Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 127

by Ruby Raine

  Man, he was the definition of clingy boyfriend.

  But he had good reason.

  And typically, Emily clung right back. It was a mutual clinging.

  He looked at his phone again.

  Yup. Okay. Enough of this. He hopped over to Melinda and grabbed the pad of paper, ignoring the mass of sympathy both his sister and Lucas were trying to rein in.

  “I’ll write it down. You guys call off the ingredients.”

  Melinda graciously said nothing and started reading off things for him to write down. Damn it though. If this family got any busier keeping busy to survive through the day...

  At some point, they were all going to crash and burn.

  Melinda stopped after their first page of poisonous ingredients was filled.

  “Why is it just dawning on me now how dangerous this stuff is? And why the hell do we keep this stuff in the same kitchen we cook our own food in?”

  “Cook?” joked Michael.

  “Yeah, okay, that’s a rarity. We mostly make coffee and order in. And the stove is pretty much used for potion making.”

  “You still have a point,” Michael agreed.

  “We need a second kitchen,” she stated. “One where all the magic happens.”

  “That is not a bad idea, Sis. Stupidly overdue actually.”

  “Like so many things,” she muttered.

  “You have that nice storage room in the basement where you keep stuff you harvest from your garden,” said Lucas. “Is there any chance of adding a small kitchen somewhere down there?”

  “Actually, you might be onto something,” pondered Michael. “There’s a sink already, so plumbing’s already been run.”

  “And there’s that closet we keep stuffing with junk right behind the storage room. We could get rid of that stuff, put in a door and a small kitchen. We’ll need lots of light though, way too dark down there.”

  “I’ll help if you like,” said Lucas. “I’m not so good at magic, but I’ve been known to swing a hammer.”

  “Good thing,” admitted Michael wryly. “Don’t think I’ve ever swung one.”

  “I bet if Josh isn’t busy, he’d help too. Not exactly a supernatural cleaning job,” said Melinda, “but he always seems eager.”

  “We could get it done in a weekend,” insisted Lucas.

  “If we can get through one without all hell breaking loose,” chimed Michael.

  “Well then, first non-hell-breaking-loose weekend we get, it’s DIY kitchen time.” Melinda grinned. But still, with an emptiness behind it.

  Life, in motion.

  Things getting done.

  This time, however, with a spark of something Michael could not put into words. Like they’d just climbed the first rung of a sky high ladder.

  LIZZY LET THE HEAVY door close behind her with a creaking slow thud and croaked out a focused clearing of her throat.

  Like Grayson doesn’t already know I’m here.

  The vampire’s weighted stare traced the contours of her. Like he’d done in real life so many years ago. Hell, like he’d done with his lips and tongue and hands so many years ago. Before she’d been ghasted. When they were engaged to be married.

  Don’t react to him. But there was no way to stop her body from reacting.

  His gaze still melted over her like butter. Turned her muscles to jelly. Boiled her blood to a fiery pulse.

  She shuddered involuntarily, gnawing on her lip which did nothing to stop her erratic heart.

  Business. We’re all about business.

  He killed people. Possibly a lot of people.

  He’s not the same Grayson.

  “We need to hurry, Lizzy.” He spoke first, slurring a bit. A drunkish effect of the werewolf blood. Regardless, there was a desperation surfacing at her presence. “I knew you’d come, although it did take longer than I expected.”

  And no, hello. It’s been a long time. It’s lovely to see you.

  She guessed they’d technically already done that when he’d snatched her and taken her back to the cave where it all started. Where she’d first been ghasted. But she had been so shocked. Not that she was any less now. Just more mentally prepared... so she kept trying to tell herself.

  She took a seat, attempting an even face and still hands.

  “Hello, Grayson.” She aimed for formal and business-like, hoping to keep this conversation within her control. Not his. But God, seeing him again. So close. Alive. Just a few feet out of her reach. So many parts of her wanted to rush over and gush all over him, beg him to reveal all that had happened. To pick up life where it had left off.

  That life didn’t exist anymore.

  There was no return.

  Even if there was a her and Grayson, somewhere in the future, there was no return to their previous life.

  “We need to hurry,” he repeated. His tone held more warning this time. Lizzy sighed, shaking her head.

  “Why do we need to hurry, Grayson? You’re safe here. You can’t hurt anyone.”

  “Not can’t. Won’t, for now. Time is not on my side.” As if proving some secret point, his fangs dropped in a slow, predatory, gait. His breaths coming out with a hungry coarseness that needed no embellishment.

  “Are you doing that on purpose, Grayson? You do remember that never scared me, right?” Regardless, her hand lifted to her throat and the fang mark that had only recently healed, the scar almost gone.

  It wasn’t fear she was remembering.

  And damn it, Grayson wasn’t a fool. He’d known the exact reaction he’d get from her. She let her hand drop.

  “The curse makes you hungry?” she confirmed in strained control.

  “The hunger is all consuming. I have no control.”

  “Because of the curse?”

  “Yes. Charlotte Howard, that bitch, she cursed me just as she did you.”

  “Tell me. Tell me everything, Grayson. Do not hold back because I cannot guarantee anything about your future, no matter the connection in our past.”

  The corner of his mouth slid upward in a sly smirk. “Connection, it sounds so... cold.” He didn’t believe for a minute she’d allow anything to happen to him. Not yet at least. “You’re putting up a good front, My Lisbeth. My brave, brave, Lisbeth.”

  The use of her old name, the name only he used for her, plucked at her heartstrings.

  “Please, Grayson.” Now the desperation was in her voice. “I’m doing my best. This is not easy and I must take it seriously.”

  “Still the witch who won’t give up.” He closed his eyes recalling how much he loved her for this. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” His simmering gaze flamed out to her, his refusal to give up ever present. “Our reunion will be most, intoxicating.”

  Her breath hitched at the very idea. As when she’d first met him, horrified with herself for her body betraying her mind. Common sense discounted over hormones. And memories.

  “You killed people, Grayson. I think, many people. Innocent people. I can’t,” she stopped, no idea where to go with this. “Please, just tell me about the curse.”

  “Did you even miss me at all?” His confidence level didn’t lower at all.

  “Of course I missed you, Grayson,” she snapped breathlessly. It was apparent they’d not get far unless they talked about them first. “I missed you every single second, of every single minute, of my confinement in that ghastly form. I mourned you. And missed you. And thought you dead.”

  “Obviously...” his nose turned up at the scent still lingering on her. Only a hint of the wolf remained, but it was enough to displease the vampire.

  “Okay, look, Grayson. This is hard. For both of us. We both went through a living nightmare. And I honestly have no idea what the future holds for either of us, but it starts with you telling me about the curse. You said twice, we don’t have much time. Why is that?”

  He nodded, squirming a bit against his bonds. He didn’t bother asking her to loosen them, there was no point. His bride was s
tubborn. And good. And would take no chances.

  “Charlotte Howard... she was angry when I refused to turn her into a vampire. Angry when I would not fall for her after your death, and furious when I blamed her for your death and swore vengeance on her.”

  “I assume you mean by swearing to never give her what she wanted, and turn her?”

  “Yes.” He smiled a little. “Even after all these years, you know how I think.”

  “I like to think we knew each other well. We were engaged after all.”

  “Are,” Grayson corrected.

  She did not respond to that. “Continue.”

  “I thought she killed you, Lisbeth. I thought she took your life, and she did in the most brutal way possible. But I had no idea.” He hissed, furious at the memory. “Death would have been tragic enough, but what she did to you...” Pain etched his words. Pain that had been carving itself a permanent home for these last couple hundred years.

  Lizzy wanted to offer comfort but did not dare move from her chair.

  “Charlotte tried, oh so very hard, to force my hand. To trick me into turning her.”

  “You did not,” Lizzy stated with fondness. This was a fact that had gotten her through so many long years in her ghasted form. That Grayson had loved her and not betrayed her.

  “I saw her trickery. Her deceit. So I refused her. If I’d known what she did to you, what she would do to me for denying her.” His head dropped, the conversation weighting him. The werewolf blood tiring him faster than normal.

  Unconsciously, Lizzy had inched her chair forward ever so little and leaned back purposely so as not to keep doing that. She needed distance and focus as Grayson explained how he still lived, and how he’d been cursed.

  “Charlotte was cunning,” the vampire explained. Lizzy lifted a brow as in, yes, she was. “The bitch knew. She knew what I’d do once I confirmed your death and she failed at forcing me love her, instead of you.”

  Lizzy waited for him to explain.

  “Do you remember, My Lisbeth... do you remember when I told you I love you more than my own life? That your lips were the only lips I’d ever kiss. Your body, the only mine would ever love. That you owned my very soul, whatever that is for my kind.”

  Lizzy held her breath. Each word he’d ever said to her engraved into memories that were suddenly fresh and cutting. Not events that had happened hundreds of years before.

  “I do remember, Grayson. Although sadly, I didn’t fully believe all you said.” She shook her head. “I believed you, I just didn’t fully see the reality. I guess I was more naïve than I thought back then.”

  “Time has changed you some. You’re a little more hardened in some places. Softer in others. But it’s still you. And I still lo...” Lizzy cut him off.

  “Please don’t say that. I can’t hear it. Not today.”

  There was a drunken smirk on his face. Because you want me to say it and can’t admit it yet. He would win this battle. Win her back. Lizzy belonged to him.

  “Once I thought you dead,” he started up again with an inhale, “I could not bear the thought of an eternity without you. I’d already decided if you didn’t ever want to be turned into a vampire I would die with you. Whenever that moment came. A vampire who finds his true love cannot live without it. To do so even a day is like a century of hell. And Charlotte knew this. So clever that one. So very fucking clever.”

  “That’s how she cursed you, isn’t it?” confirmed Lizzy, her voice weak. “She knew you’d try to kill yourself?” The idea that he loved her so much he’d take his own life moved her, so very close to tears, but she refused her body’s attempt to cry. Not now.

  Grayson nodded. His gaze penetrating hers, drawing her in. Savoring the shortened distance between them as Lizzy unconsciously moved closer again. For a long quiet moment, he looked contented to sit, and drink her in. Or maybe it was just the werewolf blood keeping him reduced to this placid façade.

  “You’re upset,” he said softly. “And still don’t like to cry in front of anyone.”

  “That has not changed. Although it has been more difficult since I came back to life. I want to feel. Everything.”

  “It’s me, Lisbeth. There is no need to hold back.”

  “I can’t, Grayson.”

  Not now, or not ever?

  Was there any chance of them having a future together?

  The vampire held firm there was. His assuredness of this shown through any sluggishness of the werewolf blood.

  “How did she do it?” Lizzy prompted, clearing her throat.

  Grayson’s head tipped forward, his eyes straight on her.

  “I burned. The agony, nothing, to the thought of living without you. And when all that was left of me was ash, I was done. Floating out to sea. The beyond. Heading to whatever afterlife there is for my kind. Any hell was better than living on this earth without you. Except I never made it.”

  Lizzy rubbed her hands together a chill biting her skin.

  She owed Grayson for his suffering. So much loyalty to her.

  How much did she owe him though?

  Even with all these memories returning like fresh wounds, there was no way to determine their worth. Her heart twisted, tearing a little more. The pull of her old love yanking her farther from her new love: the werewolf currently hiding out on his boat somewhere off the coast of The Demon Isle.

  “And then it happened. The curse,” Grayson brought her back. “Charlotte used magic to collect my ashes and rebind my body back together. It took months to heal, fully. She fed me from her own vein, but only enough to heal. Never enough to get strong. She kept me weak and locked up, with no chance of escape. Not so unlike now.”

  Another flash of guilt hit Lizzy, but she reminded herself this Grayson was not the same as the man she’d loved so long ago. Currently, whether by his choice or not, he was a killer.

  “You’re right to do so,” he marveled with a weak grin. “Yes, I too can still figure out what you’re thinking. Don’t forget our bond, Lizzy. It’s broken, but when I’m strong again, when we are strong again, I’ll be in your mind just like before.”

  A vampire ability that required an intimate connection. Like William did with Melinda when he slipped into her mind. She had told Lizzy everything she’d shared with Charlie over the last few days, all the things she’d kept secret over the summer. While they worked on potions and other lessons and tasks. Melinda needed a clean slate, and she’d also filled in a lot of blanks in things Lizzy had missed before getting back into her body, from many events over this summer and in previous years.

  One of the biggest things to hit her of course, had been about Charlie. Actually, so many. And this frightened her a little, her thinking. Partly because of what Grayson just reminded her of. If they reformed a bond he’d be able to slip into her mind and see everything. Regardless of her choosing Grayson or Charlie, she would never purposely betray Charlie or anything he or his family had ever shared with her. And trusting Grayson with these secrets wasn’t something she was comfortable with. Yet. They’d just have to keep him weakened until she sorted this out.

  Lizzy had been thinking a lot since falling for Charlie, just what his wolf bite would do to her. What it meant to be a werewolf. Or a werewolf mother. Or wife. Would she be giving up independence? Not that she did not trust Charlie with this, but it was something to consider. And she had thought that perhaps, like Charlie, she might be able to hold off the transformation. But as it turns out that would be unlikely as Charlie’s was only prolonged by the fact that Eva had bitten him while in her shifter form, not her true werewolf form. Which weakened the power of the bite enough for him to have some measure of control.

  This would not be the case if he bit her since he was not a shapeshifter, but pure werewolf. And the transformation would need to happen before she got pregnant, it was safer that way. She shook her head; babies were a topic she didn’t have the luxury to think about today. So off subject.

  “I wish I knew
where your mind was this very minute,” Grayson broke in.

  He so did not. “I guess we can’t read all of each other’s thoughts.” Thank God.

  “I imagine I can guess.”

  “Let’s not, and how about you finish telling me about the curse.”

  He leaned his head back sucking in the lovely scent of her. Just being this close gave him the strength to go on.

  “Charlotte was working on a way to force me to change her. She had my blood in her, but she needed me to bite her and drink her blood. She planned on killing herself as she didn’t trust me to do that for her. I might have taken it too far and left her for dead... really fucking dead. No coming back a vampire. But secretly, I was getting stronger than she realized. I drank off rodents that snuck into my cell. Not tasty in the least and not nearly as potent as human blood, but over time, enough to give me an edge.”

  “You escaped?” assumed Lizzy.

  “Yes. And oh was Charlotte furious. And I, a fool.”

  Lizzy narrowed her gaze in question.

  “She’d warned me if I escaped and left the Isle, I’d be cursed. I did not listen, thinking she was just trying to frighten me into giving her what she wanted. I think back now to have done it. Given her the immortality she sought. None of this would have happened and you and me, we would have been... happy. And she would have moved on from us.”

  “I asked you not to. When I found out what she wanted. I asked you not to because I didn’t want her blood to tempt you.”

  “And I went and lost my control anyway, and bit you.”

  One of the most erotic things Lizzy had ever experienced, but she refused to linger in that memory.

  “You’d done so well, Grayson. It had been over a year without human blood. Plus, the very idea she wanted to be a vampire confused me to no end. And I’m sorry, because you know how much I did not care you were a vampire, but in my heart of hearts I was not prepared for that outcome. I wanted to remain a witch. However, Charlotte as a vampire, she would have taken innocent lives.”

  “Yes. I can guarantee that.”

  “Don’t blame yourself for not giving in to her. You did it for me, Grayson.”


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