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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

Page 60

by Ruby Raine

  “Comes back to essentially the same problem though,” said Melinda. “How do we get it to hunt? And how do we set a trap for it?”


  Lizzy left the library abruptly, saying nothing.

  “It’s not an exact answer Melinda, but it is a new way to look at the problem.” William turned to leave as well. There was no point in staying any longer.

  “Which is more than we had this morning I guess,” she replied with a sigh. She followed him back out near the front door. Her caffeine and sugar buzz was fading, her blood sugar screaming for more. It left her tired, and yet edgy. She jumped when her cell phone rang, buzzing at the same time. “It’s Mack,” she said, answering the call.

  “Well hello, Melinda. I tried Charlie’s phone but he didn’t pick up, figured I’d try you next.”

  “What’s up?”

  “More sightings of the strange looking man,” Mack explained.

  “Sight-ings?” Melinda clarified.

  “Yup, at least two more that I’m aware of right now. And they happened at about the same time, across the island from each other. So...”

  “Whatever this thing is, there’s more than one.”

  “’Fraid so, Sweetie.”

  “That reporter find out about the new sightings yet?”

  “’Fraid so,” said Mack. “I sound like a broken record today.”

  “Yeah, a bit of that going around. We’ll look into it and get back to you as soon as we can, Mack.”

  “Okee dokee,” she replied. The sheriff explained where the new sightings had taken place and let Melinda go.

  Lizzy appeared holding a piece of paper and a sweater.

  Melinda explained what was happening to William and the Deanes. Mostly the Deanes, seeing as William heard the entire conversation thanks to his vampire hearing. The Deanes had not yet seen the new D.E.S.I. report, or heard about the sightings of the strange looking man. Or now, men.

  “I’ll try Charlie and Michael,” Melinda said after filling them in. She slipped outside to the front porch. Riley followed.

  WILLIAM TURNED TO FOLLOW but was stopped by Lizzy.

  “Wait,” she said. “I have an idea.”

  “Yes,” he sighed.

  “We need to go visit that bookstore in town, the one Emily runs. I think she might be able to help us in our search efforts.”

  “How so?”

  “My new brothers, have been showing me how to use this thing called the interwebs. No idea how to use it. Anyway, they showed me this, oh, what do you call it again, Lucas?”

  “Website,” he answered with a chuckle.

  “That’s it. Web-site,” she said clearly. “Where there’s all these people talking about everything you can ever imagine. I’d wager we might just find something useful. Wait, they don’t actually talk, they write I guess, but then it shows up on this,” she waved her hands around, unable to think of the word.

  “Screen,” whispered Lucas.

  “Yeah, that, and they just leave it there for anyone to read. I don’t get how they fit so many screens onto one of those...”

  “Computers,” said Lucas.

  “I mean, it just keeps scrolling and scrolling,” Lizzy rambled. “Where do they fit them all? It boggles the mind.”

  That was one thing she and William could agree on. And he could not deny that they’d found useful information before, thanks to Emily.

  “My point being,” continued Lizzy, “I hear Emily is the expert on this spider web thing. Why do they call it a spider web?”

  Lucas could not reply without laughing and just shook his head and shrugged.

  William thought on it for a moment, tempted to take Lizzy’s advice and visit Emily.

  “Emily is an expert,” he agreed after a moment. “However, we have more pressing issues to deal with right now. I’m afraid it will have to wait.”

  Lizzy, certain he was making excuses to get away from her, huffed out, “Look, Mr. Ignoremelots.” Lucas stifled another laugh. “You want to save the Howard patriarch, right? So why don’t we forget about everything else, and work together on this. I can help you. I want to help you.”

  Logic won out and William agreed. Although he did not look happy about it.

  “I know it might not be the best idea,” said Lucas, “we’re still new here, and we don’t know a lot about magic. And my brother and Melinda dating doesn’t just wipe out years of hatred between our families,” he added somewhat sarcastically, “but I’m just putting it out there that we’re willing to help. If you need it.”

  William didn’t reply right away. But with all the sightings that needed to be investigated, it only made logical sense to accept their assistance.

  Melinda came striding back inside, Riley at her side.

  “Reached Charlie and Michael, they are going to investigate one of the sightings Mack just told us about. They just met up in town. Charlie didn’t find anything on the beach where the first sighting took place, and Michael located that Thomas Kinney guy, but he didn’t have anything new to tell. Michael said he didn’t sense that the guy was lying though.”

  “Meaning whatever he saw, he at least believes it real,” concluded William.

  “Looks like. So I guess we’ll check out the second sighting.”

  “Actually, Melinda, Lizzy had an idea I want to follow up on. A new way to search for information about the Soul Hunter; one in which we seek out Emily’s assistance.”

  “Oh. Okay. So you’re going to go do that then?”

  “Yes. I think it prudent. Lucas has graciously offered to assist, and I was just about to suggest he and Riley accompany you, since I cannot.”

  Melinda choked out a low cough, unsure she’d heard William correctly. “Um, not to sound, um,” she trailed off.

  “You don’t think your brothers will approve,” Riley guessed.

  “Sorry,” she replied, biting her lip. “Truth is, I think it’s a great idea. I’d rather not go alone. I’m just surprised you’re okay with it,” she aimed at William, turning her head shooting Riley and Lucas a look that said sorry, again.

  It was far too awkward talking about this as if the Deanes were not standing there. And even if William did approve of Deanes tagging along, her brothers might have a different opinion.

  Lucas relieved the tension. “There’s no pressure, Melinda. But it does seem like you’ve got your hands full and I see no reason to keep William and Lizzy from continuing their research when we can help you check out these sightings. Totally up to you, of course. No hard feelings if you think it’s a bad idea.”

  Melinda grinned in reply and grabbed Riley’s hand. “I have no problem and I say let’s get going.” She could finally be with Riley, without William around. Not that she was eager to see him leaving with Lizzy.

  “Be careful, Melinda. Check in.” William caught her baby blues and saw a hint of worry there.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ve got two strong guys to protect me. And I’ll check in.”

  William nodded.

  “Oh and tell Emily I said hi.”

  He nodded again, glaring when Lizzy tugged him out of the manor. The look on his face made Melinda feel bad for him. I read too much into things. The poor man is clearly not interested. In fact, he looked downright miserable.

  Lucas called out a see you later, then turned to Melinda. “Give me a few minutes. I want to grab a few things and then we can take my truck to where you need to go.”

  This left her and Riley alone at last.

  “You really okay with all this?” he asked as she folded her way into his arms.

  “Spending time with you, how could I not be?”

  He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I know we’re dating, and your brothers have accepted that, sort of, but us helping you out on a job...”

  “William’s okay with it and we do need the help.”

  “Does the vampire decide everything? Never mind,” Riley retracted. “But speaking of William, what’s up wit
h him and Lizzy?”

  “No idea. He did seem to be doing his best to ignore her. Or coming here. Been making excuses not to ask you guys for help for the last few weeks.”

  “Do you think they hooked up?”

  Melinda’s reply caught in her throat. “William and Lizzy? Um, I,” she stammered out her answer poorly.

  Riley sighed, having hoped the idea that the two of them hooked up, was a good thing.

  Melinda pulled him closer.

  “Why don’t you just focus on kissing me? I’ll worry about my brothers. And William can hook up with anyone he,” Riley cut her off, his lips sweeping across hers gently. Then not so gently. Then so deeply she nearly fell backwards, except that Riley secured his arms around her waist and lifted her a few inches off the floor.

  Melinda felt nothing but ecstatic delight, losing herself in his lips. Riley was the best kind of therapy. Who needed coffee and sugar bombs when they had lips as breathtaking, mind numbing and nerve tingling as his?

  He pulled away with a frustrated moan. “If only we were spending the day together. Alone.”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder. Alone was not going to happen today, Lucas would be back any minute and they had a job to do.

  “I so don’t feel like working today,” she sighed. “Still, at least you got my mind off this conversation I had with William.” She bit her tongue, her mistake instant and crushing.

  Riley let her slip back to the floor.

  She’d meant it to be a good thing. That Riley’s kiss had taken her mind off her depressing conversation with William, but it had come out wrong. And talking about the vampire in front of Riley always got him grumpy. Melinda wanted to explain but Lucas came sauntering in, shoving a light jacket into a backpack.

  “I’ll meet you at the truck,” said Riley, leaving in a flurry of movement.

  Lucas watched his brother flee and threw Melinda an inquisitive look.

  “Don’t ask,” she told him, explaining anyway. “I have a bad habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Or not saying the things I should say, and then my life always gets extra fun.” She caught herself, disbelieving she’d just told Lucas this.

  He chuckled. “We all do that now and again. I’m sure he’ll get over it.”

  “Has your brother always been the jealous boyfriend type?”

  “Riley? Jealous type? No. Not at all. But he’s also never been as crazy about a girl as he is you,” admitted Lucas.

  “Oh.” Scarlet lit her cheeks. “So what else have you got in that pack?” she asked, moving to a new topic.

  “Basic supplies,” Lucas answered her. “Folding shovel, flashlight, bush cutters, knife, that kind of stuff.”

  “You’re still sticking to the no magic thing then?”

  “Yes. No magic. At least on our part. I won’t interfere with whatever you need to do.” He stood up and threw the pack over his shoulder. “Okay. Ready to go.”

  Melinda went to step through the front door and almost hit Riley as she swung it open. He jumped back out of the way. She froze up, unsure what to say to him.

  “I’m sorry,” he breathed out. She stepped through, letting Lucas pass by them.

  “I’m sorry, too,” she replied. “What I said was meant to come out completely different than it did. It was actually supposed to be a compliment.”

  Riley raised his eyebrows.

  “I had a very difficult morning.” She wasn’t sure how else to put it without mentioning the accursed W name again. “My job isn’t always easy, and it feels like almost overnight it’s started to consume my life. But when I remembered I had you, everything felt better. Like I could handle it if I could just see you.” She sighed, admitting, “You’re the only thing that can free me from all of it.”

  Riley didn’t say anything at first.

  “Oh my God,” she groaned. “I’m being that needy girl every guy hates.”

  “No,” he said swiftly. “I kind of like when a girl needs me.” His tanned cheeks darkened under a layer of blush. “I like it when you need me.”

  Melinda’s heart fluttered. Could she be any luckier?

  “How about when we’re together, Riley, I keep the work talk to a minimum?” What she really meant was the subject of William, which for whatever reason sent Riley into an instant mode of jealousy and grumpiness. She didn’t need to explain to Riley. He got it. And grinned in apologetic agreement.

  Inwardly, he was shouting at himself to get over it.

  She chose you.

  The vampire loves her, and she clearly loves him too.

  But she’s with you.

  It just feels like she’s never fully with me.

  Then be a man and prove to her why she should choose you. And only you. The jealous boyfriend routine is childish. So grow some balls and grow the hell up! Act like a man.

  I can’t help it. The way she looks at him, talks about him.

  “Hey, c’mon you two,” Lucas shouted into the manor. “Don’t you have a job to do?” he aimed at Melinda. She looked around Riley’s shoulders to see Lucas waiting impatiently.

  “You two are assisting me, right?” she said under her breath.

  “He’s got that big brother syndrome down to perfection,” bemoaned Riley.

  Melinda smiled, her heavy heart lighter again. “So we’re okay?”

  “We’re more than okay.” He tried to sound like he believed it.

  “Okay. Good. Because I really did have a bad start to my day.”

  “I could kiss it and make it better...”

  She scrunched her face, letting out a frustrated exhale. “I’d love nothing more. But we’d better go before your brother reminds me I have work to do.”

  They joined Lucas at the truck.

  Riley opened the cab door and offered his hand to help her get in. Melinda wished Lucas wasn’t there. She had it in her mind to knock Riley on his back and climb on top of him. She licked her lips, dreaming of her tongue exploring every inch of him. She loved molasses and his skin was drenched in the yummy stuff. That and a masculine musk that made her want to stick her nose against him and breathe him in.

  “What are you thinking right now?” he asked. His dark eyes gleamed in dark amusement.

  “I’m wagering you could guess, easily.”

  He made a hungry sound and whispered, “I very much agree to your thinking.”

  “At least we get to spend the day together,” she resigned. “Even if it is work related.”

  “So I guess since you’re on the clock, we’ll have to keep it professional.”

  “Professional, really?” she said with a pout as she slid across the seat.

  “No. I just wanted to see the look of disappointment on your face.”

  “Did you see enough?” she asked somewhat crossly.

  “Not nearly.”

  This was going to be a long day. With likely, no satisfying end.

  Melinda scooted to the middle of the cab, getting as comfortable as she could. Riley slid in next to her and closed the door. Once he was settled she nestled herself into his side. She’d have to settle with leaning against him.

  Lucas pulled out of the driveway and Melinda told him which way to head.

  Unconsciously, her fingers wove into Riley’s. He brought them to his lap and stroked the back of her hand softly, in little circles.

  This is going to be a long drive, she thought to herself with a shudder that left her nerves begging for a lot more than just holding his hand.

  They’d made a promise to slow things down.

  Way down.

  In agreement that their respective families needed a little more time to get used to them dating. And so they could go on an actual date or two in order to get to know each other better. They kept their dates in public places and Melinda was sure to be home by midnight.

  But it had been weeks.

  She was over it.

  She wanted a quarry replay. A cavern replay at the very least. Definitely mor
e than holding hands and kissing. Or the little bit of groping they’d snuck in during their far too public dates. She squirmed in the cab, begrudgingly taking her hand out of Riley’s, biting her lip to keep her hands off him.

  Riley could not contain his pleased smile.

  Melinda’s leg started shaking up and down.

  Riley slid his hand over to stop it. It didn’t help.

  “You guys seriously need to get a room already,” exclaimed Lucas out of the blue.

  Melinda’s eyes opened wide and her breath caught.

  Riley leaned in and whispered, “I agree.”

  Melinda shook her head, embarrassed, worked up, and frustrated.

  “New subject,” she announced decidedly. “So Riley, is your, I’m getting a feeling thingy telling you we’re heading in the right direction?” She realized her question could have more than one meaning and almost hit herself in the face. Dumbass!

  “Is that place a room built just for two?” Riley asked in a low voice.

  She punched him in the arm.

  “Okay, okay, taking it seriously.” He leaned back. “It’s actually not telling me anything right now.”

  “So it’s not on all the time?”

  “No, not all the time.”

  “I guess I knew that. So how often is it on?”

  “Sometimes a lot, sometimes not so much at all.”

  “What does it feel like?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Like does it make your heart race, do your fingers tingle? What makes you realize its happening?”

  “Why so curious all of a sudden?” Riley asked her.

  “Just because.” Just because I need to distract myself. Just because I really would prefer we were going to a room built just for two.

  Riley played along with a dark chuckle. “It’s not so much a physical response. It’s more like I get this sudden desire for something. Kind of like when you get the idea of pizza for dinner, and then cannot get it out of your brain, and you need to have pizza, and if you don’t you just keep craving it until you do.”

  “Oh, huh.”

  “Not what you expected?”


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