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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

Page 70

by Ruby Raine

  Melinda grabbed another chair and slid it in front of him. She sat down, reached over and placed her hands on his knees.

  This act brought a smile to his face. A rather drunk sort of smile. Like he wasn’t completely present and accounted for. Part of him was missing from the smile. This was the part she needed to bring to the surface.

  She scooted her chair closer so that her knees were touching his, toying with an idea, although she wasn’t sure it was safe to get this close to him. She didn’t think he would hurt her. Then again, in her prophetic dream he had been willing.

  But that was after she’d admitted aloud that she loved William.

  Which was after Riley had tortured him and threatened to burn him at the stake.

  She’d be sure to keep William’s name out of the conversation. This was a no-mistakes, keep-her-foot-out-of-her-mouth type situation.

  “You’re so beautiful,” sighed Riley. His gaze was intense as if looking at a goddess, and yet held this drunk sort of blankness. Still, on any other day the intensity of his stare would have turned her legs all wobbly and sent butterflies fluttering through her nerves.

  She decided it was now or never to try her idea. Her thoughts swam around the possibility of true love’s kiss. Yup. I’m resorting to fairytales.

  But what other way was there to end anger, and rage, than with love? Perhaps love could conquer all. And in this case, if she got love to overcome the rage, she could cure Riley of the Feyk’s spell. And no one would get hurt.

  She leaned in, her lips nearly touching his. God he smelled good. Molasses, with a hint of brown sugar. She breathed him in like a drug, forgetting she was trying to cure him; she wasn’t here to get all worked up. Her eyes lifted upward and she caught his adoring gaze. He closed the gap between their heads and stole her lips.

  Damn. I was supposed to kiss him, not the other way around. Still, she guessed it didn’t matter. Love and affection was love and affection. Maybe it was better that he started it and took that first step.

  His lips were gentle but telling. Each touch claimed so much more than just adoration.

  Devotion. Complete devotion, to her.

  This kiss, his lips, was all hers. He belonged to no one else.

  “Damn. You have the sweetest lips, Melinda. Untie me,” he implored softly.

  “I can’t.”

  He groaned against her lips. “I want to be with you.”

  “You are with me.”

  “I need my hands.”

  “Not really. You’re doing just fine without them.”

  “But I could do so much better. I want to touch you. I need to touch you. Everywhere.”

  She groaned. Tempted. So very tempted.

  “Sorry. I can’t, Riley.” She sidetracked him by sliding out of her chair and onto his lap, straddling his legs. Her hands ran through his disheveled hair and she claimed his lips for her own. A deeper kiss. Tongues battling each other, tasting each other.

  “You don’t mind being tied up now, do you?”

  “If you’d told me this was what you had in mind...” the rest was garbled into their lips tugging at each other. His bound hands wiggled in front of her, the tips poking into her stomach. The bonds were secure but he was trying like hell to loosen them.

  “Just free a couple of my fingers so I can touch you.” There was an edge of desperation in his voice.

  Just a couple fingers; he couldn’t use magic to free himself with just a couple of fingers, but he could definitely work some magic on her. Maybe this is working too well.

  “Melinda,” he groaned against her lips. “I need to. I need to touch you so badly.”

  “I can’t,” she whispered breathlessly. She pried her lips away and leaned her forehead against his, sucking in air to clear her head.

  Stupid hormones. You’re here to save him, not let him feel you up for Christ’s sake.

  So far, her idea was working though. If she could just keep his mind completely on her; feeling love rather than rage, perhaps he’d snap out of it. He seemed a bit more like the old Riley again. Not as enraged. She wasn’t sure what he was feeling was love, or just lust though. Even lust was better than rage.

  “How do you feel?” she asked softly.


  Her breath hitched.

  As if to prove his point, he pressed up into her thigh, as much as his bonds would allow anyway. Melinda bit her lip, she hadn’t planned on taking it this far. And it wasn’t the answer she was looking for.

  “I want my hands all over your hot little body,” he continued with a groan. “I want to lick every inch of you. I want to bend you over and bury myself in you so deep you scream my name. Again. And again.”

  “Oh,” Melinda gasped. His words made her feel many things. Hot. So very hot. So, so close to untying him and letting him do just that. It also left a strange pang in her chest. There was something dirty and disturbed hidden somewhere. The tone in which he spoke held some unknown meaning. Something that warned her she should not be turned on by this.

  She straddled him, peering into his eyes. Riley’s molasses orbs darkened, taking on a sick wildness. It sent a shiver down her spine. Not a pleasurable one.

  His lips curled into a vile grin.

  “I want to fuck you on every piece of furniture and make you come over, and over, and over.” He let out a lewd throaty laugh. “I want your scent all over this room so your vampire can smell it. I want him to know that I fucked you in his little jail cell. I only wish I could see his face after.”

  Melinda didn’t know what came over her, but she reached up and slapped him across the face. Hard.

  She glared like it was painted on her face, finally breaking her gaze to close her eyes. She had to look away from him. It’s not really him. It’s not Riley. No matter how many times she repeated this, it did not help. Her Riley would never say these things to her. Never treat her in such a demeaning manner. Never, never, it’s not him.

  Her true love’s kiss experiment was an epic fail. It had been a terrible idea. One of her worst ideas, ever. She started to slide off him when a soft confused voice whispered her name.


  She opened her eyes, unshed tears threatening to pour down her cheeks.

  He blinked hard a few times, shaking his head. His gaze finding hers again.

  “Riley?” The emptiness in his eyes was gone. No more blank spot where he should have been.

  “I don’t know why I said those things. I would never hurt you like that. I’m so sorry, Melinda. I don’t know what’s happening to me.” He remembered everything he’d said and done. It sickened him to his depths.

  “Is it really you?” She didn’t dare believe it. The things he said... she had to let it go. Her Riley would never say those things. He’d never treat her like that. Hard as she tried though his words left a dark spot deep in her gut.

  “I’m so sorry, Melinda. I... I...”

  She leaned her forehead back on his again. “Forget it. You were put under a spell by the Feyk. It makes you angry.”

  “That wasn’t anger. It was spite. Pure spite. Melinda, look at me. Please.”

  She did.

  “You’re so beautiful. So perfect. I’ve only ever wanted to make you feel good about yourself. To see how confident you should be. You haven’t admitted it, but I can tell someone hurt you. Made you feel,” he choked a little. “Like I just did.” He stated in pure disgust in himself.

  “I’m sorry I slapped you.”

  “No. Don’t be. I deserved a lot worse.”

  She leaned in and gently kissed him.

  “Melinda. You do have the sweetest lips. I just need to be sure you know I don’t think of you like that. I could never, because I love,” he stopped, shocked by what he was saying. “Because I love you. It’s so fast, but I’m so sure.” He smiled weakly. “You still make me say the craziest things.”

  Did she love him? Could she say it back? Should she, even if she wasn’t sure?r />
  He didn’t seem to care. His lips devoured hers, a new devotion heavy in his attack.

  Melinda was so many levels of confused. Severe tiredness was not helping. And she was all kinds of torn up about William since her fiery prophetic dream. And now Riley had just told her he loved her.

  She reached in front of her to loosen his bonds.

  “No. Stop.”

  “But you’re back,” she argued softly.

  “For good?” he shook his head. “I won’t lie, I hate being tied up but, until you have a cure you have to keep me here.”

  “I guess. Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “I am right. If you could hear all the sick things ravaging through my mind. Just, don’t let me go. Keep me locked up, please?”

  “Okay.” She stared, frightened at what thoughts he had kept to himself.

  “I don’t want to hurt anyone. I’m so sorry I already did.” He threw silent apologies at her.

  “It’s going to be okay, Riley.” She kissed him again.

  “Mmmm, I could do this all day. Feel free to take advantage of me all you want.”

  Melinda grinned. She’d keep Riley safe, somehow. They would find a cure for him. She wouldn’t let him hurt anyone.

  “Maybe you should untie me,” he mumbled.

  “But we’re having so much fun with you all tied up,” she returned.

  “I want to have more fun.”

  “We’re taking it slow, remember?” She hoped if she just kept talking to him he’d stay with her.

  “Screw taking it slow. Untie me.” The urgency heightened.

  She pulled back with a frightened breath.


  He said nothing, just stared.

  Oh God, I’m losing him again. “If I untie you, what will you do?”

  “Free you, make you mine. Forever.”

  “I am yours, Riley. And I am free.”

  “No. You’re not. But I’ll make you free. And if you’re mine as you claim, you will untie me.” A frostiness cooled his tone.

  Melinda swallowed hard, her legs tensing, but she didn’t back away. She wasn’t giving up yet. She could pull him back again.

  She stared into his eyes, watching the last little bit of her Riley dissolve into darkness. That blank, empty spot turning flat.

  “You won’t untie me because of him,” Riley charged grimly.

  “No. I’m yours,” she swore. “All yours.”

  His muscles flexed under the ropes. “Let me go so I can make you mine. The vampire doesn’t deserve you.”

  “Riley, please,” she implored. “Why can’t you see I am yours? There’s no competition.” A dread pooled in her belly. She wasn’t going to bring him out of this as easily as before.

  “Tell me you don’t have feelings for the vampire.”

  Her heart sank.

  She jumped, startled when the cell door opened.

  “Oh, um, should I come back?” it was Michael, thrown off by the sight of his sister straddling their enraged prisoner.

  Melinda saw a scowl etch across her brother’s face sensing the emotions hanging in the room. She peeled herself off Riley.

  “You didn’t say it,” he barked at her. “Because I’m right. Why can’t you just admit you love the vampire?” He squirmed and flexed trying to loosen his bonds. “Let me go and I’ll end him. He can’t have you.” The rage kept building.

  Melinda slid her chair out of reach and checked that his bonds were still secure. She ignored the inquisitive look on her brother’s face.

  “By not denying it, you’re just admitting you love him. You can’t love us both, Melinda. Untie me. Let me make the choice easy for you.”

  She couldn’t look at him, her Riley wasn’t home any longer. She followed Michael out of the cell and closed the door, wishing she could excuse herself from the conversation about to take place.

  “You can’t leave me in here!” Riley shouted after them. “You think tying me up will stop me? Your vampire is history. I will turn him to ash.”

  The tone in which he spoke gave Melinda an icy shudder. He’d been right in telling her not to release his bonds. She was glad William wasn’t around to hear Riley’s words himself. Although, she was getting worried about his whereabouts, Charlie’s as well, as neither could be reached all the previous night.

  Michael cleared his throat, wearing a smug grin. “So what were you trying to do in there? Suck the spell out of his mouth?”

  “No,” she retorted. “It was a,” she stopped, feeling stupid for even thinking it now.

  “What? You thought you could kiss him and make it better?” Michael jested.


  He cast a questioning gaze.

  “You know, like all the fairytales, true love’s kiss can break the spell.”

  Michael glanced at the door. Riley’s rants continued.

  “Obviously it didn’t work.”

  “Obviously,” she acknowledged. “I just thought if I could get him to have pleasant thoughts, rather than all the rage, maybe I’d break the spell. It did work,” she told her brother. “Not for long. But the real Riley did make a brief appearance.”

  “Well, it wasn’t a bad idea in the scheme of things, I guess,” he conceded. Although seeing his sister straddling a guy, and sensing that guy turned on by his sister did not do anything to help make him like the kid. It was hard to see Melinda as a grown up sometimes. He just didn’t want her to get hurt.

  My kingdom for a way to stay out of my sibling’s sex lives... being an empath was not easy. And lately, with all the added stress his family was under, it was getting harder to manage.

  Melinda left all the other parts of her and Riley’s conversations to herself. It didn’t matter if anyone knew the hurtful things he said to her. It would just hurt him more.

  The barrage of hatred escaping Riley’s cell continued, and was hard to take in.

  “What’s he talking about, anyway?” asked Michael.

  “What do you mean?” Melinda expressed feigning innocence.

  “All his rage is aimed at William. Why does he think you...”

  She broke in, shutting down the conversation before it could begin. “It’s just the spell, Michael. It’s putting crazy ass notions in his head.”

  She made her way up the stairs knowing her brother didn’t believe that answer as she was sure he was using his empathic ability on her and could sense she was lying. Still, he didn’t press the issue.

  But giving up her secrets about William... she just could not do that to him, any more than she could to Riley. They deserved some privacy. And she’d gotten enough heat from her brothers about dating Riley, already. They would not stop her from doing it, but they didn’t hide that they didn’t care for it much either.

  And she didn’t need even more trouble because they discovered she was in love with William. And if the prophetic dream she’d had about him earlier that night was true, William did love her.

  God. The dream.

  Melinda tried like hell to forget what she’d seen. William, on that pyre. Tortured by Riley, used as target practice. Her family dead. Riley’s family dead. She did not want to believe that Riley could be capable of such things. Even under a rage spell cast on him by the Feyk. But listening to the things spewing out of his mouth, it made her want to vomit at the thought it could be possible.

  He was locked up securely. They wouldn’t free him until they’d found a cure.

  MELINDA REACHED THE kitchen to behold a sight she’d never dared imagine. Lizzy and Lucas Deane working trying to make a potion to cure Riley. More like Lizzy, ordering Lucas around.

  Michael jumped in when he saw her searching precariously through cupboard after cupboard, in search of ingredients. It was a strange sight to see her brother assisting the Deanes.

  Melinda had to hold back a grin when Michael admitted how impressed he was by Lizzy’s knowledge. She was confident that her potion would cure Riley, and he had not argued th
e point as potions were not his thing. They usually depended on Charlie to make the potions, and he was still missing in action.

  While waiting, Melinda picked up the Mack phone line. It auto-dialed the Demon Isle sheriff and she picked up a moment later.

  “Hiya, Mack. Just wanted to update you. We located and secured Riley.”

  “Oh, well that’s good news. Any sign of Charlie or William?” she asked in return.

  “No. I was hoping you’d seen them by now.”

  “Sorry. No sign. You’ll be the first to know if I do. And speaking of things to know, that D.E.S.I. Reporter just went live on the air again. More sightings of the strange looking men.”

  Men that they had identified as Firebrand Feyks; hired guns that wreaked havoc for the right price.

  “That’s just perfect,” grumbled Melinda. She hoped they were not going to do to others what they’d done to Riley. They’d have a war zone on their hands in no time.

  “You take it easy now,” said the sheriff with a disheartened laugh.

  “Easy... I don’t know the meaning of that word.”

  “You and me both, Melinda. Bye now.” Mack disconnected.

  Melinda was about to offer her help in the kitchen, when Lizzy shouted at Lucas to stir the pot counterclockwise, not clockwise, as if he should know this. He didn’t bother arguing, just switched directions.

  “Having fun?” cracked Melinda to her brother, who was still overseeing the activity in the kitchen.

  “More than you can imagine,” he retorted, handing her some jars to put away. “Oh, and find me some snapdragon, would you?”

  “On it.” She returned with it a minute later.

  “I’ll take that,” twittered Lizzy sharply. She took the snapdragon and counted out four, crushing them in her hands before adding them to the pot.

  Steam lifted, leaving behind a low hiss rising out of the pot in its place. Lizzy motioned for Lucas to stop stirring. Everyone waited while she examined it closely.

  She let out a satisfied huff. “Sometimes I amaze even myself. Haven’t made a potion in more years than I care to count, and boom! Comes back to me like it was yesterday.”


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