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In the Loup Boxed Set #3

Page 4

by Mac Flynn

  "Something wrong?" he asked. She froze and then plastered a fake smile on her face. She hadn't told him yet about the return of the cravings and she'd been sneaking meaty snacks here and there to hide the minor feeding frenzy she'd felt lately.

  "Oh, um, just hungry," she nervously laughed. He wasn't fooled, but he was too tired and hungry himself to bother. The young woman did notice he watched her more carefully now, and she tried to act normal. They both realized there was a reason she never went into the acting business, because she was horrible at it.

  As they sat down together for their meal, both ordering meat and one of them ordering it extra rare, Chuck glanced over to his partner. She noticed his look and frowned.

  "What?" She flicked her tongue out to see if there was anything on her face. It was clean. She checked her shirt. That was clean, too. He was still staring at her. "What is it?"

  "I'll tell you when we get back to the room." He resumed eating his food, but she'd lost her appetite. The way he'd spoken, she wasn't sure she wanted to know anymore.

  They got through with dinner and returned to their shared room. Stephanie nervously sat down on the bed while Chuck paced the room. He ran his fingers through his hair, and she tried hard to keep her serious face and not laugh at his frazzled hairdo. He didn't think anything was funny enough to laugh at that moment, and one cold, firm look silenced her amused noise.

  "So how long has it been going on?" he asked her. She blinked. She wasn't following him.

  "How long has what been going on?"

  "You're not very good at hiding secrets, and you're even worse with us being in this room together," Chuck pointed out. "I've been watching you for the last week. You're definitely feeling something from that big moon hanging up there." He nodded out the large, full-body windows on the far wall opposite the front door. "I'm guessing if there weren't so many clouds around, we'd be in a bit of trouble."

  "It's not that bad. I've just been feeling some urges," she defended herself. There was a small pout on her lips. She thought she'd been doing a great job holding back her strange, sexually-needy instincts. "They haven't been that bad."

  "But bad enough that you've been doing exercises every night for the last week?" Stephanie flinched. Her secret had been known for longer than she'd supposed. "You're terrible at lying, and you're terrible at hiding things."

  "All right, I'm just terrible," Stephanie shot back. She hated being accused of nothing more than trying to manage this change herself. It wasn't like it was his problem directly, and besides, he'd taken her on knowing the risks. Hell, he probably knew the risks better than she did, what with all his knowledge of werewolves and stuff like that. "I didn't want you to worry about me on top of everything we've been doing at the office and everything we need to do here. Why is that such a bad thing?"

  "Because we need to be in this together. If you had freaked out and I hadn't seen what was happening to you, what do you think would have happened?"

  "I don't know, tell me." She wasn't in the mood for guessing games.

  "You probably would torn a hole in me and then gone of to do the same to every other person you found in this hotel," Chuck informed her.

  "Well, that's not going to happen." Stephanie stood and stormed over to the large window. She pointed out at the heavy rain and winds outside. "You think anything's going to happen to me with all that going on?"

  "That's not supposed to be there tomorrow," he bluntly replied. She grimaced. There went that argument, but she had a backup.

  "Well, it's still not the full moon yet, even tomorrow, so there's nothing to worry about that badly." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Maybe you're just overreacting."

  "And maybe you're under-reacting," Chuck countered. She turned her face away from him and he sighed. "This is serious, Boss. I don't want anything happening to you while we're here, and when we get back to the house." Her shoulders slumped and she nodded.

  "I know that, and I know how serious all of this is, but I just want you to believe in me." She glanced back at him, and there was a small, hopeful smile on her face. "I'm trying really hard to deal with this. You heard me doing all those exercises. I was trying to make sure I got too tired to do anything dangerous." He returned her smile with a grin and a small chuckle.

  "Well, I suppose you've got me there. Nothing did happen while you were doing that."

  "See? I've got this handled, at least until the full moon." She stepped over to him and placed a hand on one of his shoulders. "Trust me on this, all right?"

  "I suppose, but can you trust me?" he returned. She gave him a look of confusion, and he nodded toward her suitcase. "I saw the dress you plan on wearing tomorrow night. You sure that isn't a little risky?"

  "Oh, that damn thing," she grumbled.

  Stephanie's hand slipped off his shoulder and she dragged her feet over to her luggage. She flipped open the flap and scowled at the wrinkled black dress. It was one with a low cut front and two thin straps holding it up. The cloth smoothly rolled over her hips and down to a little passed her wrinkled knees. It wasn't her choice of evening wear, but she figured she'd try to make an imposing figure while they were out in front of so many snobbish people.

  "I asked the girl at the clothing store counter to bring me something professional and eye-catching, and that's the best they had. If I still had some of my clothes from home I would've gone with one of those."

  "Well, I have to applaud the shop girl's tastes," Chuck replied. He appreciated the cut above the breasts, and was looking forward to seeing her in the dress. Stephanie shot him the look of death, and he stepped back with his arms held out in front of him. "But enough of talking about tomorrow, we should probably be getting ready for bed."

  "I suppose..." she muttered.

  First, though, she pulled out the dress and hung it in the closet beside the bathroom. There the dress would de-wrinkle itself, or so she hoped. Then the two took turns changing in the bathroom. Chuck prepared his bed on the floor with as many blankets as he could mange without swiping them all from the bed and closets. He had a pretty comfortable spot beside the big window where he could see the storm blowing outside. Stephanie suspected he was really there to make sure that if the moon did appear, he'd be the first to know about it.

  The young woman was glad when Chuck took his turn changing and emerged from the bathroom clothed in a pair of sweatpants and a long t-shirt. If he would have been in anything less, she might not have been able to control herself. As it stood, she slipped into the bed and rolled over, but sleep didn't want to come to her. She was restless and the space between her legs ached for the male so close to her. Chuck must have heard her tossing and turning, because after a half hour he sighed and even thought the lights in the room were off, she still she saw him sit up. His figure was silhouetted against the window, and it almost creeped her out seeing only that shadow.

  "You really need to do your exercises, or you're going to keep us both up," he informed her with a hint of order in his voice.

  "You sure you won't mind?" she asked. She wasn't sure about doing jumping jacks and running in place inside their hotel room, either.

  "Well, I'd rather you do that and we both get some sleep than you tossing and turning and making that damn bed squeak all night. Besides, these walls are pretty thick. I made sure to get the best hotel for that in case something did happen with you. We wouldn't want all the hotel to come running wondering what all that howling and growling was about."

  "You really think the walls are that thick?" she wondered.

  "Well, probably half the hotel will come running, so it's better than some places," Chuck joked.

  Stephanie laughed and flung the covers aside. Even though the light in the room wasn't bright enough to see where Chuck's face was turned, she had a feeling she had a rapt audience watching her exercise. She was wearing only her pajama tops and sweat pants bottoms, and nothing else. That meant her breasts were loose of the bra and her shirt, which was a little tigh
t on her, showed off her figure pretty well. Every time she bounced up and down doing the jumping jacks, her breasts would bounce. She swear she saw Chuck's head move up and down in time with her exercising, and not because she had perfect form when doing them.

  The exercise did help, however, and Stephanie disappointed her partner by stopping. Her energy was now spent and she felt ready for a good night's sleep. They both fell asleep soon after, and they awoke to a bright sunny day. As Chuck had informed her, the storm had passed and tonight the sky would be clear. She'd have to deal with the effects of an almost-full moon, and even that morning she was feeling different than the day before. She felt a surge of, well, happiness. There was a bubbliness to her attitude which almost disgusted her and caught the attention of Chuck, but she couldn't hide it. She just felt so happy and carefree, like she was looking forward to a birthday party or a meeting with an old friend.

  Chuck didn't mention her strange change in attitude, but he watched her carefully as they got ready to leave their room. Because the pair had opted for such a distance between themselves and the conference hall, they were forced to bring along their attire for the evening. They could check in their bags at the front and have the conference center personnel hold it until they came for it. That meant risking Stephanie's dress becoming wrinkled, but Chuck himself carefully wrapped the elegant gown in the bags and allowed as few wrinkles as possible to develop. They'd also be taking a taxi there and back to avoid the high cost of parking in the city.

  The pair arrive at the conference hall and, after ditching their bags, got right down to business. This conference was one of the largest in the entire year, and even Stephanie managed a real smile as they met and greeted new and old clients alike. Her cheerful attitude helped her along nicely, and between the two of them they greeted most of the dozens of prospective clients, and even had a change to talk with some of their competition about the world of advertising. Most of the conversations were amicable, everyone wanted to look good in front of the paychecks, but there was on face Chuck detested to see and Stephanie was uncomfortable to meet.

  That was Mr. George Gregory. He came in late to the festivities, but went through the crowd like a pro. At his side was not the wicked witch Ms. Seville, but a younger gentleman hardly older than twenty. Stephanie was glad to see someone different than that cross woman, but she noticed Chuck was very much less than thrilled to see the newcomer. They locked eyes and she swore they recognized one another, for the young man bowed his head a little in acknowledgment. Chuck didn't do anything except scowl and turn away. If they did know each other, it wasn't amicable on one side.

  Chuck maneuvered his partner and himself so they didn't cross paths with Gregory until after the dinner had been announced. The meal was essentially the last chance to trade cards and exchange ideas in a more formal setting. The food was also free, hosted by the conference hall itself as a bonus for choosing them over other cities, and nobody could pass up free food. The pair were dressed in the clothes they had brought, and Chuck silently admitted that he'd never seen a woman as lovelier as Stephanie was just then.

  The dark gown hit all the right curves and she was in well enough shape to have a figure any woman would trade their soul to have. The glow of her pleasant mood, too, helped her complexion and she turned many heads when she stepped into the room with her hands wrapped around Chuck's gallant arm. Unfortunately, all this attention meant they could no longer avoid Gregory, and the man immediately moved over to them. He had a bright smile on his face, and his assistant stood in back of him. Stephanie half wondered if the younger man wasn't a servant of some kind.

  "What a lovely dress on a lovely woman," Gregory complimented. He took one of her hands and gently kissed her fingers. "You're like a radiant moon in this sea of stars."

  "Thank you," Stephanie replied. She wasn't sure what to make of this man. The last time they'd met at her house, she'd been creeped out by his stalking attitude. Now he was all smiles and she didn't feel at all like she should be scared of him. Maybe that's what inwardly frightened her, the way he seemed to have more than one face behind that mask of civility.

  Gregory's young companion looked to Chuck and bowed.

  "You're looking good, Charles," the young man commented. That proved Stephanie's theory about the men knowing each other. "It's been a long time."

  "Yes, a long time," Chuck replied. He emphasized his words to show that perhaps he wished the time would have been longer.

  "Ms. Seville wishes for me to send along her regards to you," the stranger added, and Chuck paled. Stephanie was curious about this, she hadn't know the two were so intimately acquainted that the woman would pass on a message to Chuck through this young man.

  There was an awkward silence among the group when Chuck didn't reply. Instead the man scowled and turned his face away. Gregory saved the conversation when he clapped his hands together and turned to Stephanie.

  "I don't believe you've met my young friend here, have you, Mrs. Yager?" he wondered, and he moved aside to gesture toward the young man. "This is Simon Ivanovich. He's the brains behind my operation while Ms. Seville is the beauty."

  "A pleasure to meet you," Simon greeted, and he held out his hand.

  "Um, likewise," Stephanie politely returned. She shook his hand and then leaned quickly back to stand beside Chuck again. The young man was a little creepy to herself. There was something just too unnaturally perfect about his manner. He was too calm and collected, almost robotic. It made her feel like there was something hidden inside him ready to spring out if he ever did show emotions.

  "Now that the introductions are out of the way, I would like to make a request of the young lady," Gregory announced. He held out his bent arm for her to take. "I'd like to discuss some private matters alone, if you're not too busy to listen to my ramblings."

  "Oh, um, I don't see why not," she agreed. Her cursedly slow mind couldn't think up an excuse. It wasn't like the people around her were clamoring for her attention. Well, besides Chuck holding onto her arm.

  Stephanie regretfully broke free of her partner and took Gregory's arm. He led her away from her friend and into the crowd. She glanced back before the view was obscured by people to see Ivanovich step up and begin a conversation with Chuck. Her partner for his part watched her leave with as much trepidation as she felt. Then Chuck was lost to view and Gregory turned their steps to the far side of the large hall. There were doors leading off smaller lecture hall rooms, and these were currently being used for presentations and dealings between companies. Gregory led them into an empty room and shut the door behind them. The clicking of the latch made Stephanie very nervous, and she turned to find Gregory staring at her with a strange expression on his face. He was sizing her up, but she didn't know why.

  "So how have you been feeling lately?" he kindly asked. He smoothly stepped over to her, but she backed up a little to have some space between them. "That illness run its course?"

  "I'm feeling fine. It went away after a few days," she replied. She felt so trapped in here with those doors closed like that.

  "To be honest I was surprised you came here. It being the anniversary of your attack and all," he mused over. Stephanie frowned. There was something not quite right about his statement.

  "Attacked?" she repeated. Her eyes narrowed. "How did you know I was attacked?"

  "I heard it from your husband. He was a nice gentleman, I was just speaking to him today," Gregory explained to her. "He said you'd been bitten or something of the sort. You're sure you're quite all right? You look a little pale?"

  Stephanie was pale, but it wasn't the illness that was making her so. She couldn't fathom why this man had spoken to her husband nor why he took such an interest in her, but she was scared.

  "The mind plays some cruel tricks on the body. Perhaps it's the near-anniversary that's getting to you," Gregory commented. "Your mind may even believe itself hurting again."

  "N-no, I'm fine, really," Stephanie replied. "Now if
you'll excuse me, I think I need some fresh air," she added as she tried another pass around him. He blocked the way again, and now she was getting really mad. "What do you want from me?" she sharply questioned. "You think I want to play with you or something?"

  "Actually, I very much want to play with you," Gregory informed her. He moved closer and her backside bumped against a table.

  "I'm not in the mood for games," she growled. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing on end from anger. "Now move it." He reached out and tried to stroke her cheek, but she deftly moved out of arm's length.

  "Come, come, I mean you no harm," he tried to encourage. "I know this is confusing for you to understand, but I truly am trying to help you."

  "How about you help by getting out of my way?" she insisted. She tried again, and again he blocked her path. Her hands balled into fists. She was so close and yet so far from being free of this insufferable man. He was looking at her strangely, though.

  "You don't know what's happening to yourself, do you?" he finally wondered.

  "What's happening is you're making me really fucking angry," she shot back. She didn't usually swear, but she was scared and angry enough right now to do just about anything.

  "But that's not all, is it?" he persisted. He stepped closer to her, and she stepped back. "Don't you see that you're changing, Stephanie?" he hinted at. "You're wrapped in this cocoon waiting to burst forth as something much more beautiful and dangerous." Now Stephanie was starting to wonder if the man hadn't suddenly cracked. Her eyes darted over the room and she skittered around one of the tables.

  "Just stay away from me," she ordered. He placed his hands palm-down on the table and leaned over. There was a wide grin on his face. "I have so much to offer your potential," he cooed.

  "And I don't want any of it," she refused. Suddenly there was a commotion out on the main floor of the conference hall. The doors flung open and Chuck stood in the entrance. Behind him they could see Ivanovich was down on the ground trying to manage a bloody nose.


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