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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

Page 56

by Ruby Raine

  She readjusted her glasses, tossing the camera a credulous grin. One that gave everyone watching in the Howard’s kitchen goosebumps.

  “Have you seen this strange looking man with the pointy ears and daggered teeth? Be sure to contact the tip line right away. And be sure to tune in tomorrow morning for what I’m certain will be another intriguing report. This is Courtney Jessup, your Demon Isle Supernatural Investigator, signing off. Strike that!” she said, waving her hand. “I never sign off.”

  The news flashed to commercial.

  William turned down the volume on the TV, his brow furrowed.

  “Well,” said Emily. “It appears that The Demon Isle has finally, and unfortunately in this case, taken a step towards modernization. Talk about the times are a changing...”

  “She’s got a blog and everything,” murmured Melinda.

  “To our aid, most locals probably have no idea what that is,” said Michael with an eye roll. It drove him crazy how behind the times the Isle was. “Hell, there’s still a few businesses in town that operate as cash only. Don’t even take a friggin’ credit card.”

  “They abhor technological advances. As I do.” William actually liked that about the Isle. He felt more at ease.

  Charlie gave them a warning snicker. “Regardless, that report is not for the locals.”

  “No. I’d wager it’s not,” his brother agreed.

  “Tourists may come here for some old fashioned charm,” started Melinda, “but every single one of them has their hands glued to a cell phone.”

  “With camera. And video. And instant web access. I think you can get connected on pretty damned near the entire island now.” Emily shook her head. “Not going to make your jobs any easier. But I’ll keep my eyes on the blog. Assuming you guys want me to, that is?” she tossed back at them.

  “Probably a good idea,” said Charlie. “Thanks, Emily. Not sure what we’d do without your internet skills.”

  “I don’t want to overstep my bounds, but it is nice to know I can help some kick-ass witches now and again.”

  “You’re practically one of us,” noted Michael with a proud smile.

  “And we’ll take all the help we can get,” declared Charlie with a grin.

  “As long as their last name isn’t Deane,” whispered Melinda sorely. She sucked her lips and held her tongue. Only William would have heard, and she avoided his response.

  Michael inhaled deeply, letting out the breath with a curious sigh. “Reporter was hired by Channel Four. Who owns that station?”

  “I’m not sure,” said Charlie, glancing at William.

  “I’m not privy to the information myself, but perhaps the sheriff might have some insight. My assumption is the owner is not a native of the Isle.”

  “And it’s no longer just a local feed, it’s going off Isle, to the entire tri-state area,” mimicked Charlie. “Clearly an attempt to seek out tourists.”

  “And what about the strange man that Thomas Kinney saw?” asked Emily.

  “Prank would be my guess,” said Michael. “What better way to bolster a brand new report, or newly expanded newscast.”

  “Do you think people would be gullible enough to fall for such a thing?” asked Emily.

  “Have you seen Fortune Alley lately?” argued Michael sarcastically. “I don’t think they can squeeze in another tarot card reader, or magic shop.”

  “Something like this was bound to happen, I guess,” said Melinda. “It really might just make our jobs even harder.”

  “Regardless,” said Charlie, “we’ll need to look into this story, verify if it is just a prank, or if there’s any truth to it. I hate to say it, but what Thomas the tourist described, sounded eerily similar to a Feyk.”

  “A Feyk, on the Isle? Ugh.” Melinda shuddered at the thought.

  “Yes. Tricky bastards,” expressed Michael.

  “And not something many would be familiar with. Especially those unaware that the supernatural actually exists.” William eyed them knowingly.

  “Meaning there just might be some truth behind the sighting. And we’ll also need to investigate the investigator,” caught on Charlie. “See just how much this Courtney Jessup really knows about the Isle.”

  “Why would Feyks come here now?” Melinda wondered aloud. “They haven’t been sighted on the Isle since,” Melinda caught herself and bit the side of her cheek angrily. Why don’t I think about what I’m going to say before it leaves my mouth?

  Michael lifted his eyes in an I told you so manner. “You mean since the Deanes were still on the Isle, practicing dark magic?”

  “The timing has to be coincidence. And that’s if this thing is even a Feyk. Or real! It might be nothing,” Melinda floundered in defense.

  “Why don’t I go call Mack,” Charlie suggested, dropping the subject of the Deanes. The last thing he needed was a battle brewing in the mansion.

  Melinda could have kicked herself for being so stupid.

  Charlie picked up the Mack line. She skipped the usual greeting. “So whadoyaguysthink?” She sounded about as excited at the premise of more trouble on the Isle as they did.

  “About Courtney Jessup or the sighting?” grumbled Charlie. “We’re not sure what to think really, other than it’s most likely a publicity stunt. I just hope this reporter knows when to keep her nose out of the wrong sort of business. We don’t need someone else to look after if she gets into trouble.”

  “Or discovers the truth,” called out Michael.

  “God. I hadn’t even thought of that,” groaned Melinda. “Wouldn’t that be a nightmare?”

  Mack heard what they’d said. “Sounds like we’re on the same page. Not sure what to think yet either, other than we’re going to have our work cut out for us. So what about this sighting, think there’s anything to it?”

  “Not sure, but you know us, Mack. We’ll check it out and get back to you. But hey, while I got you, do you happen to know who owns Channel Four?”

  “’Fraid I don’t know his name but he’s not a local. Some retired newsman that bought a place here to vacation. Guess he decided to invest a little money in the local news. If I had to wager, I’d put my money on him already owning, or planning to buy, some of the businesses in town. Probably trying to drum up tourists, not that we need anymore.”

  “Stir up trouble more like,” contended Charlie.

  “I hear that,” agreed Mack. “Keep in touch with what ya find out.”

  “Will do.” Charlie disconnected, scratching his head, unsure what to do next.

  Part of him wanted to march right downtown and meet this reporter, get a sense of her intentions. Perhaps it was more important to check out the possible Feyk sighting and see if there was any truth to it.

  “What are you thinking?” asked Michael after a bit.

  “First priority, check out the sighting,” Charlie decided. “Second, we’ll look into this reporter.” He caught William’s eye; the vampire gave him a sharp nod in agreement. “But we don’t all need to investigate this, so why don’t Michael and I handle it, and Melinda, you can stay here and help William.”

  “With what?” she asked, aiming it at William.

  “Research,” he answered. “Regarding your father and the Soul Hunter.”

  “You find something new?”

  “No. However, I have ideas on how to locate something new. Before we split up...” he paused, raising his hands for everyone to wait. “Not to get off track from our current endeavors, but it suddenly seems prudent that we should attempt securing the Isle’s perimeter. Not just our own boundaries here at the mansion.”

  “The entire island?” questioned Michael with an incredulous frown.


  “Would you use more gargoyles?” asked Emily.

  “I’ll have to think on it. At night they would shimmer into the shadows but it might look odd to suddenly have gargoyles posted in strange places all over the Isle.”

  “Or maybe not,” said Melinda, ha
lf-joking. “Tourists would probably love it.”

  William frowned. Additional curious tourists was not what he was aiming for.

  “Gargoyles or not, it does look like securing the Isle might be necessary,” said Charlie. “Although, I’ve never heard of such a thing being done before. I wouldn’t even have a clue where to start.”

  “Nor I,” admitted William. “But if things persist in the manner they have of late, even a small warning could make all the difference.”

  “So you’re saying it would be like an alarm system?” Melinda needed to clarify.

  “Yes. A warning system. Something to warn us when anything from the supernatural world crosses the borders of The Demon Isle. Whether evil or not, we would know.”

  “Is that really possible?” asked Melinda.

  “I don’t see why not. It’s a larger perimeter, but a perimeter none the less. I realize it’s an enormous undertaking, and most unusual.”

  “And more work that’s not finding our father,” rebuked Michael.

  “But perhaps just as vital,” challenged William. “As we’ve already spoken earlier, times are changing. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned in all my years as a vampire, you must adapt, or die.”

  “So that’s why you’re so good at using a computer?” teased Melinda, holding back a laugh.

  “Adapt enough, or die,” he returned, with the slightest hint of a smile.

  She held back a grin. But not her heart flutter. It shot out at William, hitching his breath. She hadn’t done that in almost two weeks. He’d hoped it would stop permanently.

  Perhaps Melinda should tag along with Charlie, and Michael should stay behind and assist him in research. Michael interrupted before he could somehow suggest the change.

  “Our parents, and their parents before them, and so forth and so forth, never had to go to such lengths. I’m not arguing the point. It’s just hard to fathom that this is how we need to live our lives now.”

  “There’s a lot less of you today,” William reminded as kindly as possible. It was a true, but sad and humbling, fact. They numbered three. Plus Emily. Plus William. Plus Mack. But only three Howard Witches.

  Charlie huffed. “Too bad there isn’t a spell for cloning,” he joked grimly. “Let’s table it for now. We can all think about it, come up with some ideas.”

  “Very well,” agreed William. “If nothing comes from this Thomas Kinney story, then we can continue the meeting tonight. If all goes well, by the time you return I will have more news regarding your father and the Soul Hunter.”

  He tossed around how to get Melinda to join Charlie, rather than work with him, but could not think up a valid reason that didn’t raise red flags. He guessed he’d just have to survive through it. They had to work together at some point. He could manage. He didn’t have any choice.

  Charlie grimaced. He wasn’t in the mood to investigate this most likely bogus claim. He wanted to be searching for his father, but they had no choice. If his father were there, he’d put duty to the Isle first.

  “Michael, do you want to speak to the witness, or visit the scene of the possible Feyk sighting?”

  “I’ll talk to Thomas. If he’s like any other tourist that’s seen something, I’m sure he’s three drinks in, squawking at one of the local bars and the story is already ten times the size. But I should be able to tell if he at least believes what he’s saying.”

  “Drunk, this early in the morning?” clucked Emily.

  “Tourist town. Bars pretty much never close,” reminded Michael. “Besides, it will give me the chance to escort my girlfriend to work.” He swooped her into his arms, Emily agreeing with a giggle and a kiss.

  “Okay. That’s settled then. I’ll go check out the scene of the sighting,” said Charlie. “See if I can find anything there.”

  Michael and Emily filed out of the house, followed a minute later by Charlie pulling out in the jeep, leaving Melinda and William alone in the kitchen.

  “SO, YOU SEEM TO BE super freaked out about this whole security thing,” Melinda said. “Are you sure it’s really necessary to go so crazy with everything? I know times are changing and all, but it does kind of seem like a huge leap. It’s never been necessary before.”

  William took a moment to answer.

  “Yes, I do feel it necessary, Melinda. The truth is,” he hesitated, choosing his words carefully. He’d been looking for the right time to have this conversation with her, and now that he was suddenly stuck with her, it seemed as good a time as any. It wasn’t an easy discussion, but one he had with every Howard at some point or another. And now that he’d thought it through, it would take them a step closer to keeping their relationship as it was meant to be.

  Although starting it was proving difficult.

  “What are you trying to say, William?”

  “The truth is, Melinda,” he finally continued, “like I mentioned before, there are only three of you. When I first came to the Isle the Howard family was extensive. However, over a period of many years I’ve watched each Howard succumb to death. Most, far too young.” He turned away, unable to look her in the eye as he spoke. It hurt to say it, but it hurt much worse to hear it. And the true meaning of it was usually sobering and a little bit soul crushing.

  Melinda swallowed hard. She had not expected him to be so serious. Or ominous. Conversations with the vampire were getting more intense with each passing day it seemed.

  “I promised I would do all within my power to protect each generation of Howard Witches. I never expected today you would be just three.”

  Melinda protested in a strained voice. “With you on our side, William, it’s almost like having double that.”

  “Maybe so, but it is no longer enough,” he declared. “What would become of you if something happened, and I was no longer with you?”

  “Don’t say that,” Melinda gushed. “You’ll always be with us.”

  He turned to see her, his emerald eyes tight as he spoke. “If my luck holds, I may always be here, but not with you, Melinda. At some point you will die. As will Michael, and Charlie. My actions today, I feel certain will prolong your lives until the next generation of witches is ready to take over.”

  William left out the part where he planned to time his death to coincide with hers. This was not something she needed to be made privy to. It was his choice. Because he was in love with her, even though they would never share this love.

  Melinda couldn’t reply to what William had just told her. She felt like a witch who’d just been plucked off a production line. When her life purpose was reduced to its simplest meaning, is that all she was, a witch-producing baby machine? Is that all William saw when he looked at her?

  No wonder he can’t return any feelings for me. I’m not just a human, but a production line...

  “I am sorry, Melinda. As unpleasant as it is I must be truthful. It is my job to do so.”

  Tears stung at her eyes but she held them back.

  “Is that really how you see us?” she sputtered. “See me? Worker bees who do their job until they’re dead and hopefully survive long enough to spew out a few new witches?”

  William sighed woefully. “No. It is never how I see you. But when you strip away everything else in your life that is your purpose. And mine is to make sure you survive as long as possible. I wish...” he stopped, again having difficulties finding the right words.

  “I do not wish,” he rephrased, “to lose any of you. Nevertheless, I will. It is a reality I have accepted, because I must.”

  Melinda didn’t see acceptance in William’s eyes. She saw pain. Loneliness. Hardness. Only now in this moment, did she fully realize how William’s life was utter torture. Year after year of pure torture. Each life he cared for counting down to its inevitable end. The reason he didn’t date humans. He couldn’t. It hurt too much to love in that way, knowing in the end he would lose that love.

  And her own life, no matter what else came into it, or out of it, had one pur
pose: to protect The Demon Isle, which also meant carrying on the family bloodline.

  The sucky, ugly ass truth of it all.

  No wonder Michael wanted to escape so badly. He must have come to this realization a long time ago. Charlie too. Without knowing it, a few stray tears fell down her cheeks.

  Before he could stop himself, William reached out and wiped them away, his cool fingers barely touching her skin. He said nothing. She was finally beginning to understand. She barely noticed his movements, her thoughts streaming and stuttering at the same time.

  It was a similar conversation that he’d already had with both Charlie and Michael as well as many numerous Howard Witches before them. It didn’t make it any easier, and with Melinda, it was harder. So very much harder.

  Perhaps because she hurt so easily and loved so deeply. Perhaps because the thought of losing her was more painful than he could bear.

  He didn’t say more and instead retreated to his study to give her some space. To think it all through. To come to terms with her true purpose. The reality of her life. Of what it meant to be a Howard Witch.

  Melinda wiped her eyes and filled a glass of water, sipping it slowly over the sink. The coolness helped soothe her insides, which rumbled like they’d just been punched repeatedly. The urge to crawl into her room and hide gnawed at her, but she fought it.

  An overabundance of thoughts and emotions dug their way into her already crowded mind. Perhaps her wacky dream from last night had been prophetic after all. What she felt right now was eerily similar to how she’d felt during the dream.

  She gave herself to the bottom of the glass to get herself together. When the last drop was drunk she set down the empty glass. With shaky hands she splashed cool water on her face. She tapped her skin dry with a towel.

  Melinda didn’t want to make William wait for her. They still had work to do.

  And apparently, that’s really all that mattered in the end.

  The cold brutal truth called her life.

  She sucked in, determined not to show how much this affected her.

  She was a grown woman. This is what William was really telling her.


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