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Secrets & Swords

Page 11

by R A Lewis

  Roguelyn turned and began heading towards her rooms, her mind completely preoccupied with the events of the night. She was so distracted that she didn’t notice the dark figure hiding in the shadows beside her door, so when Hawkin stepped out of the shadows she jumped and almost squealed.

  “I told you I would see you tonight,” he said, reaching for her waist and pulling her against him. Roguelyn caught her breath, his chest pressing against hers. A fire ran between them, so hot she felt as though if they pressed any closer they would melt. Her body tried to rebel, to push him away, but suddenly, all she wanted was to be held, to be wanted, to be consenting to this touch. To take control of a situation that felt like it was spinning wildly out of her control.

  “You certainly were unexpected,” she said a bit breathlessly. Hawkin smiled, lowering his mouth to hers. Their lips pressed together, his hot and smooth, hers soft and wielding. Her lips parted, letting his tongue explore her own. Roguelyn’s belly flip-flopped and she felt all the tension in her run out. He drew her towards her room as his lips left hers, and she didn’t protest. She wanted this. She wanted to forget the terrible evening, and get lost in someone she chose. As he began to undress her in her rooms, he gently pushed her onto the bed. He traced his hands down her body, trailing kisses after until he reached her sandals. As he untied them, he found the arrows she had strapped to her calves.

  “I knew you were dangerous, but not that dangerous,” he said as he deftly unlaced them and placed the arrows next to her forgotten bow.

  “And here I thought you were the dangerous one,” she said, her chest rising and falling rapidly as desire spread through her.

  “We will try not to destroy each other,” he said silkily. And with that, Roguelyn lost herself in Hawkin.

  Chapter 18

  Roguelyn awoke alone the next morning. She didn’t worry, she wasn’t sure what she would have said to Hawkin had he stayed. He was a nice distraction, but she had more important things to worry about. She stretched, her body delightfully sore from the nights’ activities. She hopped out of bed to get dressed; she needed to know what her boundaries were under her new imprisonment.

  Ten minutes later she stood outside Galiena’s door and knocked. The door swung open and a disheveled Galiena stood before her, her rooms in chaos and disarray as servants threw things into trunks and maids ran around collecting clothing. Galiena looked harried, frantic. Roguelyn frowned as she stepped inside, closing the doors behind her.

  “I didn’t realize you’d leave so quickly,” she said. She’d hoped to talk with Galiena, get some guidance on what she could or could not do.

  “The king delivered a message this morning, early. Get out by end of day, or else I could stay here with you.” She picked up a throw pillow off the couch and began packing it into an already over-stuffed trunk. “I’ll be staying in the city for a few days while I arrange transport. You can find me at the Rosebud Inn.”

  “Oh.” Roguelyn stayed just inside the doorway, feeling like she was in the way. “I just wanted to ask, am I allowed into the city?” Galiena barely stopped her packing before answering.

  “Yes, you can, but you will be assigned a watcher. They won’t disturb your shopping, but they will wait for you outside every business you enter, and come looking when you take too long. It’s best to just get in and out. They aren’t kind if you take too long.” She began packing another trunk with dresses.

  “Thank you,” Roguelyn said. “Give my best to your brother.” This gave Galiena pause. She dropped the dress she was folding and came over to Roguelyn.

  “What you’ve done for me, I can never repay,” she said, taking Roguelyn’s hands in hers. “I will do what I can to get you out, but you might be here a while. The best advice I can give you is to just accept it and deal with it. Don’t resist, don’t let him think you hate it. He wants to think you enjoy it, that he can get anyone he wants.” She kissed both of Roguelyn’s cheeks as she stood there, stunned.

  “There is something you can do for me,” Roguelyn said on impulse. Perhaps this woman could help her gain access to her father somehow. Galiena froze and turned slowly.

  “Yes?” Her voice was sugar coated. “How can I help?”

  Roguelyn thought fast. “I need to know the whereabouts and movements of a certain person within the castle. If I ask, can you get the information for me? You have contacts here within the castle that I don’t.” Galiena eyed her a moment before answering.

  “Yes. I can get you that sort of information. Who are you looking for information about?” Roguelyn moved in closer to Galiena, looking around the room for eavesdroppers. Most of the servants were busy on the far side of the room, or in one of Galiena’s other rooms. She kept her voice low just in case.

  “The Duke Ashdown. The one taken prisoner. I need to know if he’s in the dungeons, or if they moved him.” Galiena’s eyes went wide at this but she schooled her features fairly quickly and nodded.

  “Yes. I will reach out to my contacts and let you know. Even if I’m no longer in the city I will let you know.” Roguelyn let out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding.

  “Thank you.”

  Roguelyn left immediately after, not willing to stay and contemplate what Galiena meant about the king, or what her future in the castle would be. She had a goal to accomplish, and she needed to let Liam know they had an informant now. As she rode out of the castle and into the city streets she noticed she wasn’t alone. An older man dressed in black followed her as if he’d been waiting. She made her way to Hob’s tavern, hoping to see Liam and maybe Henndo for some moral support. It was time to involve him if he wanted to help.

  She dismounted in the stable yard and handed off her horse to the sleepy stable boy. She hadn’t realized just how early it still was. Hob was awake and in the kitchen, and his eyes lit up as she entered through the back door.

  “Sara! It’s good to see you again!” Hob said cheerfully. “Would you like some breakfast?” Roguelyn nodded in thanks as her stomach growled.

  “Yes, thank you Hob. Is Liam up yet?”

  “No, he’s still abed. But Henndo is awake.” Hob nodded towards the front room and Roguelyn followed his gaze. In the front room of the tavern Henndo sat next to the fire, reading a book. He looked up when she entered and his whole face lit with delight.

  “Well, look who the cat dragged in!” He jumped to his feet and embraced her, Roguelyn smiling hugely as his comforting hug made her feel safe and at home. He sat back down, offering her the chair across from him. “You’ve really come up in the world haven’t you?” he asked. Roguelyn nodded.

  “It wasn’t exactly planned,” she said, nervously smoothing her skirt. She didn’t know how much to tell Henndo, and whether knowing it would put him in danger.

  “Liam told me a bit,” he assured. “I know the Duchess tricked you into taking her place. And I know you and Liam are the same.” He winked at her. He must know that Liam was a spy for Rayaven then.

  “Are you?” she asked, leaning forward.

  “No, but I’ve traveled my share in your country as well, and I have to say, I prefer your king. I don’t officially take sides, but Liam has always been good to me and my mother, so I would never betray him. Or you.” Roguelyn nodded and smiled at Henndo gratefully.

  “I need yours and Liam’s help. I’m trying to free the Duke Ashdown from Hargrave’s dungeons.” Henndo eyebrows raised. Roguelyn continued. “But I don’t know how to get him out safely. And now I’m followed everywhere I go.” She nodded towards the front window, through which she could see the man in black waiting across the street. Henndo casually looked as well. He smiled. When Hob came over to the table a moment later with two plates laden with food, Henndo asked him to fetch the stable boy. The boy came running a few moment later.

  “Here, take this,” Henndo handed his plate of food to the boy. “And give it to that man there,” He pointed out the front window so the boy could see. “Ask him to relax, the Lady will be out i
n good time.” He grinned at the boy, and then winked conspiratorially at Roguelyn. Roguelyn covered her mouth, hiding her laughter. The boy scampered out the door. The look on the man in black’s face was a scowl, but he nodded in Roguelyn’s direction. She hoped this small kindness would stop the man from coming inside to kick her out too quickly. Henndo nudged her. “Go upstairs and wake Liam.” She got up and made her way up the stairs behind the bar. The last door on the left down the dark hallway was Liam’s room. She knocked softly, but when no one answered she pushed it open.

  Liam lay sideways on his bed, his left arm hanging off, his head rolled forward so that he was almost hanging off the bed, his left leg propped on the footboard of the bed. His rugged handsome face looked soft and boyish in sleep, and it was clear he was exhausted and sleeping hard. Roguelyn felt her heart swell a bit at seeing him like this, but she resisted the temptation to brush the hair that had fallen across his brow. Instead, she sat on the bed next to him and gently shook his shoulder.

  “Liam?” He jerked awake, reaching for his knife on the side table. “Liam!” she said, trying to push out of the way before he tried to stab her. He paused, his eyes blurry with sleep, focusing slowly on her face, the knife till raised in the air.

  “Sara?” he asked sleepily. Roguelyn wished she could tell him her real name. Sara felt so wrong just then, in the privacy of his room. But if he knew who she was, she’d be shipped back to Rayaven quicker than she could spit.

  “Henndo and I are waiting downstairs,” she said, the warmth beginning to drain from her voice. “We’ll be ready when you are.” And with that she left his room, shutting the door behind her. She paused in the darkness of the hallway and let out a long sigh. This was a man she wanted to tell the truth to, wanted him to know everything about her, but if she did it was the end. He’d hate her if she told him the truth, but lying felt almost as awful. With a deep breath she straightened her bodice and walked down the stairs, joining Henndo at the table and beginning to eat her now cold breakfast of potatoes and eggs.

  Liam joined her and Henndo a few minutes later, his hair still tousled, his shirt wrinkled. He rubbed his face, and he looked as though he had been up all night.

  “What was so important it couldn’t wait until later?” he asked, a sour tone to his voice. He could barely look her in the eyes. Roguelyn scowled at him and speared a potato.

  “What’s got your panties in a twist?” she asked, stuffing the potato into her mouth in a very unladylike fashion.

  “Nothing,” he said, but she could clearly see he was struggling with something. Finally, something broke in him and he blurted, “Did you enjoy the rest of your night?” He was accusing her of something, and Roguelyn pushed back from him slightly.

  “What do you mean?” she asked. He glared at her.

  “Nothing. I’m just glad you were able to accept comfort from someone better than myself.” Roguelyn realized that he somehow knew about Hawkin staying over. She had no idea how he knew, but despite how much his words hurt, she didn’t think this was the right time to dig into that. She took a moment to control her features and her roaring heart before answering.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, wiping her mouth with a napkin and pushing her plate away, her appetite suddenly gone. Henndo looked between the two of them, eyebrows raised. Liam grumbled something under his breath.

  “What was that?” Roguelyn asked.

  “Whatever,” Liam responded. “Why did you wake me up so ungodly early?” he said, pulling her partially eaten plate towards him and picking up her fork. He dug into her food with relish, looking at her sideways as if his eating it would hurt her further. She just raised an eyebrow at him. His words hurt but she wasn’t about to show him.

  “We need to make a plan. If you won’t let me help you kill the king, then we need a plan to get the Duke out,” she said, folding her hands in her lap. “Luckily I was able to procure an informant who will let me know where the Duke is being held and if they ever move him.”

  Liam scowled down at the food, seemingly unwilling or unenthusiastic about making a plan. Roguelyn sat there patiently, hoping he had something to offer. A few minutes elapsed, an uncomfortable silence stretching between them. Henndo didn’t seem bothered by the silence, he sat with his hands behind his head, relaxing, a small smile on his lips as he looked back and forth between Liam and Roguelyn, as if he knew something they didn’t. Finally, Roguelyn tired of the silence.

  “Well? Any brilliant plans? Our idea to bribe Eugene didn’t work. We need something else!” She threw her hands up on the air in frustration.

  “Fine. I will infiltrate the guards myself. Tell them I’ve decided on a change of career. Once I know their rotations and who’s on shift, we’ll drug them and try to get the Duke out.” It was simple, and a little silly. Roguelyn blinked in confusion.

  “What will we drug them with?” she asked quietly. To her surprise, Henndo answered.

  “We’ll use a sleeping drought made with Valerian Root. They won’t notice or taste a thing, and when they wake up they won’t have any recollection of the last 24 hours.” Roguelyn looked at him astonished.

  “How do you know about that?” Liam had paused with food halfway to his mouth.

  “Never you mind. I know my tricks,” he said, touching the side of his nose and winking at her. “I’ll get the sleeping draught, Liam will get in nice with the guards, Sara, you will focus on keeping the king happy and distracted. We’ll meet here in a week to finalize and pick a night. Then things will get interesting.” Henndo cracked a grin. Liam put his fork down forcefully.

  “Fine,” he said. “That’s the plan. Now, don’t you have someplace to be? Someone to entertain?” The way he said that last word was not lost on Roguelyn. She scowled at him, giving him her best glare before turning to Henndo and smiling.

  “Thank you,” she said, and she kissed him on the cheek. She got up and left out the back door without a second glance back to Liam, who sat, arms crossed, brooding. The man in black followed her back to the castle, but he disappeared at the gate. Roguelyn’s shoulders relaxed, she hadn’t noticed she’d been hunching them since she’d left the castle. She felt a bit useless as she entered her quarters. It was all a waiting game for her now, and she dreaded distracting the king. She flopped onto her bed, loosening her bodice and relaxing. She would get some sleep since she hadn’t gotten much last night, and then she would focus on the king.

  Chapter 19

  Roguelyn straightened her skirt with nervous fingers. She was wearing a deep red silk dress with black trim and a plunging neckline. She felt uncomfortable in her own skin. The king had invited her to a private party in his rooms, and she had no idea how to act now that Galiena wasn’t there to be her buffer. She would have to draw on long unused skills her mother had taught her about etiquette and how to interact at formal parties. The servant announced her and opened the ornate doors before her.

  The King’s rooms were richly appointed, with plush carpets, plenty of tapestries, and comfortable couches. There were about twenty or so nobles arranged around the room on various surfaces. Roguelyn entered and looked around for a friendly smile, or even just a place to sit. She found that the majority of the nobles wouldn’t look at her, but there was a small chair and table by the window that was vacant. She made her way there, only stopping long enough to take a crystal glass of a sweet white wine from an attendant before seating herself and observing the room.

  She watched the ebb and flow of the nobles in the king’s rooms, moving from the grand piano that someone was playing in one corner to the table where a complicated game of cards was being played at the other, and sitting to talk, drink, and eat anywhere in between. Some people moved effortlessly from one group to another, some obviously felt more comfortable with this person, or that. But none of them gave her a second glance. Without Galiena, Roguelyn was nobody. She honestly preferred it like that, and if it wasn’t for the fear of what the king wanted fr
om her tonight, she would have been enjoying herself while she people-watched. Instead, she felt anxious and out of place, constantly looking through the crowd for the king. He hadn’t shown up, but there were multiple doors leaving this room and he could come through any of them at any moment.

  The entire evening passed without event. Roguelyn did get up and walk a bit, nodding politely to nobles and pausing to enjoy the piano playing. But after many hours had passed, and other guests were leaving, Roguelyn decided she had waited long enough. As she was making her way to the door, a small woman, whom she had overlooked, snagged her arm. When Roguelyn turned towards her, she realized it was the queen. Queen Rohesia was just as small and delicate as ever. Her pale blonde hair and blue eyes were kind as she looked at Roguelyn.

  “Would you stay for a moment please, Lady Sara. I’d like to speak with you in private.” Roguelyn nodded and stood aside to allow the queen to say goodnight to her guests. Roguelyn realized this room must be the queen’s, not the king’s. Perhaps he was never going to show tonight. After the last guest had left, Rohesia turned to Roguelyn and gestured for her to sit. Roguelyn perched awkwardly on the edge of the sofa, tension running through her body, but she waited patiently for the queen to speak.

  “I noticed you didn’t mingle much tonight. Anything on your mind?” Rohesia’s small frame seemed swallowed by the couch she sat on. Roguelyn was taken aback by her kindness. How could someone so kind be married to such a man as King Hargrave?

  “No, your Majesty, I just don’t know anyone,” Roguelyn said, lamely. She didn’t quite know how to respond.

  “I know you are currently being kept here against your will and I’m truly sorry for that. But I am here if you need someone to talk to.” She reached over and patted Roguelyn’s hand. Roguelyn realized suddenly that maybe the king hadn’t broken this woman, despite how frail she looked. And maybe, just maybe, Queen Rohesia was not the same breed as her husband. Maybe she was just like all the other women he abused.


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