee’s, and I had never felt such joy, even belonging to Lisolte.

  And Dee was Olivia’s, and so an order from Olivia carried all the strength as one from Dee, and filling her orders filled me with as much joy as obeying Dee.

  And then in the morning, a week later, Dee released me.

  I didn’t sob, but I was crushed, and I wrapped tightly around her, saying little.

  She held me for a long time, speaking soothingly. I didn’t really register the words, but I heard the tone, and I heard the love. And eventually I calmed down.

  That was when she invited me up to the pillows, and she spooned me, her resin-coated body wrapped around my bare form. She pulled the blankets over us. “Are you going to be all right, Allium?”

  “I’ve never felt as good as I did, belonging to you,” I whispered.

  “I’m glad,” she said. She kissed my ear. She held me for a few minutes then said, “Roll over now and talk to me.” I turned to face her. She looked at me with such love. “Do you want to stop being ambassador?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You can’t be ambassador and be permanently mine,” she said. “Do you want to stop being ambassador?”

  I blinked, trying to think. Finally, I closed my eyes, but she shook me a little. “No, Allium. Don’t hide.”

  “I’m not hiding,” I said. “Are you telling me we’re never doing this again?”

  “No, Allium. Answer my question. Do you want to stop being ambassador?”

  I opened my eyes and looked into hers. “No,” I whispered.

  “Good,” she said. “Because we need you to be ambassador.”

  “Would you have let me say ‘yes’?”

  She nodded. “But it is the wrong choice.”

  “Please tell me we can do this again.”

  “I promised to teach you to win,” she said. “How do you think I intend to teach you?”

  “By beating me over and over?”

  “That’s right,” she said w
ith a little giggle.

  “Have you taught anyone else?”

  “Not that way. We’ve helped Olivia teach a few.”

  “I loved our challenge, Dee.”

  She giggled again. “I could tell. I did, too.”

  “Can we do it that way again?”

  “Yes, Allium,” she said. “But we have to do other ones, too.”

  “All right. Dee.” I paused. She didn’t rush me. “It was perfect,” I whispered.

  She kissed me. “I know,” she said.

  “I’m torn,” I admitted.

  “It’s your sense of responsibility that is keeping you from asking to make this permanent.”

  “Yes,” I agreed. I wrapped around and held her tightly. “It hurts being let go.”

  “I know. There is a temptation to wallow now,” she said. “This is always the hard part. But you’re a strong woman. Do you think you can resist if I give you orders?”

  “I don’t know,” I said.

  “Good. Kiss my feet.”

  I laughed, squirmed around, and then followed her order. She giggled, but I think she was hoping I was sufficiently with it to resist her. So, I wrapped my arms around her legs and began nibbling her feet. I’m not sure I did it because I wanted to, or because I knew she wanted me to defy her.

  She began screeching, trying to get away, and then while I went after her feet, she went after mine. Soon, both of us were screeching, but we continued to struggle. I managed to pull my feet away from her and partially climb atop her, but she grabbed one foot and pulled it back up, biting some more.

  The door opened, and then a laughing Olivia said, “Both of you, stop that.”

  We both froze. I looked over my shoulder at Dee.

  “Get her,” she ordered.

  Olivia turned to run, but we caught up to her in the hallway. She shrieked, but she didn’t order us to stop. Together, we dragged her into the bedroom and onto the bed, where we tickled her until she yelled, “Enough. Enough! Dee, stop.”

  “Not fair,” I complained.

  “You, too,” she said.

  There was no compulsion left, but I stopped tickling. The three of us lay on the bed for a minute, all panting, and that was when Bee appeared in the doorway. “You tickled without me.”


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