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Secrets & Swords

Page 13

by R A Lewis

  “Then, my Lady, I will kill him for you.” He began kissing her wrist lightly, working his way up her arm. Roguelyn sank into his touch, allowing the fear and anger of the last few days to seep out of her as his warmth seeped in.

  Chapter 21

  Hawkins stayed with her the entire next day, making her some pain-relieving tea and drawing her a hot bath. She knew her brief romance with him was coming to an end, so she savored every moment she could with him as she had meals delivered to her rooms and sequestered herself with his warmth and attentions.

  As night drew in, she began to get nervous. She packed away her wig, surprised to find her hair underneath had grown almost to her shoulders in the time she’d been in Gadel. She changed back into her men’s clothing, packing away her dresses in the wardrobe. Finally, as nine o’clock drew near, there was another soft knock at her door. She answered, and there stood Liam. He entered her rooms, and a few moments later a servant knocked, handing her a tray filled with a bottle of wine. When Roguelyn entered her bedroom with the wine, she found Hawkin and Liam standing on opposite sides of the room, having what looked like a silent argument.

  “Uh, I hate to break the tension, but shouldn’t we get going?” Roguelyn crossed between them and set the tray on her bed. Liam seemed unwilling to give up the fight, but Hawkin pushed off the wall he’d been leaning against and came over to her. He placed a hand on the small of her back, but that only seemed to anger Liam more.

  “Get your hand off of her!” he bellowed, stomping towards them like an angry bull. “Don’t you know what she’s been through?” He shoved Hawkin’s hand off Roguelyn, and pushed him back, coming up nose to nose with the man. Hawkin glared Liam down.

  “Yes. And don’t you know that she’s not some delicate flower you need to protect? She can take care of herself.” Roguelyn was alarmed, but also touched that both Hawkin and Liam would stand up for her like this, although their posturing was more than a bit childish.

  “Stop it!” she yelled, pushing between them, placing a hand on both of their chests. “I’m perfectly fine. I went into that situation knowing what would happen, and I’ll move past it on my own. Neither of you needs to fight for my honor over something like this.” She shoved harder until both Liam and Hawkin backed off. “Now,” she said, straightening her shirt and tucking her hair behind an ear. “Let’s get to it.” She gestured for Liam to do his part. He was still glaring at Hawkin but he grudgingly pulled out the packet of herbs, uncorking the bottle, shaking the tiny leaves inside and re-corking. He shook it gently, allowing the herbs to completely infuse and dissolve into the wine. Finally, he handed the wine to Roguelyn and turned to Hawkin.

  “You stay here. We will bring the Duke here and then you can lead us away. Roguelyn, you come with me and we will talk to those guards.” Roguelyn paused to look at Hawkin before following Liam out. They made their way in silence through the mostly empty halls of the castle, only a few servants around as the majority of the nobles were at a party in the queen’s quarters. Roguelyn had politely declined, and the queen had sent back a note with sympathy, but clear understanding as to why. Roguelyn felt bad for deceiving the woman, but her father’s safety and freedom were more important.

  They paused at the top of the dungeon steps. Liam took the wine from her.

  “I’ll go down and invite them for a drink, once they are good and out, I’ll call you down. Until then, keep an eye out, but don’t be seen.” He left her, slipping down the stairs. Once at the bottom he called out jovially, “Hey boys! Miss me? I thought I’d come by for a drink and see if I can’t win back some of the money you took from me last night! Anyone up for a game?” She couldn’t hear the guard’s responses but they seemed amiable enough and no alarm was sounded. She pressed herself back into the shadows of the darkened hall to wait. She watched the window, where outside a strong northern wind was blowing. Perhaps a storm was coming that would help disguise their escape. She hoped it was so.

  A few servants passed, none of them noticing her, for half an hour before Liam softly called up to her. Roguelyn checked to make sure the coast was clear before heading down. But Liam was struggling with the bigger guard, the wine clearly not enough to knock him out, he was instead drunkenly and quietly fighting with Liam for control of his keys and sword.

  “Help me!” Liam hissed, as he tried to hold the larger man’s hand back from his sword. Roguelyn was unsure what to do, but she ran forward, fumbling at the man’s sword belt; trying to remove it. There was a sound in the castle above, and Roguelyn looked up alarmed at Liam.

  “Go!” he grunted, trying to help the larger man slump to the ground as his head rolled. Roguelyn turned on her heel and ran, making it up out of the dungeon and around a corner before she heard the pounding of guards’ feet behind her. Suddenly there were hands on her and she had to stifle a scream as she realized Liam was beside her, hurrying her along. He ushered her quickly into a secluded alcove halfway back to her rooms, his body pressing up against her in the dark.

  “Well, that didn’t work out well,” he breathed into her hair. “Our scuffle must have alerted a passing servant who alerted the guards.” Roguelyn nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She was acutely aware of the stable and sunshine smell of him. They had never been this physically close together before, beside dancing, and she once again felt her core heat up at his nearness. “The problem is, now they will know someone was trying to get in. This might make our next attempt that much more difficult.” He was frowning, trying to work it out. Roguelyn grabbed his wrist.

  “Let’s let this settle, and attack it again in a few days.” He looked at her worriedly, his face inches from hers. “I can handle a few more days.” She squeezed, hoping she had a reassuring tone to her voice. Liam smiled, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. On impulse, Roguelyn leaned forward and pressed her lips gently to his. He froze, his body stiffening before he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly against his hard body. Roguelyn melted. They often fought, but she knew that this man cared for her deeply. The excitement of the moment, her own fear and panic, and his closeness made her forget the man waiting back in her rooms for a moment. Soon they broke apart, and Liam stepped away, taking in a shaky breath.

  “Well then.” And he began walking back towards her rooms. Roguelyn smiled a bit awkwardly and followed.

  Hawkin searched Roguelyn over for damage as soon as she entered the room. She shoved him off playfully, a bit of guilt making her want to be aloof.

  “I’m fine. No damage. But we ran into some trouble obviously. We’ll try again in a few days.” Hawkin sighed a breath of relief.

  “So, you won’t be leaving me tonight after all?” he asked, a smirk on his lips and mischief in his eyes.

  “No, I’ll be around a few more days.” Liam had been standing in the doorway, clearly uncomfortable with their interaction. Roguelyn turned to him. “Thank you, Liam for your help tonight. I’ll come to see you in a few days and we’ll make an alternate plan.” Liam nodded stiffly and turned to leave. “You too, Hawkin. I need tonight to think about the next steps.” Liam paused in the doorway and looked back at her. Hawkin searched her face for a moment before nodding.

  “Until later then.” She nodded and escorted them both out the door, watching them glare briefly at each other before walking in opposite directions. Roguelyn sighed deeply and closed her door.

  Chapter 22

  The following day, Roguelyn received another invitation to one of Queen Rohesia’s parties. She accepted, hoping to maintain the premise that everything was fine. As she got ready for the party she breathed in deeply. The king hadn’t summoned her a second time but every night as the sun began to set, she started to panic, the fear of his next summons almost overwhelming her. She focused her mind on the party ahead, digging her fingernails into her palm to keep herself grounded in the moment.

  Rohesia was gracious and understanding, asking Roguelyn about her health and genuinely wanting to know if she was okay.
Roguelyn smiled and demurred, brushing away the queen’s concerns. The king was not in attendance, as usual, and Roguelyn was grateful. However, part way through the party she was feeling a bit dizzy from the wine, and the after effects of the previous nights, so she sought a quiet place, away from the general bustle to relax for a few moments. She found an alcove with a comfy window seat that looked out onto a spacious balcony. Very little light reached there and she sat down gratefully, breathing in deeply from the open window.

  The crisp winter air came wafting in, refreshing her and relieving her pounding head and foggy senses. But as she settled, the sound of voices came to her on the breeze. It was the voices of two men, neither of which she recognized, but after a few moments, she realized these men were part of the king’s counsel.

  “He’s worried that the attempt was to free the Duke.” Roguelyn stiffened at the mention of her father.

  “Yes, but how do we know that was a rescue attempt? We’ve had no whiff of treachery within the court, let alone the city. If this was an inside job, how have our spies not discovered the traitor?” the second voice was deeper and huskier.

  “Because the king has more important things to think about. Like the Eternal Ministry,” this voice was higher pitched, more nasal.

  “The king certainly does. The Excellent Magistrate has many plans he’d like to execute.” Roguelyn leaned forward at the mention of a plan and the Excellent Magistrate.

  “The attempted rescue and treason takes precedence,” the second voice chuckled a bit. “The rest can wait.”

  Roguelyn was frozen in place, straining to hear more as the voices moved off. She felt an urgency and could barely stand to wait the rest of the evening for the party to end. They knew about her father and she might soon be discovered. She would go tomorrow to see Liam and make a plan. Somehow, she would have to sneak out of the castle without her guard.

  She mingled some more, Rohesia finally cornering her.

  “Are you well, Lady Sara?” she asked, sensing Roguelyn’s tension.

  “I am fine, my Queen,” Roguelyn responded, fidgeting with her wine glass and constantly looking around her, hoping to catch those voices she had heard outside. “Your majesty, who were those two men I glimpsed outside earlier?” She hoped the queen would not be suspicious of her question and tell her.

  “I’m not sure. What did they look like?” Roguelyn’s stomach churned.

  “Oh, I couldn’t really see their faces, and I left before they came into the light.” She looked away from the queen, as if her attention had been diverted. The queen seemed distracted as well. “I hear everyone speaking of an incident that happened last night. What was it?” Roguelyn had indeed heard the guests discussing the escape attempt.

  “An attempt to drug some guards who were guarding the dungeon last night, by a man named Liam. We’re not sure why he was doing so, but we’ve been unable to locate the man since.” Roguelyn schooled her face into one of interest, her stomach dropping away.

  “Oh my! What is the king doing about it?” She hoped she didn’t seem too eager. She was instantly worried for Liam. If he wasn’t found, then how would she find him? Everyone knew he frequented Hob’s inn. She worried for Hob and Henndo, who would surely be questioned in the search for Liam.

  “I’m not sure what he’s going to do yet.” She seemed distracted now, as two noblemen across the room had raised their voices and were obviously in an argument. “Would you excuse me, Lady Sara?” Roguelyn curtsied as the queen left to go settle the argument.

  Once back in her rooms she found a note lying on a tray just inside her rooms. She carefully opened it, dread curling in her stomach. It wasn’t from the king.

  They are moving your Duke tomorrow night. To Castle Wray.

  We’re even.


  It could only be from Galiena. Roguelyn sighed. Tomorrow she’d have to find Hawkin or Henndo or both and make a plan. If they were moving her father, it might be easier to ambush them on the road rather than try to sneak him out of the castle.

  The following morning Roguelyn made her way into town, hoping to find Hawkin. It would only be more suspicious if she went back to the inn that Liam frequented. The man in black following her would be obligated to report that to the king. She found Hawkin in a pub near the town square. Roguelyn had been passing the window, her eyes on the crowd in the square when the door to the pub had opened and voices had spilled out. Someone had yelled Hawkin’s name, followed by a shout of laughter. Roguelyn froze and turned, eyes searching the crowd inside.

  She quickly entered, shoving her way in between the bodies of drunken men and boys, barmaids, and a few bards who had set up shop together. Hawkin sat in what seemed a place of honor, most of the attention on him, and all those around him seemed to defer to him. Roguelyn paused, worried about what it might seem like if she showed up here, in what was clearly his domain, his throne room. She knew who he was, the power of the underbelly of Gadel that he controlled. But she desperately needed his help. She was dressed as a lady of the court too, not a barmaid, but she supposed a noble woman infatuated by a rogue wouldn’t be that strange a possibility. She pushed forward through the crowd until she stood before him.

  Hawkin looked up, his eyes momentarily startled, but he quickly checked his expression, a wry smile spreading across his lips.

  “Well, if it isn’t the Lady Sara.” He lounged in his chair, his long and lithe body draped over the arms of the chair in what was a clearly languid and relaxed way. Roguelyn bet, however, that despite his seeming nonchalance he was ready for a fight at any moment. She smiled shyly, bringing a hand to her chest demurely.

  “Hawkin, sir,” she stuttered over her words on purpose. “May I see you in private?” She looked around her, the men surrounding her leering at her, huge grins on their faces, and waggling eyebrows clearly visible. A few nudged the men next to them and some of the women cackled. One man whistled from the other side of the room. Hawkin waved a hand at them to quiet down, a grin on his face.

  “Of course. Go wait for me in the first room at the top of the stairs.” He waved a hand to dismiss her, and even though this one gesture made her feel like she was nothing to him, he was clearly doing it for those around him. He was making her seem like his play thing that he could do whatever he wanted with.

  “As you wish.” She made a small curtsey before heading for the stairs, cat calls and whistles following her. The room at the top of the stairs was modestly appointed. A small bed stood in the corner, with a small table in the other corner of the room boasting a lamp. A trunk stood at the bottom of the bed, the sole item that showed any personality, life, or possession. Roguelyn sat awkwardly on the chair at the table, folding her hands in her lap and waiting, while anxiety and anticipation rose in her gut.

  A quarter hour later Hawkin stepped into the room. Roguelyn had been worrying at the sleeves of her dress and had begun to unravel a string that was sticking out. She jumped up as he walked in, and he reached for her, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her slightly from the ground. He kissed her soundly, and then placed her back on her feet. Roguelyn blushed slightly at his attentions.

  “Now, what are you doing here?” His handsome face was worried.

  “They are moving my... the Duke.” She almost slipped. Hawkin’s eyes narrowed at her slip but he didn’t say anything. “I can’t go back to the inn, because they know Liam was the one who tried to drug the guards. I need your help to find Liam, and tell him that they are moving the Duke tonight to Wray Castle. I will also need your help to sneak out of the castle after dark tonight. I will join Liam outside the city and together we will rescue the Duke while he’s being transported. It’s our best opportunity,” she ended rather breathlessly. She wanted to get it all out. Hawkin nodded, his face grave.

  “Alright. You stay here for a bit after I leave. I don’t want your black clad guard to think that we are together. He’ll wait for you to go back to the castle before trying to follow me.
Be careful, and I’ll come get you after the ninth bell.” He kissed her again and released her. She pressed her hand to her lips as Hawkin left the tiny room. She waited until she thought he must be long gone before heading back down the stairs and out the front door. She passed the man in black without acknowledging him, and hurried back towards the castle. She’d have to make it seem as if she’d gone to bed early, in hopes that the king wouldn’t summon her.

  Chapter 23

  Once back in her rooms, she began to get ready once again, removing her dress, donning her boys clothing, and sending the queen a note begging off of her usual evening gathering, claiming illness. She hoped this would get to the king. But at a quarter past eighth bell, a knock sounded on her door and a note was slipped beneath it. It had the king’s hand writing and it implored her to meet him before she retired for the evening. Roguelyn choked on a sob, knowing she didn’t have much of a choice. She was the newest person in the court, and the man in black knew she knew Liam. If she wanted to shift the blame from herself, she needed to comply. She changed back into a simple red dress, with understated jewelry. She donned her wig for what was hopefully the last time and went to attend the king’s summons, steeling her nerves once again.

  Outside his doors, she could hear raised voices inside. Before the servant could knock and announce her arrival, the doors burst open and Rohesia came storming out. She paused briefly when she saw Roguelyn standing on the threshold. She scowled at her before storming past, and Roguelyn wondered what she could have done to offend the queen, but there was no time to think on it as the servant announced her and she was forced to enter.

  The king was standing by the window once again, his hands clasped behind his back, his back straight. It was clear from the tension in his body that he was angry. Roguelyn entered the room and paused to curtsey. She stayed that way until the king released her. He made her stay bent until her thighs were beginning to burn before he turned towards her and nodded. She stood up and clasped her hands in front of her. The king’s eyes roved over her, and Roguelyn’s stomach churned. She hadn’t had time to take the herbs she would need, and with the coming escape plan, she knew she couldn’t have even if she’d wanted to.


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